The Brussels Post, 1981-04-15, Page 1109TH YEAR - ISSUE NO. 15 30 Cents
BofE keeps stra Paul Cloakey 24, of Brussels, an assistant
chemical operator at the Bruce Nuclear
Power Development plant, is in serious
condition at University Hospital in London,
after a fall at the plant last Wednesday
Don White, public relations-officer at the.
plant said Mr Cloakey was seriously injured
"in what we are assuming was a fall at the
Bruce Heavy Water Plant B."
He said Mr Cloakey was found un-
consicous on a steel platform in Enriching
Unit Four, a part of the plant that is not in
operation yet.
He was initially taken to Kincardine
Hospital and later transferred to University.
Mr. White said just before Mr. Cloakey
was found by two mechanics, he had
accompanied them to the top of a stair
structure to a location 'where the mechanics
were going to carry out work on a heat
exchanger. The top of the stairway is 50 feet
above ground and it is thought he may have
fallen as far as to 35 feet,
Michelle McCutcheon
on winning team
The Canadian International Precision
Skating Competition took place in the
Thompson Arena at the University of
Western Ontario, April 4 and 5.
Seventy-nine teams from across Canada
and the U.S. from as far as San Diego,
California competed.
The "London Supremes" skated in the
senior division and placed first out of 16
teams arid received gold medals and a
trophy for their coach. Michelle McCutcheon
is a member of that team.
The "London Supremes" also placed first
out of the nine finalists from Novice; junior
and senior divisions to win the "Challenge
Cup." The team will perform at the C.F.S,A
Bursary Awards Banquet held in Toronto
May 1st and will be televised nation-wide.
Trodefest's can
After much preparation the second
BtuSselS Tradefest sponsored by the Lions
Club is now ready. See the special section
included with this week's Post for more
Displays of everything froM agricultural'
implements to canoes will be at thdiradefest
this yeati which opens on Thursday April 16
front 1 to 11) p.ln, continues Friday from I to
10 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 to 6
souvenirs will be on sale.
The committee received a letter from
Governor-General Ed Schreyer who stated
he will not be attending the township's
Different horse categories in the parade
are: Heavy Horse Tandem Hitch--four
horses or more; Draught team; Light Horse
Hitch, single or double; Pony team; Horse
and Rider is required, Ken McDonald of
R.R. 2 Blyth is the man to call,
A kick-off dance for the 125th celebrations
will be held on May 2 and all the tickets at
present are sold..
Town and Country Beautification, * the
township's title for, its home improvement
competition includes the categories of most
attractive farm home and' yard, most
attractive urban home and best decorated
store window. June 1 is the deadline for
registration and people wanting to register
should contact Mrs. Bob Grasby at R.R. 4
Brussels or Mrs. Don Nolan at Walton.
Categories will be judged after July 20,
Short . Shots
by Evelyn Kennedy
Behold the Lamb of God which takcth
away the sins of the world.
**** **
Death is conquered, man is free, Christ
has won the victory.
** * ** *
If our faith has waned it must surely be
revived at this time of year. With the good
earth springing with new life; the cheeping
of nestlings keeping birds busily flitting to
and fro feeding those tiny gaping mouths;
the grass, long dormant' under snow
greening beneath our feet; trees spreading
their dress of new leaves above us; how can
we not have our faith renewed. Nature with
warmth of sun, nourishing rain, moving in
appointed course at the will of an omnipotent
hand, brings new life. t aster, with the risen
Christ, brings to mankind the hope Of life
after death.
* * * *
This is the week of the Brussels Lions
Tradefest. By all reports it will be bigger and
better than it was last year when it was a
new Venture here, a successful surprise to
many. This issue of the Post contains a
Tradefest supplement that will give you an
idea What it is all about. Attend and Make it
such a huge success that the Lions will
continue to niake it an annual event. It is
ekeeilerit, publicity for our village, Proceeds
from such Lions affairs are used for the
betterment of this community.
Ted Cowan not only builds canoes but
When he is in one on the water, 'be it smooth
or rough going, he handles it as an expert,
If Huron County School Board trustees
get their way, the strap will remain in the
school system.
At it s. regular 'monthly 'meeting Monday,
the board endorsed a motion stating its
opposition to the general abolition of
corporal punishment in schools. A second,
qualifying point to the motion insists the
use of corporal punishment should be left to
the discretion of each board.
A' revision of the use of corporal punish-
ment was prompted by a memorandum from
Minister of Education Bette Stephenson,
who proposed an am• .endment to the
, He is a consistent winner in canoe races. In
the recent Seaforth Optimist canoe race 42 of
the 54 entries crossed the finish line of the
ten mile. course down the Bayfield River. Ted
Cowan and Bob Strange of Brussels had the
lastest time, two hours and forty minutes.
Once again, congratulations..
* * * *
Easter time for the youngsters means
Easter eggs. Those large expensive (Aloe°-
. late kind or the smaller variety of the same.
Ukrainians, and others, create lovely intri-
• cate patterned Easter eggs most of us could
- never hope to equal. For many it means the
tinted or decorated eggs that the- fabled
Easter bunny, who mysteriously enters
homes of children, leaves in
unexpected hiding places. Come Easter
morning the small fry have a hilarious Easter
egg hunt to have one of the pretty gifts of the
Easter bunny for their breakfast. Notice has
been given bunny not to skip my house this
year for there will be youngsters there who
will be expecting Easter eggs.,
**** **
At this Writing, April 13th, the question
on a lot of minds is ,"How will today
Quebec election go?" The latest polls give
the P.Q. party a majority, But, polls have
been wrong. By tomorrow we will know. It'
Rene Levesque's histrionics prevail it could
nican the end of Claude Ryan's political
career: Perhaps the date (13th) will be
unlucky for the Parti Quebecois, We shall
watch and Wait.
* * * * *
YOU do not need a neW outfit, or evert a
new bonnet, to celebrate Easter in a fashion
parade: It is a day in Which to. remember the
religious significance of the occasion. It is,
the day of resurrection. Alleluia) Alleluia!
On this most holy day of days, to God your
hearts and voices raise, in laud and jubilee,
and praise.
Education Act asking teachers and princi-
pals to refrain from the use of physical force
in disciplining a pupil, except to protect
himself or another pupil.
But the amendment, according to Huron
officials, reeked of ambiguity and was prone
to interpretation. The key words in the
amendment were "physical force" a term
which Director of Education John Cochrane
said was ambiguous, adding that simply
grabbing a child by the arm and leading him
to the office could be considered physical
.To properly evaluate the situation, Coch-
rane asked all county principals and teachers
to submit opinions on corporal punishment.
The response from schools was disappoint-
ing, (11 out of 27 schools responded) but the
general theme of the responses indicated a
+willingness to retain the strap in the system.
In the submissions from the county
'teachers and principals, Cochrane read
pertinent quotes that said the strap "should
be kept as a last resort," another said it
"should be retained and used with discre-
tion," one submission said "It is not being
abused" and another read "it is a symbol of
authority that deters deviant behavior."
Cochrane pointed out thiCa major point
for consideration came from the principal of
a trainable retarded school who said, "there
is a time and need in a trainable retarded
school to protect the pupil from harming him
or herself."
Secondary school principals suggeSted
that use of the strap was not a significant
issue in high school and that it has not been
used for many years. The use of force, a
report said, is sometimes necessary but
The elementary school principal's associa-
tion said the strap should be maintained only
as a last resort adding that there were
several alternate methods for controlling
In the county's elementary Schools the
strap has been used 14 times in the last
months and the principals insist its use
should be the prerogative of the school board
and not a unilateral decision of the Ministry.
The report said the public views discipline as
One of the most pressing problems in the
system along with increases in vandalism.
Despite a direct plea to the public to offer
submissions ott the rise of corporal punish..
tient, Codiratie only received -one letter
froth' a Godetich ratepayer who opposed the
abolition of corporal punishment and sug-
gested it be left for individual boards of
education to make the decision.
ANNUAL WAGON RIDE--Taking the children of East Wawanosh Public
School in Beigrave out for a wagon ride with his team of horses has
become an annual event with Sam Pletch of Beigrave who was at the
'school on Thursday. (Photo by Ranney)
Schreyer won't be at Morris
Morris Township's 125th anniversary
committee is setting up a stall at the
Brussels Lions Tradefest this weekend and
Hurt in fall
Brussels Post