HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-11-12, Page 4ANSWERS
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Cardiff speaks
Murray Cardiff, Conserv-
ative MP . for Huron-Bruce
spoke in the House of
Commons budget debate last
Wednesday. In 'his talk he
attempted to illustrate how
the budget would hurt his
constituents, many of whom
are involved in agriculture.
Mr. Cardiff began *
explaining voters in his rid-
ing voted for him after he
had campaigned on the Cros-
bie budget. "We do not like
high energy prices," he said,
"but we accepted that they
were necessary and we un-
derstood that the Crosbie
budget had faced necessity
honestly and squarely."
Next, the MP described to
the House the history of
agriculture in Huron-Bruce,
adding that in its early days
it was the breadbasket of the
British Empire. He followed.
that with descriptions of how
the region adapted with new
crops after the vast wheat
producing regions of the
west were established. In
general,' he said, our area
has continued to thrive in
agriculture. , .
The member explained,
however, that his riding was
not totally involved 'in farm-
ing, and mentioned the ele-
vator complexes, in Hensall,
the Brussels stockyards and
Formosa's springs. He dis-
cussed the Mildmay gravel
deposits, the nuclear power
stations in. Douglas Point and
the large Goderich shipping
bate. He finished his °Wine
o? the economic base' of the
region .by noting the strug-
gles of local small busines-
Mr. Cardiff used his coma
ments about the economic
base of Huron-Bruce to pre-
face his attack on the Liber-
als and their budget. He
noted one price paid by the
area, in spite of its strong
agricultural base, was our
inability to establish industry
strong enough to keep
younger people from leaving
the area. One example, he
noted, was the larger num-
ber of area people who
migrated to the west which
has led ,to "strong links of
kinship with the west," from
Huron-Bruce. He added the
government has not made it
easy for a strong industrial
base to be established here.
, With respect to energy
provisions in the budget, Mr.
Cardiff said his constituents,
like others, don't like price
increases but also accept
them . as necessary for the
benefits they will provide.
He continued that the;
Liberal government haSi
Shown no inclination to ne-
gotiate seriously with the
producing provinces. "Mr.
Speaker," he said, "the
government's management
of energy pricing is, equalled
only by the cynicism of the
coMtitutional , resolution it
rammed through the House.
two weeks ago."
He said the government
hasteneged ;on, its promise
during the election that it
would keep, energy costs
lower4att those provided for
in the'„trosbie budget. In
particular, he attacked the
budget for, failing to keep
promises Made to farmers
during the election. He quot-
ed a comment Eugene Whel-
an, current Minsiter of Agri-
culture, made whew he was
an opposition Member in
1979. "I say that in 'any
country you-want to check-in
the • world," Mr. 'Cardiff
quoted, "those who:neglect
Round bales
How much hay do yotylo§e
in a year? If you are using big
round, bales, read on. Big
round bales have really
caught on in Huron County.
There seems to be many
methods used to store these
bales, but some methods
really are better than others.
Sou the Dakota State Uni-
versity did some research on
storing big round bales. They
AChievernent night
The thirty-third annual
Huron County 4-H Achieve-
ment Night will be held in
the Central Huron Secondary
School in Clinton, on Friday,
November 14th, commencing
at 8:00 p.m.
All Huron County 4-H
Agricultural Club members
who completed a project in
1980 will receive their a-
wards on this occasion, as
well as• those who have
received special trophies and
awards for their 1980 4-H
club work.
agriculture maker.the rest of
society pay for that." He
explained that, farmers will
find that in, their budgets
over the next three or four
years, they will be paying the
same increases for energy for
personal use that all other
Canadians are. Because they
live most often beyond the
range of more cheaply priced
natrual gass lines, he added,
farmers are at a disadvant-
Mr.. Cardiff also attacked
Mr. Whelan for being unable
to come up with extra money
through the Farm Credit
Corporation. The Huron-
Bruce member reminded the
minister that he had attacked
the Conservative govern-
ment last` year for the very
same reason.
he noted that the Crosbie
budget had provided, ,'a 'tax
credit for energy 'Which
would help cushion the im
pact of increases on consum-
ers. That might have a-
mounted to $220, Mr. Cardiff
What's the
found the best way was to
store them end-to-end with
the ends touching and with
about 18 inches between
rows. Dry matter losses were
only 0.8% this way. Bales
stored in a pyramid stack
used less space, but had dry
matter losses of 10.3%.
These bales held too • much
moisture at the points of
contact between the rows,
This caused deterioratior
and rotting of the hay. To
store bales in a pyramid
stack, you should cover the
stack with 4 or 6 mil. plastic
held down with tires and
ropes. Bales placed in rows
with 18" space on all sides
(not touching at the ends)
had losses of 4%. This
system also requires the
most space.
Bales should be stored on
a well-drained site. Research
is being done now in Ontario
on this same problem. The
results should be available
next year.
Ron Fleming,
Agricultural Engineer.
explained, for low or middle
income earner in his riding.
There is no tax credit in the
Liberal budget for energy,
Later in his address, Mr.
Cardiff charged 'that the
Prime Minister, through this.
budget, had broken another
election :promise; that oil
would rise less than $4 a
barrel this year. He noted the ,
wellhead price was first
raised by $3 earlier this year,
It was followed by a further
75 cent hike in July, at the
refinery, and an additional 80
cents a barrel through the
budget. That, he compUted,
brought the total increase
this, year to $4,55 a barrel,
beyond what the Liberals had
promised during the elect-
Mr. Cardiff concluded his
address by again stressing
that through the budget and
energy. provisions the gov-
ernment had broken promis-
es. • "It is a sad reminder,"
he. ended, "of the many
limes in the past. when
Canadian& have been deceiv-
ed by this government,
which seeks power at , all
costs; through mantipulation
of public opinion, • and now
through an undermining of
Canada's provinces which
now stand out against this.
Emil of MaMpulation."
The. Huron-Bruce MP was
followed in the CoMmons by
Brian Talbot, Liberal MP for
.Humber-Port au. Port-St.
Barbe. "Mr. Speaker," he
said," "on passing note,
before I start/ I wonder if the
Hon. member for Huron-
Bruce (Mr. Cardiff) has
explained • to his farmers
about, whom he spoke so
eloquently during the last
few minutes, that a farmer
using 6,000 gallons of diesel
fuel a year over a four-year
period would pay over $8000
more for that diesel fuel
under the Crosbie budget
than he is going to pay under
our budget. I wonder if he
told his farrners that."
A Reminder
The second half of the Village of Brussels
are due and payable by
NOVEMBER 28,1980
A penalty of 1 1/4 % per month will be added
to all unpaid taxes after that date.
Wm. H. King
Tax Collector
Village of Brussels
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