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N THE BRUSSE.WPOTST SEPTEMBER4,4*-1.900 140* students at
guide us" closing with a
poem, The 200th year Anni-
iverstry of the Sunday School
Business was turned over
to President Helen Craig.
Thank you cirds were read
from Joyce Hartmann,
Joanne Dennis and Judy
Glauser, Karen Hoegy gave
the' treasurer's 'report and
Malinda Johnston the
micellaneous fund.
It was announced again
about a bale being packed.
An executive meeting will be
held October 1. Sunday
October 5' is communion at
the morning church service
and in, the evening' is the
gospel music with Sellwood
singers at 7:30. Each
The local kindergarten
class, has 22 new beginners
this term under teacher,
Mrs. Barb Livermore. They
incude; Tim Bachert, Brad
Bederman, Tina Bosman,
Michael Campbell, Susan.
Carter, Wendy Clarke,
Michelle Cooper, Michael
Craig; Dianne DeBlock, Greg
Fritz, Paul Glanville, Shawna
McCall, John McKercher,
Randy McClure, Matthew
McNichol, Rob Shortreed.
Susan Stewart, Michael Stoll
Sandra Storey, Tom
Wheatley, Brent Whitmore
and Patricia Williamson.
The.. Walton, Public School
particiapted in the parade at.
Seaforth Fair on Friday, with,
two floats.
The Walton Women's
Institute held . their
September meeting in the
The Wingham 'Pro-fife
group reported a profit of
$780.00 from a summer
garage and bake sale..
Richard and Sally
community hall on.
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Keith Rock vice-
president called the meeting
to. order with the opening
exercises, Mrs. Ray Ilinther
was pianist. Twenty mem-
bers answer to the roll call,
"A home remedy for an
ailment." Minutes were read
by Mrs. Jim Axtmann,
Marion Godkin and Ruth .
Axtmann will attend the
training sOool on Needle-
point and teach it to ladies,
who want to take the course.
Mrs. Ken McDonald gave a
report from a recent meeting
making plans for the District
'annual next May 12 at
Delegate to. the County
Rally, October 6th at Gerrie
United Church are Viola
Kirkby and Marion Godkin.
The guest speaker is Miss
Flora Nabrotsky, Teeswater
who will have a demonstrat-
ion and a display of plants.
Campeau and Joanne Vander
Assem. attended a seminar
in Toronto at Ryerson to hear
Dr. E. Koop,surgeon-in-chief
at the Chidren's Hosptial,
lAny member is urged to
It was decided to have a
euchre party on Saturday,
October 18, at 8:30 p.m. with
hostesses, Ruth Axttriann.
Marjory Rock, 'Margaret
Craig and Viola ,Kirkby in
Mrs. Helen Bisback,
Clinton was introduced by
Margery ifuether who told of
her experience with cancer.
She was „thanked by Berva
.Lunch was served by
Berva Watson; Margery,
Huether and Betty McCall.,
The 17th and Boundary
Unit of the U.C.W. of Duff's
United Church met at the
home of Mrs. George
Williamson. Dianne
McCallum ' read a poem,
"First day in school", Helen
Williamson led in prayer.
Dianne McCallum gave
the topic "How does God
members was asked to sell,
More plans for the Turkey
Supper in November will be,
made the next meeting at the
home of Helen Craig.11, half
hour of fellowship was enjoy
during refreshments served,
!by Dianne, Helen and the
hostess, Annie Williamson,
Mr, and Mrs. Watson
Webster, Clinton and Mr.
Howard Dean, Toronto had
lunch on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Ray Huether and
boys on their way home from
a holiday in Edmonton.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan
McCall , accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Mel McCutcheon
and Steven on a 3 day trip
around Lake Erie, spending a
day. at Niagara Falls and
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, where
they attended the Sunday
morning church service at
the Cathedral of Tomorrow
prior to leaving for home.
Congratulations to Walton
Public School in winning first
and second in best class
floats at Seaforth Fair. The
entries included grades 2 and
3 with Mrs. Vanden Doon
and Mrs. Toll representing
pilgrims at Thanksgiving and
Kindergarten and grade 1
with Mrs. Livermore and
Mrs. Parrish as Indiam.
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