HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-08-20, Page 5pogei4,.4.akva,‘",r3&,,,,C4441'04F1410,0,1*-,., 'v"41°*"."4"4"1*****/$1"4"4 WAY01.1`1,11411141, afqf' ?4'
ONUielfte FOOT. Al
off of -regular price
everything in,. the store
• and • • .
• orders taken during sale.
Try Our Specialty:
Homemade Pure
1 mile east of Walton
Telephone - 887-9328
C 1 '
every Tuesday -
Your Choice:
Regular or Deluxe Cut
Iree;er paper or* polyfilm wrap
We have available
!Quick .Freezing
•Patty Machine
•Meat Tenderizer
•Sausage making
Check 'Our Prices
MEAT is our Business.
MEET us and see!
• •
Drive our great 84-86 or 88 series
2t-i- 2 Tractors at our
WED., AUG. 27
10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Con Eckert Farm
north of -Seaforth
..411111 , • pt
1„ •
SEAFORTH 521•012
The, market at Brussels
Stockyards on Friday traded
at higher prices on both
cattle and pigs. There were
953 cattle. and 1971 pigs on
• offer.
Choice Steers-82.00 to
,85.00 with sales to 87:50.
Good steers-80.00 to; 82.00.
A steer consigned by Dave
Wheeler of Brussels weigh-
ing 1090 lbs. sold for 87.50
with his 55 steers, averaging
1127 lbs. selling 'for an
overall price of 84,75.
A steer consigned by Bob
Alexander of Ethel weighing
'1380 lbs. sold for 87.00 with
his load of •20 steers averag-
ing 1350 lbs. -selling for an
overall price of 85.20.
A steer consigned by. Gar-
land Pike • of . Palmerston
weighing 1320 lbs, sold for
' -A steer consigned by Keith
McLean of Brussels weigh-
ing 1200 lbs sad for 85.50.
Six, steers consigned by
W.R. Scott of Seaforth
averaging 1155 lbs. sold for
84.75. .
Thirteen steers consigned
by Jack McCarthy of 'RRl,
Dublin averaging 1143 lbs.
sold for an overall price of
Three steers consigned by
Elston Arnold 'of Kincardine
averaging 1260 lbs. selling
for 84.50 with his lot of 11
steers averaging 1244 lbs:
• A heifer consigned by. Bob
Blake of Brussels weighing
1050 lbs. sold tor-83.75 with
his lot of 14 heifers averaging
927 lbs. selling flit. 81.55. •
George Blake .of Brussels
averaging 1011 lbs. sold for
82.70 •with his lot of 14
heifers averaging 964 iba•
selling, for 81.70.
A heifer consigned by Ed
Batte of RR3, Walkerton
weighing.1140 lbs. sold' for
To Me." Mr. Nelson Lear
and. Mrs." :Elsie .Henderson
sang a duet accompanied by
Mr:- Frank Bissett at the
We have had rather a busy
Twenty -five here f ord week at 'Huronview With the Jacklin, Lyla Pinner, Eliza- ,
52.25 with his lot of 6 heifers
averaging 1011 lbs. selling
for 79.10.
Sizteen ,heifers, consigned
by Glen Johnston of Rft2,
Bluevale averaging 910-lbs.
sold for 77.75.
--/vIcVittie,• Margaret Mitchell
and 'Margaret' Murray along
with, staff members enjoyed a
ride on the tour boat.
On Tuesday it was another
opportunity for Myrtle
During Our
Hot Dog Days
August 21, 2Z & 23rd
TEN .PAS . •
Decor Centre - -
122 Main' .St..Listowei
A heifer consigned by
Francis. Zettler of RR3,
Walkerton weighing 1050
ilbs, sold for 81.00 with his
I load of 41 heifers mainly
hereford averaging 1026 lbs.
sold for an overall price of
Twenty heifers consigned
by - Gerald Wheeler of
Brussels averaging 904 lbs.
sold for an overall priee of
Choice Cows-56.00 to
59.00 with sales, to 63.00
• Good Cows-54.00 to 56.00
Canners & Cutters-50.00
to 54.00
30 to 40 lbS. pigs traded to a
40 to 50 lb. pigs to a high of
high of 29.75.
50 to 60,1b, pigs to a high of
1. 60 to. 70 lb.• pigs to a high of
heifers• consigned by Henry Burton Upon Trent Youth beth Black, Julia Stevens,
Farms of Blyth averaging 920 Choir from Staffordshire Olive Straughen, , Della
lbs. sold for 82.75 with their England entertaining on Nesbitt, Marjorie Boyce and
103 heifers averaging 918 Saturday afternoon. We have Helen Fisher to have a van
lbs. selling , for the 'overall the choir on video and will be ride.
price of 81.10. able to again enjoy them in. Norman. Dupee, Bill
Six heifers .consigned by the future. McCurdy, John McTaggart,
On Monday the kitchen Frank McGregor, Andy
staff packed us a beautiful Doig, Clarence Smith, Ken
Every week. more and picnic lunch which we took to Skillen, Sadie Mittel!, Mary
more people discover what Stratford and ate down by Cornish, Ferne Finlay, Della
mighty jobs are, accomplished., •theyiater, After lunch Mabel Overholt, Dolly Waghorn,
:by low cost Post Want Ads. -Jeffery, Mary McAllister, Della Fahner , 011ie Jervis,
Dial Brussels 887-6641. • ,Eunice Lamb, Elsie Hender- Maude Dale, Stan Goudie
and Ann Ritchie enjoyed a
4' picnic lunch at .Goderich.
Following their lunch we took
a ride to Sugar Bush at
Bayfield where we stopped
for a cold drink at the trailer.
Thursday afternoon Ethel
Hill, Iris Spading; Tina-
McNaughton, Mary Ross,
Rossie Sholdice, Grace Peck,
ColemanDoreen spent time
browsing at the Country
Spire Gift Shop. We also
enjoyed the hot scones and
tea that is so farnonse there.
selling for 83.35.
NOW. LET'S SEE, THE WINNER. IS. . Although Beigrave re-
sidents waited'patiently in the hope that it was their ticket, It'Was Andrew
Manson of London who waS the winner of the Beigrave Kinsmen's first
early bird $300. draw held to raise funds for the new ball park. Making
the draw were Lewis Cook (who made the drum which held the tickets)
and Blake Evans, Kinsmen presdient. More early, birds draws for $300
will be held and later on there will be draws for $1000 prizes.
(Photo by Ranney)
,Choice heifers-77.00 to Huronview peop picnic y • river
81.00 with sales to 83.75.
Good heifers-75.00 to
77.00 ..
At -the Sunday morning son, Jean Miller, Gladys. The SuMmer hi Workshop
service the choir sang the. St anl a k e , Margaret Ministries also entertained
anthem "He Is So Precious -,'McQueen, Levi. Carter, Ruby • for the last time this week as
the girls will soon be return-
ing to Ottawa.
Huronview would like to
welcome Sadie McBurney.
Sadie is from the Wingham
area. ' ' • ,