HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-11-19, Page 5In spite of cold Weather there Was,a,.good turnout of people for the Remembrance Services in ,Brussels last Tuesday. Laying the 1980 wreaths and-Crosses Murray Cardiff„ Huron-Bruce M.P.:Province. of Ontario; Comrade Glen Bridge - firiissels , Legion Branch 218; Comrade Tom MacFar-'' lane - Brussels Legion,Pipe Band; President Joan Miller - Brussels Legion Ladies Auxiliary; Comrade Reeve Cal Krauter Village of Brussels; Reeve Roy Williamson Township of ,Grey; Comrade Reeve Bill,' ElJtok- Township of Morris; President Neil McDonald - Brussels Lions„Chtb; Comrade :Fred Thuell- Johns` AF and. AM; Mary.'. Lowe, Noble Grand IOOF and Rebekah Lodge; President Gordon Finch - Optimist `Club; Comrade Bill Beaeorii - of Commerce; Marg DilloW = Royal Bank of Canada; Dianne Huether - McDonald Ross McCall` ,- Bru'Ssels Stockyards Ltd.; Wendy Martin,,Pat Currie and George Grube Brussels Public School and- Grey Central School, Henry Exel - Gerald Exel and Family; Sandra Huether, granddaughter Comrade, DaiOq ,Hastings;' ,Mrs. - Jean, Lamont Cornrade:'EpOnard Lamont; ,Marg Brewer Comrade l'aCk .brewer; Kitty Rutledge • ; ,Comrade Hartley Rutledge; Paula Jarvis, great-granddaughe-Conirade Bev Elliot; Bruce, McCall Comrade Peter Baker; Mrs. Mary Humphries - Cranbrook and Walton Worrien's Institutes; Mrs. Eldon Wilson - Brussels Majestic Women's In- stitute; Howard Bernard - Brussels, Fire t. Department; Wilfred Shortreed -,Melville ' 'Preshyteriatt ChUrch; Ross Alcock St. John Anglican Church;. Marg_ - St.. Ambrose Catholic diurch; Lloyd Wheeler - Brussels United Church; Comrade: Stewart Humphuries - Duff's United ChUrcli, Walton; Jeff and Jody , Boynton . Girl - Guides, Brownies, Cub 'Pack; Chris LangloiS and Erika Stangen -Brussels Army Cadets.: • Eastern Star has installs officers uest H...& N DAIRY SYSTEMS-LTD- Sales,.setvite R Installation of pipelines ot, iparlOurs. RoR,4 887-6063 Seaforth 527-1960 CHRISTMAS FABRIC 45'" cotton COTTON. VELVETEEN Red,, black, brown: Larone's $5.9Nletre t10.194etre CONTEST RULES 1. One entry per,family only. • 2. Contestants must be residents 'of Huron County, over 18. * 3. Coupons to be entered at MLS real estate brokers' offices only. 4. Draw to be made December 20, 1980. ENTER AT THESE HURON MLS BROKERS ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Realty Limited. Retail Value *599. Supplied by PETE'S T.V.-CLINTON A 3 HURON REAL ESTATE MAURICE GARDINER Real Estate Limited ALL POINTS GAMER KNEALE Realty Services Inc. Realty & Insurance Int. WILLIAM D. ARMSTRONG DON HAMILTON Realtor Real Estate & Insurance Ltd, "RILL CLIFFORD q WILFRED McINTEE C Li Real L EGs tAaNt Real Estate Broker e Ltd. (RCO°.bilLtSilLAioviA its Real Estate JOHN L. DUDDY RSeallAltyRE&Nlasui•ante Real Estate Ltd. F.E. EYRE Real Estate Ltd. DEPOSIT THIS COUPON IN SPECIAL:DRAW BOXES PROVIDED IN ANY ONE OF THE LISTED OFFICES 11 NAME: I ADDRES PHONE Wool. 6m16 ime•i 10.80 NM, *1•111MM1•160•106•1{•61, E BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER it 044 • LAYING THE WREATHS AND.CRossgs—A number of area people and organizations took part in the Remembrance Day service at the Brussels Cenotaph, last Tuesday by laying wreaths, ands crosses memory of those who fought in both World.Wars. (Photo by Langlois) Frank Hunter, Oshawa • visited. Mrs. Ida Gordon the past week. Mr. ir. and Mrs. Earl Dunn spent the weekend with " friends in Bowmanville. Sailor home on leave Paul Biagg is home on leave from Halifax. He is with his, parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Engel hefore leaving on. December 1st for Esquimalt,13.C4whefe he will be stationed on theH.M.C.S, Teira, Nova. prance servic -There was a large number in' attendaiice for the in- stallation of the Officers of Huron Chapter #89 Order of the Eastern Star for the 1980-1981 year. Florence Reavie, PDDGM, was the installing officer and was assisted by Audrey. Reid, PM, Scott Reid PP, Donelda tvleffat, Wallace Conn, PP, Denis Langridge, PP, Christine. Currie, PDDGM, Isabel Congram, PM, gathleen Forster, PM, Carrot McKim, PM, Vera Inglis, PMT Nancy MacIntyre, PM, Doris Michie, PM, Jim Inglis, PP. Those installed were Worthy Matron Llewella Armstrong,, Worthy Patron Hugh Armstrong, Associate Matron Nelva Scott, Associate Patron Spence Scott, Secretary Kathleen Correspondent Mrs. Maurice Cameron and MRS, MAC ENGEL, - Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fiseher 887.6645 who have recently moved The W.M,,S, met at the from, their farms to. Brussels, home of Mrs, Stuart McNair, They were presented with Brussels, with 11 present. gifts on behalf of neighbors Mrs, Wilfred Strickler and friends, in remembrance oreapgdnientthe Mrs. mer ari 7Dituhi:e4 of the years spent on the 10th concession. reported on tha Fall Con- ,Misses Sharon and Tracy ference held *recently at Engel, London, and Atwood. Rosanne, Stratford, spent She was in the group led the weekend at their home by Rev. Lesley Lapdell of here. Atwood, and the subject was Mr. and Mrs. Stanley "Ministry' to the Dying". Fischer visited with, Mr. and Mrs. • Strickler and Mrs. Mrs. Paul Hodgins, 13allinafcl Clare. Veitch attended the on Sunday Executive meeting in Strat- ford and were told a life themberihip has increased from $25 to $50. Mrs. Veitch in giving the treasurer's: report for Mrs. J. Hart said the group has met its al- location. ' Mrs. John Vanass offered her home for the Christmas meeting which' will begin with a pot luck dinner at 12;30 on Dec. 10. The group will cater for the For ester's on Dec. 9` in the Community Centre. Mrs. Dunn led in the worship. The topic given by Mrs. Stuart Stevenson on "Human rights" created some interesting discussion by the members. Roll call was "what human rights would you do withont"? Mrs. Ross Thoirison presided for the election of officers., The following were elected; President- Mrs. W. Strickler, Vice-President Mrs. E. Dunn, Secretary - Mrs. J. Vanass, Treisurer - Mrs. J. Hart, Friendship nad service - Mrs. S. Fischer, =-Literature - Mrs. G. Engel. Glad Tidings - ,Mrs. S. McNair, Auditors - Mrs. G. Engel and •Mrs. L. Knight. Pianist - Mrs.. Knight. Press , Mrs. M. Engel, Supply - Mrs. Dunn. Mrs. Stanley Fischer installed the slate of officers. The hostess was assisted 'with lunch by Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. M. Engel. PERSONALS Mrs. Mary Cookson, Victoria, B.C. visited Mrs. Calvin Cameron and Miss E. M. Steiss. Unit of the Wingliam and District Hospital. USE Post WANT -ADS Phone 887.;6641 ood Moffat, PDDGM, Treasurer Jean Leitch, PM, Con- dnctress, Shirley . Brooks; Associate Conductress Leona Millet', Chaplain Alex RobertSon, PP, Chaplain, Mildred Blackwell, Organist. Louise. Swanson.' PM. Adah Shirley Langridge, pm, Ruth, Mandie Fischer, Esther; Sharon Cowman, Martha- Phronie Elliott, Electa - Mary Prue, Warder = Dorothy Wall, Sentinel Murray Taylor, PP, Dr. Alma Conn-Armstrong is the Immediate Past Matron and Wallace Conn the Past Patron. Joyce Miller sang a solo and Lucille Alexander and her Committee served lunch. The special projects this year are for the Shriner Hospital for crippled Children (Burns Institute) and the Cardiac • Mr.-- and Mrs. Leslie Knight were hosts on Friday evening for a community gathering honoring Mr., and TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS the second installment of 1980 TAXES are due and payable by NOVEMBER 28, 1980 A penalty of 1 1/4 % ormotith.Will be added to all Unpaid taxes after that date. Nancy Miehte Tax C011eCtOr-