HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-04-01, Page 2
4' Brussels Postl
Box 50,
Brussels, Ontario
Established 1872
Serving Brussels and the surrounding community
every Wednesday morning
by McLean Bros. Publishers Limited
Andrew Y. McLean, 'Publisher
Evelyn Kennedy, Editor
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario
Weekly Newspaper Association and The Audit Bureau of
Subscription rates:
Canada $12 a year (in advance)
outside Canada $25 a year (in advance)
Single copies - 30 cents each
To the editor:
Motorist says thanks
A tribute to Terry Fox
This poem was written by Cindy McNeil for the poem
and essay contest sponsored by the Canadian Legion. She
won first in Brussels and second in Goderich.
This courageous one legged man,
• Running across Canada, I knew he can,
Fighting against cancer, what a fight,
Running with all his one leg's might.
People sitting on their lawn,
Watching the parade, cheering him' on.
Through all the sweat and every tear,
Running bold with little fear,
Terry is running very hard,
Ambulance behind, police on guard.
Through London, Quebec, Kitchener and more
Fighting against cancer, opening the door,
Then. Terry's running came to an end,
Doctors and surgeons came to tend.
Terry's cancer had caught up with him once more,
Only opening an operating room door.
He fought against cancer, what a fight,
He ran with all his one-legs' might.
That courageous one legged man,
Terry Fox will run again!
By Cindy McNeil.
age, eleven
Behind the scenes
by Keith Roulston
Dear Miss Mina Baker,
I would like to take this opportunity to
thank-you for your unexpected assistance
this past Sunday afternoon.
I don't know what I would have done on
the splir of the moment. I sure did
apprecitate you phoning around the com-
munity to find out, who would fix a fiat tire
on a Sunday. I only wish there were more
good Samaritans'in this country whO would
help a passer-by in need of help.
If you arc ever in the area of Lisle, Ontario.
please feel obligated to drop in. Once again,
Thanks ever so much.,
Your newest friend
Jeff Scanlon
P.S. I also appreciated the help of a certain
employee of Brussels Motors.
DM sayings wanted
,Perliaps,the'OaradOX0 of the would hriilce
' life 'interesting ‘bit they ,re MAC it
hard to underStand.., •,, -
for instance; the: wOrIc(tOd4J,is
bytwo distinct views of hoW things shOtild'be:
run: thecapitaliSt view of western countries
and the communist view .of the eastern
block. The believers of each system struggle
to convince the rest of the world that theirs is
the only true way: That's about the only
unconfusing thing about the two views.
From then on it all gets muddy.
The basis for capitalist philosphy all goes
back to a British economist more than 200
years ago. Adam Smith set down the'rules
that have generally governed the economics
,of capitalist countries ever since. His belief
was that self-interest (you might say greed)
made the world go round. In his every-man-
for-himself-world, Smith saw an intricate
system that would on balance provide the
common good. Pure economic theory based
on this thought holds that if one merchant
offers something two cents cheaper than
.iler on the other side of the street, the
buyer will cross the street to save the •two
cents because lie's out to look after himself.
If everyone crosses the street, the merchant
who is selling the dearer item will reduce the
cost and everyone will be able to specialize
in what he does best and trade the monetary
rewards he gets for those things he doesn't
do well. But by looking for the best possible
deal for himself at all times, each individual
becomes part of a whole that will bring out
the best • for the most in society. Smith
managed to overlook the fact there would be
some who would get -the worst out of his
system, •
• While Sinith based his economic system
On the selfishness of mankind, Karl Marx, in
reacting against this system in which a few
very,' skilled selfiSli people had amassed
lin-times while taking advantage of those
Who didn't have so much power, saw a new
economic system to be set up after the
workers had Overthrown theft exploiting -
bosses, His WAS 'a World where the common
good WOnlif be served by everyone working
NOW many things have changed' the free
enterprise SySteiti of Smith over the years,
not the least beifig the infiltration of some of
Marx's ideas into Western life,'M any of the
charges, however, have conit beeglse of a
differing way of life, a more liberal view
Now that Spring is here and the, robins are
hopping around on our.lawhs, we can shed
our woollies and enjoy thegiben . grass and
leaves ,also the early 'floWers,after being in
Oebouse forover three monthS just looking
out of the:windows. 1 do a lot of reading and
Writing and 4' came across a bit' of
information that maybe our readers would
like to share.
Did you know that in 1866, there was no
full.mbon during February-- once in a million
years event and in 1880, 1920, 1948 and 1976
were the -only years that the month of Feb
We would like to express our appreciaion
to Jane McDonald, for the manner in which
she handled the Wainfleetgame for us. She
went out of her way to get fair and just
refereeing for us.
Also a big thank you to Rosemarie Bishop
for her efforts in arranging the bus trips.
Oh, "March" winds make your visit short
You howl around my door like an angry dog.
We yearn for the "gentleness" of April
And the warmth of its sun
The first show of "Spring" flowers
And signs of new growth!
Short Shots
by Evelyn Kennedy
Continued from page 1 . .
of life's little pleasures. It will hit those who
foolishly indulge in cigarette smoking
—nasty habit— also those who appreciate a
relaxing drink after a hard day. There is
about to be another increase in the price of
cigarettes and liquor. This sort of thing can
be expected from now on . The Government
has to get money wherever possible to
finance hand-outs people expect, not to
mention he huge deficit that oor manage
rnent has
a cumulated. Better the increased
tax on these things than on the essentials of
* * * * *
• Your car had a tought. time struggling
through your winter driving, Now is the tithe
to have that necessary check-Up. This Week,
had 5 Sundays in the 100 years; and Grey
Township is this year celebrating our 125th
Anniversary since its organization in 1856.
If any one has any old sayings and
happenings of the 'earlier days would you ,
please write me a note as to where and when •
an`d-how it happened.
We are also trying to put together. a
History Review of all the people that helped
pioneer this Township. Just write or 'phone.
George Wesenberg,
A big thank you also to Max Demary who
drove the bus for us, and put up with. a :ot of
Thanks to everyone
The Midget Hockey
team and parents
Be on your way, March
You have now outdone your welcome.
Let "April" ushers in and make our hearts
Iona Moore
April 2nd-8th is "Car Check Week,"
sponsored by Canada Safety Council with;
the theme "Care, Savings and Safety."
Check up care of your car will mean. Savings
for minor problems can be spotted before
they become major problems. They can give
you Safety by having potential accident
causing troubles repaired before you haVe a
serious, or fatal, accident. The need for
automotive care can be compared to need for
personal health care, Just as check ups On a
regular basis are advised for us, they should
also be a must for our cars, As with people,
the older a vehicle becomes the`more
frequent checks are required.
How would you like being in the middle Of
this sticky mess? In Italy dozens of cars were
stuck to the road surface during rush hour on
the Milan-Venice Autostrada after a tanker
truck carrying plastic glue overturned. A
special solvent had to be rushed to the scene
to free the cars. - Ont. Traffic Safety,
;life than':the rather N4eskens view 'Smith had.
of the ::carne . from the
:teaching of the cb.riich, 'based .on the
,philosophy of Christ it as Christ, after all,
, Who: told- Ihef.:rieh:Mah- to give -away all he
had if he wanted to follow him. This
liberalization saw. the potential of man, not
just his selfish past, and thought that by
following Christian teachings a more human
• way of life could be found.
Now if would seem that this is closer to the
ideas of Marx than the capitalists. And yet
Marx saw his society based on sharing as an
atheistic one. There was no room for a god in
his new world. Materialism was the only
And so today we have one system, which
in its ideal form seems closest to • the
teaching of Christ, denying that there is a
god and closing down churches in the
countries that have accepted the belief.
Meanwhile we have another society which
has an economic system which in its pure
form is based on the basest desires of
mankind, which claims Christianity as one of
the superior things it has over the
The *same trends are evident within our
own country to a lesser extent. The political
parties which are the most humanist in their
thinking, the left of centre parties, are also
most often to be those which are run by
intellectuals who see no logical existence of
God. Yet those one the right wing, which are
most -loud in their defence of Christianity,
are also those most likely to follow an
every-man-for-himself philosphy so far from
the teaching of Christ.
Likewise the farther to the right wing you
go in thinking the more fundamentalist
becomes the religion people are defending
from the godless communists and socialists.
The God of extreme right-wingers is more
likely to be the revenge-seeking God of the,
old testament than the kind, self-less,
all forgiving God depicted by Jesus in the
new testament. Economists and business-
men of this persuasion may argue against
the teaching of the theory of evolutitin in the
schools, yet take Darwin's the survival of the
fittest theory as a rightful terse t of the
capitalist system.
So it is in our modern world where ironies
abound. But perhaps it is the greatest irony
of all that few people oil either extreme can
see the irony of their position.
Midget hockey
team says thanks
Farewell to March