The Brussels Post, 1980-02-06, Page 1919 Notices LIGHT bUlldozing, land- scaping, backfilling. Lanv Bailey 5234438. 19-14-tf PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR and Appliance Service, 24 hour emergency service. Used appliance sales. Phone -887-9062, 19-18-tf 21 Tenders Wanted _HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR 5-1/2 Ton Trucks, HC - 80 - 101 Sealed Tenders, or forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accept- ed until 4:00 p.m. local time on: Wednesday, February 13, 1980 for the delivery of 5 - 1/3 Ton Two Wheel Drive Pick-Up Trucks. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accept- ed. R.A. DEMPSEY, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 21-23-1 24 Cards of Thanks Bakery . Grocery STEPHENSON 887-9226 free Delivery Brussels esa Schneider Frozen Good 'n Meaty PIES Turkey, Beef and Chicken 250 gram Schneider Slim Stick .69 PEPPERONI 1.29 Dietrich 'Cinnamon BUNS 8's N99 Weston ENGLISH MUFFINS 8 .69 White Label APPLE JUICE '48:1"ncentnite .79 Ontario 2/.73 McCUTCHEON GROCERY We Deliver BRUSSELS Phone 887-9445 CLASS 24 Cards of Thanks • and the M.L. Watts fun- eral home. The kindness of all was deer* "appreci- ated and will always be very precious in our mem- ory, —Florence, Gary Mc - After, Joanne and Paul Weishar, The Cook & McArter families 24-23x1 IFIED THE BRUISEIA POST,,„ FEBRUARY fl• 1.00 1. ...„. No' raises .for Mcicalop..coonctl &.1 My sincere thanks to the UCW for the delicious box of cookies I received from them. It was, appreciated. —Mrs. Stratychuk 24-23x1 I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbours for their cards, visits, food and telephone calls while I was a patient in hospital and since returning home. —Rosemary Wheeler 24-23x1 Thanks to my friends and neighbours for the cards, telephone calls, inquiries and thanks also to all the staff at the Wingham and District Hospital, and Dr. Bozyk, and Rev. Le Drew for his visits. —Tom Baker 24-23x1 I would like .o express my sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and family who remembered me with cards flowers and treats when I was in hospital. Sincere thanks to Dr. Mowbray and nurses on the 1gt floor of Wingham Hospital. It will always be remem- bered. —Linda Fischer 24-23-1 Words cannot express our most deep' and heartfelt appreciation to all our friends, neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness shown to us during our recent sad bereavement. Many thanks for the floral tributes, donations tO the heart foundation, for food brought to our home and all who helped in any Way. Special thanks to Rev. John Roberts, to the ladies who served lunch Charge laid after truck hit 25 In Memoiriam PEGELOW: In loving memory of a dear wife, Dorothy Pegelow, who passed away January 29th, 1975, The favours of • the Lord are not all past. His kind- nesses are not exhausted, every morning they • are renewed, great is His faithfulness. —Lament- ations 3-22-23. —Lovingly remembered by husband Clarence 25-23x1 11 Articles For Sale SEED OATS Garry and Elgin BARLEY Herta, Keystone, Trent, Peguis, Bruce SPRING WHEAT Glenlea FIELD PEAS Mixtures made to order from these varities. Early Order Discount Until March 1. Double Cut Red Clover [for Ploughdownj Timothy and Alfalfa Art Bolton 527-0455 BolfOn • 527-1428 11-23-1 Juveniles Six juveniles have been charged with break, enter and theft and are awaiting a court date after breaking in to the Scotch Thistle Grill in Brussels on January 18, the Wingham, O.P.P. reported. About $20 worth of merchandise including 36 bottles of pop and a BY WILMA OM McKillop TownShiP Council passed a new by- law regulating the erection and use of manure pits in the township at a session held. Monday at Winthrop. The new regulations are. (a) all liquid pits must be constructed of -reinforced concrete. (b) have a cover of reinforced concrete or, in the event farm stock is housed over the pit, such housing shall be fully enclosed save for access doors and ventilation; (c) no run-off or seepage to be allowed to enter any open or municipal drain or any tile leading into them; (d) the pits must be prcperly maintained; (e) the pits must have storage capacity to carry six months supply of waste products; (f) owner must have certificate of approval from ministry .of, environ- ment; (g) owner contraven- ing the by-law is, liable to $100 fine exclusive of costs. Council will not increase the remuneration paid to its members during 1980. Fire destroyed a two storey brick home on Monday, night, a building which was once the Orange Hall in Gorrie, but which is currently owned by Harley Christie of Gorrie. The Wingham Fire Department was called to the scene about 9:20 p.m. according to Fire Chief Dave Crothers) and firemen spent about five hours fighting the blaze. Chief Crothers said Robert arrested number of lighters were taken and about $20 damage was done breaking a screen and a window in a door to get in. Reeve Allan Campbell will receive $1,000 per year as he did last year, and the rest of commit., Deputy reeve - Harvey Craig and councillors 'Arthur Anderson, Marie Hicknell and William Leming will. receive $800 per year. Previously each, member of council was. paid $25. for any special meeting held outside the township that they • had to attend on council business. Monday they, approved that the remuneration will cover any special meeting, other thane, the one regular council, session. These cnecial meetings include such meetings as fire board meetings, conservation authority meetings —and drain meetings, or any special meeting of council. In addition each member of council will receive mileage • at the rate of 25 cents per mile Fence viewers for the , township were appointed -- Mervin Agar, • Wilfred Drager, , Donald Dodds, Boyd Driscoll and Donald Moylan. They will be paid Ferguson called the fire department first. Robert Ferguson lives right next door and saw the upstairs front of the house burning. The Harriston Fire Department also • brought a water tank and Chief Crothers said they used about 36,000 gallons of water on the blaze. The attic of Robeit Ferguson's house was also filled with smoke and fire scorched a bit of his roof so that firemen had to keep a hose on there as well. The cause of the fire had not yet been es- tablished and no further details were available at press time. Act with following too closely when his vehicle was in collision with the back of a truck owned by the Village of of Brussels on Tuesday, January 29. Both vehicles were north- bound on Turnberry Street in Brussels when Archie Willis, driver of the village truck had slowed down to allow a vehicle in front to park when the Mitchell vehicle collided with the truck. Wingham O.P.P. report that nobody was injured in the accident which caused $1,000 damage to the right front of the Mitchell vehicle. There was no damage to the village truck. THREE PHASE Electric "EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL" *'ECONOMY * SERVICE QUALITY BARRY BUCHANAN 482-7374' GLENN McLEAN 887-9264 P.O. 80X1136 CLINTON, OM'r, $40 per day when working for the township in, the year 1980. , Livestock evatutators will be paid for 1980 mileage amounting to 25 cents per hour, up from 20 cents last year. Council adopted triter. 'ia, regarding the drain loans * a loan is not to exceed 75 per cent of the cost; the loan is not to exceed $10,000 per farmer per year; the maximum loan allowed is $200 per acre and the accumulative loan is not to exceed $40,000. Council had a new 175 foot well constructed on the township office property by Hopper Well Drilling firm of R.R.2, • - Seaforth at a cost of $15 per foot. The well supplies the township office and two Winthrop residents. The following grants were approved: To the Seaforth High School Girls' Band for the 20 members from McKillop, $200 (who are go on a trip to Florida) St. John. Ambulance, Seaforth, $25; Huron County Historical SocietYp. $15; Blyth Centre for the Arts $50; and. Seaforth Agriculture Society, $550. for 1980 up from $500. The five members of council and clerk Marion McClure will attend, a Huron County council session in Goderich on February 28. Each municipal council in the county is invited to attend a session during the year. Assessment in the township in 1979 amounted to $3,192,804, up $23,375 over 1978. Hyatt Stokley Douglas Mitchell, 19 of R.R. 3, Walton was charged under the Highway Traffic 2/.99 Swans Down Bathroom TISSUE Twin Pac .59 KRAFT _DINNER7 3/4 0.3/1.00 NekbabeilETTI 21b. ,79 TOMATO JUICE 48oz. .75 PORK 'N BEANS 19oz. tOOD BUDGET BLUES? Change the Tune — Shop Here For Less CREAMED CORN 14)2:2/,79 Chapman's ICE CREAM 2 1. 1.15 GOOD SELECTION OF WHITE LABEL. PRODUCTS Fire destroys Gorrie home Come in and ask for our parts 'ROOMS AND TRACTOR PULL TICKETS for the LOUISVILLE FARM SHOW For more details, give Marlen or Ken a call FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED