HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-07-23, Page 15CONSIGNMENT AUCTION
Sat. July 26 at 11:00 a.m.
We have a complete offering of tractors, tillage
equipment, haying & harvesting equipment, as well
as a full range of household effects. Plan now to
Consignments welcome.
Phone 291-2600
We are also, available to conduct your personal
property, estate, or farm auctions.
LISTOWEL 291.2600
'Tor service that sells"
Auction Sale
Thursday, July 24 at 7:00 p.m.
at site in Kinburn
3 & 3/4 miles west of Seaforth or east of Clinton
on hwy. 8, then 3&3/4 miles north
Lot B and C on Union St., with a single storey, 3
bedroom, aluminuin sided frame dwelling.
Lot D' n Union, St. with a single storey, 4 bedroom
frame dwelling. Selling subject to terms and,
conditions to be announced at sale time. $1,000
down at time of sale, balance in 30 days.
R.R. 4 Seaforth.
527.0940 20-47-1
Xxo. ,
Fuel Oil
Plainly marked sealed
tenders will be recieved
up to 12 o'clock noon
August 20, 1980
for the
Supply of
Fuel Oil
to Huron County Schools
Specifications and tend-
er forms may be obtain-
ed at the office of The
Huron County Board of
Education, 103 Albert
Street, Clinton, Ontario,
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
D.J. Cochrane
Auction Sale of Interest
Antique, Modern, Vintage
Saturday, July 26, 11 a.m.
Wingham 'Auction Centre.
next to L.C.B.O., Wingham
ANTIQUES:; .Round oak din-
ing' table, fi chairs; buffet
with mirror; 3 pce. wicker '
suite - excellent condition;
full size brass bed - good
condition; secretary desk; re-
finished kitchen cabinet -
original condition; sleigh bed
Aresser & night table set;
tulip wood table top desk;
spool bed; Stradivarius vio-
lin, made in Italy; small drop
'leaf oak table.
MODERN: 2 door Zenith
refrigerator - excellent con-
dition; Kroehler gold 2 pce.
chesterfield - like new; 2 pce.
chesterbed; 2 pce. vinyl
chesterfield; 4 cushion ches-
STANDARD: 3 sectional
bookcase w. glass doors;
metal bed, springs, dresser
w. oval bevelled mirror; 2
good kitchen, sets; 3 coffee
tables; end tables; table
lamps; twin beds, dresser &
chest; 2 wooden bedsteads;
rocking chair; several chairs,
including 6 matching press
back; dresser bottoms; West-
minster mantel chime clock;
propane 'kitchen stove; bar-
becue; self propelled 22"
lawn mower; a variety of
dishes, glassware, etc., in-
cluding 6 egg cups, 4 salt and
pepper, 3 cups & saucers in
elite Limoges, France.
PREVIEW: Friday, July 25, ,
2-5 and 7-9 and Saturday
morning prior to sale.
Jack Alexander-Anctioneer
Tel. 357-1442
Remember! It takes but a
momen t to place a Brussels
Postant Ad
Dial Brussels 887-6641.
21 Tenders Wanted
A Post Classified will pay
vat: dividends. Have you
tried one? Dial Brussels
.Auction Sale
for the twp. of Morris at the site of the Martin's
bridge, 2 corners east of hwy. #4 or 4 corners west of
Brussels on County road 16, side-road 10-11, Con." 6
twp. of Morris.
on Thursday, July 31st
A qUantity of I-beams, quantity of angle iron,
quantity of 1 1/2 " tubular pipe plus miscellaneous
scrap steel. Terms cash night of the sale. Sales day
will be charged. Twp. of Morris or auctioneer not
responsible for damage or loss of purchase.
Auctioneer • Brian Rintoul
Lloyd Mickey • Road Superintendent
Twp. of Morris
Auction Sale
Tractors, Combine's, Trucks & Large Late Modeled
_.. for
Ed Krauter, Ethel, Ont.
Lot. 24, Conc. 9, Grey Township, 6 miles east of.
Brussels 6 -miles west of Newry on Newry-
Brussels Road Huron County Road No. 19,
MONDAY, JULY 28 at 12:00 noon
TRACTORS: 2670 Case 4-wheel drive, 2000 .hrs.
fully equipped, air conditioning, radio, snap on
duals, 23.1 x 30 tires, 4 remotes, 3-point hitch with
quick tach, 1000 r.p.m. P.T.O. excellent condition;
1206 International diesel, remotes, 3 pt. hitch, 1000
r.p.m. PTO duals, 18.4 x 38 rubber; 4010 John
Deere diesel " with No. 48 hydratilic loader 'fully
equipped, rernotea; 540 tw:m. -PTO, -18.4 x- -34-- -
rubber with duals.
COMBINES: -'2 No. 815 low profile International
combines 3 years old, diesel fully equipped; air
conditioning, 4 row No. 843 corn heads, will sell
separate, No. 810 grain pickups will sell with
combines, Hydrostatic drive transmissions - one has
23.1 x 26 Rice tires 11.2 x 24 Treaded rear tires,
monitor, straw chopped and extension unloading,
auger, other has 23.1 x 26 tires and 1100 x 16 rear
tires - Both in Good. Condition.
TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: 36 ft.' John .Deere Cultiv-
ator with hitchhicker all hydraulic lift on wings,
Krause 17 ft. hydraulic fold up' Disc, 5 Harrows
sections and stretcher, Plows: John Deere 6 x 18 No.
2500 hydraulic reset with all new bottoms;
International 7 x 16 No. 710 on land hitch, spring
resets complete new' set of bottoms will sell
separate; John. Deere 6 x 14 semi mount with trip
bottoms; 4 row Kmiskilde scuffler.
PLANTING EQUIPMENT: John Deere 7000 8 row
maxi merg planter fully equipped with monitors acre
meter, insecticides and hydraulic fertilizei cross
auger; International No. 510 16' run seed drill with
fertilizer and grass seeder in excellent condition;
T.S.C. trailer sprayer 30 ft. booms with floatation
tires and hypro roller pump; 2 Gravity bins 250
bushel on 8 ton wagoni; 6 inch 41 ft.' P.T.O.
Hutchinson transport auger;. New Idea Jiffy dump
wagon with roof like new; Ford Forage 56 inch
blower; Model 315 New Holland baler, 2 yrs. old
with floatation tires and super sweep pick up like
TRUCKS: 1969 Ford tandem 250 h.p. cat diesel
engine, new tires, tilt cab, equipped with 500 bushel
double door Kilbros gravity bin, farm current
license, sells as is; 1969 Ford 800 with tilt cab, gas
with 14 ft. rack and hoist has current license, sells as
is; 1976 GMC 4 x 4 pick up fully equipped, power
steering, power brakes, CB radio, sun roof, radio,
rally wheels, safety checked.
MISCELLANEOUS: 100 gal. portable fuel tank with
electric pump, set of tractor mount saddle poly tanks
and hydraulic driven sprayer pump, several hyd-
raulic cylinders, 2 flat rack wagons and some
miscellaneous items used for cash crop farming.
Owner'or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents
day of sale
Any announcements or corrections given verbally
day of sale " •
Auctioneer: David Carson Ethel Ont.
R.R. 3 Listoviel 519487.6339
THE BRUSSELS ,POST, JULY 10*. 1985 15.
frew# s Arema-inew,MALMS !e•
20 AuctiOu Sides 20 Auction SoleS 20 Auction Saki). 20 Auction Sales.-' 21 Tenders Wanted 1; Tenders: Wanted
Tenders will be received in the Municipal. Office
Excavating and Backfilling
two blocks of street in the Village of Brussels.
' Thomas Street from John to James to be
excavated 18" deep, 24' wide and replaced with 12"
of granular B and 6" of granular A and graded and
compacted to finish elevation.
King Street from Turnberry St. to John St. to be
excavated 24" deep, 24' wide and replaced with 12'''
of granular B, and 6" of granular A, and graded and
compacted ,to finish elevation.
Tenders to be in by '
August 1, 1980
wm. mica
24 Cards of Thanks 26 Personal
The family of the late Mary
Stephenson wish to express
sincere thanks and appreci-
ation to relatives, friends and
neighbours for their many
acts of kindness shown dur-
ing our recent sad • bereave- -
ment. 24-47-1
The Walton Area Sports Club
wishes to thank everyone
who helped make the
"Grand Opening" of the
Recreation Center a success.
barbecue and the ladies who
parade, those who helped
thanks to the ladies who
helped during the week to
prepare the building for Sat-
Special thanks to those in the
helped in the kitchen. Also
urday. Thank you to every-
one who attended.
24-47-1 'marriage. The wedding to
follow in Blyth. 26-47-1
7:30 p.m. Open reception to
take place at Trinity Anglican
Church, Blyth on July 26, at
Carmen Gwynn, Blyth and
Ella Alcock, Brussels wish to
announce their forthcoming
Funeral services `were held
at the A. Millard Funeral
Home, 60 Ridout St. S.
London for the late Peter
Gerkis •of R.R. 2, Gorrie.
Mr. Gerkis was born in'
Latvia on Feb. 26, 1927 and
came to Canada as a young
man. He died at his resi-
dence in Howick Twp.
The service was conducted
by Rev. J. Praulins of the
Latvian Lutheran Church
with interment in Woodlawn
Cemetery, London.
Mr. Gerkis was pre-
deceased by his mother in SHARON ENGEL
Jan. 1976. He was employed graduated Friday, June 20th. by the Campbell Soup Co. at
from Fanshawe College, Listowel.
London, in the Library
Several friends and neigh- Technician Course. She is
bours from the area attended
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the funeral service held July Gordon Engel, R.R.#3,
12 at 11 a.m. Brussels.
Street people
are feet people.
They're neat people
who meet people.
Why not loin up?
Take a walk.
pannaparna •
,The C•rocliim moviwnint tot *semi Wilms.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cameron,
R.R. 3, Brussels are pleased
to announce the forthcoming
marriage of their' daughter,
Deborah Lynn to'Rand:t;
William Hunt, son of , Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Hunt, Ford-
wich, on Saturday, August 9,
1980, at 7 p.m. in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Cran-
brook, Ontario. 26-47-1