HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-06-25, Page 13STRAWBERRIES
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Leonard Lovell
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at Bluevaie
An inspiring service was
conducted in the United
Church, on Sunday by Robt.
Perry, the minister, and Rev,
Eric Le. Drew of Brussels at
the sacrament of baptism,
confirmation and
communion. Linda Miners
was baptized and those con-
firmed were Linda Miners,
Neil Warwick, Paul Johnston
and Doug Nicholson.
The board of stewards of
the United Church is grateful
to all who contributed toward
the church repair fund. The
canvas was very successful,
raising the amount needed
for the repairs.
Mrs. Lola Mann attended
the spring convocation at
Western University, London
on Monday,• June 9th when
her son-in-law • Wm. P. Taws
received his bachelor of law
The 35th annual Nethery
reunion was held on June 22,
at the community,hall, Lond-
esboro with 75 signing the
register. Mrs. and Mrs.'
George Ives of Blyth were in
• charge of the sports which
were enjoyed by all.,
Guests Guests were present from
Hanna, Alberta, Holland,
Michigan, Grand Island,
N.Y., Grosse, Pointe Michi-
gan, Niagara Falls, Burling-
ton, Hamilton, Bolton, Snel-
grove, Waterloo, Kitchener,
Elmira, Clinton, Wingham,
Londesboro and surrounding
. district.
Following the supper hour
the president, Alex Nethery
of Burlington, took charge of
the meeting. He announced
the deaths during the past
yearn. Mrs. Ella Francis of
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Mrs.
Alta Nethery of Blyth; Mrs.
Mary. E. McGill of Clinton,
William Van Camp of Bel-
grave and Charlie Mathers of
Bluevale and a few minutes
silence followed in remem-
Special prizes were given
out by Alex Nethery of.
Burlington to the oldest
person present: Mrs. Greta
Teeter of Grosse Pointe
Michigan; youngest person
presetit - Travis Sturdy of
Godericle person coming the
longest distance - Mrs. Nor-
the Coed of Hanna, Alberta;
to the couple married twenty-
five years this year - Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Scanlon of
Londesboro; the Who Am I?
contest was won by Edward
McGill of Bolton, guessing
the number of pennies in a
jar was won by Mrs. William •
Black of Belgrave.
A treat of watermelon was
given to all present by Alex
Nethery of Burlington.
President for next year,
Alvin Gallagher of Kitchener
and secretary-treasurer,
Mary Isabel Nethery of Bel-
Ten members of Huron
Chapter #89 Order of the
FAstern Star of Wingham
met at the home of Mrs.
Ethel Wheeler in Belgrave
Monday evening, June 16 to
present Mrs. Wheeler with
her fifty year membership
jewel. -
Mrs. Wheeler joined Al-
thea Chapter Order of the
Eastern Star, New York
State, 50 years ago and
affiliated with Huron Chap.
ter May 9, 1972.
The presentation was
made by Mrs, John Gnay
who was the presiding
matron in 1972. She was
Ate tZA e ele? teas
LIONS EXCHANGE—Dianne Bernard and.
Carla Knight are participating in the Lion's
International Exchange this year. Dianne is
going to Minnesota while Carla-will be going to
Denmark. Here, Lions' Club member Jack
McCutcheon hands them their cheques.
assisted by Mrs. Mac Arm- Mrs. • William Coultes
, matron of Huron Chapter.
Mrs. Wheeler's 91st birth-
strong the present presiding The, occasion also marked attended the Ontario Confer-
ence for Women at the
University of Waterloo, June
20 to 22. The, theme for the
day. Cake and ice cream weekeed was "Called to
were served by Mrs. Ross Become."
Anderson and Mrs. Kenneth
Approximately 500 women
from all over Ontario gath- Wheeler, hostesses for the
evening. ered for Bible Study dis-
cussion and workshop. Belgrave 4-H Club Out-
Mrs. Dorothy Kerr, Miss door Living's officers
are: president - Kim Mc- Norma Nethery of Hamilton
Dowell, vice-president - and Alex Nethery of Burling-
Meribeth Scott, secretary - ton called on their aunt, Mrs.
floating. Telford Cook on Sunday
Members talked about afternoon. Miss Norma Neth-
why you should be fit and ery remained for a few days
what you can do to become to visit with relatives
fit: They decided that they Miss Norma Nethery, Mrs.
would go on a campout Dorothy Kerr of Hamilton
instead of a hike. They also and Alex Nethery of Burling-
discussed what kinds of ton called on their aunt, Mrs.
equipment should be used George Cook on Sunday.
when camping. They corn- Miss Tillie Marnes of
pleted a fitness test. Blyth visited on Sunday
The second meeting's roll evening with Mrs. Cara
call was a hint for outdoor McGill.
cooking. Members also Mr. and. Mrs. Keith Dun-
demonstrated an exercise bar of Stratford visited on
learned and told what part of Sunday evening with his
the body it helped. mother Mrs. Joe Dunbar.
Members decided on the They have recently returned
date for the campout and from visiting with her broth-
discussed the club name er and sister-in-law Mr. and
which is the Camparettes. ' Mrs. James Lackridge, who
The girls talked about what is stationed in Germany with
flowers to pick and not to the air force.
pick. Members ' also talked Mr. James Coultes of
about .how to press flowers. Calgary is visiting with his
They discussed heat sources parents Mr. and Mrs. Norm-
for outdoor cooking and an. Coultes. Jim has spent the
learned how to build a• fire past four months working in
and ways of stacking wood Australia.
for fires. Mrs. Charlotte Cook of
They talked, about differ- Blyth visited on Sunday
ent ways of cooking foods, ' afternoon with Mrs. George
hollowing out a pumpkin and Cook.
making a stew. Also dis- Mrs. Cecil Coultes and her
cussed were food safety, food daughter Barbara have re-
choices and adapting recipes turned from an enjoyable
to outdoor cooking. For the holiday in Europe. They
home activity members are visited London, Rome, Ven-
supposed to cook one recipe ice, Vienna, Munich, Col-
from meeting #2 and record ogne, Amsterdam, Brussels
the results. and Paris.
PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John Rad-
The memorial service at ford entertained the families
Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave of the late William and
will be held on Sunday, July Albert Hornuth at their home
6th at 3 p.m. The Belgrave in Londesborough on Sun-
Anglican Church will be- in day. Relatives from Coiling-
charge of the service. wood, Burlington,. Wood-
We are sorry to hear that stock, London, Seaforth,
Mark Armstrong is a patient Clinton, Goderich, Wingham
in Victoria Hospital, West- and Belgrave enjoyed renew-
minster Campus, London. ing family ties.
Wingham Memorial Shop
Open Every Weekday
Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of
The Family and Consumer
Affairs meeting .of the Bel-
grave Women's Institute was
held recently in the Belgrave
W,I. Hall. Mrs, John Ander-
son discussed the motto
"God gave to each of us the
ingredients of happiness"
and said it is up to us hoW we
mix. them. Roll call was
answered by stating "what
the younger generation
taught me."
The. Annual Brandon
Cemetery service was an-
nounced for July 6 at 3 p.m
with the Anglican Church in
charge. The Institute trip to
the Blyth Summer Festival
will be on July 31 to see the
play "John and the Missus."
Anyone wishing tickets
should contact Mrs. Leonard
Katherine Procter, ,Heath-
er Morton and Jennifer Proc-
ter entertained with. Scottish
dancing. Mrs, Anderson led
in a contest and, then intro-
' duced. the guest speaker for
the evening Rona. Rohn. She
is a beauty consultant for
May Kay Cosmetics. She and
her assistant Joan Wissler
,discussed the importance
and care o1 healthy skin.
Mrs. Sara Anderson dis-
cussed portions of the Insti-
tute Handbook to familiarize
the members with its con-
The meeting closed with
i lunch served by Mrs. Clare
Van Camp, Mrs. James
Hunter and Mrs. Earl And-
I plans
The Evening. Unit of Knox
United Church Women, Bel-
, grave, met at the home of
Mrs. Jack. Taylor on June 10,
,• with a good attendance.
Mrs. Harold Vincent
opened the worship service
with prayer and Mrs. George
Johnston assisted by reading
from the Bible. The theme of
the worship service •was
"Using our Talents."
It was decided to assist, at a
60th wedding anniversary. It
, was also decided to make a
donation to the "Boat People
Fund" at Brussels Presby-
terian Church.
25, 1 3
Mrs. Norman Cook con-
ducted a study on Shintoism
in Japan and also about
Koreans living in Japan,
There will be no regular
meeting during the summer,
but a social is to be planned.
The meeting cloed with a
social half-hour and lunch
I served by Mrs. Jack Taylor,
i Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mrs.
Laura Johnston.
Mr. and MrsEdgar Wight-
man visited on Saturday with
her 'daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Mont-
gomery and family of
Nethery reunion held
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