HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-10-22, Page 9Vol
Sales, Service 8 Installation of
F-rir pipelines &
milking parlours
(Clean up your yard
• Rakes
• Wheelbarrows
• Garbage, bags
• Garbage cans
• Corn brooms
• Shovels
• Push brooms
Drop in for our free Fall & Winter
41 Sns. It pays to shop at Home.
4.0 /fr
41, Hardware 887-8525
TOPNOTCH FEEDS LTD. is pleased to
announce the appointment of Doug Hoegy
as sales representative for the Brussels
area. Doug is a graduate of D.A.C.,
Guelph and has been with the company for
over two years working in thelsouthern Oen
of the province, Doug is now residing in
the McKillop area where he was born and
„ • . u. • 1. rtaA
' • ar li;1;ro a • 0,1* „
THE:..0130.$04$ POST, OCTOBER (too 9
•., •,.•
..show how to ....ma :e crepes.
' Correspondent . assessment.. and referrals to placed at the cenotaph in. Mrs. Marjorie Rock and Mrs.
MRS. ALLAN_McCALL other appropriate .services • Brussels on November 11 by H. Craig. Don't forget, there
887-6677 -for those •on waiting, list for one of the members. will be another euchre this.
The room was decorated in 24 hour care as well as. day 4-H MEETING BY PRESS Saturday evening befote they
the Thanksgiving, theme for care participants. To alter REPORTER are changed to Tuesday
the meeting of the Walton ithe environment during a 1 JEANNE McDONALD nights. ' •
Women's Instituteon significant portion of their Walton I "Kooky Kooks” PERSONALS
October 15th. Mrs. Harold daily lives and provide met at Walton United Church ' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Hudie welcomed 4-H girls educational support, to on October 15. McDonald arrived home last
and their leaders, Margaret improve safety, nutrition and i Members discussed crepes Thursday following a 3 week
Shortreed said that senior • daily living and to motivate I and tips on how .to make holiday in England with Mr.
' members will put, on a 'to become more active and : them. They talked about and Mrs. Cecil Davies, also
demonstration. referring to independent to measure blenders, and the Energy taking in several tours, of
this fall project Food for degree of success and impact Guide program alto, The interest in that country.
Friends. on participants. club then joined the . W.I. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills
Peggy Humphries told -Karen showed pictures of - meeting, and Mrs. Louise Butte%
about "What is a Crepe?" the people at the day care EUCHRE HELD Blyth spent ,the Thanksgiving
Margaret demonstrated how centre. They have many Mrs. Jim Axtmann we- weekend with Drs. Jean and
to make Crepes and Peggy „, group activities .•_ and enjoy lcomed everyone to the first Gerd Westermann of
cooked them in a crepe pan. cards and music. Somecome euchre of the season on Burlington also visiting Mr ..
Everyone present enjoyed one day a week and some Saturday evening at the and. Mrs. Elliott Fells at
the crepes. three.. Walton Community hall. Whitby.
Refreshments were served 'Many come in to provide •s There were 8. tables of Mr. and Mrs. Hoivard
Institute hostesses. Mrs. Jim volunteer work to help out at euchre in play-. Prizes went •Dean of Toronto visited on
Axtmann, Mrs. Lavern the Huron Day Centre for the to: High Lady - Mrs. Dave Wednesday with Mr. and
Godkin and Mrs. Graeme Homebound. 'The guest Watson; second High -. Mrs. Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven
Craig. 'answered many questions Sadie McDonald; Low - Joan and John.
Mrs. Viola Kirkby intro- and was presented with a Simpson; High Man -Joe Sister Teresa Ryan of
” duced the special guest donation for the centre and Holmes; Second High - London spent a few days this
speaker, Karen Scruton, co-- thanked by Mrs. Allan Harvey Craig, Low - Stanley past week at the home of her
• ordinator at the Huron Day McCall. Hillen. Most No. 5 on card - parents, Mr. and I Mrs.
CentreIor the Homebound at WORK TODAY Mrs. Mel Jacklin; Most No. 2 Lawrence Ryan. ---'
Huronview Clinton.. Mrs. Kirkby gave a on card - Mrs. Stanley Hillen Weekend guests with Mr.
The Huron Day Centre for huniorpus reading. followed Birthdays closed to Hallowe- - anciMrs. George Williamson
the home bound trys to by Mrs'. McCall giving the , en - Mrs. Earl Mills and Cliff were Mr. and Mrs. Norman
provide a alternative to in- Motto: A way to avoid a lot of Ritchie. Shouldice and Mr. and Mrs.
stitutionalization by meeting trouble, is to work today and Hostess were Mrs. Jim Ed Shouldice of Shallow
the social, physical, and worry tomorrow. Axtmann, Mrs. Viola Kirkby, Lake.
educational needs of clients, . Members were reminded
where health and mental well of the bake sale and tea Seniors see *slides being, is affected by lone- planned for November 29.
liness and lack of social and Committees to be chosen at
moral support:
Participants, who are on cater to a smorgasborg on
met in the Legion Hall,. show pictures that had been
Wednesday, October 15 with taken while she and Doug
a good attendance. : were on a trip to the West
Edna Hickwell Was pia ,,coast. She was .thanked by
nist. Owing to the' illness 'terva Dennis and presented
the president, Mrs. Hackwell ' With a gift.
conducted the meeting and
Ed Martin acted for the
secretary in her absence. A
minute of silence was ob-
served' for a member who
had died.
The Treasurer's report
was given by Laura Lucas.
Cards were signed for two
members who are ill. --
The 'group was pleased to
next meeting. Institute will of trip to west
waiting lists for homes for Brussefs Senior Citizens have Wilma 'Hemingway November 22. Mrs. H.
the aged or homes in Huron,
County, 'must be homebound
and unable to leave their. own
• homes without the.assistance
of inetherioeiion.*Setne are
unable or unwilling to, leave
their own homes alone with-
out support from other
members of , the fafifily, or
,they are unable- to continue
normal activities and „take •
part in the community
activities without support.
The objectives are to
enable homebounds to live as
independently as possible in
their own homes. To provide
day care offering social and
recreational activities. To
provide individual programs
and ' counselling and to
.provide ability to function at
home, etc. To provide
1 BERG : Gordon McMurchy, Sask-
achewan's Min. of Ag. will
be the guest speaker at the - alle8 ----... SerViedel
I Huron County Federation of
I Installation ; Agriculture's annual meet-
" Oct. 23, 7:00 p.m. at the
, FREE ESTIMATES I Brussels,ilig Morris, and Grey
I I' Community Centre. Follow-
° Barn Cleaners . I Ing a roast beef dinner Mr.
McMurchy will speak on 1 ° Bunk Feeders I I 1 Saskachewan's legislation
' ! ° stabling I `restricting foreign ownership
1 ' 1 , of land and the Farm Start
1 Donald G. Ives ' ,.. Program. Tickets are avail-
1 able to the public as well as
I R.R.82, Blyth I members at $6.00. They can
I I be obtained from any HFCA
I phone: . i
or from the presi-
I Brussels 887-9024 11,Lnot. Merle Gunby at 529-
Bolger reported the furnace
had been cleaned and re-
paired; Committees for card
,.partY, An, ;Saturday, October
-25' are Mrs: Nelson" Reid,
'Mts..Allan McCall and Mrs.
Torrance Dundas.: •
Euchre parfiei will be held
Tuesday nights on November
11 with committees in charge
Mrs: Dave Watson, Mrs. Bill
Humphries, Mrs. E.
Stevens and Mrs. G. McCall.
Report of the County Rally
at Gorrie 'was given by Mrs.
Kirkby and Mrs. B. Hump-
hries. A wreath will be
Sask. 9g.
to speak
in Brussels
•Party Needs • Baked Goods
Tobacco • Groceries
• Stationery
Weekdays, 8:30-9, Holidays & Sundays 11:30-6
Brussels 887-6224
Winners of car'd's were:
High lady-Elsie Evans, high
gent-Torrance Dundas, low
lady-Hazel Matheson, low
I gent- Alf. Sutton. Wilma
'Hemingway won the prize for
the number 50 on her score
the next meeting is on
Nelson -Ryan was a patient
at Seaforth Community
Hospital for a few days last
week; glad to hear he is
home again.
Mrs. Ross Bennett opened
with a poem for the October
Meeting held at Mrs.
Graeme Craig's home, on
Mrs. M. Baan gave a very
fitting topic, "Be 'Thankful"
Mrs. Graerne Craig pre-
sided for the business
opening with a reading,
"Ten Commandments of
Human Relationship".
Minutes were read by Mrs.
• Helen Williamson followed
by the roll call. A thank you
card and' donation was re-
ceived from Mrs: Roy
Dates to remember arCl the
bazaar at Burn's this
Wednesday. November 2 is
the. U.C.W. Recognition DaY
with guest speaker Mrs.
Anne Stinson of Toronto,
active in D.C.W. and general
council. November 5 is the
turkey supper at Duff's 3:30 -
7:00 p.m. Treasurer Mrs.
Barry Hoegy gave her report
November meeting will be
held 'at the home of Mrs.
Ross Bennett.
Word was received of the'
sudden death of Graham."
Esler McCall, 61, of Victoria
B.C. on September 28, 1980.
He is survived by a daughter,
Barbara a son, David,
brother, Torrey and sister
Mrs. Lauretta Holdridge and
• families. The McCall's in the
surrounding area are
Friends in this community
of Mrs. Rae Houston will be
' sorry to learn she is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London,
following surgery last
Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Rae Houston moved to
Seaforth recently.
a big party
All the party trimmings are' available at
Larone's. Tablecloths, napkins, plates
and candles all match to make
pumpkin fun.