HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-04-01, Page 141 Coming Events GARAGE SALE-Blyth Arena, May 2, 1981 at 10:00 a.m. At 1:30 p.m. all remain- ing items will be auctioned off. Sponsored by Evening Unit of Myth U.C. W. 1-83-3 HOWICK LIONS' BINGO. will be held on. Friday, April 3rd at 8:00 p.m. in Wroxetcr Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Special; Jackpot $150.00 on 57 calls; Purple Ball $80.00; door prizes and consolation prizes. 1-83-1 GREY CENTRAL Home & School. Family Dance and Games, Friday. April 3rd, 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the school gymnasium. Music by Steven's Country Gold. Please bring lunch. Family $5.00. Adults $2.00; Stu- dents $1.00. Students must be with a parent. 1-83.1 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at F.E. Madill Secondary School, Victoria St. Wing- ham, Tuesday, April 7 from 1-4 p.m. and 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. 1-83-1 WORSHIP SERVICE, April 5, 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Brussels Mennonite Fellow- ship welcomes you at the Brussels Library. 1-83-1 BRUSSELS Figure Skating Club Dance. Saturday, April 11. B.M.G. Community Centre. Music by the Entertainers. $10 a couple. Hot lunch. 1.81-3 S.S. is coming to Brussels 1-83-1 Ile eleozon cewent, Kindergarten Registration Walton Public School APRIL 8, 1981 1:30 - 4:30 Children born in 1976 are eligible to enroll. Please bring proof of age and O.H.I.P. number MARIE TOLL PRINCIPAL 887.6219 1-82-2 1 Coming Events YACHT sailing or cruising instruction. Fully qualified Fanshawe College instruct- ors. Bayfield/Lake Huron. Weekly courses. Starting June 1st. Book early. 1-800-265-9214. Toll Free. 1-83 x 1. CANADIAN National Open Banjo Competition. Friday, Saturday, July 17, 18, 1981, 8:00 p.m. Community Centre, Durham, Ontario. 5-string, plectrum, tenor ladies, under 16 classes. 1-83x1 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. First regular card $1. Re- stricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15., $5. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200. Must go each week. 1-83-tf 11 Articles for Sale "APRIL "SHOWER OF BARGAINS" furniture promotion at the Godfrey E. Schuett Ltd. showrooms at Mildmay Select from about 100 differ- ent suites of furniture. Also mattresses, bed chester- fields, recliner chairs. NO PROVINCIAL, SALES TAX on these items if delivered by June 30, 1981. Schuett's of Mildmay Deliver. 11-83-2 SLAKES ORCHARD: Open Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 11-83-tf 12 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY: G.E. single control for electric blanket. Phone 527-0171 or 527-0240. ' 12-83x2 More on next page 1 Coming Events THE BELMORE MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL will be held on Sat, April 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p,m. this year. The meal consists of all the hot pancakes and Bel- more maple syrup you can eat, along with farmers' sau- sage, homemade applesauce and a beverage. The Belmorc Maple Syrup Festival fea- tures local entertainment throughout the day as well as the sale of maple products, handicrafts and homemade baking. This year we arc also having a special day for senior citizens on Thurs. April 9th. The meal is being served from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There will be booths and activities of par- ticular interest to them. The prices are: Adults $3.50. Children under 12-$2.00. There will also be a .25c discount per ticket on bus loads with advance tickets purchased before April 1st. No refund is allowed on unused tickets. On Sat. April 11th from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. there will be a dance to the music of the Crippled Duck. 1-83-2 4 Help Wanted FULL TIME work wanted in farming, construction, industry etc. Will accept part time work until full time employment is found. Experienced in mixed farm- ing and operating machine- ry. Brian Workman 887-6052 4-83-1 9 Farm Machinery 930 Case western tractor. 18.4-34 dual wheel. Phone 527-1349. 9-$3x1 EIGHT ROW la planter and John Deere 3010 complete with J.D. circle hitch and two IH No. 56 plate planters. Good condition. Will sell separate. Seaforth 527-0558. 9.83-1 USED TRACTORS MF 135 Ds1 w/PS and loader, MF 200 Crawler w/ldr., backhoe, 750 hrs. - IHC 434 w/ldr • MF 356 Work Bull - MF 31 Tractor Ldr. 60 hp - Case 584 28 ft. Fork lift - Leyland 255 Dsl w/loader - MF 60 Back- hoe Ldr, 10% financing - new MF 130 bu. spreader. $2995 - Cockshutt 502 Swather w/ conditoncr - MF 12 hp gar- den tractors w/42" mower. $2995. Used Ariens 16 hp garden tractor w/tiller, mower, blower - used 3 ph. wood chipper - Used .Sims Cab for MF 50C Swanson Air-Blast orchard sprayer. South Equipment, Meaford, Ontario (519) 538-1660. 9-83x1 10 Used Cars L. & M. AUTO WRECKING R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. Used Auto Ports and Towing We buy rads, batteries, copper and scrap We pay cash for complete cars or trucks etc. Call 887-9561 10-834 Classified Ads pay dividends, A14 - THE BRUSSELS POST, APRIL 1, 1981 What spring prompts you to throw away sell instead the Want Ad way WORKING Press Supervisor wanted. The successful app- licant will be responsible for web press operations of a progressive S.W. Ontario newspaper publishing comp- any. We offer complete company benefits. Salary commensurate with experi- ence. All replies confidential. Apply in writing to OWNA. File #B.C.L. 4.83x1 7 Situations Wanted CUSTOM corn planting with insecticide. Gerald Blake 887-6508. 7-81-3 LAWN ROLLING. Booking now. Don Blake 887-9563 7-83-2 NEED your septic tank pumped? Phone 887-6700. Lloyd and Vera Weber, R.R. 2, Brussels. 783x3 Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad Dial Brussels 887-6641, KEN MILLER EXCAVATING Drains Ditching Excavations Lie, For Septic Systems 887-6846 11,R. 0, Brussels 7-82-2 10 Used Cars 1975 American Motors Mat- ador X, 2 door coupe, 58,000 miles. Brian Wilbee 887.9278 10.83x1 11 Articles for Sale MOTORCYLE. 74 Honda 360G. Good condition. $400. Phone 887-6472 11-83x1 ALUM. Boat 44'x12'. Equipped to haul 1700 gallon fuel plus freight deck. Scania diesel. Like new. Use for freight or convert for plea- sure. $28,000. Alvin (807) 727-2291. Write NLGM Box 315, Red Lake. Ontario. POV 2M0 11-83x1 2 bedroom mobile home in Brussels Trailer Park. Frig and stove included. 887-9097 11-82x4 Baby playpen and rocking chair. 887-6126. 11-83-1 TO GIVE AWAY. 7 baby gerbils. 887-6126. 11-83-1 WALL HUNG china cabinet. 41" wide by 38" high, 12" deep, with sliding glass doors. Phone 887-6408. 11-83-2 BIRDFOOT TrefOil Seed. $1.25 lb. and white gander. Lloyd Keifer, R.R. 1. Ethel. Ont. 887-6168. 11-83-1 GLEN GREEN. (0 - Forage Mixtures and Seeds Fun Eno of Forage Seeds Local Warehouse - Speck* Chime Affelfathamp Timothy Mixture 2 Plow Down Mixtures Lawn Seed Immediate Delivery HARVEY CULBERT ELDON BRADLEY 529.7492 528-2214 R. R. 6, Goderldi Lucknow 11-83x2 • . TREE MOVING Beautify and increase the value of your property. Living trees up to 4" diameter bought and sold. Ndrsery Stock Available JOHN GIBSON R.R. 2, Seaforth 482.3229 11;82-3 Why not buy for less and get the best! & II TV Where customers send their friends 9 Main St. Phone 527-1075 Seaforth Open 10-5:30 Fridays 10:00-9:00 Closed Wednesday Word Count Charges are based on the number of words., Set of num erals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hypens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION -- 15 words $2.00, 8c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 6c per word, minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.82 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-$1.54 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch). BOX NUMBERS to this office - $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS - 15 words $2.00, 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES - 15 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS $2,50 plus 15c per line of verse, COMING EVENTS - 15 words $2.00 each additional word 80. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words $2.50; each additional word 5c per Word 25e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT THE TIME OF INSERTION Deadline Of classified ads is 12 noon Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisrMentafter noon, Monday. Phone 887-6641 8 Farm Stock COMMERCIAL Cattlemen- 30 excellent herd sire pro- spects. First annual Simmen- tal Bull Sale. Barrie Fair Grounds, May 29. Cata- logues available May 1. M. McArthur, Stayner, (7Q5) 466-3048. 8-83x1 POLLED Hereford Bulls. Performance tested yearlings A.Y.W. plus 1000 A.D.G. plus 3 lbs. Superior herd sire A.W.W. 635 A.Y.W. 1139 A.D.G. 4.3 lb. Pat Heenan, Harriston (519) 338-5752. 8-83x1