HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-04-02, Page 16WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT '"THE DEALER THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" Wy'i #6 WIARTON Ph. 534-2980 Ph. 534-1638 SHOPPING GUIDE 2.19 .69 .79 1.59 2/.79 .89 1.19 Bakery CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY'Grocery STEPHENSON 13079226,, free Deliver y Brussels Fabric Softener FLEECY 128 oz. P.E.I. POTATOES 10 lb. Rich's COFFEE RICH 32 oz. Universal Cohoe SALMON 73/4 oz. Limit 4 Stokely CORN" PEAS 14 oz. Christie SODA BISCUITS 16 oz. Chapman's ICE CREAM 2 litres A ministry of it\ Housing Ontario Housing Corporation Tender Reference Number B05 PT 80.55 for the installation of New Front Entrance Enclosuie at 359 Edwards St„ Wing- ham, Ontario (OH 2). Tenders will be re- ceived for the above until • 11:00 a.m. local time, April 18, 1980 by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and. Registry Off, :ce, 80 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", London, Ontario N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be ob- tained. Details and specif- ications -may also be ob- tained from the Huron County Housing Author- ity, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A I M5 (519/524-2637), quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accep- ted. 21-31-1 ,‘4 •95 d . u an p as well as other varieties CRUNICAN , BROS. VA miles south of E•#14gipitfleighlwd aoyn Apple SPECIAL spies Weston Brown & Serve ROLLS .12's Carnival 4-3 1/4 oz pkg. ORANGE CRYSTALS Schneider BACON 500 gram Schneider HAM STEAKS 175 gram 161 THE BROsas POST, APRIL. 2,.. 1980. Of New and USed EQUIPMENT • Persoitat RR2, Bluevale, . Wedding annopvccmctit. to 'follow. 26-31-1 20 Auction Sales daughter and my brother, who is up in Northern Quebec helping , organize the greatest hydro project in the world. My only concern is what I should wear, so* Hugh having taken off 'with the last of my thermal underwear. Where does one purchase fleecelined panty-hose? And when I came back, I'll smirk and sneer and snigger at my colleagues with the tan that will last a week. "Whaja do in March Break, Bill?" "Oh, nothing much. Spent a few days at James Bay, shooting caribou and catching twelve-pound trout through the ice." My only fear is, that my wife will want to go with me.' That would require four months planning and put us right into the black-fly season. ik HY-TR AN Engine oil 26 Porsonaj Lorraine to Mr. Barry Elwood. Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. James. Adams, 20 Auction Sales FARMERS & DEALERS Reserve this date Sat., April 12, 1980 0:00 a.m. sharp! GIGANTIC Including a large selection of tracto'rs, plows, discs, cultivators, .land packers, seed drills, weed sprayers:fertilizer spreaders, corn planters, manure spreaders, balers, stookers, haybines, swathers, mowers, rakes, elevators, wagons, harvesters, forage boxes, blowers, combines, grinder mixers, rotary•mowers, stone pickers, snowblovors, grain augers, blades, gravity boxes, snowmobiles, plus lawn and garden equipment. DON'T MISS IT! SEE YOU THERE! CLIFF GILBERT, Auctioneer 513•WFS•23 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the estate of ROBERT ALAN BRECKENRIDGE ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farm- er, who died on. October 10th, 1979, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 12th day of April, 1980. After that date the Admin- istrator will proceed to dis- tribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ont- ario, this 17th day of March, A.D. 1980. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 22-30-3 25 In Memoriam FOX: In loving memory of Sylvester Fox who passed away 5 years ago April 3, 1975. Precious forever our memo- ries of you, Today, tomorrow and all life through, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts you are al- ways there. —Lovingly remembered by his family 25-31x1 RILEY: In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Fannie Riley, who passed away April 8th, 1979. Though absent you are very near, Still loved, still missed, still very dear: —Lovingly remembered by Tom and Ileen, -Maurice and Helen 25-31-1 25 In Memoriam' cURRIE: In memory of a dear father, grandfather and brother, Donald Stewart Currie, who passed away S years ago, April 3, 1975. A. little tribute true and tender, Just to show we still remem- ber. He lives with us in memory Still, Not , just today, but always will. -Ever remembered by sons, Barry, John and Douglas, grandchildren Cheryl, Rhonda and Jamie and sister Betty and families. 25-31x1 HASTINGS: In loving mem-' ory of 'David Hastings, who passed away 6 years ago March 28, 1974. One precious to our hearts is gone, The voice we loved is stilled, The place made vacant in our lives, Can, never more be filled. We cannot forget your smil- ing face, Your happy carefree way, The smile that won so many friends, And the happy by,gone days. If teardrops were a staircase, And memories were a lane, We'd walk all the way to Heaven, And bring you home again. —Lovingly remembered by his wife Vera, Dianne, Dave and their families. 25-31x 1 26 Personal Mrs. Carl Vincent, RR2, Grand Bend wishes to announce the engagement of her yolAgest daughter,. Beryl SUGAR AND SPICE (Continued from Page 2) sights there. I won't have to stand in a sweaty line to catch the last four, five or six-hour train ride to Moosonee. Instead of having to fight for a taxi, I'll be met at the station by a snowmobile, inexpertly driven by my daughter. I'll whistle out to her house, teeth chattering, not with cold, but fear, as we circumnavigate tractor traitors, truckA, and Indians under the influence. I'll be greeted by 'bone-wracking hugs, and misaimed kisses by two little blonde boys Who love the north, and haven't had a cold since they went up there. (When they lived in the city, they had eternal runny noses and chest barks.) If it's a clear day, I'll holler "Hello, boyl " across the 300 miles that separate my Huron farm. an Have you ever felt that money was being wasted on Useless research? Whe cares abOut thermal stress and strain in gravevines? How - many of you will' benefit from' the development of 'a low cost meat/bone separator for crab meat? The prize has to go to this one: Event Scheduling and. Process Interaction Con- cepts in Discrete Simulation Modeling. These are isolated ex- amples. There is a lot of very useful research going on in industry and at universities. In the area of agricultural engineering research; . sever- al projects are under' way at the University of Guelph. These include work on low- temperature corn drying, solar energy application, pro- duction of methane, studies into• erosion, and many others. Who decides what projects are the most important? That's where all of us 'come- into the picture. Agriculture engineers from across the 'province get tOgether once a year to come up with prior- ities for research needs. We look at different subject areas and base our com- ments on feedback from the d home news people we work with. For e x aimntpeire4tthienr there has lottny of lately in ale for ;fuel, Thecirtigl ehas: prod uction beep fair amount of interest, in new rabbit barns. Is research needed in either Of these areas? Are other subjects more important? t have to rely on feedback from the farmrs' to base, my corn, .ments. If you 'see a need for research in some particular area, please let us itnnw. When the same concern -comes from several people, there's a good chance it will be acted On. You do have a voice in this. Ron Fleming- Agricultural Engineer FARK EQUIPMENT AUCTION FLUID 11111=1::11. NO.1 LOW ASH ° WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF EASTER LILIES CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY WIENERS 1 lb. pkg. Florida White or Pink GRAPEFRUIT Schneider Red Hot or All Beef 2/.99 .79 1.49 1.29 1.49 5/.89 McCUTCHEON GROCERY We Deliver BRUSSELS Phone M7-9445 SENSATIONAL SAVINGS ON GENUINE IH LUBRICANTS FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED SE APORTH • AYR • CAMBR DGF • WOODSTOCK