The Brussels Post, 1980-02-13, Page 14.
A SKIT FOR VALENTINE'S DAY The•Grade l• class of Brussels_Public
School put on a little skit for their Valentine's Day AsseMbly which was
held at the school on Tuesday morning. (Photo by Langlois)
109th Year — tesue NO. 7
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1980 There won't be a Ivlarch meeting of
the '• Brussels Business - Association
(BBA) since the organization has been
dissolved due to lack of 'interest on the
Part of area merchants.
However, • anyone interested •in seeing
,-this organization- continue,' should get in,
contact with Ken VVebster.
The dissolution of the organization
was discussed „ at a: meeting on Wed-
nesday night 'Where :,.it was suggested
that BBA be dis-solved as only the
same people came' out to the"meeting
and do all the work..
Henry EXel from the Lions Club was
also at the meeting to discuss the
by Evelyn
Hi-Ho Senior Citizens. AWay you
must go to the. Legion Hall =for your
meeting on Wednesday, "February, 20th.
As 'usual, everyone .will be welcome to
attend an enjoyable social afternoon.
* * *
Tuesday of 'next week, February , 9th
is Shrove Tuesday, the day preceding
Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.
During the Lenten Season We shoUld
discipline ourselves, practicing some form
of self-denial and take a close look at
our personal lives. Shrove Tuesday is
alSo the day of traditional Pancake
suppers. You can enjoy that at St.
John's Church here on Shrove Tuesday.
Those syrup drenched. pancakes are um-
= delicious.
* * * * *
Have you got your torch ready .for
the Torch Light Parade Friday night?
Join in the fun. Let us see hundreds of.
brightly burning torches moving on.
parade from the Lions Park to the B.M.
& G. arena. NO foolish horseplay with
those torches. We want to see the
torches- flatting but nothing else,
including yourself or anyone else, going
up in flameS,—
February is Heart Month all across
Canada: The Heart Mind appeals to the
public for centributiOns that are urgently
needed to combat our number One
enemy, heart and blood vessel disease.
A healthy heart diet, they tell us, is less
Ineat and whole Milk products and more
fish, poultry and fre0 vegetables and
fruitS, No one is Safe from heart diseased,
It can Strike at all ages. Do not gamble
With your life. Heart disease iS not a
game of efaince. It dan be fatal: This
year'S Heart Fund Theme is "A Healthy
Heart iS a Family Affiar,"
Lions Town and Country Trade • Fair
which' was formerly going to be the
Home and Garden Show. This -is to be
held April 24, 25 and 26 with admis-
sion fees of $1.00 per person and 50
cents for children.
Brrissels, Morris and Grey merchants
are going to be asked if they would
like to participate. There are vIans for
36, booths and rental space 'will be. $50
for the: BruSSels, Morris and -Grey met.:
chants and $75. for merchants, outside
the area. There may also be an. area
outside for car dealers.
The meeting was attended by 11
used as twisted propaganda against us,
spoon-fed to the Russian people by their
strictly controlled press? The decision to
boycott, or riot, iS a different one. I atn°
glad that I am: not in a position where I
would have to be one to make that
decision, * * * * *
The response of the people .of . the
U.S. to the successful seclusion and
escape of six from the American
embassy in Iran, engineered by Canada,
has been overwhelming. Canadians
appreciate their many expressions of
gratitude but we cannot help but
wonder why the Americans should be
surprised and excite about Canadians
having accomplished it, It was an act Of
tieighbourly kindness arid consideration,
Did they imagine that their northern
neighbours lacked the humanity and
ingenuity to do what was dime?
Voters in the Huron-Bruce riding are
interested in the state' of the economy,
oil -and fuel situations for the future and
obscene language in books. At ah all
candidates meeting' in Londesboro Thurs
day night federal election candidates
Murray Cardiff, Progressive conservative,
Graeme Craig, Liberal) and Tony. McQuail
New Democrat, outlinled their party 'poli-
cies and fielded questions from the floor.
The Huron Federation of Agriculture
sponsorS these meetings• at election time
and they have become a popular way for
voters to meet and question the candi:
dates. •
The Liberals are seeking stability for
the 80's and want to make effective use
of their programs already established,
Mr. Craig said.
He also stressed that the Conservative
-Employees, councillors
Grey Township Council increased sala-
ries for the -reeve and township employ- •
ees whdh it met in' regular couneil ses-
sion on Monday morning.
The reeve's salary was increased from
$1200 .to $1300, while the salary of the
deputy-reeve and Councillors remained at
$1,000 and special meeting pay 'is $25
per meeting.
The road superintendent's salary was
increased from, $11,928 to $12,900 and
maintainer OperatotS' salaries were in-
creased from $6.00 to $6.50 for the first
six Months and then are to go to $6:75
after that. Labor wage's remained the
same at $5.50.
Office help Will now' receive $4.55 per
hour compared to $4.20 an hour ptevi-
ously and the waste site attendent's
Wage was raised from $4.75 to $5.50 per
The livestock valuer will receive $15 a
visit and 13 cents a kilometer and the
fenceViewer Will get $40 a day and 13
cents a kilometer.
Grey, Township firemen will get $7.00
mortgage deductibility. `scheme would not
be implemented. To cushion the' effects
of, energy prices, fuels used on the farm
and in the transporting of food would be
exempt from taxes, he said.
The Liberal candidate also promised
that chicken imports would be 'renegoti-
ated. Also for the farm Community, the
Liberals would have the bank act
changed to allow better security for
farmers. ,
Mr., Craig told voters that, a 'Liberal
government would 'strengthen Petrocan,
and 'promote energy alternatives as well
as ensure that Canadians would own
more of their Own resources.
The NDP candidate drew statistics
from the progress of Saskatchewan's
NDP government, to stress the . policies
his party , was promoting.
(Continued on Page 11)
for practice, $6.00 for the first- hour of
fighting fires and for the second hour
and, every hour after that for fighting
fires, their wages will, be increased from
$5.00 to $5.50.
The building inspector's pay was
raised from $12 to $14 per visit and the
clerk's' pay was increased from $14,500
with an $800 car allowance to $16,500
plus $1,000 car allowance.
Dave Reid and Keith Mulvey, repre-
senting Frank Cowan InSurance also at-
tended the meeting and council - decided
to increase its insurance on non-owned
(Continued on Page 11) .
Fire cause
Dave Crothers, chief of the Wingham
tire Department says they 1?elieve that a fire
last week at the home of Harley Christie of
Gorrie was started either from electric
heaters or a coal. oil lantern in a bedroom.
The building was partially covered by
hort Shot
What a pity that the Olympics, one
of the objectives of which is meant to be
the strengthening of international accord'
through sports, have become a political
pawn. In the U.S. drive for a boycott on
the Summer Olympics in Moscow my
sympathy goes out .to Canada's athletes
who have sacrificed much, and devoted
years of hard, training to meet the
standard of accomplishment they • must
have to gain a berth on our Olympic
team. TO have their opporuntiy to
participate• snatched away when they
have reached that goal must mean heart
break. for them. Then there is the other
side of the coin. The unwarrented acts.
of agression by ,the Russians cannot be
condoned and must be resisted. Will a
Canadian boycott of the Moscow games
halt that aggression or influence the
,Russian people to raise their voice
against it? `. •
Would the boycott, simply be
Salaries go up in G rey