HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-10-22, Page 4rok ,07,0,10,fore.f%#," Vflea orkel " f".60"ii ..VP 140 4. — THE BRUSSELS POST OCTOBER 22, 1980 TEXAN GRILL 887-6951 Brussels NEW STORE HOURS — OCT. 15 Mon., Tues., Thurs., — 6.30 11.121. to 9 p.m. Wednesday 6.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday — 6.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday — 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday — 9.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Holidays — 9.30 11,1111. to 6.30 p.m. OCTOBER- SPECIALS '76 'Ford Custom 1' ,doer, road worthy $1895 '75 Plymouth Fury 4 '_Oor, roadworthy! $1295 '75 Mercury Meteor 2 door as is $895 '74 Pontiac Firebird 2 door as is $1495 '73 Chev. Impala' 4 door road worthy $1895 '73 Ford Maverick 4 door, road worthy $1695 '71 Dodge 4 door as is $500. '69 Chev. 4 door as is $500 WANTED AUTOMOBILE SALESPERSON also LICENSED BODYMAN or BODY SHOP HELPER L McCUTCHEON MOTORS Lid. Brussels 8117-6158 MAITLAND VALLEY Insurance Agency Ltd. Auto Fire - Casualty - Life BRUSSELS MONKTDN 8874663 Murray SIddall 347-2241 After attending our. Fall City workshop, we, can offer And all new Fall Fashion Trends. Tues. & Fri:- 9-6 Wed. & Thurs.- 9-8 Sat. 8 - 2 Hair Design 16 Main St Seaforth Ph 527-1270 program to protect workers in plant closings, with the chief feature the provision of pension- benefits for those The league will host, the October Nursing Home Birthday Party on Oct. 30. Children are invited to wear their' Halloween costumes 'and a short program is planned. The fall church cleaning is November 26 and as many ladies • as possible are needed. The meeting adjOurned and Pat Nolan and Anne Kernaghan led in a sing-song during which lunch was served by Diane Fistbn. Next month's lunch hostess is Mary Anne Grobbink. CWL Hallowe'ert-party, Brussels WI sees bread making from start to finish BY MURRAY GAUNT The Ontario Government has „introduced a five-point At, the October meeting of the Brussels C.W.L., final plans were made for an upcoming bazaar and tea December 6. Conveners for the tables were chosen and each member asked to do- nate two craft articles, three baking articles and any plants Or produce. Christmas items will be featured Oh both the Craft and Bake tables. The chureh will be hosting the Remembrance Day Ser- vice following the laying of wreaths. Brusiels Majestic Women's Institute met for the October-meeting in the library basement with a good attendance. President, Dorothy Steffler opened with prayer for Thanksgiving. It was reported that Grace Bird, Home Economist for Huron Countyi is leaving to take up new duties in Mid- dlesex County and that Laura Lee Marshall will be Huron County's new Home Econo- mist. The 4-H Achievemement day will be held at Grey Central School in Ethel on November 13 at 7:00 p.m. Peggy Cudmore thanked the ladies for their cards and a box she received swhile a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Dorothy Steffler will bethe. voting delegate to attend the Area Convention' in. Guelph on October 23 and 24. Glenna Stephens gave an interesting report on the County Rally held at Gorrie on October 6. A Historical Society meet- ing will be held at Bluevale on October 22. It was decided to again donate $10.00 toward the poppy fund. The Majestic Women's Institute will hold a bazaar close to early retirement. But. Labour MinisterRobert Elgie did not specify hoiv close to retirement a worker would have to be to, get that protection. He said ConsuM- er Minister Frank Drea will introduce those.changes next -public health units and others in the health system. These core programs are being looked at under six broad categories, which in- elude immunization, pre yentiiie dentistry, environ mental sanitation, family health, home accident pre- vention 'and nutrition. The Healing Arts Radi- ation Protectiorn Act will provide the legislative frame- work for developing improv- ed foot care services for the people of the province. s In conjunction with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, courses will be set up to train chiropodists in Ontario. = The first courses will begin in the fall of 1981, and will be of three years' duration: In the meantime, as a pilet project, six registered nurses will be' 'given.. an . intensive six-month course in chiro pody, beginning in January of 1981. After completion of this course, it is planned that these registered nurses will teach registered nursing as- sistants the principles of foot care hygiene, in courses of three to four weeks' dm= ation, beginning later in.: 1981. . After assessment of this pilot project, it is hdped that the program will be made. available province-wide. A regulation will also be proposed to recognize chiro- podists registered in the United Kingdom, so that such.. practitioners may be recruited to teach and work in our hospitals. EnVironment Ministry Harry Parrott has. announced a crackdown on illegal'dump- ing of liquid industrial waste and other unusual cases of pollution. His Ministry is hiring thirteen people who. 11 be trained to investi- .• gative techniques to serve, as: a special environmental po- . lice unit to enforce Ontario's environmental laws. and bake sale with a tea roam on November 15 at 3:00 in the library basement. Wilma Hemingway intro- duced Carol Innes who de- monstrated the Taking of bread from start to finish. Several loaves of bread, fresh from the oven, were given away to lucky ladies. Eleanor Hemingway intro- duced Marilyn Engel of, Cranbrook who is the District Curator. Mrs. Engel explain- ed how to get started on a family tree and had several of her ancestors' family trees on display. She also talked on methods of preserving the Tweedsmuir history books. The next meeting will be held November 12 at 8:00' p.m. with the conveners of Agriculture and Canadian industries, Marie McTaggart and Alice McArter in charge. - . Pro Life meets At a Pro Life information booth at the Ripley and Howick Fall Fairs, many people stopped to see dis- plays and material on abor- tion. The reception from the public was very supportive. Most people have no idea what abortion is really all about. The plan announced by Mr. Ogle 'includes creating an all-party committee to study 'severance pay and 'plant closings, forcing companies to set up employer-govern- ment committees to help displaced employees find jobS and empowering a Gov; ernrnent co-ordinator to study closings and help employees. The :Ontario' Federation of tabour: plans 'a rally at Queen's Park to demand governMent action- on plant, closings. Labour -criticism :. will focis on the failnre to meet foUr "demands. They are: requirements for public justification by em- ployers of plant closings, six months' advance notice, rev- erence pay at.the rate of one week's pay for each year of service and complete porta- bility of pensions. • Health Minister Dennis Timbrell has, outlined the plans of his Ministry for the introduction of legislation during the next few months. The package of core pro- grams to be introduced will be embedded in a new Health Protection Act which Mr. Timbrell plans-to intro- duce next spring, to ,replace the Public Health Act. A White paper covering these programs will be released this fall for comment by