HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1876-8-9, Page 3e J'w b fNEW, FALL GOODS 17, 0 D TWR a Ute. Thr WHNCEY Y. NEW ALPA('CAM, NL•W d1ILR.'. NEW POPLINS, NEW TOWEL.% NEW COMMIT. AMY SIaliBON5A1.1. S11ADES AN1) WIDTHS. NM SLAM VRIeVBT NItsMONS. nervy •r I kilt. 11. C. DZTLOR d4 co. JOHN McINTOSH, Jr. Ak ;o. DRY GOODS, ItOCERIDi, GLASSWARE, (_•111..;.A.11. c11111.11'. <'111:A.1". Owbb'• Ceram, Market Neese. i 1 Spring 1876. WILLIAM KAY SH(1MI110I►IilIRSTDS•LIriRyii NEW PRINTED CA!MBKICS, A SPECIAL ZINE ,IN LADIES' Slack Kids Sec per Pair. U.Jrricbl, Aptil:., We. BOOTS AN1)Sfo E.& J J. DOWNING; Crab '8oak, r Market • Square hove o5 4.4. largeota•h d Pole cad Maw.; notable for I s,•5., whirls ...ill toll chow. for Moth, i�Ypwc.sl alienatorywma•r ailea M work eel eatt'10ct.,,o 1;nar.ntwr•d, CW •md ram. �~� LYON'S Paused Yawn.,. STIFFZB PREVENT " BOOTS b. SHOES /Mat OM .:..1.5.ch, Apra t:, I.74., E. do J• DOWNINC.. 1 _1 Views - PHOTO YIIIJi View. TKI ttalra Wu.D >Iti1111ss t TOE TOLM A MAIM taw TO Si WA$DltINU 11 Tel IEIMMIX SW LMP. Iks wlrb•m•5• vie& seas V Ihls Warea Um dithommeasise el Jar• meaty umnor001001.1thria elms ••*••b Imps le meth Moths ••m the seadth A..d el KI....., 04. sass* that is posy woe has Moldy b5. ...o..545.5 W Methane shish shrew the. • Them r. thlt Ip w. ee •�r= w•.Y, r•• Y y lar. 44. .4 04. armies ••t yy.•48 d..rmred r s• .r M [la- bs. 0•d 1..1• what they .mold ./ the real teeth Ea.. Wad wit eat Measles Mssd• Imre W W lag.iriao •lm624 W hod 1. the M Wad that his sea ..r a .andNS.I r t e K i.h.t....rµ A (.40.e rr.MI.M•.ig was made ea Tuesday. ►a1, we .w glory r ey the. the north r set M NStii.r•ry as the Ahmed worth W beet b.lte..d. They rolled epos • lamas ....d Mase48, .h. 4d pe.ri...ly rated that he lead mat this yeses W u. the ...m5.. sod Mot 1100 spottier' • Mw ..5.i. to Moe l Ranh) he W dlmpprt.d Ode the depth. el the stamp. Marsh .dh•..4 to Nr .terry. as he W bew densly gsrpa.d, hat lee sea. maws theme ...Ills.. to say mesh M (� .48/62.. A pal as.t Abby, .he 7•..h..a yeses of .re. was thea With epos Nhe r stell,geal and appeesty truthful She .s&54 tot see W f wg..atl y mat W.'y.uoe was 1484e s4 was wwte.ses the hones to 04.erm.. ea th. border .l the Mill pp,�148.4.48. W Mlk.d .ilk haat r•p•.t.dly. that his s..ssd mel..• shyly sad hark' el das4.•ry. that 1. Int ray ►u n... se "tis. Bill, from soar breetheld,•bet lately he had .4• molted the. be was "J.... Wild." Nb .awl ambled mead ham bw he lived ut the swa.p,aad that he reph•d, "U...W Med and berme." U. thief Moiety .(usslioa•d she Moab to t4 man d,4ah1 of hot .o.drlul .tory, but partly front sane appar.ot oestradlc♦wn..nd panly fronts d.•n.• n5. eoalano. 1. 48.4 mea• n or, Yr and Yes. Wild beam. stmt. I, w•p.rous of 4e vranzy, al1h.•eh Oa 141.111g t4•• • photograph .d WAd she ...lea end •'that'. ►.a, that's hoar Tarots? moraine, .homy alter smarms l4 `art watt to aha Owe whore .he s'• d. Met h.. •4851. Mr and Mia Wald Motioned th...d,r at math dos - tars ed. She rase hook some time after and said she had seal. 111.14,24,m; that be was orylog and that he had row. bask M 1481 woods. Tb• place .bore she gay. d• asw hits es b.bsu 4 a larg. trey turned .p by the roots. TL.a plana r r. situated that the girl was net tel melt for eery .hurt tins*, but It was almost swpsntl. for thy the the to moo from It to t4 seem, i ea oho rt. Ito didJ-eithoul he 111 . oky/reei les t/5.. cad W.. W 1I,t This arr•a.Mee. ;toads ..show lot the .hole .tory is anb.rAl..e, though . hat cutin able girl .Y 4,• for All Ing those fal.•h.w.d. (.f sash they .mei ia hard to d.a.o.•r. It r likely that for they .a,od.gation will to. woad. sn r•4ar W sh..w rw.rlunv.l7 whether the leery r Or 4 nota tal.nl.4• •u saTTw. la (l..J•rrcb, •8' Neal o...lsl, 2.11 .1. wife n1 Mr Jan.. Alrlr,al • � Mane Wer. la Clangors, •. Jul�t, M.rgsM, rite • d Yr. trio lay., la Ib• w2n4 "In of km MS. Is (.0..,e township, on luly lay Owego W., ...teat on •01 Mr. Gear.. t'k.pp.. la Usages. ons 14 2nd IttM.,W/llyal., sus .4 14. John Simmer, aged le )•••• 1n Cbaton, ...14 TINA .f J..t,, Amis.' d•or48rr 5d Mr Johns N4.5... soled =row 40In•denc4, on 14 cls Angst, 0a.. (P M9.I.1roesmepaa or ('opt. U1h.041,. ailed 21 years na..I 4 swathe. Nam* ( was a pn .os.g leas ems W had pelta •sort p.rt0um had the wise els rmr.. r SUM. 0.11l�s. *h.ft he was tow I00(4.001...4.. M 055. 1p. 54 r. Mer. hems 1314...g4 •. attach .4 rt.•n4..at•c• Geer. Whack was Also sow .4 b.. d.atts He sae ma It rwapeoted, .•4 48.4 nnl..wly .ad WOO. 5.0044 Pm .4 1.14.•t.nrk, -a Ayw.t 4th, W. J. borers ale, 001464, .pd Styr I Ala Now Prepared to -Execute .•4 m.mlbl• _ t/s...to•l .r • arch rutin. 'WS- I TOWR hay-fi4.. '62 '' . NTR , IM'Ie attelt.d 11...• nth 44 vary Mathew lJddlslL.■•' L.Ip.•tt..d t Ins 4.5.14 d which w...••ww 4 bad at lowest rates .54 1a the bad ntyl.. bean a wanth•.,a.d the banal 1101,100 of both orders ..y pc./..rend al U. 111•6 0.10 iYSs work le Own W. would const that ow tiat•n.t 1...41. grave. IC*, W C E]cnd.ew Mr. go.dlst. P•rrme.s 84(1 t'lc`[ll Y.! i' e•Bgnlu .94 too maim tome•. The .....,.r C1.. Rig . not Meed. d sloth Nna•PTJN hod beet, aw old ...bar, followed the r• - mass to Isla .slue sad played a &ember. of • antd.11r eelsme urs, Mr. Somer. ..11. bad Anew married osly .bout arhIoo. month• Hr SONS 5. 04•4007' r.er,tt•d ra.1.- ,."l throw •n4, 4 aro Too ra'..I by • anthem swot H 4. the pw'osp(J, 'Hryso • 1'«la«.n.e Wed.'s.• - They r•lt., • aha ter 4_40,4. , 1 ph tesla or .wane, •• 1 allay 1ne••a4t«w, .ad w sato •..•4y c0a ••• had for a...sJK rol.h, it, any ....Omni .4 t4 threat or l.np, and ,f takes is 51.4 their **wary nil w.. 48 pn.n•.I. 14.44 ht all .St. and weatry 4.4... Pear 25 cM. pre hoz. 4, 1.7'1.10 P11, 1.. A .peaauty of,L114r.N.' 1.5ctor..,•boh are t.k. I..uauMn«...•ly R. R. THOMPSON. New 1'h... • •lu L , It'. -.5 11..-70, ..•w5. nal . /7.,,, Horse and Cattle MEDICINES, OIL CAKE, CONDITION POWDERS, 5t. 11) BLOOD PURIFIER. BON1)'S CENTENNIA1, Medicines are genuine. HOTEL KEEPERS Can porch... I - A. R F AT WHOLE -SALT AT THE LOWY•tr MARKIT PRIC1IL. 11Mnnber the Iwo., JOHN BOND, Saar NIP, Mts. DR. CUNNING'S Sarsaparilla FOR THE 81000 CURES • u.:a • k..••. • 4 sYPNLL1s. 1ED JAMAICA scROruLA. SAP SA PA R 11. LA SALT-RNEUM. .•t alta e•mert:w f.T hash.• .*. ••et tee'. 1• 1-• All MJe..lalar 41hr.v•1 ••11.1.4 t•, ••. ••• tl[IN.DISEAs£s• ••7+•••.48••51., n.. . 1'6 ••111.11. P••w• d04 4 81...11- •41 «. • ••Yi' b r totovr.eriey sae lie ••.•w5.• or. t+w••.•.•Mr•IN ni.n • walla Ithswwt5 W TuaoaS ENLARGEMENT OF THE JYER AND T'irSilt Il1vlx.Res ...woos 755 1-r I111•••• •.1 •nf+•1e5s SPLEEN. 4.41 •. e.. • w -.b Tw. cum ;:7 ,•••,dere r RS( UIIAT1. I•"5" ,. I'.•awws .( t5.••. AFrECTlOw 15.'w"A•'••••••5•••l 5.....4.I. 1•• , . 4 r11EA- SSs our •..M•..... •• t•..a Or THE statMMw:.w_$ .r M KIJNC .e5a"r• wed t0••..•• � • •11•••••••. s e44 S LADDE7 rwS.50001toe ARO • l• we �r Mr` .5R••. Mew sr 5.111 URINARY aa•.dr• n* 1'.144 GIKAII:, we1•4P •00 5.O ed....1.7.1" p.• C . T 4•S.4.F .de•Y.a• / •, i5.. wnr• AMO R[00 .lwrb`aa.� iw'I^~•00• D.susss •480048.•. Moon I.w 4..50.0. rCSUlTIM1 ofream.. now .4 85.'•m• FRa A ••' 5.•./ •••••D MAKS •.•, s I. AND •o ... • 01.4.4 r a - SPECIAL ATTEi TION 11R DfR1 crsD m Tq rytT tLAasle /11TtOe amp SILVER PLA?ED WIIMM It If ICH 7 144 re 1,.47" RF.I'6II ND DIRECT FROM THS MAMIIFACTURERS, 454 45.+ ti 40• Taw•, ... . ••..` .nor. 1 N p•5••01 1.e i M w 7441.• (4R R(NID A (IfO7rE ANC7 1 }!KITED A ('ITT, AND AT (d IFNI::A'r1.l- k I4:J)VC115:Ia I'H t( •I•7P4 J 1 5..T•' n•4p15 .• st.P•••MT or T or Haifa. Pork. and Stpoon Trade, ..._1_....,R.• 1. w ••••••" r . 5. .:ne'«,1 ,n. x,44.4. 11•1•1 4 .IPO•• •r Immo, •w .48•••••.• n�r••.w �N •h••. +1 m. •wMe1 Int. ~ y �r•1j411 Moe1 . _ w t wcisrN,� t1*•• teT.a/ 3400,TISl -r 7411 .1037. , 1144•11 IWOIib•_e1 amp.Iwnr T•.5.. . T 21.:4112. MS _ 1..•.' Ilse Resew tr1oioso ,T• eem• ` '.41.0, 4 0 .r e ' .are 5 • , : (• .,�r•••.7 41ww 4555, ••5.•r, d11•e• t5.^ .m•14,rp4W MT Perri 2.17% is .wiQ1 t 14iNSACa 177 It Pawl Street. l,trMol *RR rA.watss, 0014 1.111 dna, yr 4844 11111 to111114/0 101011, .4816214s le to OR toms teem •awl•el•ie • 1 • etweldiremes • WWI ••• et sot •14m1.1P• •who ...... .. • M • e m ella•..r _.. .. .. • 4 • • a Abs• •••• ...... .. 1 • • m sloe. ear.... y..5.., • • • • m Mora • 5.m 40.... t• • • • ••• . ..».. • m • 5. 4 tiara. • ... •m ••.M 5.000• • .. .. 0 • • • m • adt..r • N ....... . • m m48 • d. •••••.l) . • t•l • • (t1 Ibd . 4 . • • NS M .•62••le 1114 •r • •m 5 . 1 5 se 41A5esw, A.tpr ♦ /m• • a.•. /T•NHNSImh.. el r • •. V001 r.asSeu • r • • el I1•4.(•••W •w• 1m 11•1..••• 4W ..... . • . Isla.. em Met ..,. as • w 0444 p• •a►.... ... ..• • • • 41 I••••••. pe 104014. ..... r • 1 . Near ,......0 M " 0 le nail re des.f5/Bp.thD1. M 1 • • • w e •m •• m1 rt••... .w ....... • M " • •• 045. ....... • r " •. tt ems. •4W 1.11» 1••.A. Mau ......... M . " • r ••••1. (0•• .4) .• lea ... • at • r 5111. mer141►. ......... _. r'• •.• ••Iti pet Wee ......... . •m • • L P.... For b..• ...... . . •0• 0a ••4(•5. /m M• • 45 '• • M I•••••. pr ►w •m" •11 111.0• ...... • 1I • •. N••410dab Isg62b.0• 1,•• • 50 •m••r••w • New 1bDeTtscmente• NiITfi/1<`. Ir tl[Irmru umM w 4w.. •4 T•..5.w .5. r •r w n a•0,. Proem 540 4., ,•.fir .a • 10•••••••• .•.••m. Tar M . 0. 0.e.•r• (82 We.). .15.... a..•-...• 1 IS. • WANT I) 1• •."411 l &4 w 1 ••..5 •1111 r• ••R•.1•r W 0•..0.w. -•W W•.•wYes 0.50 Pump nab • n.... M... 0. Mae 5.{b•'. unit mows .1 55.O1b0as WIN c. „mu Tl!l01DFRt!1 ILL pi raCs1Ta1. • I r r..•50.8••• ...per ase •Ie..nt.4 • ter* 4.0.., 545..... bleb mob.. .1 W 111»••0,• P••••••••. Dry e• r r ...p1.1& by 1a. 1. 4 tlw•y.•as .• r 5.m Y pawn••., ....., 500.. e••um•mr. pr t. W 11U0.. T•4 ••..•4.,5. r a5.• ta�r•0 r •'•b•4 001.. 50 •.4.106' I,•/. • 1?OSIf 0E►AT1L_ Ieta•a, tea ••r•!• 11 A 4400 'I - 1't w .aree.gs,r •/�Cra... . FOR SALE. K•111. NCI 1•....N4w. .. ,as.0 l . :a ...p.m.... her.. r ••• 1•••4 ,.•b5.4..41 w .. 011 Nom•, 4..40 nab 181 4.04.4• 4 .0.85- I,••• ...or. be 411•••4 Y .J 14• 141 044 8004w•• 4404 4 0011 .6444. •a •. ■nal nY 1. hale• ••'1• r,/ 4. .15.. ••• 404 .1•.1 5....••41•.5••, !•p./ •4 Wpr.•b4.Or y MMM J•NIPI4.4 110. .I r PA... at M p.8 e•area we• tut Farm for Bak �arwmor Pal d r tNW.d l•/w. •i ) w.R.M •. ewes mew a5. 00. r orb ..• uw sem d 4•••••• wed .. •w• 5.r• .I ws.50.. Il room .4 t5. . AN044445.1 •.Oriel Io- la 5 044. t Ira. In. Is mw•. I.• maw 0.0.•5. noel. .00/'4 S. .W5. M •1••y b0•... a.l ham 6•••••••••••••••••••••••••• r105&•.et. %•.r..mow •Iw 11.4 I.,.. dB...* r •••••••• ••••./ 1. • troy .•414•.. w5.. M-45. *wow &Nr '0• own •46.1048 .4•'00.•40 04 w0•• 0W M 1.1 .4 ••••Ord 00 1110•4••••••••••. awe, y. Mas *cilia 144/•10 0,w ••••w•. US MOM 1w 1.. No. 4 Bulflnch St. Boston, Typos:t. Romer Horse. THE 8CIELE OF L1fF, .• '.l r 5..T. h••. More Than One Killion Copies Sold. (field Xe.441 4 •.•.444 Lr Nr Aul4P hr IAS • • 1.e....al Moises( less is. 0.41,' M..nA 11.1, I•14. • Tsar 80 »►•d M w P/•/BODY n150koL I RiTTT1'T•. • ay e.t.a. • W f4\.44 ••••w1.58 ••OTW 15. 7Cl/BM•0M 1JN4 ; 0040 P5.•.0510T1•00 5 a••• �u. M00.. le. in, Mw r•�wI// 4 l84rY , w•0. W y. e of 1.•\..\•�4 0I14 tr, 1 p.•wT P•a•I••. Ina.•. r Yr, sew..• «N•bn• • ,lu•••el l,. 1Y.1s..4 .t •.•••r ■oe... •4 Po..A (roles•, •.... I*by Brew /..y0.•... 5.».r D.pTma.. 400.1 errp. Narp»...wn» t5 a. 4ib Mr... w Isar e"r.•. I.p.w 4.4.1. .4IM wt•el_ ..•1 4N I.5.... •...,. «.. l5. 6.4. .4 7.85 .4.•••••••••••.• 01 • 0 .1.0M0 0.1 •0100.,1'141 It 41. ,.. all .•..1 .\• ..5.M 4 Wt WI• PRl".r.5�jy ap IY7••.,. .4 �N..n4•..1 5•N. 15.4.+••4. rs,..•� .mlw.a l... all. - 4054.11.4...... ►.r. w.•.. .t N.ny..,I . r... P4r.54 / P•4n e••••1, A,rO 1. 4.444. ,411... W0• .5.... 5.l.••. •••••••••, n....4 1. e.pr.u+ .4 5.r.. no 1IwrwM', ry•uN 1.44..41 •m5.... •\ . . ..I a••, d 05.4 T... 1110.55a 4 11••••••• 0. 11.1•101111.1•101110W r••rRs.•... 1•• •,1 14 Pb:M,',.r.a •Woo•.waw. ■ A.. r •n• Ir. • 5.••..• 14.• ••••• wit.. w ..41 .4.w., 1.M▪ •.a• wow •.• lb.. 1.,M 1i W W , � '•'4 .'I•w 154 iR •-ry•••••R' Pn•. t5. • no 1.4 5..i.. bre •n4 .•"1 .1...•4."..r1..0t••5. T/•4•. 4N» 5.1015.11 55• »•• . el .Y..,•...,twee., • 4 0.5 •.,w.,•.., ......I .. .:r ..•.• •.•.a. Inc, +4n A m w•' , ..,.,,5 M 1.p se Mb•• ae T. w+.R u.5. 1.4 e. 4.1 .4411.• 0,? ••• r •wI M' 4. • •. IM •.... • 41.416 or 1Nf Kora.. • '• T1• .0. 00 14 mer( w.ot w•••P• t •• •••••. ••• • 4..• . W IW • •.,..4.. 0.01».000..x. ., 1Mr11••4t1•w., . . MIs•.• •.5...a. 5..,r. 5.l.., •- rw.4r A.... • '• 88..5•...l 111 0 01.54 •1 ••.,yr.... ,M ••••••••••••••••••z= w ••• Par . , / 4.1054' 0.' 15.,..•..154 .. Tb. 1.244. r Pr1w.-• 1... 48 .. .. Pi1 yb•.1. 5w••. ••+owl. • a, 14 •• 5.. ••••••••••• •1/ N....5. •edea•,., .R0 L .5. 10001440,4 Ira •44 H ,.• aM IM •SJS. •at •44 w ..r- 1 mi .116 *5.wr;1.. n.•..... '4I .4..41 r .4.4 1, 15' 88....4Ae .,...4 .•w •.41 M•. T..• 5. 500, 0., •-I..tl 05. :/Jw ...•In.=.r.4..,7.n... .. •N• •M p• ••5.4•.. I � .. r t5. ..54.• e5. a..4 ..•.. i.54R 11..,; •un, T1s P•...64..• or. •..4«54 •t Me ,•.....4 I1• r. - ••s " w ..... Pw•, 154 a1 ....... W' 4' yPr.� 5.44, Iwo....« .r.• 0000. .w• •••••••••••••••• 5. k•114wmr.. .44 •,•44141•• • 4 ••••••501141•••••501•••••50114•••••50114141gas IM r...ea 5.N. r. 4• M.., w4.4.4•14 . w d.44/ 15. ▪ 0 ••1••••• .40 4•••..,.5. •Ilii r Yb. 5.•N 11 b•••••••••r 4 ••• ••••• •. �55.5/YesL r /ass y \r e.m.r 0 nt. •..w 5.rirb•..1 � p•••••• _ • .gym ,,�, •1 eases r.nel►. w Or lbw. 0411. lei a and se tem • r w tib fool -n'"iC ...1.:Tm:."D • JrK r • II 1.44111/11 R. A.. PE111Ni" N, :..hay•✓wnr,at4 yamSal• = /r•.•M.,l •5. ,• N e./8w/ 1NX war "Mt • 15.•••..1 '.5. it 1.411' , • WV.* IMIRAI CR CAU. ra1 m5. tZinei• was se 0540 ••war.•' .y .sr.•62,Mar• .r.=7 • ejam • Ven I aft M . trim Fal 1 Ctt4Arar MAN BY Rh. IS CSS$IAIT*S rues. C. P. Straelbel 10.0114. •••••••• .w ale • ..•48 w .••••00 •b •••r• M •r••rr� �r.Wr �• E.•r..... weft . i* Made le Other ea MAO )1.0.54 • IS PO - 1•111•11 palnse d.ar •. rr.ed y p1..0•0 . .4115. *Pe.. 5.1 ••••••* r •.a .•. 5.r.. sees. 148 t0•44•11•••••••••••• 45.► Vr•. 0,wbry C. F. SJIILADENL. swam. Jule 51 15.. 11101 1JIIT IIIGIIS -1x- DRY GOODS, Moore & Gordon Will soil thw halince of their Summer Stock during; the rel. nth of August nl 6REAILT REDUCED PRI0E8 FOR CASII. Plea\. elt►mine the Bergamo /Pe are oltering. E PIRE FIRE AND MARINE 'ASSURANCE CORPORATION, MEAD u171.•1,.N 5mlt1•.., •.'/ Author•iseedu� CCaap•,el�s!!,,•2,,0�0�0,000 . 1104ia 0 3aa *000 to• 4T.i Ar •.y:, 5..1.1... 140. 11=- 41 41.•5 a..$. -r M 50.0.4 Dal/ Y4111••••P•010000111-ba•-J. T. 1114441•.•4 444. Sine • 1140041110.04••••• f. 0004000 ..*T* IM.. WTr . a: « 45. 1. Yum .•• 105 11.• N+ Talo 041r. Mr* alC1wM 1116• 114. 14 Non a 1101624, /B. ••..0 10•••••••••• at noir. Ta. w.•. id* T.•.•. 5.».t 5.,m d 1.00 4- 44.11400N ' J. • 11.14•.: a.{..p (., It P..111541 •4D.r.l, a•'1"4 00. them 0 / , .w+e.. Aga•.r n • N0..1100ra4. • 41. a. arm•. 510,4 - 1040 01••50, IW:4 1.,•••••...14..•••.4 .I 044:.. .•7. 1•r..4. w4 P.'01054 x11.1...... 110.4... L. X. OWNS. e41.11 Yw I Co..Mow 41. 114•1•••••. R 7. 404. . 10e1...4 N..5.. • 11111104.161•4 T •+..Home..,, eN. v C ata T.1140- •f o. Ja.... 11~111...•I..i•, i. P , 5 1,1.1. 4 1 51..1. •r. J4a. , •- .,.5.Swe5. R. 44A4}• Ny'•r••, M. 11.4 /144004 Ia.4M, saes.. n•4r4,.b.'.r4 ted N•r.'. q••••111... r .I...5. •Ir• . ,. 5.4.. Fn e. ., I. A, 5,. 1•4•44 4. 1. , •4.i. 114.14.1114.14.1.1,,ant I, r•.14... utt'44ardt1 •1..041• .. W, M0..r1 . N N.C. n•.5... 1101 , e..... 00.40.... 1..111 ?O. •••b., t, 1rn.ww 101.4014.1•.,4•. ■.••48.•' 1.4.44., row., .. '1.. ►w...1r•,••erod .44 "Ve- er Ile n•4, ♦ • £L Pl l /I • 145101M I q. 1P... y.e; n.... t.., •.4 44,.84. •. e..C50 • J r.4••5115 ••• ,•r... Pl . 0.t,m,w, 0,1.514 518010•.0.• n•MAT?. 1.8-,t, /18.41.o.51T Jerc,.rw5AT, N44r .•11•.1.. n...rpr,n.. AI113,04' •t I.AN ••' yla'1 ••+1 Tr1.«w As. •l nor . .••11 0111.110104 ,...44141. •..t TI.• A•. 1 M.•L .. •t....1 4•••..4.•.....0 ..t ...5.1•( . Mr ....4 a•�1're• M...., .r aw 148 .4..t 041,4 at 11... n•ra ., •...•r 51484 MANCHESTER HOUSE. CROFTS & JOHNSTON. Our business continues to increase. The great bargains wo aro offer iug for Cash is the cause of it. Out July Cash Sales away ahead of any month this season. We are busy opening new goods in every department, Mourning goods in great variety, imported direct from Bradford, Eng- land, to the Manchester House. Highest Price for Eggs and Butter. CROFTS & JOHNSTON. Gellert N. rdinw MARBLE WORKS\ 1i4AD1rolR1I• noun TKI\1st1NU4, IWNt'111NTM 1.4 •w* dA blab r a.SJ•. Iwy hay PJ 44.4 AA, •••• Ata... f d • oar •ur..M• p••• «. ARBLE$ANTLt 1155? It Out ►, GRAIITR MONO MINTS, - itICA DNTON I•:13: I__5. wore 01.). WORK- WARRANT, It SCOTT It VANSTOlfe. Sheriffs Sale of Lands. fw•lt.4 Ilse.. ,•.14.4.• ?,..thee Tey Y.I.0, • cones •.5.5.,.•. .'•w..5. , 4 n ••..w, 451 5.4. 41.... .y...1 ,4 1404. ..1 T... •et..4 11114 U...u, tw/'.•4.t, •• IM •..l .4 4.a• 0.8.1.•1, 1 0.....•.445.• Yb. le 564.4. A. W 1.2.1., riot, 84*• .54 .... ..4Ike mrd 41151x14 .. • .d •4 • • w5. 5..W. tens, •..., 4...1•wer'•4,5..., las .'111•,. •0•.e0.M 1. 51.• 1.0.81, .4 M. .►5.a 15..4.14 T•.M.. 1 4W1 .4..8..4 004, el •• •••• r w 4:.051 N....4.. 154 Tofu .414•u.e►. .• •.1.r4• LLe 00.10 by) r N..•m15.r 5.n, .1 lie bar J T••h• • 448.55.•, 45.... ■ M510T I.III wx0, 0mr l ■.5... 1•.5,51 OM1, 4••1..«14• •1 4554 rtes. •.Y, , ::d REMOVAL. 150.1 .14.11 w n5.•., lot., BLAKC$ NEW BLOCK •••••••••••• •.11.J1.4 bei 16I.r+4 .1 • *II1.1.INRKI AND FANCY AlOOI)MA r I t R ORIATEST Wander of Modern Times! T .• palla Purify the Mira, cornet ail 4I.4d04 of Ii limo, Rtnmrk, Rt. w 0 ■1.1 Desk, awl m5. *rateable, i. ►if eompLTra0�4 0JT 1nTMa3w. Th. thwtmeei • only 15144615 **mi. des 1•. d R 14• , •Md Nnuwd., Rom ....1 1.Icw,., d mover boa .t.nthe•, Ir., ld...nae.h., I014kw»..!I •' e.44141, 14..5(. I4 ...11400, ..ell arab* UI.s.•• A has wo e.lseal. 1 UL YTAPC or VILE 1+'111 r0MiNABIE (.OUN ltI'4 E I TS 1 4.w• It 5.y day 4. •r• OR•. •7 Its. ••• 5we•.tw4• t4 ams. a40N ow mall As 411m5../4ae t5... rl0dm5 a. V0• 1 ...............eit PleI111.141. O .1.-...".::=1.7.....v.....:...-1.1..- 1•w 1•404•••••• .. .wa111.►" Imo." NI r * ,5.4• e. .•a,• 1•A.004r .. O. (' Y•. L•w.., .w 5A.• 505620.1 t... wee. m•04 45 5.?I.. I • 164mpwe.45.... aN.•.'ww a,I•m••• Mop. M 1••••••,••,1..1 ft 5l,Ws..•■.5.,•a62.a..re-• y 1 •r, '1..•1.4..•4, a••, 401 err M 4044 Y.5. •••••••••• MAr 1144■104 • M. t►�'.•• tnw. 5. a.,, a ••••, r. I( navel A 5..A. sit A.•5.. ars. .,.. ,ber4. 4 100.1 s.• :41.4.45..e. IOW al•,wss.��•Nma)'•11,1oncsaa i atecv 151.1/B41.5emj c4co. tttee�r. 1 r••••• 4•; "s•lee Wart: r, .. 51T •7 Idea .1.-, 4ct••a w4. 1111444....1 .l .r 1.•I .0.'01 UISS MHN, WARNOCK. s I w J 1Y 0 CLASCOW ar1CKo Er - -SIA•. *pked lace. Saes, AyraL.rw Own., µ..71.d Smoked Basco. -•.d• Rae. n, sldw Nm..0.3 Itan.s 403.•4..4 P.g• Chyle ♦'. .• e. 1.4'1.1 (3 roc•riee 4-.Prowfe/ons 1 5bw• i5..• ...lM 15414 !r/pap�i.•• Try we Poeta eta lei et Toa .gra .all.. m • L r 04 A1.1i. AI►A11• reser 4. was,. O. G. MARTIN, Watchmaker, . .'; = Jeweller /1 1ST I IV C FL NT1111 .. 1110111,1111 Repairing Neatly and Promptly Executed.: tli t:••2.4 FOR THE SEASON 1816. • 1816. C'ALL AT THE CHINA HALL _(slµ_ SOMERVILLE'$ Cheap Family GROCERY, •t5.• .aa N1• LA5.4.. r•45 n1 FLOWER I'OT1, ALL SIREN, CHr.AY'1'IITs, 111 writ 100171, MILK CHfCKM, MILK PANS, PHI IT .IAItn 1.511„1!••.,. •L«►4.•-I1.1 .00p M eW M pn-0r•,.... .14154.Ia ltiOCIC1N(IfAN1. /Nast Ensmntneled Ware, 114101mm 4t Or•.ww .4.•.w 804 •. pw, 8.4 Maty Nary •,• 1 at.T W. J. IONZ1VUil.I. ronosk. Melt, 1514 " ' Viepepjs t ' SAUNDERS VARIZTY 11TORE. IMPORTATIONS POR 1047 41, , IY A LI. PA I'RIV, 11(1HLaµu, 11IIEDOW 1adlINs, --RA1111111*. 11180 1 nu. UII OF Alrtnym tees 111161141. CRAMIt',4 IIIDN:Ii, Neeket Square. Ooderiob. 11031 BALK PI, ASTER INC PAPER. .(.....phrle »J.r.l„I, 4'., l.•,'A owl 1', .- 0,..48..1• • b••• .nn4...1 .• ••1 8., 0..4 8.0.. , .... , 1 . • . 1•..• ••.11.1 Pro. 5..1 SHEATHING PAPER • SURE PROTECTION PROM Damp or Cold when used un- der »1der the. elwug. CARPET PAPZ• AITENTU : • CHANGE IN DIODE OF n DOING BUSINESS, T 0 • ..to wbwnber Rode that leen( ...poi.- .cern*• is not theord.., of the day am! fri' . oath*, pn.Rublo to the p.,. not the PI •• 0,1.4..4 (4••n1.• ••••••••••1144*. • WINGATE'S Standard English Remedies. '50....1..44 l'..W....1. b 4.•..574848..»..l Men N. ,.•.I.5. •..4...YI..•.5.'•a •••••••• dm lase 4Yayr�. orale .W .4. .4•.4 � 11, .5' 0P J1. La111w.•.•e�•w•.•...a• I• • • Ow Aral Amor,. ..y,.1 .4 110 •4 IMO 11111.114110, o•ter•.00054 r 100.4•4•4'..d ..1,. r I.t '4 '•M ••.•.4 H•'.. . awl 4....5.'.0.. N.••.•1 5w P.•r pr .1 pew . el .48 ...4 Whoopee.' Bleed Plarlarr .....••••••••1 1'e•l r 1.•.• n . w. •5.w .4 •, 5.•i/,.... In M. W wb.ww 4.. 11w.. . 0.4 .i• armee roe 4 ,b 4..1, l M+5.. 1,••••••••• err -1•..00.. V •r l..•. 4 404 5.....•.441 1•••..1...4 •• 4+•4 5.•.Plone 5. I.. �tlt. Wingate. Isolisiirot r.,.er,.. •aye -T1+ 4.1.4 104 5.40 wan• e5. , nA4.. T.w1... I....*.... 1/I.....,, 054l. ...* all I•...••w. w W .i (•err, ..w peo-M It •..e.. ,.... ,00 tY ,w4.0.. +LAI. w . 1•..•... •4-T.i. 5.N,., w••• M1,.1I..,. 5.n... W t ,. C0S elle Pie. •-r. • 1..•, M44. '.. reR. I ,»•4.111-4••• Mar. 1 2 .n5. t ..108 .T..5..• ,N, _*4 50 }5.L a••• •.Tintbla 5......±44•_m•••••• nyiL •.•le..w ' 1 i.w. . rWIl....0s'.1d•,D�711. wM 11,488r- }j&r.. pr••.r ..•:.,...1 the ram 11 i • td►-r.4owls er•1.l Hence a change Is needed. Th. •tel• nber ..;I on s..1 alter the Rest o/ 01.1.1 n...t soder hos insight a roon1, insan.bly .•n the brat .1.l •. Dash .•.Ah ams .4 n.4 pawl by th. 1SIh 1•.Il..wu.g, w•, lamer .ppb. sip.. for .•►5.111 neat he wad. TI.r e,•14fr. vll m Irl•rr las take. i.4..,u.,4 It to 1. 1•., lbw •at.rr.r .•f I..lb.Loyrr end ••11. • A, , sn.wau w..• o••••• t•. ••• Iwo pad lorth5511 as 1 nvin,5. •5577 nal 4... ewe ler Ih. 1001.4 of p•ySe,; Nor •.5n b41Nl.u.5, ...41berem• Il,.? 5,114 144•4.1.d ...or 8....111.. 5Nr('e. 44. •.+Her amen. At .48, salon h.. oho ..!er,.l.-r beg• lest to ser ton( alt h.. ;;...., 51:1 be 501J at 11.e smallest p•..kle I,.,0. 1..5 owls oe *web a .d11 M 5l..,,. named 11015,4 mho pI"i.sd rhan,e 5.11 4 41517 •pl.Pecrar4 by ail pen, ha.Ito may I.. wanting CHEAP HARDWARE. C. H. PARSONS ( 1o.tp eswlwu. Hobe. e•eorp r-.-0, �•..v.'y/ 0000 s e5. 5144• samiso*.nv x0 •••• •.••+.r.0, WIN 1.4 r tk. 4104 .I.. 5502 •seen• • Star LinoSteamers , Samoa Arrangements. 1..t'L[YRLAAU, nrramT, PORT HtµnN, 1st% 1'4T9 ..d HAM 1N4W,asthma alNr.CWIR• SARI, M►. ACM, 1.031' Unrt,SUNT AC4T1N, 4:fotItt ILLS. TA- N AN sed ALA - 11A0TRH. Tile New Fast Sailing P11 - 'engem Steamier. biMba R. HOLLAND, t .• 0.4.48• x,411 1114•1••,« • r p • w.....* .118.441•••• 0.he.rW +w�.4 ... 5.r •wd .err d.• ••n'141., C•••.le, .a4 ••i.•5.r5. UMW. ...:ani.• .nit M "..•ew. . ` • •.+. •••••••4411..V ►4 •M a.. 5.....w ..•.0.5. .l N••5.:.. L5 ••►5..... T•4.••.. e•••5.,. 1.W M4 r,, ,•. w.,,..••Po.1 a.5..• .N• .cum••.M r. r....•..• .•w 4144a.e.. 0501005. IW 444 •••••••••••0.••i r ,b. ••5.1, ..• -.t .•aa.w.w **mew ter 1../.41., • ....en •rah a J. V. Dottier It Son, eloderith, trot July lit, 1.14 4014 A I.I.ANN LINE titrl'l':l RM Livorpool. Londonderry and Olaagow RATYr ter Pd1484A(K'F174M (311 f1ENICh, C.0,/,, ft IOn 1$ M• 'L, 5141,, 1w 404 ..Traa{l.lAt� 011. : I. • T•111144411:, • 4.t. arm weir• 1 4.w .,,, ., ti N•um natoss /tai •r b. ,•• .. ,•••• • r•,. W �4 5.w 14tn4•••••• W er•y .neem.• t• •e. • - 5.•••W w ""M r W •arm LI%T u/ NAILIYI:4 5000 (XEBEC, IN frt1 All FM atLr 117 cowl•.•♦ P•.r•rl4r' n.1 N \r•4al 541•441,1111. (1•11.,4, r •gale. OEo. H. PARSONS, CORAP HARDWARE, sow eeeroorn. A1T coSset t 07 • V, AwR •• • e'• 4, - •' d5.. ♦ ..: yo .10 ,SHOP TO 1.5?. - l $ 5.•.0000.. 11,1404 sob 111.14.-.4••.•1..... • spy y�'f: 04 4 tr•A w_ 14 •5..: i'4•a,• 4 1M4601•44. r ••5.i, a't>s utea'3lu►ua'PfytlPI74 • • atm eft at fun diNSn4s ''l,pa. Krypelu. mane. Nall ftbela. "rases ISI?•, air a•1d.'4 aM . r'te•1'Ie.r1 .sea. who. aean".R •Tee Torn .-ceso oiroomeimei*kr* lmprtekep of ai, blast ni l•; W vaMi Grocery Store, KINGSTON STRUEf W /.s.ie . Dy.,gp...iew�7 1.••44.44., 4. 1.r • I•.. JApp•••, y+j*5 . v... 67,7. 400•�•... :1. 0444 ....L 115.4 ' 5.F 5.•• A 1.`.4.11 P.i1.M-- e ?sem 0. .•.Z.. a..•., 1. 4 -.lel. , .00.. 1/4...4.••••6%.•••••5..411•••••••••••• 1••••• Ind •. M\.•5. k.•iom/ ?yra• • • 00 0.••••••••04•00 55.1..51 Gen. 1r. MN • ,Ree., .i.� •hl 45•.e4i1 SOW =-4111.1 mar .•4111a•mmm0,0,•w.0, •...weeWm.....a....al•..+*••p ame•~e Warm. 01001/m• ale .•.i. • ... w...5b "! mow•► Ia c5.-. lett are. bPPm. 1bM•t-n. hew �eet P m.3.11....1 .a• ...d •r 5w t.e�.w.. •• w. •haw ....1z..... f4•pb whew •se •.•a, I•••• asi • ....tw70•a.• w••5.5 5 m• .Paha w• 4 /awe n loon .. r.«• nrtir'u allow ae_laela a,. sowers% - le • raw 45. e4 "5••4 N •. 8» .4.• • , 4r.•..4 1Y...w a•... 4.71=•••••••4 .w•N.•, W T"'•• r • 100 *11.44., 41418'.. ammo. r 4. 5....,. ►.r a. 0. 4 n• ..5.,a MMO •.•ins•• t•rnil r.w1+�••r•r.m.at'iw5` ••••• d••.4» Wen wA n p oems« ••••1•4,5.,., •• � haw._ T NE WINGATE CNENICAL CO. Kann 0 ' , aO\T1t1h:A1. of Lauds. (so.5, M 04ea, f III .an...( • w14...4.1.8 4n. M Pw4 1.,, 7 Pews 5w...*w/.4aw • 5••••.y 5...N .4 04 C..m, r . at+•• .1 Y • ► 5...5. N» IMM .as Tow. 1.550. 1.41..0'. a 4b• .551 da 41.400 4w1 •' .•.8...500.4.• 4 4w ems. •e1 4.w r \a•.aw en m• 404 n�, 0144 M . W •W •••••••• • Me e •.1.• 00 11141•114. 5.0,5•, 1M two w a. tit -..N.. 11.1.• 1.,ww•i /We t...• Nerd w•s•rr r 4 rt.p•y 4 anew 5..r. Nr' 1•.rwm Lora .. .M.. •t - 4•n .ice r 0041••x1 ..00••,/1•••••••=••'••• m, d ...a •w., r 5501.. M ••••••r r. ••m .5.w. iValuable halflrtpolo. IRitmo; 'F.AMY : •1w 4d•M• 1.4•r'.r. err . 154 seer Wit IHMISHRi. 'orporpo tomer. P.d es . .. alar•. 1•.• t>fstT• tt 1 -'R " H11Iwu WLa04 tee r 04,4 4.11 0,•y w•. peer. w •.••••• mum•• ..f0,4.044 Peed and WHIM IN SR 4%41N SARIRTerd CONFECTION- ERY D ram) atativii.Lan a 1,1. • i s.... A ..WJ•10,4 a L A .a4an •••1:111 _- 5.01 1876 %Mimi 1876 SEASON 1&&1NGENENT8. Th. ,OI a','&.I'•( • •ley.,. Benton and 8ertsch,, r •••w • '01111 •.Il, has hot sown .14 t a•..1 ages the A•••A••••••••� a 4.11. •4',..I,. ,48 both 5►,• willply d.,. tog 1►. worm as (.11... cr7••R In ,;ht sad Las•.n,rr• •••,••••••• I4. 4.1on s• -46/00 ••••••••. ,• I M,,, 5.v•41, ll W Yds . Maar •�11 , 4.0414:47114. *hawsers.... •tw.rs will 1••a•• ...poi. n l.5 eaguuw •,err No.4wJ sad Tk•rty a _ p a., wad (454.,x1, /.0 IM5•t sal.;'.41.1•,..1 .eery Nrwdy ,.,.4 tt.•L•e•lat 1. m 1M,• 154.1•. I. 48, r..1h.r per.4ting, la. My1na., •-ello4r.1 Trym% fl. le, /hind 44n•a / •1 1 •'.-.t 0..4•., r.... sad ILy CAT, 48. •c: r..M414-w. •11 ht .4500,55. 1.4 AI IVO*. liar ,4•1441 r'a.b4. and Em••a. sicruksi so. Ina••(1oder.rh ..Fry Moats? l.5. 1•wt Herm t8.5,,* u.J ('l,..4e4, dims TA 1'(•"' e• tis ....as .4 malty sus• 00me001M a IMw.it •.wy Yoad., .44T'li4sia ..I48 •0 amen f..5. I404.- / t••hy, T. •, K.014, • 441604 end P.. 55 P17, sal al 1'44 Her.n1 with "mem- me log lir.•. ILy. MJu.►w sod 4-48, nark ?wk.... be had for all aha ammo p.•t.. 754 (1.40.5 • T4 p••••'.g.• rays, op M7 to WINDSOR AND LAli Matllllt ROYAL WAN. Lomat. _ Tb• ••••.•w' 1 ASIA •NIII OVER11UN ..►• 55. bw•..4M1.•r wi ••••••tq., Thews 00,••••• • .. MG,.ye r .chane ....,1111.pr�•,- 0_ 41.0•w••...N• • I 143 - J. v. pilule/R. i=VMS /111111111111 :wok quer Oleo taus "Row nous co smut na Ma ER AI I • *5 •