HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-12-03, Page 15Brussels Pet Food Supplies 887-9334 or 887-6064 Toll Free 1-800-265-4267 19-66-4f 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Complete line of modern household effects for MR. ALLAN WEBB at the Brussels Arena WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, at 6:30 -P.M. SALE llicLUDES:Chesterfield suite; coffee and end tables; colour TV;' corner china cabinet; occasional chairs; rocking chairi; odd tables; .chrome table and chairs; fridge; stove; side by side fridgei&lfreezer; apartment size washer and dryer; small freezer; 2 bedroom suites; single beds; wardrobe; everything for a well stocked kitchen; knick knacks; some tools and miscellaneous: 527-0514 AUCTIONEER 'TOM PAPPLE 527.0940 R.R. #4, Seaforth 20-664 &A Ontario THE B.Russek4.POSTI DECEMBER 3, 1980 7 15 19 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales. 182.9371 50 acres farrowing operation on paved road near Brussels. Additional land available. ****** One floor home in Brussels with large lot, priced to sell, low down payment con- sidered. ****** 50 acres general farm in' Hullett Twp. ****** 100 acres modern farrowing farm near Ethel. Low interest F.C.C. mortgage in effect. ****** 1% acres, 7th concession Morris Twp, frame house and barn.: ******* Red brick school house, 21/2 miles from • Brussels, converted for home, small barn and drilled well. ****** 13 acres, farrowing operation ), modern home, Hohnesville; *******, 2 new homes in Brussels - 1200 square ft., electric hea.c• must be seen to be appreciated., ****** 'WALTON 11/2 storey, frame home - Nicely renovated-garage. Treed lot. * * * * * • LONDESBORO w with rt and 14-66-1 Wanted Dead or Disabled Cows & Horses Stocker cattle, cabin and swine pick up Free of chargw ' Top Prices Paid For fresh animals over 500 lbs $1.00 a hundred • weight. COws and horses over 1500 lbs. - $20,00 4 wheel 'drive radio dispatched trucks 24 hr. service-7 days a week For fast efficient service call us first TIENT ION BRUSSELS VILLAGE, December 08, 1980 Municipal Office COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, December 08, 1980 Publid Works Garage 'BAYFIELD VILLAGE; December 08 1980 Municipal Office TO ALL dilijureilitiFTIAOTNE119..STIACNIS TENANTS 0 om.. Staff from the Regional Assessment Office will be available to assist and answer queries at the follOWIng locations frorn 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.:= TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP, December 08, 1980 - Munici- PERTH COUNTY pal Office, Bkrevale USBORNE TOWNSHIP, December 08, 1980 - Township . ST-MARYS TOWN, December 08, 1980 - Town Hall Hall, Elinwille USTOWEL TOWN, December 08. 1980- Town Hail MORRIS TOWNSHIP, December 09, 1980 - Township DOWNIE TOWNSHIP, December 08, 1980 - Township Han Office, St. Paula, HOWICK TOWNSHIP, December 09, 1980 - Municipal MILVERTON VILLAGE, December 09, 1980 - Municipei, Office, Gorrie Office • . BLYTH VILLAGE, December 09, 1980 - Blyth Memorial ELLICE TOWNSHIP, December 09, 1980 -.-- Township Ha Office, Rostock • . EXETER TOWN, December 09, 1980 - Municipal Office ELMA TOWNSHIP, December 09. 1980 - Township HENSALL VILLAGE, December 09, 1980 - Municipal Office, Atwood Office BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, December 10, 1980 - ToWn• GREY TOWNSHIP, December 10, 1980.- Municipal ship Office, 'Rannoch Office, RR #3, Brussels MITCHELL TOWN, December 10, 1980 - Town Hall ASHFiELD TOWNSHIP, December 10..1980 - Public STRATPORD CITY, December 10 a 11, 1980 - City Hall, Works Garage Auditorium . GODERICH TOWNSHIP, December 10, 1980 - Municipal MORNINGTON TOWNSHIP, December 11 • 1980 - Town- Office. Holmesville ship. Office, Newton If you are unable M attend during the times indicated, please contact your neighbourhood assessor by calling the office toll free. • By taking advantage of this service, you may not need to enter a formal complaint If it can be shown, within a limited time period, that a correction should be made to your assessment, the spelling of your name, or the property address, etc., you will be issued an Amended Notice. If after having considered your assessment you wish to enter a formal complaint, please use the following procedure: a) Note the last date for coniplaint on the Notice Of AsSessnient b) Complete the complaint section on the reverse side of the Notice of Assessment and mail or deliver it to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Court at 426 Third St ; 1st Floor, London, Ontario NSW 4W6 on or before the last date for complaint. cj You will be notified of the date, time and place for hearing yolk complaint d) SPECIAL NOTE: If your previous assessment is presently under appeal at the time you.receive this Notice, or if this Notice does not reflect the most recent deeision of the Court, it is necessary that you again register a complaint with the Assessment Review' Court against thiS assessnient HURON COUNTY CUNTON TOWN, December 10. 1980 - Municipal Office GODERICH TOWN, December 11, 1980 - Assessnient Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, ario SEAFO Ontario TOWN, December 11, 1980--- Municipal Office HAY TOWNSHIP, December 11, 1980 - Municipal Office, Zurich HULLETT TOWNSHIP, December 11, 1980 - Munictial Office, Loridesboro 19 Notice 19-664 Auction Sale Of Furniture and effects from homes of CHARLES. NICHOLSON and ESTATE OF ALICE FISCHER, both of Brussels, Ont. to be held at WINGIJAM AUCTION CENTRE next to L.C.B.O. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1980, 11 a.m. Good 9 x 12 Oriental rug; Victotiian dresser arid matching washstand, with hand- carved pull;S; apartment chest freeZer, like new; 2 door no frost fig; good wringer washer; dresser; 2 chegts drawers; beds; console colour T.V.; 2 portable b & w televisions; dining table w. pineapple legs; chhia cabinet; kitchen table and 2 chairs; 4 excellent kitchen chairs; 2 recliners; Morris Chair; Boston • rocker; wicker chair; several small tables and end tables; several floor and table ,lamps; 2trunks; . imitation fireplace; matching coffee and step-up end tables; 3 smoker stands; several foot stools; 2 fan heaters; hurnidifer; several mirrors and pictures; electric clocks; gingerbread, clock; Filter Queen vacuum complete, as new; portable radios; heavy' duty wheelbarrow; 6 piece washstand set; shaving mug; 2 coal oil lamps; several items imitation wood; large assortment dishes, incl. hand painted Nippon, depression glass, pressed glass, cut glass, stem- • ware, etc; 40 pieces' Czechoslavakia 'Rorneoff pattern'. dishes; 76 pieces 'Poppy pattern' disheS; large selection kitchen utensils, incl. electrical appliances; crocks; ,several boxes groceries; be .d- ding; hand tools; 1976 Dodge Dart Automobile, to be sold as is at 3 p.m. Preview: Friday, Dec. 5 2-5 and 7-9 and Sautrcta,y ,prior to sale. If inclement weather,: Tune in to C.K.N . X . Saurday a.m. LUNCH WAGON JACK ALEXANDER Auctioneer Tel: 357-1011 or 357-1442 20-664 '15.Property for Rent 3 bedroom house for rent, kitchen, dining and living moms and bath, in the Village of Brussels. Phone 345-2163. . 15-66-ti LIGHT bulldozing, landscaping, backfilling. Larry Bailey 523-4438. 19-66-5 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION request . applications from interested citizens . for membership (2 vacancies) on the Early School Leaving Committee This Committee con- sisting of Board members and volunteer citizens and considers applications from parents of 14 and 15 year old students., who wish to have their children excused from attendance at school Interested adults may. obtain application forms at the Administration Centre, 103 Albert Street, Clinton (482-3496).. Completed application forms to be submitted to::, W. D. KENWELL Superintendent of education 103 Albert Street. Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 on or before December 12, 1980 D.J. COCHRANE Director of Education. 19-66-1., PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR and Appliance Service, 24 hour emergency service. Used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062, 19-664 Pfoperty Or Rent THREE bedroom, nearly new ranch style house. On paved road near Brussels. Phone 887-6425. /15-65-2 FARM house in exchange for part-time help. Phone .887- 6425. 15-66-2 19 Notice MINISTRY OF REVENUE NOTICE TO OWNERS AND TENANTS RURON/PERTR AREA . Take notice that, pursuant to Section 40 of The Assessment Act, Chapter 32, R.S.O. 1970 and Mendments: Assessment Noticed have been delivered or were caused to be delivered on or before the 02nd day of DeceMber, 1980 to all &where' and tenants of the Municipalities Of Downie, Stratford, Blanshard, St Marys, MitChell, Ellice, fttnington„ Milverton, Elma and Listowel in the County of Perth; Usbortie, Eiceter, Hay,Eensall, Bayfield, Goderich Township, Clinton.; dOderidh, Colborne, 'Hullett, Seaforth, Grey, Brussels, ROWICk, Tut:Merry, Morrie, Blyth and Ashfield in the County of Enron. The ladt day for appealing an assessment id January 07th, 1981. The Assessment Rolls may be examined at the Municipal Offices during regular business hours commencing December 17th, 1980. • M. R. Bowen Regional Meted stent Consbiasioner Ruston/Perth Regional AaS'essinent Office #24 Box 190, 57 Napier Street COdetich, Ontario N7A 322'