HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-11-19, Page 17JERRY
We're still do it
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Most of his business was done through the one account that most people
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people are still around, and they work at'Standard Trust. Your Standard Trust
Manager is as modern as today if you consider the resources at his disposal, but
his idea Of financial service is more akin to the legendary service of the past.
Standard Trust has even continued to operate on the single account
basis. The same kind of account you have heard about, where you can keep your
money safe and handy, and even write a Cheque now and then if you want to.
We call it simply, the "One Account" because it's the only account we have.
We even give you a Passbook and keep it up to date for you whenever you bring
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Come in to Standard Trust for sorne Country Style Personal
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Tel. 357-2022
Jacklin; Low Lady: Mrs,'' PEACE IS TOPIC SIONEHOUSE John Anderson; Lone hands The singing of "0 _, 887-6645 Lady: Mrs, Jas. R. Coultes; Canada!" with Mrs, Don
Yhere were 10 tables of High Man: Leslie Short; Low Vair as Pianist opened the
euchre in play ' at the w•I• Man: George Johnston; Lone meeting of the afternoon unit Hall on Wednesday evening Hands Man: Fred Porter, of the M.C.W. November 10. November 12.. Euchre next week -every- Mrs. Cecil Coultes read a Winners ,were:
Belgrave personals
Last WednesdaY 'Mrs.
Howard Zettler and Mrs.
Robert Procter visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Garner Nicholson. showed
Hill and family, of R.R. 1, slides of Wales and places of
Tavistock. local interest. Several
Last week-end visitors at contests were conducted by
the home of Mrs. Robert the Rev. Miles,
Procter were her daughters Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor
Mrs. 'tiny Mayberry of have recently purchase the
Londesboro and Mrs. Dennis home of Mrs. Thomas
Ensoin of Sarnia.. Prescott in Belgrave. They
Mrs. Robert Higgins and moved into their new home
her family held a gathering on Saturday.
of their immediate relatives Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
:on. Saturday evening 'Smith, of Clifford were
November 15 in the ,supper guests Of. Mrs. Agnes
Women's Institute Hall, "Bieman on Sunday evenings.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone- he wee en w e r
house sPent a couple of, days parents Mr. and Mrs. Garner
with Mrs. Norman NiCholsOif and Mr. and Mrs.
Stonehouse of London. Wilson Thornton of Bliievale,
Last Tuesday Mrs. On Sunday, November 16,
Howard Zettler,of Chepstowe the congregation of Knox
visited with her mother Mrs: PresbYteriari Church held a,
Robert Procter and tliey Pot Luck supper and social
enjoyed a drive to Elmira and evening in the Women's
other points of interest • and Institute Hall, Belgrave.
on Thursday went to Former members and,guests
also attended. Rev. Kenneth
Innes of Brussels was master
of ceremonies. Community.
singing was enjoyed.
One welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
'Grasby, visited on Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Armsirong of Thorndale. •
Mr. and Mrs.. Edgar
Wightman visited last
Tuesday with her daughter
and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Nichol and family of.
Brampton. ,
Mrs. Laura Johnston, spent
a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs, George
Johnston, Tara and Erin of
Visitors at the home of
Mrs. Ivy Cook and other
relatives were Mrs-. Evelyn
Lechinsky of Regina, •
Saskatchewan, Mrs. James
Paton of Massley, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Huskinson of
Callander; Mrs. Muriel Bos
. man and Mr. Owen Cameron
of Sault Ste. Marie..
The Canadian Industry
meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held
Thursday*, November 30.
Members and friends are to
meet at the institute Hall at
7:30 p.m. and travel to
Listowel, for a tour, of The
Listowel Banner Newspaper
office. Lunch committee
Mrs. John' Anderson, Mrs.
Ross Anderson and Miss
Dorothy Higgins.
Mrs. Nelson Higgins and
her family held a gathering
of immediate relatives in the
Belgrave W.I. Hall on
Sunday, November 9 where
at Hot, Pot Lunch dinner was
served at 1.:00 p.m. and also
the supper meal, later on. The
afternoon was spent visiting,
music selections and games.
Mr. and Mrs. Parish
Athparia of Mimico showed
pictures of their wedding and
wedding trip to Europe
which took place in August.
Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. Carman Farrier of
Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs.
Parish Athparia *of Mimico,
Mr. and Mrs., Rod McLeod
and family and Mrs. James
Savalro and family of Etobi-
coke, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
McDonald and family of
Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Pletch and family of Brussels)
Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin
of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Pletch of Ilderfon. Mr.
and Mrs. James Hogan and
family of Goderich, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Higgins and
fainily, Charlie, Dorothy and
Norman Higgins of R.R. 5,
Brussels, Mrs. Ethel
Wheeler and Mrs. • Lila
Higgins of Belgrave, Miss
Margaret Higgins of London
and Mrs. Agnes Farrier of
Jack Hamilton of Lucknow
was the winner of $1,000.00
in the November Kinsmen
Lottery draw,
Mrs. Winnie Wheeler of
London visited on' Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Wheelerbalso called on Mrs,
Ethel Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler visited on Sunday
with Mr. Vincent Makas of
Belgrave where a hot
smorgasbord supper was
enjoyed 'by all. Those pre-
sent were Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Higgins of Stratford,
Miss Margaret Higgins of
London, Mr. and Mrs: Alvin
Higgins Mrs. Jack King and
Michael King of Wingham
and Jeane Pattison, Mr. and
Mrs. David " Penner and
faniily of ListOwel, Mr. and.
Mrs. Rick Lassoline of
Gorrie, Miss. Katheline King
and Kenneth Kelly of
Stratford, Derwin Spicer Of
Stratf 'Ord,, Kathy
Shelenberger, Mrs. 'Nelson
Higgins • .and Miss Dorothy
Higgins of R.R. 5, Brussels,
Mr. and': Mrs. Roy. Pattison,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pattison
and family of R.R. 3, Wing-
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Marks and family of
On. Sunday, November 23,
Will be Laymen Sunday at.
Knox United Church,
Belgrave. The congregations
of Calvin-Brick and Belgrave
will join together for this
service at 11:15 a.m. The
speaker will be Bill' Thomp-
son of C.K.N.X. Wingham.
— The music will be by the
combined choirs from the
two churches.
Mr. and Mrs. James
McCrea' ,of Toronto spent a
couple of days last week with
their consin , Mrs. Mildred
Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Nicholson of Toronto spent
SEAFORTH 527-1140
Monday to Friday 9-5:30
Saturday 9-12:00
Closed Wednesdays
By App ntment
men, together than a common
aim. If kinship comes from a
common goal then Christians
above all men possess its
.secret for all of us are
• seeking to know Christ'better
and to bring others within his
Mrs. Earl Anderson
conducted the mission study.
Her topic "Partiners in
Crisis" told how Dr.
Donovan Brown serving as a
student hospital chaplain
while working toward a' de-
gree in Psychology. was
helped 'by his patients to
'grow in • his concept of
Dr. Brown became co-
ordinating chaplain in Peter-
borough,. Civk Hospital. He
says the people of the church
all share in the sense of
mission and thing. With this'
attitude Dr. Brown has set up
a system in his hospital
including' both lay visitors
and focal clergy. There is 24
hour coverage of the
hospital. Discussion follovved
concerning distinction
between ordained and lay
ministers and the conifort
given by lay people.
The Inv it ation and
Publicity committee of- the
125th Birthday celebrations
far Morris Township met on
Thursday night at the home
of George. Michie, chairman.
Two poems that had been
written by Betty Graber of
Brussels were read. One was
selected to be included on.
I the inside of the invitations.
The front of the Invitation
will carry the logto for the
celebrations and the back
will include the program.
A committee of, George
Michie, Mrs. William
Coultes and Jim. Mair are to
decide on the style and price
!of the invitations and have
'them ready for mailing by
the committee members
early in January.
George Michie will, enter
all the local Santa Claus
parades with' the .celebration
banners on a truck.
Lists of names of all former
residents in the Township
were checked to save
duplication and 3000 will be
Committee members ire
George . Michie; Chairman,
IMrs. William Coultes;
secretary, Jim Bowman;
treasurer over all, Mr. and
Mrs. William Peacock, Jim
Mair, Mr. and Mrs. William
Peacock, Jim Moir, Mr. and
1Mrs. Bert Garniss, Mrs.
Kenneth Wheeler, Sara
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Dong.Fraser, Mr. and tArs.
Don Fraser, Wilfred
Shortreed and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Nichol. If any-
' one knows of a former re-
sident who may have been
Missed. contact one of, the
above members who live in
the area where they lived.
poem, She continued with a
talk on Remembrance Day
and, especially concerning
the Canadian Mennonite,
Ernie Regehr$ who urges the
public to cry out against the
world arms race.
This costly and deadly.race
is going on silently with
Russia determined to be the
top military country,
If only 10 percent of the
400 billion a year spent on
militarism could be diverted
to peaceful projects theWorld
could be transformed. What
are some of these peaceful
projects; wipe out malaria,
'safe water, for all, vaccine'
protection for all children,
renewable energy resources,
etc. Greed and oppression of
the poor are major factors in
the, growth of militarism.
Thus there is a strong plea
for church people to continue
their con troversial fight for
socio-reforms.-Watchfor the
new book. Militarism and the
World Military Order by
Ernie Regehr.
Jesus. Conditions for true
kinship, was the topic
chosen for bible study by
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor.
Kinship, she said, is not
solely a matter of flesh and
blood but may lie in a
common experience, in a
common interest, in a
.common obedience or a
common goal. There is
nothing better for binding
orresP9P ent
MRS. LEWIS High Lady: 'Mrs. Mel