HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-09-03, Page 7We are now ready
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THE •BRU.SSEI.S...p9sTt .sEpTigmBER:::CiOso. 4.4
:Four score nine
Walton enjoys ball game
Hughes now makes his home league system. The results is' a.10'% on a scale, of 1-10 for a
in Gaylord, Michigan. a change of membership but midnight snack, along with
FIRST TIME TRAVELLING old boyhood friendships pre- tomatoes eaten out of hand
Although' together for 10 vailed and the team was able with nothing but a salt
years, this is their first year to keep on the gO with shaker.
on the travelling circuit replacements. As Ron Rupp said just
throughout Canada and the The California players are before they•left for their next
United States.. It has not finding Canadians are a lot stop on the tour: "We've
been an easy year for them-- more fun. They find been cussed and.: discussed
they have played 120 games American spectators are this summer. Arid sometimes•
in three and a half months. really tough on the players, we haven't played the way
Lanny Rupp, manager of the and hard to entertain. , we know' we can. But after
team, had to leave the grump •Rich Hughes, born and 120 games in three and a half
earlier in the season. Karen *; raised in Lang Beach "loves months.on the road travelling
Beaircl, who played part of the country". After, the. thousands,or miles back and
each game as first baseman, .Walton game, the visitors . forth across 'Canada and the
was injured and had to return enjoyed some good Huron U.S. from Vancouver Island
....Khorne. Cory Davis, the County hospitality and found • to Chicago, you can't be on
regular first haseman, was one more learning ."ex- the top all the time. After all,
injured in a car accident just perience this summer--Doug we're only human!"
before the season started. Conley's pigs:: They enjoyed • If anyone wants further
Frank Carderella, the 'their tour of Doug's barn and Iinformation on the team
catcher, signed a contract the chance to scratch some. contact - Four's. Enough,
with the New York Mets and pink ears in the pig , pens. 10404 Santa . Rita Street,
is now piaying in their minor The; said Ontario corn rates Cypress, California 90630.
Continued from page 1
townships. Of the 32' townships in the
Wingham district, Mr. Carr said that there
were only two in the district under this act,
, but as of January, 1981, the entire 'dist rict
will, fall under it.
After Mr. Carr finished; Reeve Bill Elston
said licencing was unnecessary in the
"It's just disgracesful."
r. "What is'," Mr. Carr asked.
"The bureaucracy," the reeve replied.
"You know who.'s.going to pay. It's going to
come from the taxpayers because the gravel
pit owners -have got' to have more money,"
"These people (gravel' pit operators) are
Just automatically quitting working. They
can't sell gravel because they have to be
hcenced," the Reeve said.
"That's the reaction you get from some
operators. Surprisingly 'some of the larger
ones are looking forward to it. (the new
proposal) Mr. Carr said.
/ "It's time that the government' or some-
body throught of the people who have the
bills to pay," Reeve Elston said.
Council then got into another discussion
with Mr. Carr over the fact that the MNR
had not been notified when a clean-out was
• ..234,.Main St North, Seafotk •.' 5274*04._-.
would leaVe you 'breathless
and -their throwing ability.
was strong and accurate.
Ron pitches blindfolded ,on .
the mound for one inning arid•
from second* base ,for
inning: The.: umpire behind
the plate could only marvel at
his curve and his slow ball.
The Walton playeri found
they could score only_ during
the California players'
"show" innings. Their
ability as a, four-man.• softball
team playing serious ball and
their sportSmanship would
stand the: :California: playerk
against any team in this area.
The Walton ball club found
their visitors nothing but
gentlemen and classify them
as perfect good-will
ambassadors for the United
States. They would welcome
the California men back at
any time.
The Walton Intermediates
• include: 'Doug Conley, Roger
and Paul Humphries, Ken .
Ritchie, Brad Knight, Jim
and Rick McDonald, Gary
Bennett, Chuck Kireger,
• Scott Bridge, Steve Huether
and Ken Higgins. The coach
and the man who extended
the challenge from the
Walton team to the Four's
Enough is Joe Steffler.
Umpire was Frank Stretton
of Brussels. ,
The four men who make up
the California team are
pitcher Ron Rupp, 23, and
his brother Rick Rupp, 21,
the short stop; Rick Hughes,
22, first baseman, and
catcher Ralph Costeei, 23.
They all grew up on the same
block in Long Beach,
California, although Rick
It was four players against
nine at the ball game in
Walton Saturday evening.
The outcome? Well, the four
got nine runs and the nine
got four. ,
It was a'great game forthe
more than 300 spectators to
watch the • Four's Enough
from California win over the
Walton Intermediates Nine.
The first two innings
started,off just like any other
game but in the third inning
'California pitcher Ron' Rupp
found himself in 'a tight
situation with - runners on
first and second' and two out.
Instead of trying to get the
batter to retire the side, with
"a, Ron Rupp •patehted
move" he picked the Walton
runner off second base and
never took hig'ey.es*off home
The pitFing was superb, Morris discusses p s roposa the speed of their running, '
to be done 'on 'the' McCuteheon drain:
Mr. Carr said the Ministry should have
been notified under the Lakes and Rivers
Improvement, Act (since the drain is on a
natural waterway). He said deputy-reeve
Tom Miller had told them a clean-out was
going to take.place on the McCutcheon drain
and the Ministry told him it would have to
receive the approval of the Lakes and Rivers
Improvement Act. '
"The concern on my part was the
disregard of some of the' legislatioh in this
province. Certainly the work that was done
would have been approved by us."
Other members of council indicated they
didn't know they had to get the Ministry's
approval. •
"When did this start--this formality that
we're supposed to go through? Up until the
Blyth Creek (drain work) we didn't even
know about it," Reeve Elston said.
"This is its own legislation," (the Lakes
and Rivers Improvement Act), Mr. Carr
After much discussion, council finally
decided that clerk-treasurer Nancy Michie
could send copies of drainage petitions to the
MNR office.
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