HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-09-24, Page 21Heart Saver course on Octo- ber 9 and 10 with. Darlene Hetherington. Call Callender Nursing Home for more in- formation at 887-6271. 1-56-1 . The 'family of George and Cora Oroughton, Monkton cordially • invite friendi, neighbours and relatives 'on the. occasion of flick parents 35th wedding anniversary on SepteMber 26 at Atwood'. CoMmunity Centre- 'at 9 o'- clock p.m. 1-56-1 ALL girls 10-14 years of age who, are interested in learn- ing new things; like camp- ing, stalking and cooking, please meet at the Brussels United Church Basement on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1980 at 4.000.m.- and join the ' Girl Guides of Canada. 1-56-1 CIDERFE$I.:$1P.P1W, CIDER CONCERT Tickets are available at Mary's Sewing Centre, Clinton; the Expositor. seaforth, or call 482.3326 or 327-1860. Adults x3'- $1.50 children: Entertainment includes 7-time fiddling chaMpion Ed Gyruki and a ' hint of area talent. Refreshments tool! September, 27. 8.11!n• SEAFORTH HIGHSCHOOL' 1.55.2 REQUIRES for Custodian South Huron District High School - Exeter. Written applications stating age, experience and telephone number should be addressed to Mr. R. Mc- Vean, . Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Ed- ucation, 103 Albert St. Clin- ton, Ont. NOM 1LO. Appli- cants.- will be notified, if required for an interview. Deadline . for application, October 2. D.J. COCHRANE Director D. McDONALD Chairman 4-56-1 • 7 Situations Wanted Wg have not sold our truck- ing business to Lloyd Hurst as reported. Your continued patronage is requested and appreciated. Harrison Bros. 7-56x2 MUSIC for all occasions - Live music is best. List of over 50 bands available from: Stratford Musicians' Associ- ation, Box 329 St. Marys' Ont. /NOM 2V0 or phone 357-2355 or 357-2287 in Wingham. 7-56-2 I Fairni Stock For Sale HEREFORD Sale, Thanks- ' giving Banner Sale Elzevir Hereford Farms, R.R. #1 Flinton, Ontario,i0ctober 13, 1980: at 1.00 p.m. Selling approximately 75 head 'from free listed herds. Elzevir Hereford, Golden Oak, Rex- wood, Lymdale & Elm 'Lodge Farms. 8-56x1 11 Articles For Sale SKI Boose in good condition, $25.00. Box wood stove used only few times, good condi- tion. Fire box approximately 12 inches by 2 fret. /Phone 887-6411. 11-56x1 Belpr Wanted ot cal+ checation BOTH LIONS. Bingo -every Saturday night ' 8 p.m. BLYTH MEMORIAL JACKPOT 5150.00 * In 60 calla 1-51-if Word COM'. Charges are based on the number of words. Set' of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-15 words $2.00, 8c per word thereafter. , SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-No copy changes, 6c per word, minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION-$1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-S1.40 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch). BOX'NUMBERS to this office - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS--15 words $2.00, 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES -15 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS-$2.00 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS-15 words $2.00 each additional word 8c. Three insertions for the price, of 2. - CARD OF THANKS-30 words $2.00; each additional Word 3e per word. 2Se DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT THE TIME OF INSERTION Deadline of classified ads b 12 noon Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon, Monday.- Phone 887-6641 L. &'M. AUTO 'WRECKING R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. Used Auto Parts' and 'Towing 1We buy Rads, 'Batteries, Copper and Scrap 'We pay cash •for complete cars or trucks etc. Call 887-9561. 10-49-tf 11 Articles For. Sale JEEP parts, Accessories, Tops. All Jeeps 1942 to 1980, Tremendous Stock. Low prices. Instant service. Gem- ini sales` 4736 East Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. )STSC 2K7. iPhone 604-294-2623. 11-56x1 GORMET Teas and Coffee by mail. Over sixty teas and eight coffee beans. Send for your free order form. Tea 'N' Tiques, Box 353, First Cana- dian Place, Toronto, Ontario. M5X 1E1. 11-56x1 URINE-ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odours from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box •7500 London, Ontario. 11-56x1 'THREE 23 channel CB radios 'as is. 1 Courier Comet, 1 Appache 23 and 1 Courier Conqueror 2 base. 'lenders will be accepted until Octo- ber 3 till 4 p.m. Radios to be 'sold separately or in a lot. •Any or lowest tender not 'necessarily accepted. Jane :Hadley, [AMC!' (A) Grey Township accepted. 11-55-2 More Classifieds on next Page 13 Wanted WANTED .- Farm', grain ,scales, wheels on frOnt, flan= dies on rear, good condition. Aiso old wall clock. -Call Collect 519-665-7847. 13-56x1 'GOOD used furniture' and antiques, clothing including blue jeans and knick knacks• on consignment. We can sell those unwanted articles for you. Call for more infor- mation - The Second Time Around Shoppe (now open) at site of Rintoul s Luxury Pools. 'A. a mile north on #4 highway, Wingham. 357- 2628. 13-53-tf Property For Sale Real Estate Ltd. Clinton „Piton*: 4124371 50 ACRES farrowing opera- tion on paved road near Brussels. Additional land a- vailable. s***** 1 FLOOR home in Brussels with large lot priced to sell. Low down payment consi- dered. ****** X50 ACRES: general farm in Ilullett Twp. ****** 100 ACRES modern farrow- ing farm near Ethel. Low interest F.C.C. mortgage hi affect. soroaits 14 ACRES 7th concession Morris Twp. frame house and barn. 150 A l-v-OVVI 1 0 0 rit/ acres S .04isoo A SCHOOLHOUSE on % acre lot. 2% miles from Brussels. Partly converted for residence. Small barn and , drilled well. ****** FOOD FOR THOUGHT Remember when you didn't to go to a restaurant to get a home cooked meat l di. THE BRUSSELS POST, SEPTEMBER 24, SOO A.T....11•11111•111.11•1• 1 Coming Events 1 Coming 'Events BE prepared for an Emer- gency. Register ;tow by cal- ling 887-6271 for an 8 week St. John's Ambulance Course (Mon. or Wed. even ings) at Callender. Nursing' Home, Cost S22.50. Instruc tor Stuart Parker. 1.55-2 l'HE,6di Van Egiitend Cider- fest is Ischedukd for 'Sunday, Septembei 28 at :the Van EgnsOod: House in' Eginond- . New events, for Satur- day,',' SePteintier * 27 only, include Wine tours and a Bavarinn.Tent from. 1:30 - 5:30 On. and a Sippin' Cider Concert. at SDHS featuring Ed (tivurki. and a -best of others at p.m. Witch for cur display 'add elsewhere in this paper. _ - 1-55-2 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. First regular card $1. Re- stricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of S1S:,,S5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200. Must go each week. 1-49-ff ANNUAL Turkey Supper, Belgrave 'Community Arena, Wednesday October 8th. Tic- kets available' atBlyth Print- ing and stores in Belgrave. 1-55-3 Festival Singles Dance, September 26th, 1980, Victorian Inn; Stratford. Dancing 9-1. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. 1-56-1 THE AnnuaLMeeting of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held Mondiy, Sept. 29 at North St. United Church, goderich at 6:30 p.m. Ticketi for the dinner may be obtained by contacting a member of the Cancer Society executive in lyour community or calling the .office in Clinton at P482- '7832: Guest speaker is Dr. R. J. Anderson of Victoria Hos- pital, London. 1.55-2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.••••••*••••••••••••••••......... 4 Help Wanted • I ONE Third Class Stationery ' Engineer, One Sawmill Filer experience with carbide and fan band saws, One Licensed Mechanic (heavy equipment) or Mechanics helper with 2 to 3 years experience. Inter- ested parties call: Mr. J. Desbois, Sawmill Superin- tendent, . Chapleau• Lumber Co. Ltd., Box 280, Chapleau, Ontario. 705-864-1320. 4-56x1 KEY People wanted for Van- couver Island printing plant. Litho Prep person capable of taking work from copy to camera; and 'Pressman with process experience to work on 2-colour GTO. Send re- sume and salary expectations to Quadra Graphics Ltd., 273w Selby St:, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. 4-56x1 CAREER in heavy trucking. Now's-the time to train for your Class A License. For interview contact ATA Sy- stems Ontario, London '519-* 438-4029, Hamilton, 416-52.3- 0883, St. Catharines 416-685- ' 6595, Toronto 416-251-2275. WOULD You Like to work. I your own hours, earn $10 per boor and up, be successful. Per Interview call • Judy &trim Busty Consultant, radios 220. 527-1741. 4-544 5 Bus Opportunity • MAKE money in your spare time. Learn Income Tax Pre- paration. For Free Brochure, no obligation, Write U&R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario. M4W 1X4 5-56x1 McCreery Auto Wreckers R.R. #2; Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel Used Alto Parts Used Cara and Trucks 24 Hour Towing. Service Will pay highest prices for complete scrap cars picked up PHONE Listowel 291-4159 Gorrie 335.3314 10-52-tf DOG Houses, 109% 'hi-whi- ted, quality construction, free delivery, buy now at low pre-winter prices. Brochure. P.O. Box 422 Burford Ontar- io. NOE 1A0 , 11.56-1 RUGGED wrought-iron mail box post, placed 6 ft: from , road, 'shoulder, allows snow removal due to hanging box. .Have one installed, hundreds through 'Huron and Perth. ' Free installadon, orders tak- en now. Keep Ontario tidy. The Mail Box Man; 527-1856 11-56-3 COAL FOR SALE. Stove, Nut, Stoker, Rice and Fire- place. Coal on hand for pick up or deliverty. Phone .1:343- 2703. 11-53-ri 1 Coming lvents 1 Coming Events Used Cars For Sale 11 Articles. For Sale MISCELLANEOUS bridal showepfri Brenda Phillips,- ' nee Bremner`on Sunday af7 ternoon, Sept. 28 at 2 p.m. in Ethel United Church Sunday ":School room. Everyone wet- ''.:come. 1-56-1 toTHE family of GeOrge and , Shirley Wheeler cordially -in- - vite friends, neighbours and relatives on the occasion ,of :their parents 25th wedding, anniversary on Oct. 4th at 9 p.m. in Brussels. Everyone welcome. Best Wishes Only: 1-56x2 STRATHROY Antique Show and Sale, Spetember 26, 4 p.m. to"10 p.m.; September 27, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Special "Guest Friday Evening, John Hearn. 1-56x1 4-56x1