HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-10-22, Page 17Garage Sale ,at former Feed Mill, .Moncrieff, Lot 30, Concession sixteen, Grey Township. NOVEMBER 1,1980 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ford 5-ton truck, Miller 225 amp electric welder, welding equipment, iron suitable for welding,. power hacksaW, tilt tablesaw, grain . auger ' with motor, grain aerator, bag carts, extension ladders, emerys, electric fencer;" fence stretcher; chain hoist, rope hoist, tarps, hammers, pick, shovels, crowbars, pinch- , bars, vented rangehood, antique washstand, clothes horse, wash- boards, tubs, vinegar, taps, filing cabinet, assortment of planks, rope, nails, spikes, bolts „ and miscellaneous items. Harrison Brothers Phone 887-6729 ' 1-60-2 GT Word Count Charges are based on the. number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers,, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word, per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. • FIRST INSERTION-15 words 02.00, 8c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-NO Copy changes, 6c per word, minimum $1.50 • SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION-01.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-01.40 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch). BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS-15 words 02.00; 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, _ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES -15 words 02.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS-02.00 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS-15 words $2.00 each additional word 8c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS-30 words $2.00; each additional word 3c per word.' 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT THE TIME OF INSERTION Deadline of classified ads is 12 noon Monday No cancellation'of multiple insertion advertisements after noon, Monday. Phone-7 887 6641 Township I of Grey Applications are required' for Two' Snowplow Operators for the 1980-81 winter, season. Applicants must; ' have reqnired license to' operate a truck or grader. Sealed application will be received by the under.; signed until 12 o'clock noon Friday OCTBER 31,1980 ROSS ENGEL Road Supt. R.R. 3 Brussels, Ont. NOG IHO 4-59-2' For details on WINTER WHEAT plans call: Niel Edgar R.R. 3, Wingham 357-2440 11- PART‘TEVIE Reliable Help required immediately for Farm Supply and Hardware Business Experience not necessary. -Hours flexible, 2-3 hrs a day. Apply Box 500 :c/o The Blyth Standard Blyth, Ontario, NOM 1H0 4-60-1 WANTED CUSTOM PLOUGHING Grain, bean and corn ground. Reasonable rates. Available to plow during day or evening. Phone 887-6533 after 6:00 p.m.. Tom Stevenson 7-58-3 • r , .orr roS Ri w 4 K/ e6)4.1... 4*1 01 4.11 *1 f. THE 15Rossg,L,s POST, OCTOBER .221 080., inn Rain el )1 s- aIIIY- ANNIVERSARY Service.. Knox. Presbyterian Church, Belgriwe. 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, Guest speaker Mr. 'Murray M.P.P. Everyone welcome. 1-60-1 ES CY BOX 189 SEAFOOTH, ONTARIO 519 527-0050 ROYAL AGRICUTLURE • Winter Fair C.N.E. Y. Wed., Nov. 19, 1980 Toronto Evening Horse Show, bus transportation and. Admission to 'Grounds $24.00 per person Call now for reservations. 1-604f RATEPAYERS MEETINGS The Bluevale Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring ratepayers` meetings for all residents of Morris Township on Tuesday, October* 28th .and for all ' residents of ;;Turnberry Township ' on Wednesday, October 29th. Both meetings will be, held at the Bluevale Hall starting at 8:30, p.m., even if 'all posi- tions 'are filled by acclamation. All ratepayers are urged to attend to hear reports,from the Councils-and the Board of Education on the previous year's activities and plans for the coming two years. 1 Coming Events THE CANADIAN' Toy Collectors'• Society presents the 9th Annual "Canada's Greatest Collectors Toy Show and Sale" Sunday, November 2nd, 1980 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.- St. Lawrence Market, Front and jarvis Streets, Toronto. Admission $2.00 - accompanied children free. 1-60-1 IN store special. Every Friday night from now to Christmas. Oldfield Pro Hardware. 1-60-1 1 Coming Events ANNUAL meeting of District 8, Huron-Perth Ontario, Association of Agricultural Societies will 'be held on , Thursday, October 30, 1980 , lat 7:00 o'clock with a pot luck supper. Hosted by Brussels Agriculural Society. Everyone welcome. 1-60-T BLYTH LIONS Bingo every. Saturday night 18 p.m. BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL JACIMIT $150,00 In 60 calls 1-57-ff . CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. First regular card $1. Re- striCted to 16 years, or' over. 15 regular -games of $15., $5 liast .on split. Many other speciali: Jackpot $200, must go each week. -57-tf 4 Help Wanted EARLY Christmas Shoppers. Need 'extra money? You can earn, good extra income as Amway distributor, a few 'hours per day. For interview phone 527-0898. 4-574 Help. Wanted Automobile Salesperson Also licenced bodyman Or Body shop helper J.L. McCUTCHEON MOTORS LTD. 887.6856 4-60-1 Cook for nights, Wednesday through Saturday. Weekend help for Lounge, must be II& Student for Pizza, weekends. 887-6921. 4-59.21 A Post Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial Brussels 887.6641. 4 Help Wanted 5 Bus. Opportunity MAKE money in your spare time. Learn Income Tax Preparation. For Free Brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4. 5-60-1 LICENSED Fish Processcr located in North Vancouver, B.C. Net Income last three months $4,700. Walk-in cool- er, approximately 12' x 24 miscellaneous near-new equipment, truck etc. freezer available $75,000. Owner has other interests. Good 'operation for one or two people. Call Andrea Boyer 604-985-2131. 5-60-1 EXPERIENCED parts and service manager required for franchised Toyota Dealership with RV Center. We offer company benefit plan in- cluding medical, ,and dental, $1800. per month plus com- mission, demo., We want a reionsible administrator who advancement oriented. Phone or write Mr. Glen Hunter, Northern Trailer Toyota, 12402 100th St. Grande Prairie, Alta. Phone 403-532-3333. 5-60x1 GMC Dealership in Drayton Valley Alberta requires H.D. truck partsperson or experienced partsperson. Wages depending on ex- perience Good company benefits. Call Parts Manager collect, 403-542-5443. 5-60x1 , 5 Bus. Opportunity H.D. Detroit Deisel mechanic required, 'fig- i gressive G.M. Dealership, . town of 6,000. Excellent - opportunity; Valley Pontiac, 'Box ' 58; Dryaton Valley, Alberta. TOE OMO 403-5427 15152, Pete or Gary. 5-60x1 8 Farm Stock .ATTENTION Cattle Feeders .Orders Buyers working on .all major Feeder markets in Northern Manitoba, Ashern, Lundar, Ste. Rose Du Lac. There are large numbers , of top quality, . calves ,land yearlings at these sales. For more information contact 204-242-2397. 8-60x1 STARTED leghorn pUllets. Call Jim Schefter 335-3864. r9-60-1 10 Used Cars L. & M. AUTO WRECKING R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy Rads, Batteries, Copper and Scrap We pay cash for complete' cars or trucks etc. Call 887-9561. 10-57-tf McCreery Auto Wreckers R.R.#2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham' and Listowel Used.Auto Parts Used Cars and Trucks 24 Hour Towing Service Will pay highest prices for complete scrap cars picked up PHONE Llstowel 291-4159 Gortie 335.3314 10-57-ff 1 Corning Events BRUSSELS Figure Skating Club dance, Saturday,' November' 8 at B.M.G. Community Centre. Music by The Entertainers. $8. a couple. . 1.60-3 • 11 Articles for Sale A gibson stove and fridge. Winnie Conaboy. 887-9422. 11-60-1 FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE. • New condition "475.00: Howard Smith. Phone 887- 6085. 11-60x1 ONE big Tempwood, down draft stove, complete with chimney. New last December 887-6938. 11-60-1 1975 Ford 'Torino station wagon. Roof rack., Runs and iooks good, motor burns oil. $875, certified. 523796961; 160-i GIRL Guide uniform. Size 8. Phone 887,6841. 11-60-1 OIL space heater with pipes in good condition. Phone 887-6375 11-60-2 . THREE dressers, 2 iron beds ifivith springs and clothes, children's sizes 10-14. Phone 887-6496. 11-60-1 . . FREE Catalogue: Fast Ser- , vice! Traps, Steel and Galvanized Snares, Books, Lures. For reasonable prices write Hoffman Trapping Supplies. Ltd. Box 805, R19u2s6s.ell, Manitoba. Since 11-60x1 WINGHAM Wood Cook stove, excellent condition. 523-4275. 11-60x1 LARGE wood stoves. Suitable for heating houses or workshops. For llprice-60x2listl 527-0930. More Classifieds on - next page 7 Situations Wanted 7 Situations Wanted