HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-07-16, Page 20Sugar and spicy
By Bill Sniiiey 11
• . 010eydteH Hall -
Continued from page 1
indepth investigation of a new structure
before, malting a decision-do enlarge or
renovate the existing building.
He emphasized the limitations 'that
resulted from adding to an existing
building. "You're not going to be able to
do what you would like. It's going to be
rigged around what's already there." He
added that today people providing funds
and donations like to see facilities for the
handicapped and, that was another advan-
tage for having the new facility on one
floor. • ..
He estimated the cost of a new structure
could be approximately the same as fixing
up the old building, "
"Anybody want to buy an old building?"
one man jokingly asked to a round of
One man had investigated the price of a
40x 80 building which'included everything
and carne up with an, estimate of about
$46,000 while it was suggested the
estimate for an addition was in the $60,000
to S70,000 price range.
Following an hour long ,discussion, the
residents decided to go along with a motion ,
made by Bev Brown that the building
'committee request Turnberry Township
Council to clarify the lot size and that the
committee, visit other similar sized com-
tnu,nity centres, to get some idea of what
could go into a new hall. The building
committee could then fink/ a recommend-
. ation for a Bluevale hall and present the
!ecommendation to auother public meet-
ing. At that time a decision could be made
to go ahead with a new hall or to put an
addition on the present ball after the
. alternatives had been compared.
The next meeting is to be held on July
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Continued from page 2
O.K. You Want literary criticism? You t.
shall get it. I've just finished. reading
"Needles") the novel that won for its
author, William Deverell, $50,000 in a new
gimmick established by, I think, Seal
paperback books and the old and s it says
here - reputable Canadian publishing firm
of McClelland and Stewart."
It was, according to the Over blurb, the
unanimous choice of the judges. I wonder
who the judges were. Gordie Howe?
George Chuvalo? Lassie?
"Needles" cannot be written by a fine,
young Canadian. It is straight out of Sax
• Rohmer by Mickey Spillane with James
Bond doing the accouchement.
It is pure garbage. But the sort of
garbage that makes you dig right to the
bottom of the garbage can. (Note the
repetition of the word garbage there, you
literary crits?)
But it 'is wonderful garbage, and that's
why the judges chose it. It will sell. It's so
rotten that I finished it at three a.m. It's so
bad you can't put the clang thing down.
It has everything that the modern reader
wants, and can't quite get, even though TV
and the movies are busting their corsets to
probe our every abberation.
It has kinky sex, drugs, genital mutil-
ation, booze, a cop who likes kicking people
in the guts, a courtroom scene with a
lawyer who is shooting into his vein, and a
re-incarnation of Dr. Fu Manchu, the great
Chinese villain of the aforementioned Sax
Rohmer's books.
It also contains every dirty word you ever
thought you might like to say, and every
violent deed you might like to commit. It's
bound to be a best-seller. And that is why
Gordie, George and Lassie chose it. Not foe"
literary merit. . -
To be fair, it has 'a few great descriptive
passages from the Vancouver Chamber of
Commerce tourist booklet, and some
switches right out of John Le Carte.
So sue me, Jack McClelland. Everything
is in my wife's name. Actually, I thor-
oughly enjoyed the novel., and I'm sure
you will, too, if you can't get enough sex
and violence at home.
Might as well get all this lit crit out of My
system at once. That brings up - no pun
intended • Mordecai Richler's new novel. I
haven't read it, because the library has not
yet stocked it, and may never do so,
, When his novel "Cocksure" won the
Governor General's Award, 'I chaffed, our
local librarian because it wasn't, on the
shelves. Her reply, and she was right, was
that it was too dirty for our town. We must
have had a dirty old man as Governor
General at the time.
At any rate, as they say when they don't
know how to begin the next paragraph,
grumpy old Mordec, ai has once again
gone through his gestation, and produced.
And once again, he is into the Jewish
thing. In short, he .has "once more
re-written the same novel that he haXbeen
honing for years. He wrote one 'about a
Young Jew, then about a slightly older Jew,
then about a youngish middle-aged Jew,
and this one is about a really middle-aged
Jew. I'm looking forward to his noel about
an old Jew.
Simply, Mordecai Richler, after a couple
of good attempts, went back to the fecund
well of his own background, drew from it,
and drank deeply. The results are first-
He has, not yet produced a "master-
piece," as Maclean's, that pale copy of
something or other, called his latest work.
What's a masterpiece? A piece done by a
master, which is recognized a hundred.,or
- three hundred, years liter by the current
expert on masterpieces.
Shakespeare was a journeyman play-
writer. Dickens sold his stuff to magazines,
and padded it unscrupulously, because he
was paid by the word. Nobody would touch
Conrad with a ten-foot pole until he was'
We have some excellent writers in
Canada. If you want to see into the mind of
a woman, read Margaret Laurence. If you
want to see into the mind of a Catholic
moralist, read Morley Callaghan. If you
want to see into the mind of a WASP, read
Richard Rohmer. And so on.
But if you want to read the works of a
hard-nosed satirist, who lays it right on the
line about this country of ours, read
Too bad his novels are too dirty to teach
in high school. But I have snuck in Duddy
The difference
between you and a
person who's fit
is that anything
you can do
he can do better.
. pannapacrion
The Canadian movement for personal fitness.
Short Shots
by Evelyn Kennedy,
Continued from page I The publication Safety, Canada tells us
And understands. that trouble is brewing within the hospitality.
,—Don Blanding industry, people who earn their living in ****** restaurants, taverns- and similar places.
It is that time again for the Park Barbecue Those who serve a Customer enough
of St. John's Anglican Church. It is being alcoholic beverage to make the customer
held today (Wednesday, July 16) from 5:00 impaired, the establishment, perhaps even
to 7:36 p.m. If .you enjoy -barbecued pork the bartender, may be liable. In the Province
chops, done to perfection, that is the place to of Ontario, the Liquor licensing" Act says
get them. See display ad elsewhere in this "no person shall sell or supply, liquor or.
paper for particulars. - permit it to be sold or supplied to any person
* * a * * • in, or apparently in, an intoxicated cOn-
It is indeed a sorry state of affairs when await',
teenagers who do not take drugs are, made to Unfortunately, even experienced
feel so left out that they must seek expert bartenders are not always ;able. to tell advice to deal with their problem. Their whether that is the case or not. It is more
peers, who indulge in drug use, ridicule - obvious with some customers than with
How can anyone be so heartleis? A
beautiful, large 2-year-old white cat was
ruthlessly run down by. a speeding car
travelling north out' of Brussels. It happened
about 10:30 one night last Week. The' cat had
been called by its mistress and was not more
than a yard from leaving the edge of the
black, surfaced road, where , it must have'
been plainly visible, when it was killed. The
Scary conclusion — Researchers in Eng- owner helplessly watched the needless
land say that in a test it was concluded that slaughter of her pet. The driver did not even "
habitual smokers probably suffer mini have the decency to stop and say "I'm
withdrawals several times a day. This affects
their productivity, concentration and per-
formance. There nowt That should be
incentive enough to ,give up the filthy,
expensiVe habit. OopsI That takes a kind of
will power too many of us lack.
A Post Classified will pay
you dividends. Have you
tried one? Dial Brussels
them and make them feel like outcasts. Dr.
Janet Krainer of Jefferson University tells us
"that as an adolescent specialist, she is
consulted by these lonely teenagers." Why
must those who are addicted (alcohol and
drugs) feel compelled to drag down other
teenagers to their level by making them feel
like pariahs? To our teenagers I say — resist
their influence and pressure. They are the
ones who will sooner or later be the lonely
heartsick ones.—
others. Yet the safeguard is needed for the
public in general.
sorry" for what happened. What if it had
been one of the neighbourhood children that
had been crossing the street? Would the
driver then have sped away without any
more concern than he had for the mangled
body of someone's pet?