HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-09-03, Page 1
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onstruction ahead
on sewage plant
Construction of the sewage treatment
plant is about a month ahead of schedule,
'but the equipment for the inside of the
buildings probably won't be available till
next spring, according to Clarence Doherty
of B.M. Ross Engineers, the inspector on the
The concrete work on the control building,
filter building, inlet Worki and treatment
unit is about 90 per cent complete.
Mr. Doherty said the fact that they're
ahead of schedule doesn' change, the
completion date since that in governed by
the equipment and some of that won't be
here till spring.
It is hoped that the treatment plant and
pumping station will be completed by June
of 1981.
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FAST WORK Work on the outside of the buildings at the Brussels
sewage treatment plant site is progressing well, and Clarence Doherty
the Inspector on the project says they're about a month ahead of schedule
with this construction. (Photo by Ranney)
WHICH WAY, PARDNER? Local children got
the chance to dress up'as, cowboys and Indians
when they took part in the Brussel-sm.-Play-
ground's Cowboys And Indians Night on
Short- Shots
by Evelyn Kennedy
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Morris discusses
new proppsals
New proposals in tbe pits and Quarries.
Act were a disturbing topic of conversation
for Morris Township CoPncil when it met
Friday afternoon.
Council had a deputation from Art Carr, of
the MiniStry of Natural Resources (MNR) in
Winghatn, who explained the new proposals
were to become effective January 1981.
In the new proposals, either the owner of a
gravel pit or a person taking gravel out of The
pit would have to get a licence. Currently,
contractors in Morris move freely from one
pit to another.
Another change is a rehabilitation fee
increase from two cents a ton,--to eight cents
per metric tonne• for the contractor which
means that once a gravel pit is, exhausted the
contractor must then make sure the area
goes back into agriculture or forestry,
whatever the site plans are. The contractor is
reimbursed after the rehabilitation takes
In a telephone interview later, Mr. Carr
explained that in the past a lot of the
contractors hadn't worried about their
source of aggregate but in the future gravel
pits will be licenced areas and the tendering
on jobs' will require some • pre-planning on
the contractor's part.
In his deputation to council, Mr. Carr.
explained that a new Pits and Quarries
inspector would be coming into the
Wingham District and that changes-in that
area would be extensive. He told council that
158 more townships would come under the
Pits and Quarries Act as of January.
Currently - the Act applies to 278
Please turn to page 7
Tuesday. Here they follow along the parade
route, dragging their covered wagon with them.
(Photo by Langlols)
things„ earning badges, and-having lots of The boat docked a the islandon which.
. , , , ..„ . — , • , • ' • • " • ' •
September 9th at four o'clock in the Library When she died suddenly he discontinued the
work arid it was never' completed. Paasen- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1980
basement. Why not join now and not miss gers who desired a closer view of the castle any' of the activities you are sure to enjoy. . * * * and' its 'environs could- disembark and be
picked up an hour later: Now more about my Ottawa Holiday.
While visiting, in, Ottawa we had and After we returned to Gananoque, at 6:00
p.m., we were entertained at the home of interesting excursion. We motored to Gan- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Scrutton. Our hostess had nanoque where we embarked on one of the ccompainied us on the cruise. Gananoque Boat Line's three-decker boats Ron will be remembered here by those for a three-hour Thousand Island Cruise. If who were members of the Brussels Boys and you have never taken that cruise you should Girls *Band. He used'to come from London if you ever hay.e the opportunity. with the bandmaster and was a highly These boats .are well equipped :for a competent performer on drums. Mr. pleasant trip on the mighty St. Lawrence. Scrutton is at present, and has been for There is a 'snack bar for those who get several years, the manager of the Toronto hungry or thirsty. An enclosed deck offers " Dominion Bank at Gananoque. He still plays protection if weather is inclement. drums in an orchestra. Ron and my son Well it is that this river should be referred Robert have never lost contact and have to as the Mighty St. Lawrence. Until you continued 'their friendship throughout the have travelled on it and see its vast expanse years. We spent a delightful evening with it is hard to realize what a great waterway it them. - - is.
We were on the upper deck where there - •• •
was ample opportunity not miss a thin
A running commentary informed
passengers of objects and points of interest
and gave bits of hiStory.
Although it is call The Thousand Island
Cruise, there are well over a thousand
island, large and small, in that area of the St.
Lawrence. We passed through Canadian,
U.S. and International waters: In the main
channel we sighted a large freighter making
its way up river. Most of the islands are
owned by the Canadian or U.S., government
but a good number are privately owned with
lovely summer homes.'
Twice we passed under the huge Inter-
national Bridge that links Canada to the
The Canadian section extends from, the
Canadian mainland to Hill Island, from there
is the International' section and then the
American section. It is a graceful, sweeping
Girls:. If you are at least sirle 4o age, structure under which the conflicting tides in
you can, become a Brownie. As a Brownie that vicinity- swirl. you are one of a group of , girls your age to
join in the experience of. learning . new
fun . • , • stinds the fanicius Boldt Castle.; It was' built
some years ago by a'millionaire for his wife. ' Brownies will be starting here on Tuesday
109th Year Issue No. 36
There was much of interest to see and hear
about. Three young men made up the
capable experienced •crew.
I had the pleasure of being taken to the
wheel house and introduced to Captain
Marty Mangon, first' mate Neil McCarney
and engineer George Cunningham. All three
were equally qualified. They told me that the
cruise we were on covers opproximately 50
Visits were made to a number of Locks
on the Rideau system. One -of the most
interesting was to Chaffey's Lock. Lock
grounds are always attractive and well kept.
Lawns are meticulously groomed and
flowers are blooming. Always there are
picnic tables. ,A1Cliaffeys Lock there is an
old hotel called the Onipicon where, in time
gone by, U.S. tourists on the Rideau System
liked to arrive for meals. They are said to
have been bountiful and good, everything
placed, on the table to help yourself. If it is
the same to-day we do not know. Here we
watched three large cruisers and three
smaller boats pass together through the
Early morning was enjoyed outdoors on
the deck. There mornings were spent lazing
around in 'housecoat and slippers amused by
the antics of black and grey squirrels. Four
of them became so tame they, would scamper
Up the steps of the deck to where we were to
take peanuts from Our hands. Two of them
would even climb a chair and into our laps.
fo r a nut. The greys had beautiful plumed
and marked tails. One would jump into a lap,
take the nut and Sit up happily munching
away. They were a source of amusement to
all of us.