HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-11-19, Page 19• • 1. • polls that tame to the Nov. 12 Meeting to clear, up a misun-, derstanding that the past council had regarding hini and myself.. :Thank you all. again,--- Sam Pletch 24.644 until after the closing of the 20; Auction Sales'. . NOTICE IV CREDITORS In the estate of NORMAN BEIRNES late of the Village of , Atwoodp in the County of Perth, retired labourer, deceased. MI persons 'having claims against the above estate are required send full particulars of lame to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of November, 1980, after Which date the estate's Assets will" be 'distributed, having regard only to claims thathave then, been received. CRAWFORD, MILL, • DAVIES & ELSTON Brussels, Ontario Solicitor, for, the Executor. • 22-63-3 24 Card of Thanks We wish to express our , hort Shots 'by, Evelyn Kennedy, Junior Curling starts Monday of next "week, November 24th, with registration' ,at the B.M.G. Community Centre from 4:30 to 5 00 p.m: This 'will 'be the third year • for junior Curling here. It is a great opportunity for young people to"get into one of Canada's great winter sports; ''It will give them hoots of enjoyment for many: years• to come: All you need :to join Junior Cutlers is' annbition. No. equipment is necestarY. It will he provided. There are always adOlts present to supervise activities. ev. Smith ixoecti (.44ea4:qi QUOtOtipn.: List Requests The. Huron County Board of Education will receive requests for placement on theit quotation lists for the period of January 1, 1981 to Dedember 31, 1981, from all interested parties handling such equipment, and/or_ supplies of a type that would be complimentary . to those areas'littecrhelmi Fuel Oil Supplies Audio Visual • Custodial Lighting • Industrial Arts Home Economics: • Phytical Education. Library 'Equipment General Classroom General Office Duplicating & Copying Office, Library, & Classroom Furnishings Typevvritert,&,Calculatprs Letters of request must,be received' no later than • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1980. Please direct, inquiries tot. R.M. Wright, Manager of of Purchasing. [51914823496 The Huron County Board Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario' NOM ILO D. McDONALD Chairman D.J. COCHRANE Director 19-64-1 Find. out for yourself! The Classifieds are quick on the df-aw drawing in our entire readership... and that can result in a high caliber_response. When you're in the market to buy or sell goods or services: .. don't keep it under your hat. Advertise ih 'the Classifieds. 'JuSt Call -one of our AdVisorsi iiti.‘v rot Ai; f14' THE ,SAUSSEI,S.'POST, NOVEMBER. 19. 1980 ..**10.. urc 22 Legal Notices Coming Event& .,..1110j1k4:011. • camp gets new Auction. Sale FOR THE ESTATE OF NORMAN BEIRNES - -in Atwood Cominunity centre 4:01110W, NOVEMBEit 24 IL*, Real 'F,State consisting FOOin...brotisi,•.: 4 piece batlitOtint, kitchen , cupboards , pressure .system, 'new oil 'furnace, aluminum siding ' 'and storm windows Situated oil Brussels Street, Atwood. Terms 40% eight* of sale. Balance In 30 dap: Sold Subject to *Set*, bid. Furniture and antNups, plus miscellaneous items. Ternik Cash, JACKSON & 'JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Exectitor: Fred Sawyer 20-64,1 • - sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and neighbours during the recent death of our father. --- -The Stevens Fatally 24-64x1 The Recreation Committee wishes to thank all those who • bought tickets to our. Family Christmas Dinner and Dance to make it such a success. Also thank you to those who helped,_,in preparing for the party and a Special Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus for taking time .to visit us. • 24-644 To the Ratepayers of Morris Township. Thank you for your support in last weeks Election and with God's help I will endeavour to serve you to the best oUmy ability — * Clare,Van Camp. 24-64-1 To all my faithful supporters, I wish to thank everyone of you for your support' it the polls,. Nov. 10, 1980. I would also like to thankthe gentle- man. "Who 'I had never, met until after the closing of the polls" That tame to the Nov. 12 meeting 0 to clear up a misunderstanding that, I past council 'had regarding him and myself: Thank you all again. — Sam Pletch; 24.64-1 I would like to thank the vOters..,fiit the. support ,..they gave me at ." the Polls : on MoridaY, November 10th and A Veda" ".thanks to.', my; scrutineers. — Clement McLellan.. 24-64-1 To all my faithful supporters, I wish to thank'everyone of you for your support at the Nov.10, 1980. 'I would alsolike to thank the' gentle- man who I had never: met 5 MernOriam bitiLLER: In loving memory of our dear Mother, Elsie. Jane Miller who paSSed away Nov.. 23, 1977,, Sweet to remember her, who once was here' ' And Who • though absent is just as dear. Sadly missed by her ton Gerald and daughter-in-la* Joan and children. 25.64il Classified Ads.pay dividends , • CARD PARTY, Thursday. Nove,mber 20, 1980 8:30 p,m. Oddfe'llows Lodge,Admissioll $1,00 Prizes. LunCh Served Everyond welcoine. 1-64.1 PLAN to attend Brussels Bible Club, Friday, November 21 at 7 p.m. at the Library Hall. Ann Martin, missionary to Guatemala will be• showing slides. Children and adUlts welcome. ' 1-64:1 '1-1 Articles for Sale NEARLY ' new 'automatic Electrohome Humidifer 3 speed mood giain finish. 887-6246. 11:64-1 20 Auction Sales • . - • AUCTION SALE consisting of balance of furnithings' Of ' MRS. MURRAY' EDGAR, Goriie, with additions,' to be held through the facilities of WINGHAM AUCTION. CENTRE next to L.C.B.O. SATURDAY, NOV. 22,1980 11.A.M. Moffat 30" self cleaning stove w. corning top; Westinghouse dryer; G.E. wringer washer; washer-spin 'dryer; period dresser; .Sklar . chestetbed ••• as new; Sklar 2 pce.-chetterfield; 3 lazy-boy chairs; ,4: pcs. bedroom suite; several occasional and platform chairs; kitchen. suite; witshstandf .3 ice cream chairs;' dinette suite; 4 children's chairs; . _Standard duplicating machine;. small record player and speakers; bathroom space', saver; re.. .crea,tion room furniture; stereo' radio-recotd player; old oak- dining table; 2 wooden extension ladders; 7' step ladder; • Corona typewriter; electric hockey game; toys; several mounted fish and fishing' gear; Winchester gun, model 1875, 12 ga.; Remington repeater, 22; Stevens..model 820B, 12 ga.; 22.. Springfield model. ' gun; .MUST HAVE; F.A.C.) Apple peeler; •flat irons; some dishes 'of interest, dinner*are, glais, etc.; electrical •kitchen Utensils, pOts, pails; hind tools; 'etc. PREVIEW: Nov. 21, 2-5 and 7-9 and Saturday, Nov. 22 prior to Sale. LUNCH WAGON 'JACK ALEXANDER AUCTIONEER, Tel. 357.1011 20-64-1 24 CAtd.,of .Thanks • Thank you to the people' of . Brussels; Ethel and Belgrave fOr their support in the Arthritic canvass. Approximately '$850 was raised by the Leos. ' 24-64-1 Thanks to 'the Electors Morris Township, for yyur support to ..re elect 'me at Membet of Council — Robert Grasby. 24-64-1 I would like to thank the electors of Morris Township fot the good.support that was given to me at the polls, on November 1, and November- 10. —Doug Fraser. " 24-64-1 Huron,. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant ,to the Trustee Act that all creditors L and others having . claims against the Estate of the late Alice Dort Georgina Fischer :arc required to ,send particulars I of their claims, ' • duly,yerified to Goodall and Campbell,Solicitors for the Administrator of' the Estate, on or, before . December 19th; I 1980; and that after ; such date the Administrator will', proceed,to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which Goodall and Campbell shall then have .had • notice. Dated at Brussels,. Ontario: this' 19th day of November, 1980. LAURA FISCHER Administfatoi of the Estate of Alice Dori Georgina Fischer by her. solicitors GOODALL & CAMPBELL P.O. Box 329 Brussels, Ontario • 22-64-3 Mr. Smith's appOintment was announced by. the Rt. Rev. T. David B. Ragg, bishop of the Anglican Dio- cese of Huron, which owns i and operates the camp on the shore -of Lake Huron. He succeeds, the. Rev: Blair Dix- on, rector of Christ Anglican Church, London. "The camp has been ' steadily 'growing in popular- ity during the last two direct- orships," Mr. Smith said, and he anticipates another full Programme this summer.. Besides such activities as swimming, canoeing, hiking, archery and orienteering, the camp offers peridds of wor- ship and religious instruct- ion, Sincere thanks to voters of Morris Township who supported me at the polls. Thomas Miller 24-64.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of PISCHER; lateof the-Village • rector; ALICE DORA GEORGINA of Brussels, in the :County of I The 900 children who an- nually attend, the Huron Church Camp near Hayfield • will have a new directOr this summer, the Rev. Greg Smith, 27, of Kirkton. "Well, some people tall it religious, instruction,",' nw. I Smith said, "But we call it an eye,opener." "It's kind of a fun 'way of ' both, learning about their faith and experiencing their faith." Yet the camp is not limited to members of the Anglican Church: "Wp get a number o' denominations represented , during the summer,"' Mr. Smith' said. With rising • costs, Mr. Sinith expects that fees ($66 for a junior camper this year) will have . to be increased slightly. The camp relies heavily • on donations from individuals and organizations such as the Anglican Churh. Women and receives grants from the Diocese but addit- ional money is needed to offset higher food and staff- I ing costs and to provide for expansion.. "Many of the buildings at this stage fie getting beyond their life,. Mr. Smith said. "We hope for long range plans that, will develop the camp to perhaps enable a ' fuller camping period." Mr. Smith, *ho is rector of the three-point parish of St. 1. Paul's, Kirkton, St. Thoinal, Granton, and St. Patrick's, SaintsburY, is a 'native fi London. He was ,-ordained - • deacon in 1978 and priest In 1979. Until this spring he served as assistant' curate at St. John the Evangelist Church, London. russels Post 887-6641