HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-10-22, Page 19Preliminary List of 'Electors in The Village of Brussels This Preliminary list of all electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act,• 1977 was publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk on the 10th day of October, 1980: Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information' are correctly shown. Applications for inclusions t additions,, or corrections to or deletions from' the list may be made by an elector completing and filing a form obtained at: the office of the clerk, during normal office. hours. Revisions of the preliminary list of electors will 'commence' Tuesday, Qctober 14th, .1980 at 9:00 a.m. and the last. day for filing applications 'concerning inclusions, add - Miens, corrections or deletions is Wednesday, October '22, , at 5,p.m. WILLIAM H. KING Returning Officer, Village of Brussels • . 22-59-2 School Support for' Village of Brussels • Notice is hereby given that I hive posted up at my office at Brussels, Ontario on-the 7th day of. October, 1980 a' list ,prepared by the Assessment Commissioner which shows the school support -of every inhabitant. whO is entitled to direct taxes for school support -purposes. The said listing may be inspected any day Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Revisions will commence Tuesday, October 14th, 1980. at 9:00 a.m. and the last day for filing applications for alterations is Wednesday, October 22, 1980 An application to' alter school support list shall be made to the undersigned, on forms available at the Village Office during normal office hours on the day listed. WM. KING • Returning Officer Village of Brussels 22-59-2 TOWNSHIP OF GREY Snowplow Tenders For' the 1980-81 season. Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until 12 o'clock noon FRIDAY OCTOBER 31, 1980. Tenders should state size and make of equipment and price per hour. Mini,: mum is a nine foot plow, with a twelve foot wing. Tender forms 'available at the MuniCipal Office, RR 3 Brussels, Ontario. Subject to the approval of the MTC. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-: cepted. ROSS ENGEL Road Supt. R.R. 3 Brussels, Ont NOG IHO 21-59.2, 01a• OW rNis1.01. 01:- IP .1, THE BRUSSELS POST, OCTOBER 22, 1980 19 Gorrie WI hears dOWntOwn history. Gorrie has Thanksgiving guests Sunday Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bennett were Mrs. Alberta Strong, Mr. Fred Hyndman, Mr. Roy Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Mr. and .Mrs. Stewart Strong, Bob and Tom Strong and Mrs. Veta Arthur of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs.. Barry Dane of St. CatharineS visited Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dane and attended the funeral of Mts. B. Dane's grandmother the late Mrs. Lewis of Mount Forest. Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooke were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson of Stroud. Correspondent MRS, GEORGE BROWN 335-3424 Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hart, R.R. 1, Gadshill on Sunday. United Church service for Gorrie and, Wroxeter Churches was held in Gorrie last Sunday with John Patter- son of Palmerston in charge. Anniversary services were held in' Gorrie on Sunday, October 19 with Wesley Ball Jr. taking charge of the morning service and Rev. Wesley Ball of Thamesford, the evening service. Mr. Bruce Grainger of Montreal spent the weekend wi th his mother, Mrs. Cecil Grainger and with his father who was home from Brook- haven for the holiday. Mr.' and Mrs. Alvin Grainger spent Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jewell of Winnipeg spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson visited with Mr. and lMrs. Lawson Campbell at Georgetown on Sunday. Christopher Maloney of Bramalea spent a week With Mr. and Mrs. John 21 Tender 4-7571 . 24 Card of Thanks , My sincere thanks to all my ' good friends who re- membered- me with visits, cards and gifts while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since coming home. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. -- Marie LeDrew. 24-60-1 5 Bus. Opportunity ARTISTS/CRAFTSMEN Successful co-operative re- tail outlet in Exeter has vacancies for new members Call 439-7451; London or 34,5-2184, Seaforth for in- fotmation. 5-60-1 11' Articles for. Sale • '1 very used Mischief type- writer. Phone- after' 6. ",.887- 6604. 11 -60x1 A Post Classified Will pay you- dividends. Have you tried one? Dial. Brussels 887.6641. McCutcheon. Mrs. Jack McGuire of !Kitchener visited with Mrs. Harry ,' Gowdy and other friends in the village on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ross and family at (Preston) Cam- bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy yisited 'with Mr. and Mrs. David Howes Harriston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas of Lucerne, Quebec spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskins and other re- latives in the area. Mrs. Kenneth Hastie is a patient in , University Hospital, London. Thanksgiving Sunday guests of Mr. and I Mrs. Robt. Strong, Jill and Kint, were: Mr. and I Mrs. Thos. Hastie and Doug of Woodbridge; Mr. and,Ms. Keith Finnigan; Mike and Heather of Dorchester; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hasfie, Kevin, Don and Brian; Mrs. Jean McDonald of Brussels and special guest Mr. 'Kenneth Hastie of Rarrimeloo Guest Home, Blyth, MRS. GEORGE BROWS' 335.3424' Mrs. Melville Dennis was hostess for ' the October meeting of the. Gorrie I Women's Institute Oct. 15th, Mrs. Melvin Taylor, dis- played the Tweedsmuir History,' Book and gave, a history of Gorrie Business Block dating back many years, with current events and pictiires of past decades. Miss Jean Sparling pre- sented the. Institute with many interesting pictures of the floods of the Maitland River in the past years. Mrs. Taylor also reported on Mrs. Batkin's report given at the recent District Rally hosted by the local Institute at which about 120 registered. The Roll Call, "Memories ' of Grandma" and an' item for the. Tweedsmuir • History pages was answered by the members. Mrs. Alvin ,Mundell displayed and explained.. an excellent map that she: has completed of the village of Gorrie: • Mrs. Merrill Fisher hosted the October meeting of St. Stephen's Anglican Guild. Mrs. Jasper Farrish led in the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Ronald Bennett led t,the devotional piorion of the , evening. The roll call - Thanks- giving-was answered by 14 members and one visitor. Mrs. Fisher, treasurers re- ported the Harvest Supper in September had been a big success. . The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Beryl Steurnol's home. Rev. Lawrence Laramie closed the business with Prayer. Mrs. ,with Stafford ' introduced Mrs. Henrietta Boone of Jamestown. She spoke on weaving from the wool on the Lambs to the yarn on the loom. She told' about natural dyeing with such thing as household onion which gives a yellow shade. She also noted that a different sheep will produce different colours and texture of wool. Mrs. Wm. Cane assisted Mrs.'M. Fisher with a lunch. The Fall 'Thankoffering of Women's MisSionary Society of Knox Presbyterian church, Gorrie met October 8th., Mrs. William SinIth opened the meeting with "A Thought for Thanksgiving" and welcomed the guests. Mrs. Jas. Robinson sang, "I am not Alone" ac- companied by Mrs. Hugh Deighton at the organ. The scripture was read by Mrs. . 3lenn Underwood. Mrs. Alvin Mundell intro- duced the speaker for the evening,Mrs. Ross Cumming of Ripley, who took "Thanks- giving" as her Theme Mrs. David Neilson thanked the speaker for her interesting address. The offering was received by Mrs. Gordon Steinacker and Mrs. Harvey Adams PERSONALS • Mr. Dick Carson,Mrs. Alex Taylorl IvIrs. Arthur Gibson, Wroxeter and Miss Romelda Taylor of Wingham attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Lydia.. Fowler on Saturday in Toronto. Sunday guests of Mrs. Alex Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Duff Bell, Elmira;, Mrs.. Jack Inglis, Peter and Paul of McIntosh. Mr. and Mix. `Douglas Mildmay, Miss Laurie Inglis and Miss Penny Abbott of London. Several ladies attended the U.C.W.` Thank-offering, Service at McIntosh United Church and also Regional Rally of U.C.W. at Belgrave - on Tues., Oct. 14 at' which the Gothe Trio sang several' numbers and Rev. i'SA/zsley Ball of Thamesford)formerly of Gorrieiwas the speaker. 45-WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of Gorrie celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary on Oct. 19th with Open House in the Gorrie United Church. The couple were married at Trowbridge Manse by Rev. Kilpatrick on Oct. 16, 1935. The bride of 45 years ago is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McCreery formerly of R.R. 2, Wroxeter, and the groom is the son of the late Mrs. and Mrs. George Brown formerly of Molesworth. They have one son John of Gorrie and one daughter Mrs. Norman (Jean) Mullay, Paris, Ont. and one grandson Wayne and one granddaughter Kristie. The couple farmed near Moles- worth prior to moving to Gorrie in 1944. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dane visited Rev. Elmer Taylor of Beamsville last Monday and also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. William Boles in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. John Van de Kemp visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Van deKemp of Embro. Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Alcorn have returned fro m a ten week trip to England, Scotland and Europe, and attended the 25 wedding Anniversary of their nice and nephew Mr. and Mrs. John Forrest of Ewell Downs in Surrey, England and also it the same home Celebrated their own 35 wedding Anniversary at a barbecue with 40 guests at which they received many lovely gifts. RENTAL VEHICLES " WANTED unui 4 lo'clock P.M. Thursday Nov. 6th for three vehicles for the Huron County Health Unit. Particulars and specifications will be provided on request. LoWest or any tende r not necessarily accepted. B. G. HANLY Clerk-Treasurer & Administrator County H Court ertZi Ontario NIA 1M2 [tea'. 524-8394, Area Code 519] Sealedtenclers will be received by the undersigned Montrealer with family Many thanks were expressed to those members who worked on the Institute Float and Institute exhibit' "A ' Baby's World":, both were successftd in bringing the prize ribbons at the local Fair. A special thanks to Ed. Roth who drove, his tractor and Miss Margaret .Dkine who sold copies of "Now and • Then" which Mr. Elmer, • Famish donated to the local: Institute. The secretary Mrs. Robt. ,Gibson was asked to contact ' a local Nursing Home and Huron 'View. re 'visits and , entertainment for the patients and also write to Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority in regards to a proposed recognition of the late R.W.N.Wade. Refreshments were served by Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. • Meliin Taylor, Mrs. Jack Ferguson and the hostess. The November meeting will be held at the home of' Mrs.. Alex Graham with Rev.- Bert. Nancook of Molesworth as guest speaker. Guild hears weaver