HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-02-04, Page 11high school proposed
The curriculum content of
this new school will follow
Ministry of Education guide-
lines. -All subjects will be
taught from a Bible based
point of view.
A board of directors will be
chosen by the membership at
the next meeting. The school
will become a member of the
Ontario Alliance of Christian
Schools. This service organ-
ization, based in Hamilton,
represents 10,000 students in
58 Chrisian elementary day
schools and 11 Christian
High Schools in Ontario.
WMS presbyterial
meets in Wingham
An alternative in educat-
ion is the aim of an increas-
ing number of parents in
Ontario. For a significant
group in the Wingham area,
this alternative takes a spe-
cific form.
A large group of Christians
from Wingham, Lucknow,
Goderich, Kincardine, Harri-
ston, Palmerston, Listowel
and surrounding areas met
in the Wingham Bible Chap-
el on Friday evening and
formed a society to establish
an interdenominational
Christian High School
Campbell honoured on 80th People we know
Rev, Morris and Louise Campbell, Holly, Harmony and
Scott of Campbellford and Heather and Don Ellis of
Ottawa were weekend guests with. Mr, and Mrs, Ivan
On Sunday, Feb. 1 at the home of Donna Aitchison,
Brussels a delightftil banquet was attended by Ms. Brenda
McCuteheon of Listowel, and Ms. Dianne Stephenson of
Parent controlled
A former Listowel res-
ident, George, H. Campbell,
now residing in Seaforth,
was honoured at a surprise
party for his 80th birthday at
the home of his son, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Campbell, in Brus-
sels on Saturday,
Those attending were;
Rev. Morris and Louise Cam-
pbell, Holly Lee, Harmony
and Scott of Campbellford,
Heather and Don Ellis of
Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sel Ellis, Lyle Love of Mount
Forest, Laurie, Debbie and
Corey Campbell of Brussels,
Julie. Campbell and Todd.
Flannigan of London, Mr,
and Mrs. Jackson McCut,
cheon, Mrs. Irene Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I3en-
nett, Mr. and Mrs. Al
Weeks all of Listowel, Mrs.
Jessie Finkbeiner of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Keys
and Mrs. Frances Storey of
Seaforth, and Mr. Jim Brem-
ner of Brussels,
Gorrie library gets new location .
Correspondent Mrs. Alvin
Grainger on Mrs. Thos. MacDonald of several days at the Air Base
MRS. GEORGE BROWN Brussels and Mrs. Archie at Goose Bay, Labrador.
335-3424 A number from here called. Miller visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Alcorn.
The Gorrie Public Library at the Peebles Funeral Mrs. Ralph Elliott of Ripley. spent the weekend at the
moved approximately 5,000 Home, Atwood to pay their Mrs. Delbert Clegg home of Mr. and Mrs.
books to it s new location in respects to the late Mrs. underwent eye surgery inl the Douglas Ferguson of Acton.
the Gorrie Community Hall Leslie Earland visited Mr. K-VV Hospital in. Kitchener.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Earl and family. Coulter of Kitchener visited on Friday. The former library Mr. and Mrs. Ken.
room has been enlarged, Mrs. Jos. Simmons spent a Underwood spent the Saturday with relatives
insulated and carpeted. Thecouple of days at the home of weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William. A.
library will be open Tuesdays days at the home of Mr. and Albert Foster of Galt. Smith spent Saturday at the
from 7 - 9 p.m.; Wednesday rs, David Templeman of Gary Grainger has home of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck
2 - 5 p.m. and Friday 2 - 5:15 Wellesley. returned after spending Smith of St. Marys.
The annual meeting of the
Maitland Presbyterial Wo-
men's Missionary Society of:
the Presbyterian Church was
held January 19 in St.
Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingham.
Mrs. Ross Cumming,
Lucknow, president, presid-
ed and Mrs. Harry Bateman
Wingham was pianist. The
theme was "Praise the Lord,
Reach out with Joy."
A discussion on Bible
Study was taken by Mrs.
Hugh Nugent, Ripley. The
ladies were divided into
groups and a study on the
different branches of the
W.M.S. was taken.
The highlight of the after-
noon session was a play
"Essence of Mission" and
again Mrs. Nugent was in ,
charge of the discussion.
Each caller gave her views on
mission work. First was the
situ ation of the Koreans in
Japan. Koreans are not
citizens of Japan, even
though some are third and
fourth generation. These
Koreans are discriminated
against. The church heeds to
continually contact the au-
thorities in Japan regarding
Korean Human Rights.
A second caller maintained
there is mission work needed
at home. Another caller
stressed the fact there is
much to learn from mission-
aries and the people with
whom they work.
Church goers should rea-
lize "Mission" is many
things- spreading the gospel,
loving one another, sharing
and working with joy, bring-
ing people to Christ, being a
good neighbour, a Christian
concern for other.
The officers for 1981 were
installed by Mrs. Don Ro-
bertson, Kinbough.
• Belgrove
Mrs. Robert Procter ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Mayberry and Darryl of
Londesboro to visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Ensom of
Sarnia last Mnday. Mrs.
Procter remained for the
week. Mrs. Dennis Ensom,
brought her mother home on
Friday and stayed with her
over the weekend.
Mr. George Keil and Mrs.
Pat Smith of Woodstock have
returned from a two weeks
trip to Austin, Texas, and
also visited Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Holtum of Macallen,
p.m.; Mrs. Ken Underwood
is the librarian.
The Gorrie Senior Citizens
held their Games Night on
Jan. 27 at the Community
Hall will over 35 attending.
Winners were High Mens
- Russell Nickel, Fordwich
Low Mens George Brown,
Ladies High Mrs. Russell
Nickel, Fordwich; Lucky
Chair and Lucky Card Mrs.
Florence Wilson, Fordwich.
Birthday winner Mrs, Glad
Crokinole winners Miss
Margaret Dane and Mrs.
Sheldon Mann.
Next Games night will be
on Feb. 24th.
Mrs, Robert Allan, Jamie
and Mark of Kitchener spent
a few days with the former's
mother Mrs. John Strong.
Mrs. Douglas Alcorn, Kris
and Cheri of London called
on Mr. and Mrs. Jas Alcorn
on Friday. Rick Alcorn of
Orangeville . visited last
Thursday at the same home.
Mr. y and Mrs. Lionel
Johnston visited Wednesday
with Rev. -and Mrs. George
Sachor Beamsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Campbell, Christopher and
John Richard of Waterloo
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Leppington.
Miss Katherine Geiger left
Friday to enter the Canadian
Armed Forces at Cornwallis,
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Grainger of Waterloo; Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Grainger
and Christopher of
Shakespeare visited Mr. and
February 17, 20, 21, 22, 1981
Curling Bonspiel
Polar Dip
Thundermug races
Log sawing
Tug of war
Torchlight parade Free skating & races
Gong Show Lions Dance - "Lincoln Green"
Leo Family Dance SUNDAY
SnoWmobile Poker Rally
Cross Country Skiing
Chamber of Commerce
Saturday, Feb. 7, 1981
Cash Prizes paid back to 5th place
30 Door Prizes
Sunday, Feb. 8, 1981.
brOgS Using WSRF pcirfOrMarito tiossiticcitiont in
stock • mod Stock open mod.
Registration. starts 10;30 closes 11:3b
bi-ogs start in 1:66 sharp.
Blyth Lions & Snowtravellers
Poker Rally
Sunday, Feb. 15th
Blyth Conservation Club House
1 corner north, 3 west Of Blyth
Registration 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
$3.00 per hand
Many other donated door prizes'
40 km, beautiful groomed trans.
1st Hand $50
2nd Hand $20
3rd Hand - $10
Draw for trip to Orlando, Florida to be held,
Sunday; February 8th,