HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1877-1-3, Page 244,44
Wad 111110.1111.
Fs- moo 0110 611•1114111111011 MO
Ilia a. Weft IA
WWI st 11441 pi Os, Thillais at 1 AI
Ws& SA hem* at Swathed
IMAM Wlia &Woe 0111.20W11
M16.11111.110 p. 1.., toss Dads
eld UMW
by his nestal isoweit• Abele
wed snegrepht
wiess shot IS sin • ewe
= ••• ass sabstwishis sfsateng
bi wont 11 to
21.111=I:=Mothe Me WA
len • geld siwalsg. Ha is rspernd
whiny aPandisr 011111.11 ef
we Wes the nay
rft=111 bies bib. sea be MO
non ri the Way ed the "ibleeds
City' Ws be hod 6. litst el Law.
Wites 7.
Union% aewillon its 1- Cesar,
VW MAW 111141•01111. WO
Woes. Winnow 1,0•216
Link WOO WOO401111. 114/1,4. ems.
Wang (11se Wed).
Borms, Jobs Jobs
Sew, P. awes, A. Iletbar and Jas.
tocci Now.
Dania NINesalhosa.
L (11141:1011•11. Owes. Demo, Son.
pox 01441
Then 0 a plat IA
moshareste at
word With alio 1/0 etepeadoes pyre
Nook. tie wow st impulsed tem
pies, womormare main bosa the
smeatte ephyes Sart, when
moth the gird elliagallim la than am -
411,404 Itojected.
11141E T ALI.
armies wheii eadieL4ruil• Pio;
met width all Us
Chimes 11111.114 Lees
:1=6 el. attensg le eon nob
elite\ kW sibs dosht WA ths,Wseld to
nab of' Wet ths Ws of
Isis Ss is.
fires of • siod
k hate Me stles km bees
reshered Mat panode of OM, Meuse
le Mallestica am follosed by perms& el
AM dams them WON
to • gnat skirl obliteerod. WU ora,
human Irelligeema my bis so stymied
se ler boom • mammal Wee Um
certain 'iseehmisal rides ie it Dot pee.
eirill=siteseptat HMS it *Netts
'kW he "'Menially Wis.
==.264:114.1d be WNW tion.gh
Het Wm wed tn.-
this otossocy, Metted by senate 'wool
We terwei awfsbrelee51 .10=
renege te Wenn Wu own el kaor•-
1•4p he Me essembes monarear Or
It Mar 1111 110‘ hallabity MAIMS MA
41•04101 ow Waters as to hear=
tie howledge wink Ma bees moored,
thee sorieg • 'nays! reed" to wino.
SD tar mo tli• roost sod (Soden&
wils••••thsio 4 SWIM ea IMO relies of
bst if bosisas mown,
ws low el Ow Owl Trish
taws end WO. viols
Itiaby WI IS we SW set probil
Wise Wawa Tiessies bit boto
stsobloses Wafted WA th• "=
As onebn Wigs aseq• Way at
II lb we pot silo
IS•Whistass1=. al tiesth.
is "gam 41
ens, sad th• shwa of Wig alell
Way hen ow sni OW Pronson be
ate War ia with smery, sr d **MS
,ibplaite so WNW W.,
rpirwit were bid Iso-urth=rns
um dog has "WI, and too
arbilirkt=lookia• sy the We of
somas he in low the ths•41-
- so so lessee bode net
the nay merateg Mae, bed so more
-Mall •• to or awe of tampion di -
Zia•op 'DI ohs seat bra. sod hit
NM os• cies ewe that ohs
ssio andi we no" All goss Th.
toi lion of les rads MI bolt bless
hes wept one Wu essoinellw. ind
the idaithme of ss•••.d.00 14. Saw
DZZLied i1 agyerestly mashies the
Mem lai rim Mee name. Mt
..41.10T 1011aarrillaTIIMIT Ala
Om. lie= Ms pephby
*Ws foto
peel liew ninflis, as be reemded the
dem& throosh the short tern
thst hs Wald ow awe ow this b
_web er the Closed Tomsk Isilosy isoi
SeidieIltil• Pima.
This wil.b. lbw wog me e bo
in lie hot kW Poserweisory Webs
seneWl se Iris logysainise WWI
is tbs fabo tot the Conwsle• pony
Sea new In. wed WNW/ was be
Writ Wen lo. pietas Is • sso odo.
Re we Ways • sheityslosatene, lost
an raw* boa the Lieesay NA
Men hie sway pi wail Mr
tem Mr sew Ilw pre by amo miles
depatere of Kr. Tembibol lies New -
as "Issibm," oho Ins Is• tim• past
chred sool hs4 hie Wog is Ms,
Who. ad WAN ail Wes
M=111 wilb• bis hie* wolves
In Webb patina be
way al wet We wig baselss.
SI MOM hoor• le lie swam of 1•76 is
Or off psi Whet sod one tie
weft Is • wow ego
thia Om et Ille primer en web a&
0111011 wee oily by
ay Ies-
Wise ellb wabilb goal
Ike le bill bon •
0147101% 441.0.1
emit trwreast
efill•WIMI ~se, SW
a els max-thsvi. Ise
at isodkuour.
But our Outy is to
kleaday proved an taiportent day to
the paths, and boo • holiday the we
*sea Orel owe to be Wiled surreal
up sack • feeling of interest as dme .8
the rempayen. alto to mob oat, tos the
Ile weave had her the Pasha
and Asu troika pianos s• the tow
for thew particular randioleas, that the
Mee treed wpon theit grebes, sad
the result cm bet be omempiad am Use
hostaa• .4 tie pope upon the Leith us
Aa far as the roues. reeened bre
womprod, tine nears seem to be
thei aityr further *Mit at prow* to
owe UN pews of Use DIMAS Act
meld be of lade use. The mile ins
set bees so athelartary. hoover, be if
ated Imes easelemal mid peened Is.
I era We had enuarated • far Mier -
est resell us the esseuet Mosday,esd
omelet tliM the *drool of the Dee.
les ket meld be well manned. bet we
Ifooklitipmest fee a duvet simmer of
opinion from the pees le epee tkii=
Um. While istraiag that the
were bona mie to mere • vow
Mb Oster be we resomme th•
sememfy fee ipared mon
Ise ton whesied to the Mee by the
isige role= le favor a wpm.
aseV to MAW
410211 111.0010 sag moles a shovel from Mr. L Wells
peewee, amasibteo worked ww11.
Ai away 11. sob Osewl. ow
on mars try the SW* thissel slab
MO mew peaty etteaded Ms Mil
t• be rogrotha, tor Me Arra slab
son psi Nab by the roller aed them
110101110111011b• form al ii•abi aria the
War tb• Wks lus 012•011.01. shot
Wyss& bat they einered teit. the SI
the loeth pre eposi. The eine es Nom •
meal we Mu neesa. sad the inakiesee
sem ousted us railed aria plastid qm.
lure the pitapat eel eetendslog fr eh.
11..4 to Os gallery, is • loth, demi the
enise,a swathe were rated. Ms. g r
Moore. openstorleut the echo*
essapsed the than. Altair Wirt, ••
=olAnolo was lowly mew by
olim Pewee. Ittbseed by
asks s'llappy ammo' by Mom Monstra
tossion chemises amid ardour 1. •
=with tie Woes .4 th- mime
MEMO. their clidgaii mome,
anditho taboo... moan .4 o.
sawed Is Mr. Yrs Ammo mane
thew* isismag drama. The
Masi own sooseitteri there...hire
Amodalakri-evokiree• so folhiiro Wean
bartaitig." resiered gook gnat Mal*
Mies laity repot, ea., "Wail • fro...1
we Mee is James.- Mee Isabella ts...1 1,
solo. "Hoeg the bells a Wales," Mom
LAMM T100404006 04,10, "W1010.14404
Mae Wilkalail• sok.. 'Pm me
soar Mao NW Dete. • boy Mlle marl
solo, "Latta emits limees.
Tithed& meg vary Mei; the sea
MOWS eorptiVeot hathioN MU lee tie
rola, John Mae. Joh,. Ito rod
w. Mann gar en nonreethe
tempalleme dodoes', eroded '‘Cerline
Aneoughout esesing the child
rot Wig* be they 144 woos tot a lly
WWI atod tied perfoommee reflected
Brest oredi wpm the &Way end
.4 Meth leader aad inotrisetor Major
Thosisoon AU semen( were creed,
pleord • ails 010 4. oacert, and se the yule
id thank' whoch wore ol opted tho di
V* =mooed 0114 thy r7minrrt sttattirt
be reprod, Mae heroes tateauted •t
the organ wait ton ural AM. The
throat ear brought to • close at a
neomonable l•wr tor the bole totes. by
tzlitifit• Jae asdissos. ISO.
IPsatisk Omed, 6111; W. J.
Harda, Dana ram, 1110., Jobs
maim Yr Yeses e yesr is the
roe awe, obeli Lbw It os also
reported Mel Ye Pad is Meetail.•
I Hap.
Raw Joie , Deputy
LOW, Joseph Hoots, aad John
Mr. P. Italy is maga eliatral bye
torah wisproy
Rote Curry ; Creation, Rola
Clalley. The mead sae ott•agly
rams. the lesapsisseo Whet.
rel.a.00risio Um Wm pest mole.
willies an meat • member a academe
resulting foods the lead of bao•teell•
oi mach Maio. ems the pehlie mind.
The bursts& of the Ltrooklya theatre
and tho dreadful results sateselong
Owen( thrilled the a -mid ito the retinas.
sod the impress aps the publa naiad
km been each an no doubt, to perm!
ebb a fring of .044•11100.1 and fear of
pending dosser the reata.le uf unsay
••. dead timordree in tip anals
large setheroge a people, Some such
dread moot have prompted the reeved
polio in the Boston theatre, when dm
large mother, fortaarely without seri
ene meth; or deism to terrorAtioo tarp
andogre in the Montreal theatre whew
fire cored la the rage seemery; or tailed
with dread the Made of thee. elio Met
reit were pettiest in the Catholic cads.-
111 Plinhodelplith when a portion of
the Sone geo• &way. It take" masider
this time to itself time fears, and while
they rise eines ef dm I Ilkd rated will
Tee Jan. -Their- adellsse yitoes-
bis an mil at yew&
Tomb -Amami Doh hes hoes bor.
outwit to bit to wad hit trailer hay.
sad • number of much" Irma dolmas'
iseeceese loss, sew eaboyas• draw. Plink".
hada to. etheseid silk *oda as fthe •40111114 e•••111. Jonallna Bar.
sepses end thoshompellas sairrevel--641ses -016•-••• 1.6...0011 1•4111
I ea working moot their owe party. ••••• •.•••0•••d "0 • rimrt• of allelding
Soy ill the pledgee tit se azie frommr.r. J.aus :nos d WOG
andbroare •hach were gurus to Now
Campbell aad Mashed their
Comdata, Owl wortAy oar worsts the
=laiiiiad that in revers" meters* Ire
ma ten bon Mood Woe
el then Anti Deakin preehvides, the
tempeoesee party may ognitelate oaf
Tr vole polled eaa very lams every.
where le teen Tarr Wal• 11401 NMI man.
eeri•dood Ulan wh• fluted as •••• war,
Wei, 41004 sr &rd. la Colbereees/y
shot twenty, wen impaled, and
mar of them at 5•• impossible le get--
The lotions; are the roams es far
wia wield oleos thea, the mete a dam
hems 'erasable' through the medium a
Finn DIIIITT 11.411•11.
It.D.11 441 911
; fleorge's Weed, 111
O. Awinre's Wank& DA 44 14
LD.T IS 10
NOW, tor Jellabos, $3
Oran Meals
Osiersis Illeed It 114 42
sin. 7 111
Illmerity Mamie, 23
Absens• Se
X paw
lies. 21•111Mes 14
W. X Dieneent 311
le ea. Iloor. Lot wok, •Italet the
8.11•1 W..* oases lum too lite cell,
three popes. some tether alid file
were found cresaled hts knots
Les ammo.. - Serums wad Neel ble•
Ivor, smooth elom •arroult• of them
fee arra rev magood, left the tams
saddest, to mope the Aeon tof Um law
Warmth Metaled who was ompleatml a•
the rose owe, wee hod 411 o4 seta. ea
Thursday, for iaterfering 1.111 • con:
leascaorr 4•4•1 1r kaiak ilo•.
oak of Seaforth„ was 1111 16111111 OM*,
en Maeda, la* es • charge of break
sag sato • here mid indecently assault-
Jail to stand his tria. Policeman
Wye booed promo to the put os
Tat Memos - toy estoefel tea
Paebytense ebsereb, es Friday erodes.
The atteseasee wee very aro. 1A•
Mere\ hetes Mid le its Wm saps.
sty Addresses wem by
and Ito J. Janteroo. 1/1_ Weal *Wet
So. Mr. J•10.0041, of boyisAd. ousapt.
ed the Moir. Steeliest theme was
Few sad Mr. Karat, of fieforth
pregres, Meet 1110, we bathe an
to he aortae to the pambam of se
is toil Ws Woo Uos we oll ser on
esliowl th• pen soit is ser mange.
Tle Rev 111, III•od debbes• on Ai.
Ws s• isespeotes. is X* Owe. Elk
Mos. •t the tone a Me lb. gosanosb.
III IS mi. no soaker Wog is hit
111 /66 end a reasom ow a lie ash
66 be istatioss eras the
MI ; deeesed the Drake MU rib=
soss ft is ...say tis h• dsopowerd
tor raysocs's ow. VIM a Cinema sorer Amid Ma
III in
• g i bemposswo ingienehlw as tho enst
sensit It -ow ono eines
bons ths onemil bar
w los as. of
h la
as awes int?
ens is liggewip..=
selswfs wee.
an le eery mesem. bet •
Witrognes he pee So tie Downs=
Is esilowns Me Donis AM sr• er
,iiiitssarehier pow to orw • abbot. •X4 Ow 110010010/
411sysowe 12 -IP
Ibors.• OM le
• Thom marbsil bah so
pe Men end lee Stmaim Mak H I /nem the.
POWES/41. Ma A. 7 thegibb. per gmerathres -1120 4101=4 WI
V•6100, less. IAD lbs. IL Diramor, L•06
Ion •01...1 egged deli Walea Wen WO
T• Oinegoogoasisi.„ go; *mg Igo -Wei 6. thot NW,
slow be altspoid.
by the semthothliall
‘loo west 374
3914 Mayo/ 141P. Seet7,161116.71
jeleria=tasil lest ere
Oki lies et Ws
Jabot ehtel nod Pomo
hisleiGNA Weashoe ••• Woos
The ise toss is good spobboo, sod the
ebbe et WA Ifealigno. roam Ter
twos mod T. W. Ilhowees, of thidonia.
rod, ot Wen Yoe aol Bey mad to
Tamil tot:olio, .4 Chios, wee soh
*Leered , The band furnished eseelleat
4 -14 -Era • ill ithe place dowdy
Itek beery. • 11•11 wobble is re.
to beim we Webs
Swot al Me
*sear& Ls It Feenielt„ DOW.
nil, Thar SW Aiwa be 11117 ho.
• 111.4.4.• apt prow 0110411111. 710s
tine, ear the WOW Is Ile
tim geed themes, sees se Isdow
For gear E 1'111111T -Tito
tridey eyeing lase The attendaitc.,
wad eery Large, and metuded mg.
the employees 01 the .thenv auditor
lady omposussaa, • tioultper of the otos*,
babe of the enopeny and oiliest is.
furnished or relosetiatog the toilet. the
mdolfallow.' peerage nono. Mari thrum
"pre I .r the parolee. TM supper,
winch seethe Ord feature ea Cleo pro-
gramme, ••• spored out an the boil, o4
The tbrer large tables tr that/tag tb•lur
..ath ot Ns, hall holy aroartinf endive
the weight of thivuto, artenntlaltards
11.1 Olc•11•1.1 hum nr and •ith Op
petits*. Mr. .1. Don•sh pronsonner
hooneoioelion, •10.0 ail NO too with •
bill of far. emeproliended toad ineat
Ind fowl, ham, roll tongsb,
rel odes, !themes. coats. fruits, onto, tea,
coffee, &c., all set out 10 OM hat
admatap. and retlectans (1.06 credo
apart elm abbey .4 dm therm, Mr
J Robinson. T-, add to the mums. of
the part of doe affair, Mr. Itobtneon wee
mated by an actani and atteatme
of waiters. who permitted sone to or
attars placed on tho dye and Iftememed
by rendering of a welt, bj Dick.
Kra was <staid to ehe eke rein mule a
et moot les so many mom in es in the
soneble we& that alt resent might ex -
10414/01111 • 1140107 Sod pro/4.room or
msg. Siert addressee foli.ond fe-sreo
7, Dakota (lispate) and 11. W. John
roam ori olussiaii. V.I.-. .4 thanks
Se. Solskthell hi the. •-teellent !per
reemedim is • most speech. Thar con-
soil the rem eme Maw cleared for dim
nig. II li1C11 IVY IPS up oath great spirit
spina( drama if lholk•no's
bath. Refreshen o.i• were promoted se a
kW hoer for Vie atotesiiro• a the J/1.41
OWN saml *works/nog mewl "mere as e
*wisp tio46 The Whir proved a f
groat secedes, rederesser the :rears' '
credit spool t hose. who haoi the
inargement thereof- • .16,. annual
gathertng ell b. hooked tamers{ ...thole
ably so foe the is.. earthly 1.•111
Maas lobo attortleJ.
the athly elected 'Aloe,* Malone*
pleat on tt Oneeder 44.410101 et 5
o'clock. The attendoem .4 the tworthree
is. Tette tarp, a goodly sombre lease
t from Colossi, Por lifter
W. Urn Coda
Treaserm -11n. se Siege 1
menotary Mos *is PlIdnen.
ftro. Jos
bleater rententere Pro II
A Cloy MI.
Ty ler - She g. sioneat.
en mom to enjoy the opper. Th.
loge bed sad whoa tie tom.
spread sad boyesoft web.* tattles
were serneeded by the eempeny the
sob aran the womb te•t•sals....
liehisami's bee. ebb, W• oat& hoc
moues tlet this greldwall• ie wk.
helsom 4er hums. en WHIM=
Ilassal• Ware depseed of tin
Wood so th. ;yell by link R.
Tore, Ts V A fee trafteee VAMP WV
spool ie • •1•0•111111 imormirt_si• pow
13. 11041.11.1 stark - The thesisaithen
Ones ea 11 arteesday neat, Jae 10th
Moo Cloan•ors, Worgulawa, Smiths"
Crabbe am the ernes 1111.06011.
They sere ell geld the for tim posittaa
scsosobs 16.6s. How ol.er
le. tiro is lie Kt Methodist
Chasels es Unlade, and Fruity stem
maths volt In "Ilerolialetoory ease
men., ' end for the smoud ineuieg,
"TM trotting nth ass of sectety." Ad
mere sate
1.4104 or alio, minima hum te
ou doer way to. Oudot/soh 67 the area
In tram." The gendemen at'ogoce ea
wised the hobs el the Mei el the owe,
ee.1 Ma sews inedible! many hoes.
ore Mimes egisieet Megan or Medi
the maselaseelltheed load sandy Mho -
who was dosed asides • bobby you
thaithafi nt oi R. 14. 6.. Lobar,
tool place on Wolealliy, Teie. --
The junior chose way etrialned is the
esenum by the Where the school,
mantas their dee little Lake wens
to 15j..• -tlowelnsvior the rthoundsr
dinner, Ike mow digrissomi, urn&
has been under the *art f ul tniendfin..
11•11s, eta called to order. Mt W
roar bark again ia the afternome and
retilenel 'doable gerviee. There eras
ana . lane number of 'Solari promal,
rem Wiltig part in the proceedings.
.1116e uthers wimithied by their pre
moire dun they were eutioreeted the
olumeimi of the youth. The children
se full aa time would perm% awl the
-reedier...4 b. -coney with winch doer
comp t1•
bleats was truly gratIfying Teey gave
ever •vedoines that 11 lila 1o.1 a aniatter•
mg of thm that, &ad the ether which
they poesered, bat it wee a go- ol know
ledge o4 the enel hodamental rules
ead h to make an appthation o.1 the
la so. .1troy ethired oneinfeks le tithe
Coo tlby bad her 'teemed %honk aid
I.. Faso on ilia- 10 nuke moonset MHO
CAI •• .0: A Vary ilitareatior part of tn.
oa• -rears Was the 'vivito,: .4 Islets]
•Aremlisos, lira weal written,
beer neescied. The order then -
tooled throughout mu pratemorthy. -
Mr Halls. who he. been • faithful
leaebeits of this school for the put 14-
years is about 60 leave th• motion, a face
much lamented by nearly all, and the
nen of his services aod the respect they
bad towards hiss, made lann the recipient
of • very handsome salmi. cup, acerb
mooed by a abort address. Mr, flans
made • - very rash:. mealy and all
throned dowel affected. At the cfree
for some ilraentom, winch were bediti
folly &violated on the board a hp" Our
teen years of age Mbort addressee were
elpirmono.4 limir !War •4141404..41
themes time regretting thy crest WM
•hech eid he rather by the
-I lb, teacher es the ideates of ey
on; lhal Stream] appriache.1, "al
much pleased' asol priMted ter what they
bad seen sad head. -- Pcpmee.
M r. Hallo caters rpon his Jut000 as
Tits 14,1111.- The ants of the
elraiol Trust othcoale mho. the
gages el meow. aud fumes otalted
to • moral etre. sing the maim hoe
from Usenet to Portiaimel end frem
0 3:. laluth thee slot Mt sago. km
mood es the bre, Mel tbe• limos Maud
at the rooms they heepenni to be at
g urea bosom throe ewe% the country
lea bees greatly Joithrtinsi, ei ouo way
readily 0.40014 .ttudennd the isa,;•
011.1100 ol the isodutam awl the dittoed
cove of the emeary s trade income. The
dram so lar has bora ••iducto4 guenly
sauteed •4 heraderd 1.4 ruenaut un-
emigsge. AS the rgomer'.
15 Yery strong, a thaw likely ttot this
Grand Truuk will havoito Eaton to
peed .4.""daug :Woo iottecrou.s.
porting th.ese tiraveloers rm. Me kit 1117
she • Joy atll be very heavy. Am ww-
emoseeeese 'es thee` vssy
tram to • grand bell hetes left about
thrce .1111.• out of the guy, sad being
eognielled to w•lk 1.••• main. la or -
awes errercotho the Nyasa dolliculties,
io (-haws to rasa ma tows t.
ou the L. II. ret eep, soW.gatIpg back
the malls Th. firm slime Masa laellies.1-
Tbe return othien arro.• her at about
•Ith• Dolan Aae hid is wow
-Yaw. 11.11•Osid
sides Stle tos NIL J, Two,
-Woe Webilink
14.. et NOW% thosollid
he remiled ICU pot b.
the WM ea Me J. Oamier.
wet. eso th• son PAW,
Melpeedied epee.
• Mee ass 40 11.1111141
--A Ise 4efe ss Wit ow
awl is MOW to
erns of lb. Long
boo Wad sog
of Makiey were
tars psi. while-
age leas twitted
logs rolled pre
manine Om
crushing lits
atom Messes •
Maraill 4 m Made, h• was mad
lin boon after alma boo is Moe uo
pleasant poseur.
Veer (IMMO
pl......1041....14.1.11):.:• ' Ni mi. ' ill
11111• Oa,
Loth en ,......b..
11441.4 ess boss
!few abottliormtnts.
**rich Horticultural
tort 117e_ o
11.1. et4
rents thermos,
The follo.ing rembities was ed
clangyonee thee.' - I on the roll for..
Nee th•• MAO metre • debentor• too
menet of thou tate. Aaron Dulmage
W•S 01 Christmas day proaonlo.1 by
roe 14 the callow, with • gold chai•
aid Indust and mearechooth pope. .
"7„ Wilson has started a skies*
rink the Agricultural Sall.
Iner,iono.-The liar. 11806* • KV
(barna was inducted over the Wallabies
Presbytiortee coonmegetion me the lib
presided Awl adtlereed the people.
and the Roo Mr. Yuen', 01
lieo. klr. McLean of Myth, pe
ter, addremmed the other. In tee meth.
mg. a 'ealwootiao was held, praltded 0•111'
by Ham. Join Perenron Addresses
were dadi.ered by the moaisten ot the
Met It od them -ha and hy attasbere 04
the e•agoadattoo. Piaeorie abort
A Cornetts*.
cia,-My at triton has thee milled toe
a teomainisioallon ID your last thus, pub
porting to mese from lienmillee,
shoal 1 ass credited •Ith the fullue tag
short address is whisk he mlled oio all
prescut to put into practice eh. theorist
introolumel by Mr. Carswell, aed urged
troveraiy." et Me train
*Imbue by Yoe's; for • Reeve sad
Deist, Peeve who woul4 t the
Doukas Act." Now ear, I
done word* or words to did Sleet thee
used but they 0110 Lir used by hie
hat by Major Thames. who at the
elm of Mr. Carswell's resew -he molar
a rote el thetas to Mr. Cantrell and to
cm not on supperuog that ..4.• Ito 1111014
words to *I • follii•ies effect. "UM
hoped Um elector, would remember tie
advice gnome Personally he hot ...th-
ing speast Mr. Yeses and could sbake
lor met onth hitn, but as be
1111 lahrtesiou sd the
*mid mete
knees •Isr.
1117 eau re.
Slevint the
Te the tiellb0111
1.11 MP11 1•51 1 slid IVA bowl to
believe lath a Mr generally knows
that I was m the Mold and esprit'',
hod I answered the ••rd•thod I arta
thee been retuned Ague thanking
JOHN P45110114.
17 If oiwr Iambi. scree
WOW& -141/.1.11110114 mot TSISMAT
tinily mew NA*.
BEFORE you putt:66"
Holiday Goods at
DO sot decide wth.re you will
bey until you see the No").
tiow at
r_Rity be.
"'TO 1PEPoollod Io purekow-
examine and pies newest
goods le the Webb gg
Glal'siyup of Bed Spa tom
• goad by .31 nepoltstil.
412%1411111111”res No Tar 0 01 Nam.
arhur no 1•141 PI SM.
none Wassiaas
011*T.141110:1• Is as eon imo p.1.11.4
SUMP .1.1asaa et
11000. Wrap sal taw.
WATS Over r ore. 1. my estatree el
le al Om At the asno...sorsioess
MO AO Osata.
Tea Meitn•e-'11ste annual tea rneet•
tag In the t'll10411 "Presbyterian chorea
warn t.11.1 Th111111•• mthing lab. and
was largely attended, the proceeds
ationititong Po about 540 Addresses
rem delivered by keys. J. lb...nicht
I Strang also gave worartt 1•1141111411.
None was furnotherd by the shoat .4
• Tit Mitt1P.. tea mating will b..
hold so Leetoono l'rrePoy tenon church nn
Tthrooloy coronas -4 boa week prceeds
to he 'applied cleartag off the debt an
doe clean*.
hre. at Not o -The precool pray-
roisters? tr•ela0r of 61. ,...4'rldt Hash er 01•041141 1t1 Sw11111..• 11111 5,11
Sch,. PI M today sell, and es oi.shot Aso,
not he wall peeve oat appreciable itopli•
mason as well in the tams so lo the SNAP% 'brit.
04.1.1 Tubs. of Sealortb, e.sptored os
Omit boluilly, which Yrs.
11431•••11•11 10(401 an hsa house. This so not
the OeSOM1 .4 butterfly,.
Mtw toady lectur-
ed her. last sisihi. •.01
ranee hall os Friday toverears. eel tie
11.4,, whack ho enstmeasal bowl tie
,-1.1.4 gonna ell ever Illeolsobtr, sew.
11. c.o./roiled Oat doe 104141210 Valhi
.0117 be milled in soo of three soya. by
sale or by wo mho all. The Mt alba* Ors Inr• lot bor arra by an meident at
1, adindt.cd by all to h.- Joueitsaao rite flax eetlt has bons ty•ors wry 14001
to th.- .1, we have had lambed gate 6 roth-r As • eon.o.ronce the ',roily
wacky; the Meer system Le er..us, tt ll.t• Int gores to itio kno•haeln. .4
the MINI 11 • 1
Orel Ittt4te ref It wapth gr.
es bap *Timer filo • lino. who se CLINTON
•111.•• to yory he eon II *he broths A, yip/sae. A a.r. 6111r. Wm.
term Mat the paddie nen cos Mire: • boor of hot went attilathel •
Sider at a poi and ralti boron/ Ma fr opined we his foe*.
staide awl lot tat aloe. 11 f„,"
ter • m injured by 151.004 from • bold
ranee. by • female Jorec•ite. • atelier
heart, he toll .11 and slur hts
Moth the rdiesthen se gramme •
:warm. toad sew only a Very hedge
Ibtamohor eta be Ora h. mess rip.
110111111. :et h. pro
rtho oars 4 god ors
deed; the bee ent barmiest step by
step ad drok alb shoe boss
dere so bosemseb ita ohm*, for it
does a..t Imre the mils .4 41.• vane
Mhos& doe use eallenties who
We fear a • Woes la
bow so show Ws boobs Am io
od. but tb• Father Mathew is
leeleed prod Mea Me ovum am sthe
leirevam and aims. ,
soh, ono smarm Wis
the b Awed tros tome. ethos
its the ••• parthtsed. Korb=
Ise th.re sold Is earearee. end hara
ot•ea a 110WWIllo, bet Mos lb us
Ott sweat. for samos bat Isebse
p4e,o,4 &cm.* wan "enamel the loosest
amebae of oohs so • enters •in. aut-
o out for the oath ef 114or. ore M for -
at the 111.11 ishard el theme, 1..
11011; II . Nether
•011 se wit • posbnwey or. It is Wit Taw bleibeld SX: X Ho.
cog oggimplos fay toe ts• Onsieg 312 III rem -Who oast. 1:10.
bistermel inies we Ws* se *wow ITS.
lama* at IR bar MOO sooty bids Go• P'...11-morko 41 load
•54 vita Obe elmenseedmiinte el 11.1ftoot enete_ rib** ITS; (obi T
ars waft laime Om
144: J. Iklisolaht 190„, 11 IN.
sot se le dootiorsoses Is 1•••
abbsor by sea a perramet. bet we Ma
ping el ma, oases obil.111111111
yeabbtenetto. We al Ws was yelp
wood al po r• 01/04. If to os wawa
alma seamellymi veal 5e 17 WANG
Mos IbletketWerltsmi.111111417.10=1
ow • bsodoe only be
A.. billeswil si=esselb miaow is
oil boned .E14enewasise Sibs.
IOW • east
Ties emplost
elm agelle4 osuedewo. 4066
Hoses Teo mem mhos .2-
AL revalued 11111
t Joon 124 II
issue tit; Dm.
turn., _41.7 D.ILLItmoorio.„1„ t. 9 '.1"
1,00411. JOTTINOS.
I 'redstart le mita le here • thoodn.
'be toor"esinossmis owes" "01004 Atvstl: at es040.111.
W awn tea thee do • es et pronst,
tea. orienv ils.11 were* 41
e• arise. rd 41001.4
ble pas 0 04 bar. NT 1. W4110:10104.4111
soda few w luso on the
prUtoon IL the Lon _soy et “Tlty
kingdom ono" is shah 1 oborred I
1"041 n°1"4 " behe" tha1maRY• liven, tiara Weston & Co's
person two* tatotticallattg liquor*
bererse eoulf rightly pray db. pram
for Ity their actions they •wr• seppert.
mg lime mimeo re tire terrier ru
way of Christ's kingdom, &e. 1 thisk
all peasent twill Moat the coneectomos of
Mae statement. Thanking the edible
for his courtesy to admitting the above.
room's on .harity ti meu
Ad!. your throat likw.k. or 401 you
soutoy.d by • moment cough f If meth
lbw r•loove dm au passagoe'of phlegm
se mosecnia, food allay inflemosathe, and
ao safer remedy can be had for creha,
gelds, or say complaeat 04 the divot.' or
lenge, and af teken ero tor Jur *Mary
Vaal Seeding, --lire dealers who
gn, isiktoreg to unser •hat effect. then
by the dozen, and feed at to that. hones
foe the purpose el usproviag their coo
dines, whisk it a/waye doe, other.
should pelt by their ee ample Itentem.
"thi 10. nenealittl sae !tat tbc signature
Hard & Ca., as ors each package -
one raters.
tar Carole. Sold by all mon-
The hailitom of N. Valois & Co ,
1004146 end oboe 645410(4.01111••• of Mon-
treal, oho hare pet failed, taioont to
Willmar Criss., M., lolled 13.• Idler
in a tight at their render, in
log bus le the hoof. To. murderer
wag arrested
n tants!. tragedy mairrel •6 Monist
Toren on Mneaday. It seems that
Mr. Jame. l'yeree, formerly 1-apeeis
Volunteer., had • queried m11 hr
fooly, an,1 on hie sager fired at, end
wounded loni Sep son, Sumer draseand
(treat at los stoospehregiter. Mth
Grass. Th. unfsertespe man then de-
libmaiely Moo howls!! through the head,
Jena 41..1
'VOL the largest mil chrsi net
0 to
310011NOLIS6 8.
Id ties of the reason at -
VAR!) tunes make priors ridi-
doh eulously low at
T. sewer hal so greet • yeriety of
do articles mutable for presr Ids si
dilemma. says
tames Cam Moll Langdale t saebt ...13
Oahe Deelielee 14.1.44. •etheno. tad U.*
.1.:11.7:641:41......:"Nlp avell.":11...4•L--. u"4....7;;:a.•8•01111.111.-----.1-
aei itomiiis miaow le emery, soo Len Meth
Wendt -Ply A 21 Pskalsi., AMe 14.4011
"A Dmpowitory az Fashion. arid
Harper's Bazar.
charged with corteaspi of we i• hie a oe ion in owed U P. as .41
na. Priday, before Chief A011144. Myra.
son. The Churl Josue., wee in forma
lasating tie rule to *them, 11._
.8.:.4.-1.1.:1.71:67:710,:i:t.:,::.:........, :,saili.i..d ...6.d...111,ieri.t.:.:••1178.! 1 .....::..vo...: cw.........: .„......".......A ..........:........:....."=.14:
esedoceeiou of 11.....4:7 lib.", .1 th° o :......„...!:.::%..:r......er:....:...;vr...p.T....::......6,.1:.e.....!P::..,....:.1.6.s..:s..wNT..a..'a
OW aal TRIM-
The tje•ret .4 Oedemas:sr Oa wed •
peorlsiesioon probtattrag the isle of rum -
hecanee "tb• rum fines harm to your
thi wo, wishes we WWII Me
4.4.ra tar. It • in.iTRIta1 Poor Yoh.
The CNN' ,4 Rosie who. weir - -
ea.. Yeweio olf te the Wine of the
4Iy In and olay oar see •
rase h. ea t inked • rat
,,„7.01,....*....,„..1.1.. tagh....r.....4.4csoosid bur 1.4,4 .444....":„......s.:::,;.--":...j."'"""l4.7..m...,,;,,,„•*:".';roat,i.".:71:7........16"."111401.
0,:i..,::..........e.. .........4..............s....,:::7. 4,...,,,,:.....0
..."..**:"....:77.4.'6.:".:9=7... /th.1.,...,. "Z.=
.11...".4mA:Lil'ir."7.7”.Pb•.. loopt Mr•••••I "Ir to.o.". '''.• ••••••••• . 00., ono...7
...1 ..i.....4... ....:::41......4or„.................. in..7.:::....••,......:...„......o„....1. 4,.....i.. ........
erreptome am *obi Sus b• yew, Sin
lentos lea ions thee prethithe
The Moe of eh* lat• Horse Oreely,
to 08. fromele of 06. Worse
.410 weemloyi el Oros wood warm? Se
11 P/110 oh. 41,11. hi the promo a
Maws' M• airpee.
- 6r lithe MSS 13
M..dMee .rti. otitis oboe
w .: . s ll....ia,
- N. ► »....IIsvery
..- . . _4444 41.........1.0...• .., r...• .....4a..
b'1 OW •
1Ploo. 1*
alga •
_ errs
rear. Whoa. Woo::: •:144.14111110.
sswan• lbw
04,1•••••• • lOolk1:1`1104L117.":0:10.
W Japeeine goods Admission.
ads other attraelise kind. of boys
very cheap gbui year at
y IV cheapest end vaost
ware at
%iitsty of bawl Weeks. Isids
4.-131: has ae optimise
VEY ER below. did the oSt011.•
AA Goderich he re tbe apple.
magi troy sig Vretty thialp"
at midi prices at
2100 R HOUSE'S.
.0141gonritouse'. aborts us as.,
ir sod MI mem adapt* te
tbe people of Huron • correct
lose in nert• co
ricTuRF.S. framed sod un
flamed, an i attar tor stock on
hand al
von can see tb. .ztosie..t and
.c.hosliest .• to ty of Nubility
gond., my et
Ulf/AAIIING among the •ni-
how* 'sidled up many noteltiva
that cannot br peen, ricer at his
apseishiss now rpsoned for
variety sell cheapness at
Fr IMRE S so place bite
di then bossed, *by • pont:haw
1/00g ricn 'AP S
hid Hosea" and
Welly rm.
welds at
woeuriP Asa es Ittie yo,
Trot; iota* tostetial if r‘14
et 4;7 Pt
Zlow lei
AO es. tet
refs .4