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Walton UCW discusses love
iwill be held, at Duff's church
on Friday, March 6 at 2 p.m.
with Rev, C. Swan, the speak-
er. A business meeting will
precede the service at 1 p.m.
Plans were made for the
shower for Janice Houston
Friday evening in the church
basement. Mrs, A. McDon-
ald reported for the supper
The ‘date set for the ham
and turkey supper is Tuesday
June 2 with the 27th and
Boundary unit assisting this
The 17th and Boundary
Unit held their February
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Cliff Ritchie with 12 mem-
bers present.
Mrs. Barry Hoegy opened
with a thought for the day.
Mrs. George Williamson
gave the prayer, "Let me
build a new school with
proceeds from vegetables,
eggs, meat and • cut flowers
trucked to the city and sold to
local inhabitants.
Wilma Hemingway offered
the closing prayer.
Business was conducted
by the president, Jean Ire-
land. Secretary's and treas-
urer's reports were given by
Isabel Adams and Leona
Armstrong and the roll call
was answered by "my fav-
ourite spring flower."
In agreement with other
catering groups in town the
"price of dinners has been set
at $4.50.
Group 1 will provide lunch
after ' church on the last
Sunday in February.
Janet McCutcheon has
been commissioned to pur-
chase a new table cloth for
the long table in the church
Melville Guild
hears of ag
school in India
The 8th, and 16th Unit
re-scheduled their meeting
till February 16th at the
home of Mrs. Alvin, McDon-
ald with 7 members present.
The devotions were opened.
with Mrs. Ken McDonald
Mrs. K. McDonald chose
as the topic, "Let's think
about love". She said our
first love is our mother's
love, second is giving our
hearts to Jesus and dedicat-
ing our lives to his service,
third is showing our love for
Mrs. Doug Fraser pre-
sided for the business. Mrs.
John Davies read the min-
utes and a card of apprecia-
tion was read from the
Houston family.
The World Day of Prayer
On February 17. a pot-luck
supper was enjoyed by 16
members of Melville Guild at
the home of " Marguerite
The attendance was some-
what curtailed by fog which
discouraged.most country
members from attending.
Devotions were opened by
Marguerite. Krauter with--a"
v" poem,.
From the recently- pub-
lished book by Roy Bonisteel
entitled "In Search of Man',
Alive," a chapter was' read
dealing with the service of
Father Murray Abraham who
left his home in Nova Scotia
to labour for God in the
Darjeeling area of India. As
headmaster of a boys' school
he initiated an agricultural
programme with the help of
funds supplied by friends •in
Canada which resulted in the
raising of cattle, pigs and
chickens. They were able to
I pass the day in peace".
Mrs. }3. Hoegy read "Con-
fident and Competent"
about the disabled, followed
by a poem, "Eating". Mrs.
Williamson read a poem.
Mrs. Graeme Craig took
the business beginning with
a reading, "The World is
Mine". Mrs. G. Williamson
read the minutes. Mrs. Craig
gave each member 'he r
U.C,W. membership. card.
Mrs. B. Hoegy gave the
treasurer's 'report followed
with the miscellaneous re-
port by Mrs. Hugh Johnston.
World Day of Prayer is
Friday, March 6. May 29, 30,
31, West minister week-
end. A donation will, go to the
March of Dimes. Next meet-
ing is to be held at Mrs. H.
Craig's home, devotions in
charge of Mrs. Paul McCal-
lum and Mrs. Helen William-
Walton" 1 met at the
home of Dorothy Sholdice.
Peggy Humphries opened
the meeting. Joyanne Van
Vliet read the minutes. The
roil call was answered by the
showing of patterns and
material by each member. It
was decided to call the club
"The Tricky Tailors,"
The girls each pinned their
pattern on material ready to
cut out. Any who had to h ave
them lengthened or shorten-
ed were helped by the lead-
ers, Dorothy and Margaret.
Members were shown the
differeni-parts of the sewing
machine and how to put a
bobbin in, Also how to
pre-shrink material.
The books were reviewed
and anyone having trouble in
answering questions w,aS,
helped by the leaders.
Greeters on Sunday at
Duff's United Church were
Edna Hackwell and Annie
Reid. Ushers were Steven
Huether, John Huether and
Steven Dennis. Don McDon-
ald sang a solo, "The Lord's.
My Shepherd,". accompan-
ied by the organist for this
month, Margery Huether. •
The Rev. Charles A. Swan
took as his sermon, "Trust is
' Urgent. Now".
Mr. and Mrs, Douglas
Fraser have arrived home
recently after spending a
most enjoyable week's holi-
day in the sunny warm
climate of Jamaica.
Miss Ruth Thamer of
Woodstock spent the week-
end with her mother, Mrs, -
Ruth Thamer.
Mr. Jack Webster of Ed-
monton, Alberta is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Huether, Steven and
' John. On Sunday they cele-
brated the birthday, of Mis.
Watson Webster, Clinton at
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the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mack Webster and family of
j Miss Dena Wey, Guelph
I spent the weekend at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell Wey,
Mr. Douglas Fraser at-
tended the Good Roads con-
vention in Toronto for--a-few---
dris ifie firit of the week.
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