HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-02-25, Page 15Tile Drainage Loans Applications will be taken for tile drainage loans for the 1981-82 drainage year by the undersigned. Grey Township policy regarding allocation of funds is available from the municipal office upon request, JANE BADLEY AMCT[A] Clerk-Treasurer Township of Grey R.R. 3 Brussels, Ontario 19-77-2 COUNTY OF HURON Tender for Equipment SEALED TENDERS, on • forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 4:00 p'. m. local time on Wednesday, March, 11, 1981 for the supply of the following items of equipment: (1) 1- 60 H.P. rubber tired loader- backhoe (2) 2- 28,000 G.V.W. single axle dump trucks, diesel powered. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted R.A. DEMPSEY, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer Court House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 21-78-1 Experienced Class "A" Mechanic . For a Service Centre equipped to provide a full range of mechanical service to it's customers. Applicants must be experienced in front end alignments, use of engine scopes, etc. and be aggressive in helping expand an already established business. Call 'or write connoinn TIRE FISS0(11:1TE STORE P.O. Box '429, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-1350 THE BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY 25, 1981 -- 15 CLASSIFIED 19 Notice 19 Notice 21 Tender Wanted .21 Tender Wanted 24 Card of, Thanks 25 In Memoriam 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales LARGE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Large, modern, self-propelled combine, two tractors five trucks, cash crop machinery, etc. to be held for Richmond Farms at Lot 5 Concession 8, Morris Township, 1 1/4 miles north of Blyth on #4 highway and 11/4 miles east. SAT. MARCH 14 AT 12 NOON COMBINE:White 8800 diesel combine with cab, air, radio, CB, monitors, pick up head, 13 ft. soybean head, four row 36" corn head, six row 30 corn head, straw chopper, rice tires, in good condition. TRACTORS: White 2-155 diesel tractor w/cab, heater, air, radio, CB, over •under shift, triple external hydraulics, quick hitch fully equipped run, 1318 hours, 20-8x38 T bar duals (good rubber), 20-8x38 tire chains. White 2-85 diesel tractor w/cab heater, air, radio, CB, over under shift, dual external hydraulics, quick hitch, 16.5x38 tires run 763 hours, 16.5x38 T Bar duals (good rubber). White 1050-10 hp lawn and garden tractor w/electric start. TRUCKS 1972 Ford cab over 700 w/10-00x20 tires, two speed rear end five speed transmission, 16 ft. Zwan manufactured grain body and Embro centre pole hoist complete w/tarp and poles. Selling certified. 1968 IHC 1800 Load star tandem drive w/5x4 trans, 10-00x20" tires, 14 ft. gravel box and hoist. Selling as is. 1968 Dodge single axle 5 speed trans, 2 speed axle, 12 ft. gravel dump box. As is. 1955 Dodge truck w/12 ft. rack and hoist. As is. 1976 Ford pick up truck, V8, automatic, p.s. & brakes, radio, new paint. Selling certified. MACHINERY White 548 six furrow semi-mount plow w/18" 'bottoms, automatic spring reset, ripple blade, spring coulters category 2 & 3 hitches. 565 Cockshutt five furrow x 16" semi-mount plow w/cushion trip bott,oms. Hydrion 3 furrow x 16" fully mounted plow w/spring reset bottoms. George White 271/2 ft. wing cultivator w/Mid West levelling harrows (4 years old)'. Century incorporating sprayer w/hydraulic drive pump, 300 gallon fibre glass tank complete w/hoses, fits the Geo. White cultivator (3 years old). 253 White 181/2 ft. wheel disc w/wings, Mid West h arrows. Noble six row rowcrop cultivator. Turnco 12 ft. sprocket land packer w/two four foot sections. Makes a 20 ft. packer. Turnco 12 ft. sprocket land packer. STONE PICKER Shulte stone picker. STONE WINDROWER Harley 10 ft. stone windrow- er PTO drive. Case 14 ft. wheel disc. George White tandem trail sprayer w/400 gal. aluminum tank, '45 ft. boom hydraulic rotary pump. 21 ft. mounted anhydrous applicator w/hydraulic wings. Inter- national 400 Cyclo six row 30" air planter w/insecticide applicators, bean and corn drums, seed flow monitor. John Deere six row narrow stalk chopper. BEAN EQUIPMENT Mauer six row new style bean puller. Fits most small ,or large tractors. Innes six row bean windrower w/centre drop cross conveyor. Milk week spray roller fits front end loader. Shulte front mount 8 ft. snow blower. Massey 3 pt hitch 7 ft. mower, 20 ft. hay rack on wagon. 16 ft. hay rack on wagon. 12 ft. hyd. fertilizer auger. Turnco gravity box on eight ton wagon. Hutchison 41 ft. 6 inch portable grain auger w/PTO drive: Smoker 32 ft. bale elevator w/ electric motor. Six section diamond harrows and pole. Woods oat roller. Garden tiller. Moisture fester. 1000 gal. water tank. Honda ST 90 Mini bike. Gendron pool table.‘Freezer etc. Very few small items so please be on time. NOTE—TRACTORS, COMBINE AND MOST EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN BOUGHT NEW IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS AND IS IN GOOD CONDITION: Blyth Lions Lunch Booth FARMS SOLD—TERMS-CASH DAY OF SALE FOr information phone 523.9207 or 523-4501And ask for Bruce Richtnond, SALE MANAGER - Richard Lobb 482.7898 AUCTIONEERS RICHARD LOBB DAVE CARSON Listowel Owner or inictiOneers. not responsible for accidents day of Side. 2048-1 Township of Morris Gravel Tenders Sealed, clearly marked tenders are now being received for the purpose of Supplying, Crushing, Hauling and Spreading of approximately 25,000 cu. yds of 5/8" Granular "A" Gravel for the roads in the south half of Morris Township Work to be completed by June 30th, 1981 to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. The contractor to be responsible for any rules or regulations which may be applicable under the Pits and Quarries Act. Apply to the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be received by the undersigned by 5:00 P.M. Fri. February 27, 1981 accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders are subject to MTC approval. LLOYD MICHIE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS 21-78x1 Township of Morris Gravel Tenders Sealed, clearly marked tenders are now being received for the purpose of SUPPLYING, LOADING AND HAULING 35,000 cu. yds. (more or less) of pit run gravel for roads in. Morris Township. Work to be completed by June 30,1981 to the satisfaction .of the Twp. Road Superintendent. The contractor to be responsible for any rules or regulations which may be applicable 'under the Pits and Quarries Act. Contractor to put out approx. 1500 cu. yds. per day. Apply to the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be received by the undersigned by 5:00 P.M. FRI. FEBRUARY 27, 1981 accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders are subject to MTC approval. LLOYD MICHIE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS 21-78x1 • 19 Notice 21 Tender Wanted LIGHT Bulldozing, landscap- ing, backfilling, Larry Bailey, 523-4438. 19-75-tf PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR and Appliance Service, 24 hour emergency service. Used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062, 19-754 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Lois Catherine Houston, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, housewife, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 13th day of March, 1981 ; after which date the estate's as- sets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAVVFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON . Brusseli, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor 22-77-3 Reinember! Irtakes but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad Dial Brussels 887-6641. A sincere thank-you to all our friends, neighbours, and rel- atives, for your many acts of kindness in the passing of our husband and father. Your thoughtfulness will al- ways be treasured. —Mary Pennington and family 24-78-1 The Walton Area Sports Clut wishes to thank everyone participating in the February 1st snowmobile poker rally. Thanks goes to all who helped in the running of the rally and a special thanks to the merchants who contri- buted the many prizes to make the rally a great suc- cess. 24-78-1 The family of the late Mrs. Robert Craig wish to express their deep appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their expressions of sympathy through flowers, cards and donations 'follow- ing the death of their mother. Special thanks to the second floor nursing staff of'Huron- view. 24-78x1 26 Personal Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth White, Brussels, and Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Semple, R.R. 1 Ethel, wish to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of Gail Marie White and Calvin James Semple. Wedding to take place 7 p.m. March 27, 1981. 24-78x1 4 Help Wanted • . Brussels Fire Department put its barrel out on the Maitland River' again this year, but the mild weather allowed the barrel to go over the dam probably a lot sooner than most people , thought. The Young Farmers Com- mittee of the Huron county Federation of Agriculture has organized a panel dis- cussion on the problems that young farmers face when starting up a farming 'opera- tion today, for the March HCFA Members Meeting. It will be held March 5, 8:30 p.m. at the Blyth Public school. The three panelists are till Bearss, lAgricultural PEASE: In loving memory of a brother and father Malcolm Pease who passed away nine years ago February 22, 1972. I dream of you, dear loved one, And see your smiling, face, And know that you are happy In our father's chosen place. —Always remembered by brothers and families. 25-78x1 BEER: In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John who passed away six years ago Feb. 28, 1975. Gone from us, _but leaving memories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger, While upon. this earth we:.. stay. —Always loved and remem- bered by his wife Lillian, sons Dave, John, and Steve and daughter-in-law Melissa 25-78x1 27 Births FISCHER: Carmaniand Eve- lyn Fischer are happy to announce the arrival, at Women's College Hospital, Toronto, of 'their son James Barton. First grandchild for Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley Fischer and second grandson, for Mrs. John carton, Penti- ,cton, B.C. 27-78x1 4 Help Wanted David Stephenson of Brus- sels was the winner for being closest to guessing on what date and at what time the barrel would go over, but those details were not avail- able at press time. Representative of *the Royal Batik, London; Art Lawson, assistant Ag. Rep. OMAP, from Perth County who has farmed and has a longtime concern about this problem; and Bill Quinn, a CA with Price-Waterhouse, former Ridgetown instructor, and a specialist in credit. All mem- bers of the farming columun- ity are invited to attend, David Stephenson wins: contest 'HFA to discuss young farmers