The Brussels Post, 1980-02-13, Page 5She can't miss when she reads the daily
ads of the local
THE GAL o has ler nose
where the savings are.
Youth Pro-Life organization,
University of Toronto Pro-
Life, Nurses for Life, Coal2
hien for Life, Scarborough'
Pro-Life and Ang1i,cans for
Life, is' planning this• act-
ion pritharily as a witness
to the conviction that
human life is sacred. 8ec-
ondarily, of course, the
groups want to bring
attention to the candidates
running for, federal office
that abortion is an election
issue and there are many
people who be voting
accordingly 'on Feb.• 18th.
Repairs & Installatioris
• Water
Mervin A. Jones
' Plumbing & Heating
This is' the deadline for your
For competitive rates
and information Contact
Real Estate & Insurance
Box 69, Brussels, 887-6100
The February meeting. of
Melville Ladies Aid was,
held at the home Of Mrs.
Allan. Smith with eleven
members present.
Mrs. Matheson as leader
gave a reading "One day
at a time." The scripture
from John 16, verses 16-25
were read .by Mrs, King,
Prayer by Mrs. W,W.
The secretary's report.
was given by Ruby Steiss,
the financial report by
Berva Dennis, the
Sunshine report by Ethel
"Hairdressers have
many secrets by Shirley
Whittingdon was,. read by
Mrs, Matheson.
Mrs. Lulu Kerr was in
charge of the program and
gave a reading on "The.
Auction Sale" and played,
on 'her tape recorder
"Avalon", "Lord Keep
Your .Precious Hand on
me" and *,!Let me call you
Sweetheart" and a jumb-
led contest of tools. and
implements for the garden
Lunch was served by
Winnifred Edgar and Miss
Millie McFarlane assisted
by the hostess.
February 18.....
ote Gretetne Craig
.... A Man You. Can Count On!
You Con Count On Groans Craig and the Liberals to
1. ACHIEVE energy security at fair
prices to all - •
strengthening Petro Canada, not
destroying it.
2. NOT INCREASE the excise tax on
gas and diesel fuel.
3. NOT APPLY the excise tax on food
• production energy, as this is in
effect a tax on food.
4. NOT APPLY the excise tax on
public transportation energy in-
cluding school buses. This will
keep your school taxes down. •
5. INCREASE the Guaranteed Annual
Income Supplement by $35 per
6. RE-ESTABLISH guaranteed loans
and regain our international posi-
tion to help exporters, not hurt
them as the Clark embaisy flip
, flop did.
7. PRESENT a comprehensive agri-
cultural policy for the benefit of
both farmers and consumers.
8. ALLOW wages paid to farm wives
to be deducted as business expen-
9. ALLOW farmers further capital
gains relief. Meet Graeme at -
Feb. 15 Lucknow Community Centre
Beef - On - A - Bun
With Hon. "Donald MacDonald
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Huron-Bruce Needs Graeme Craig!
For assistance call:
BRUSSELS 887.6273 SEAFORTH 527-0607
CLINTON 432-7801 EXETER 235-2788
GODERICH 524-2161 WINGHAM 357.1144
February 18
Graeme Craig
Ladies Aid :meets ,
4,1n, lunch will be, proyid'ed
for a small cost, and we.
Should, wrap by `3;Q0 p.m.
This will be the best oppor-
tunity to find , out from the
experts all you!, want to know
about liquid Manure sys-
Ron Fleniing
Snowmobile Safety -. The
number of snowmobile ac-
cidents increases, each year. 'Fxtension
Many of these mishaps could "
have been .avoided oper- LIQVglmANIORE
ators had used common , SYSTEMS
sense. Snowinobilers should Th9 subject stinks, culture and Food board room
use th eir machines the same ,Right? Despite any dis- in Clinton is the place..
as you would:,'a car on a advantages relatedto odour,
highway. Fellow safe driving handling manure a s a liquid
rules to, avoid accidents with , here to Stay. Why go to a
your snowinobiling, this win- sYstetn that eosts. more to set
ter, up and smells worse than
conventional solid manure
2. Winter Safety on the Farm systems. ;using straw? The
Winter ,presents many biggest reason is the amount
inconveniences and hazards, of labour that the syitem
While doing regular jobs saves., Some systems don't
around theifariti• a farmer is need any labour input until .• A Pro-Life meeting was
subject to risks that are not it's time to empty the tank held on. February 4th in
normally encountered• at every., six months". , the VViligham Bible Chapel
other thnesof the year. Cold Farmers phone in to the , In her education report
weather creates 'many pro- office quite regularly with
blems. Reaction time is questions about liquid man
slower; this increases the ure systemS. In response to'
risk of accidents. This winter this interest, We have ar-
practise extra caution -to ranged a one-day session,
avoid accidents'on your farm. 'cleating with liquid manure
handling and storage.
Several _speakers are ,lined
pp • to deal with a wide they are in n eed 6f 'mater
range of specific
- topics. nity clothing and baby
These clothing, blankets, diapers
ways of getting
include ,,
etc. to help those in need.
A Pro-Life silent demon-
out of the barn, flushing stration is to be held in systems, slatted floor barns, Toronto at the General agitation of tanks, pumps, - Hospital and ' City Hall sizing Storages to meet your February. 10th. needs.
This program is open to, A co-ordinating group,
representing the Canadian
Installation 1
° Barn Cleaners 1
° Bunk Feeders I
° Stabling I
I Donald G. Ives 1
I R.Ft.92, Blyth I
I Phone:
I Brussels 887-9024 I
iig YOur snewblOWer this
Len MacGregor,
anyone Interested. If -you're
building a new barn, rennod-
elliug an old, one, or just want
more information on the
subject, you are Welcome.
February 19th is the date and
the 'Ontario Ministry of Agri • -
Registration starts at 9:30 ,
PrO Life heors of
3. Snowblower Hazards -
Every winter there are , a
number of accidents involv-
ing snowblower's. TheSe
machines can be quite haz-
aiddus; fast moving shafts
arid augers are a danger to
anyone who comes near. Ice,
,Stones and other debris
thrown from a snowblower
can cause serious% injury.
Take extra care *hen ()Perk=
president Sally Campeau •
quoted- that every eight
and a half minutes an
abortion is done in Canada
She added many people
wait' up to 'five or more
years to adopt a baby.
Birthright -reported that
Need for
baby clothet,