HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-07-30, Page 11Receiving WHEAT KEN R. CAMPBELL FARMS LTD. R:11. 1, Dublin 527-0249 .*" ' THE' BRUSSELS POST, JULY 30, 19150 11 Agri-crews le JOAN ISABEL MALI daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mair of R.R.5, Brussels, graduated July 26, 1980' from the Diploma Nursing Program, Conestoga College, Stratford. Joan, is a graduate of F.E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham. She has accepted. a position at Toronto. East General and Orthopedic Hospital. Leafhopper burn This injury to beans is caused by, the Potato Leaf- hopper and at a distance could be mistaken for bronz- ing. The potato leafhoppers are pale green, wedge- shaped insects about 1/8 inch long. When disturbed, leafhoppers move equally well forwards, backwards or sideways. The young nymphs feed on the, under- side of the leaves by sucking the juices. Severe infest-.;. ations cause wilting and leaf tips will turn brown or give a burnt appearance. If adults are present in large numbers they would be noticeable when cultivating or walking through the crop. Insecticides used for bean beetle control will also con- trol the leafhopper. Huron-Perth Agricrew is , well underway for another 1Year. The crews have been at work for more than three ',weeks and they‘have ed lots of practice at such jukes as stone picking, Paint- ing, hoeing vegetables, spraying milkweed, haYing and cleaning barns. There are three crews working in the Huron-Perth 'area this summer. Members of the crew working out of the Wingham-Dungannon area are; Foreman-Debbie Armstrong, and. Crew- InteMbers -Lila, $tewart; 1Diana • Leddy and Janice 1Robinson. In the Clinton- 1$eafOrth crew are; Foreman Dave Townsend, and Crew, members. - Cathy Van lNinh uya, Darlene Hoogenes and Jeff Imetning. And, the ' ,: crew working out of the Exeter-St. Marys area consists of; Foreman Steve Willis, and Crewmembers - Audrey Van Weiren, Joan 'Cooper, and Gary ,Fluttert, They have been quite busy Ito .the past three weeks but are by no means booked for One deperving Ontario 4-H c. Achieve a minimum of Member who enters the:Uni- : 66% idGrade• 13 high,school versity of Guelph's Agri- studies. cultural Degree Program in Ontario 4-H members can 1980 will win a $500 scholar- obtain applications from the ship this fall. office of the Agricultural This scholarship is award- Representative in each ed by Stewart Seeds in County and. District of Ont- commemoration of the Ont- ario. Applications are also ario Agricultural College's available by writing Stewart -Centennial. It was first pre- Seeds, P.O. Box 40, Ailsa sented in the College's Cent- Craig, Ontario NOM 1AO. To ennial year when it was won be considered, applications by Darryl Mitchell of Middle- must be received by Septem- sex County. The recipient in ber 12th, 1980. 1979 was Valerie Wert of FARM SAFETY AWARDS . Stormont County. PROGRAM The past recipients were The Farm Safety Associ- selected because they exhib- ation is pleased to announce ited outstanding leadership the launching of the Farm through their participation in Safety Association's Safety 4-H and Junior Farmer pro- Awards . Program to honour grammes as well as com- individuals actively involved munity activities. in agriculture who have To qualify for the award in observed safety awareness 1980, the applicant must: resulting in the prevention of a. Be entering the Agricul- death or serious injury. This tural Degree Program at the program will also provide -an University of Guelph. awareness of farm safety b. Be a member of the among Ontario farmers. Ontario 4-H programme. Nominations for Safety Awards will be accepted by the Farm Safety Association or any Huron County Agri- cultural Commodity Organ- ization. The Farm Safety Association must receive nominations by September 1st, 1980 to be eligible for Safety Awards to be pre- sented at the . Fall Area Meeting held in November. Further information and nomination forms can be obtained from ' Len Mac- Gregor at the office of the Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food in Clinton. —Len MacGregor, Extension Assistant for Huron County MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE Producers are urged- to keep close watch on their white and kidney beans for lb. the bean beetle. Examine the underside of the leaves for - orange coloured egg masses, 'and young beetle larvae. The larvae are light yello with k black spines. Adults are. yellowish with 16 small black. spots. If egg masses and/or young feeding larvae are prevalent throughout the field, consider spraying. Damage is caused by the adult and larvae chewing the underside of the leaves. A lacelike skeletonized appear- ance is produced in severe cases. Sevin, Guthion, Thiodan '.and Malathion are products available to control the bean beetle. Follow label direct- ions and re-entry pre- ' cautions. Beef barbecue coming up The Huron Cattlemen's Association Beef Barbeque and Dance will be held at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre, Wed- nesday, August 6th, from 6-8 p.m. —Stan Paquette, Assoc, Ag. Rep. for Huron County ZZLIt Aitts CLASSIFIE A Si NOW You can reach all of Ontario ) with your special classified ad. OR you may choose one section of Ontario to fill your needs. NORTH BLANKET ONTARIO with YOUR CLASSIFIED AD A 2S word ad for: • West S7S.00 • East 550.00 EAST • Kmption $100. buys the province Additional words $2.00 each 1, WEST jt,4 TUregh nOtiel irinnitemoni lootivien fh. Onisifio Weekly NeWspoperi AliontistiOn wi offer an Onisrio-widt elsisifind adOortiiini sorvirAi.. Brtits.elg Post 1887-6641 ALLAN K. OVERGAARD, D.C. at 197 Josephine St. Wingham. is pleased to announce the commencement of his practice of Chiropractic Office hours by appointment. Ph. 357-.1224 SPEO/AiS Front Quarters Beef 1.23 lb. cut wrapped & frozen lb. Come one, come all to the Brussels Ball Tournament August 2 -weekend. Fresh Ground Hamburger 1.79 Chuck Roasts Beef 1.49 Round Steak 2.69 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9:00 P.M. */k 9" BruSsels MEAT MARKET 887-6294 1` 44 , . ‘4 THOMPSON 8•1 STEPHENSON 'the whole summer. All of the 'crews have openings. But the 'sooner you book, the more likely you will get the crew on the day that you wish them to work. The d4ails of Agricrew „are:.. 1. A crew consists of 4 students of high school age, one foreman and 3 crew- ° members. ;2. The crews are hired on a , daily, basis (minimum of 1 and maximum of S days/ 'farmer) ".3. A day is defined as 8 hours, 4. The. cost to the farmer is $90 for the crew for a day. S. The crews supply their own transportation to and from the farm. 6. The crews supply their own lunch. ' 7. The farmer is asked to Will award 4-H scholarship 7-1 • North $2.5.00 , Sl have an alternate plan in zase of wet weather. For, more information or to book a crew call the Huron- Perth Co-ordinator, Heather. Boyle at the Stratford OMAF office at 271-0280 or the Clinton OMAF office at 482- 3428. ar,44,611,144a4ASA44-wA5A41 d3,11&4114 sn snformickalttlifitt'fall.Na4uuuannuanusuttam