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The Brussels Post, 1980-07-30, Page 3
Can you believe it? A cucumber that is 12% inches around and 11 inches in length. You have to believe it for Bob Black brought just such a cucumber into the office of the Brussels Post on Monday of this week. It was grown in, his Hydroponic greenhouse. Can you pick one out of your garden that will beat, or even equal that one? THE •BR. ussp.s. PO8T,: 'RAY" 1,9W ids im at orrie pool Miss Nancy .Fishet- is the Red Cross Swimming Instructor and assisting her are Miss. Joanne Sanderson and Miss Mary Beth Sander- son of Gorrie and Miss Diane sOarniednraofHWarrinigshoafmTaenedswMatis s er at the Howick Lions Pool in Gorrie. There are 250 child ren taking lessons incleiding a bus from Kurtzville area and also one from the Brus- sels area. In August 150 pupils are registered for lessons. The Wallace Opti- mists are also offering a Bronze class of instruction in August. Can y©u beat this giant cuke? ON TO THE BIG RACES—Four Huron County' junior canoe racing teams have qualified for the Ontario Summer Games in Peterborough August 22-25, including (rear left) Tony Gibbings, Rick Kioss,: Ted Cowan, (front) Karen Cowan, Dana Kloss, Terry Salter, Calvin Salter and Rob Cardiff. All of these racers except for the Salters will also be competing in the Canadian Marathon Canoe Racers Association National race in Ottawa this weekend. (Photo by Ellis) Short Shots by. EvOlyn Kennedy Continued from page 1 Knight. A good number are away each day for instruction in swimming instruction. Twice each week the arena is humming with the action of roller skaters. Next week there will be the big invitational softball tourna- ment. That should, provide great entertain- ment for ball fans of all ages. There will be 16 teams participating in the tournament. See ad elsewhere in this paper. ****** • Those pesky little creatures—earwigs— are around these days. The wet weather we have been having is providing the dampness ' which they favour and thrive on. If you are not successful in keeping them out of the house do not fear them nibbling on clothing or furniture. They do not have a taste for such things. They do get into Things and are definitely a nuisance. They persist in sneaking into homes by clinging to washing on the line and are also carried in on your person. Shake those clean clothes when you take them off the line. *•**** If you want another chance to see the musical "Annie Get Your Gun"—you haVe it. There will. be a bus going to the Grand Bend playhouse August 28th for a perform- ance of that play. See Coming Events for particulars.• ****** My home these days is not the quiet spot it usually is. With my son and his family from Ottawa it is fill of activity, comings and goings. Sheba, my dog, is the recipient of a great deal of attention from my grandsons and is in a state of exalted excitement when she is not worn out from roughing around with them. Grandma is ordered around by everyone. "Stay' out of the kitchen," "sit down," "don't do this, or that, we will do it," etc. etc. My son, who knows mother needs help catching up with a myriad of jobs she cannot do, Iteeps things in a turmoil. Among other things he is slapping paint on here and there which someone is almost sure to 'bump into, catching some wrathful words from the painter. In between it is rushing off to some Lake Huron beach. Without that a holiday here would be a total loss. The only trouble is grandma is not sure she will survive two weeks of all this hustle and ,bustle. In spite of this I appreciate and ,enjoy, thoroughly, every minute. Sponsored by Seaforth Lions Club Sea forth Community Centro Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Advance Tickets $5.00 Al the Doer woo (Admission restricted to 19 and over) Tickets available from club members and at The Huron Expositor, Mclatighlin CheV Olds, Vincent Farm Equipment and Bob and Betty's, TIME FOR A BREAK — Troy Innis, seven months old, takes a jell° break from the Queen of the Fair competition, Feeding Troy is Gordon Workman and looking on is his three year old' grandson bevon P101'1008 from London. (Photo by Langlols)