HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-09-24, Page 16Buy - Sell Storage available THREE PHASE Electric "EVERYTHING 'ELECTRICAL" * ECONOMY * SERVICE QUALITY BARRY BUCHANAN 482-7374 GLENN McLEAN 887-9284 P.O. BOX 1138 CLINTON. ONT, TRAMISOL $21.49 extra profit per head at Thorlakson Feedyards. Sam C. Raaflauh Vice-President, Thorlakson Feedyards I 11 d recent trilI di [111.1(lks4111 dl \irdrie. 11h cr t ii , 7() heucl cif rattle Erudic(1 \‘ith TR \IIS(11 tic\\ ormur acre compiirc(1 ‘\ ith —0-hed(1 control 4!,1 oup \t Tliorloks()n l'ec(1\ dick the ell i(dc\ ()I d tie\\ ()inlet . is cleterrnmed H\ nledsurin2, rdle (il Iced wile\ 11tel d d y,, t •Ik 1111S()I (1cotc(1 cotilc 11,R1 di) .tvrl,tte (il II). untrcd(c(1 2,1.k)1.11). ,,..1111(.(1 .1 — 1 IN pet hedd the (lit ierence c\trd IN he.01 ‘\ ith \\11 5(11 \lid di 111,111\cl that inednt net return of S21.49 e\tra profit per heiid. R \lN)1 It Hd\ s cell M IT 4C° Kial AI .4 1110 / ACP 4 THE isaussEmpom SEPTEMBER :24, 1980 fair winners STEPHENSON—MITCHELL Bonnie Marie Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Donald C. Mitchell of Listowel and Robert Charles Stephenson, son of Mr.and Mrs. G.W. Stephenson of Brussels were united in marriage on Saturday, August 16 in a garden ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Hugh Davidson of the Listowel Presbyterian Church officiated at the ceremony. The maid of honor was Ruthane Wicke of Kitchener and the bridesmaid was Laurie Mitchell of Listowel. The best man was Gerald Skinn of Wingham and the usher was Richard Ohm of Wingham. Kelly Fahlenbock of St. Catherines was the organist. Following the wedding, a reception was held at the Kind Station, Listowel and out-of-town guests came, from Don Mills, Wingham, London, Linwood, Stratford, Elmira, Brantford, and St. Catharines. The couple took a lakeside holiday for a wedding trip and are residing in BrusselS. (Mary Layton Photography) Competitors at the Brus- sels fair were, down in num- ber thiS year compared to last year's fair. A list of the various winners and classes follows. Mary Ann Miners had the most points in the canned fruit classes which included fruit cocktail, peaches, pears, applesauce, peach jam and raspberry jam. Win- ners in homemade fruit cock- tail were; Mr's. Gerald Mil- ler, Anne Hemingway, Maryanne Miners; peaches whole or halved- Mrs. Gerald Ilvfiller, Sandra Pepper, Ellen Lefor; pears- Liz Sholdice;- Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Maryanne Miners; applesauce— Mrs. Jack Conley, Jane 'Draper and Mrs. George Hiemstra; peach jam- Jane Draper, Mrs. Harvey Hood, Mary Anne Miners; raspberry jam- MaryAnne Miners, Mrs, Wm. Dolmage and Jane Draper; - frozen strawberry jam-Mary Anne Miners, Mrs Jack Conley, Mrs. Mel Jacklin. In the pickles section of canned fruit winners were: dill pickles-.Sandra Pepper Mrs. Mel Jacklin, Pat Engel; nine day pickles- Mrs., Gerald Miller, Mary Anne Miners, Mrs. George Hiem- stra, Mrs. Gerald Miller; icicle pickles • - Mary Anne Miners; Mrs. Wm. Dolmage, Mrs: Jack Conley. Whole beet pickles - Mrs. Wm'. Dolmage; Joyce Brodhagen, Anne Hemingway; . chili sauce - Mary 'Anne Miners; Vera Hastingi, Sue GoWing; 'pickled . beans (miistard) "- Mrs. Wm. Dolmage, Mary Anne Miners; whole pickles Ann Miners; whole pickled beans - Mrs. Wm. Dolmage, MIS. Mel Jacklin, Liz Shot- dice; canned tomatoes - Joyce Brodhagen, Mrs. Wm. Dolmage and Mary Anne Miners. SPECIALS In the specials class, Anne Hemingway, Jane Draper and Grace Van Donkersgoed won the prizes for jam for shut-ins; Aleda Shantz won for five ways to serve toma- toes on a tray as well as for a small casserole dish with meat, with Mrs. John Mc- Cutcheon coming in second in the latter category. Karen Bowles, Anne Hemingway and Aleda Shantz were the winners • of three different ways to use Canadian apples. Under the livestock cate- gory in the shorthorn class, Bodmin Ltd.. Smith Bros., Reuben Brodhagen and George Procter walked away with all the prizes. In grade cattle for a steer born before. Jan. 1, 1980, winners were Jack Wilcome, Kevin Bish- op, Anne Procter, Lessa Thompson, Ken' Alton and David Marshall: For a heifer born before Jan. 1, 1980 winners were Sherry Robin- son, Jack Robinson, Jim Campbell and Larry Smith. Paul Currie, Kevin Johnston, Bonnie Mackay, Garry Arm- strong, Debbie Johnston and Michelle Bishop were win- ners for a steer born after January 1, 1980 and Cherry' Smith, ,Darryl Smith, Steve Gulutzen and Karen McArter were winners for a heifer born after January 1, 1980. • SHEEP - For sheep under the Dor- set Horn and Cheviot cate- gory, winners were: Shear- ling Ram-David Townsend; Ram Lamb-Ed Jackson and David Townsend: Champion Ram-Ed Jackson; Shearling Ewe David Townsend, Ewe Lamb-David Townsend,. Don- ald Dearing and Ed Jackson; David Townsend for Cham- pionship Ewe and Ram. Un- der the Oxford' Down-Suf- folks, lous Emke and. Donald Dearing were the winners for Shearling ram; Max Hunter, Donald Dearing and Louis. &Like for Ram Lamb and Max Hunter 'for Champion Ram. These same three men won for shearling ewes and ewe lamb. Max Hunter won the chaMpion ewe class while Louis 'Emke and Donald Dearing won in the pen category. In Shropshirei; Downs and Southdowns, Louis Emke won for his.' Shearling ram and other wins were: Ram Lamb-Ed Jackson and Louis Emke; Champion Ram-Ed Jackson; Shearling Ewe- Louis Emke; Ewe Lamb- Jackson and Emke; Cham- pion Ewe-Jackson; Pen- Emke. ' Under the Lincoln, Leice- ster and Cotswold 'categories winners were: Shearling Ram-Max Hunter and Louis Emke, Ram" Lamb-Hunter, Emke; Champion Ram-Hun- ter; Shearling , Ewe-Emke and Hunter; Ewe Lamb- Emke and. Hunter; Pen-Hun- ter, Emke. In the grain section of competition, Joyce Brod- hagen and Reuben Brodha- gen were the winners in sheaf wheat, sheaf oats and sheaf barley. In the field crop competition for birley, win- ners were: Jim Williamson, Charlie Higgins and Jim Bowman; mixed grain- Keith Williamson, Clarence Mc- Cutcheon and George Pear- son; ensilage corn- Wm. Coultes, Les Knight, Glen Coultes; grain. corn- Jack Knight, Dale Knight, and Les Knight; white beans- Jack Knight, Les Knight and Jan Van Vliet; barley 2- rowed Charles Higgins; mixed grain- Clarence Mc- Cutcheon, Tom Warwick, Ross Veitch and Clare Veitch; husking corn on the cob- Mrs. Harvey Hood, Jeff Knight, Les Stephenson and Lyle Hood. _Fred Uhler, Mrs. Wm. Dolmage and John Bone- schansker were the winners in vegetable display. COMMERCIAI:FEATURE The special commercial feature had Jim Bowman, Les Stephenson, Bill Pearson and Bob Higgins winning for slice of first cut hav; John Van Vliet, Jan Van Vliet, Jim Bowman, Graeme• Craig and. Bob Higgins winning for slice of second cut hay and Jeff Knight and Steve Knight for first cut field chopped hay. Steve ,Knight, Jeff Knight, Joyce. Brodhagen,„. Ross Veitch and Clare Veitch were the winners for second, cut chopped hay. Doug Machan, Jeff Knight, Graeme Craig, Har- vey Craig' and Charlie Hig- gins won for the sheaf of stalks ,of ensilage corn while Clare Veitch, Ross Veitch, Jeff Knight and Steven Knight won for a half bushel of ensilage. corn. Jim Bow- man. won for his half bushel of 6 rowed barley and Joyce 13rodhagen and Jeff Cardiff for their half bushel of oats. There were no entrants in the poultry section with the exception of eggs and there the winners were Doug. Ma- chan, Aleda Shantz and. John A. Perrie for five dozen white eggs and John A. Perrie for five dozen brown eggs. In the pets section, Martha Boon won for her Persian cat; Shawn Jacldin for any other breed of cat, Darren John- ston for the best dog of the show; Jody Miller and Mar- tha Boon for a ' pair of bantams; Gary Williams and Ron Williams for fancy fowl. Under the commercial rab- bits category, Darryl Smith and Mrs. Bob Clark won for senior buck; .Bradley Camp-, bell, Mrs. Bob Clark and Steve Fidom won for' senior doe; Mrs.Bob Clark, and Steve Fidom won in the junior buck and junior doe categories and for meat pen the winners were :Steve Fi- dom, Bradley Campbell, Cherry' Smith,' Darryl Smith , . and Mrs.. Bob Clark. Steve Fidom, Mrs. Bob Clark, Cherryl Smith and -.Darryl Smith won for doe and' litter. Mrs. • Bob Clark had the Champion Buck, while Please turn .to page 17