The Brussels Post, 1980-02-06, Page 15How about tomorrow?
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With winter upon us, the
residents at Callander are
busy with various indoor
activities. Along with the
daily games of euchre, darts
and crekinele there is cont-
inued involvement in bingo
and bowling tournaments.
Mr. Frank Dunn is the
January bowling champion
by very narrow margin.
Because of the high degree
of participation in this event,
Callander has decided to
award two trophies; one for
the men and one for the
women. Mrs. Margaret Mac-
Donald, a relatively new
bingo player, won the trophy
for January. Although it
The Centralia United
Church Male Quartette sang
to the delight of the Sunday
morning worshippers.
Lorne Lawson, Warren
Whitmore, Wilson McCart-
ney and Stanley Hillen, along
with Mrs. Marie Flynn com-
bined talents to provide the
musical programme Monday
Residents who are active
in the ceramic class under
the direction of Mrs. Betty
Fawcett were busy Tuesday
afternoon preparing center
pieces for the main dining
room tables for Valentine's
Present and past staff and
friends gathered in the craft
room on Wednesday after-
noon on the occasion of
Chester Archibald's retire-
ment. Upon arriving Mrs.
Archibald was presented
could be beginners' luck,
Mrs. MacDonald will at-
tempt to retain the trophy in-
February, even though the,
the competition will be stiff.
Callander is fortunate to
have secured the services of
two new volunteers. Reg
Qicimore and Elinor Hem-
ingway have undertaken a
craft program here, on a
weekly basis. They have
some creative, and fun crafts
.planned for the residents and
their assistance is much
The nursing home is
pleased to report that the
United Church Women have
set up a program for visiting
the presidents on a rotating
-basis, The residents directly
benefit from outside contacts,
as it keeps them abreast of
community news and lessens
their feelings of isolation.
On January 24th, the
Melville Church Women
were on hand to help Olive
Dunbar, Ethel Smallden,
Norma Fischer and Margaret
Weir celebrate their January
birthdays; and what a party
it was!
Mrs. Jean Ireland brought
her Kindergarten class who
entertained as only very
young children can. Mrs.
Mary Douma played the
piano and sang and her
mother, Mrs. Isabel Gibson
the Seaforth area and a new
resident this past week. Also
we would like to welcome
Mrs. Thresea Campbell who
is staying with us on Vac-
cation Care.
accompanied her in singing a
variety of songs. Following
this, Mrs. Ireland played a
few sole numbers on the
piano. Leanne Armstrong
was on hand, to give a lively
demonstration of her tap
dancing expertise. Then
came the rhythm band.. The
residents and children en-
joyed keeping time, with Mrs.
Ireland as she played some
lively piano music. After
singing "Happy birthday"
and presenting the birthday
gifts, the ladies served cake
and ice cream to everyone.
The Blyth Singers were
here on January 29th and
they sang a large-number of
inspirational songs, as well
as reading a couple of
passages from the Bible. The
residents always benefit
spiritually by the regular
visits from this group.
Later in the day, the 1st
Brussels Girl. Guides, under
the direction of Betty Graber
and Stephanie Kellington,
held their weekly meeting,
here. After making some
Valentines day decorations,
the Guides assisted the staff
in serving the evening meal.
It is hoped that the era will
gain valuable experience by
dping this kind of community
service work. Thy plan to
hold one Guide meeting here
:per month.
ets new volunteers
aids honoured at Hur
with a corsage and Mr.
Archibald with a boutonniere.
A wall clock engraved from
the goodwill fund was pre-
sented to Mr. Archibald.
Taney cookies and squares
were served along with a
special decorated cake in the
shape of a car and trailer.
Mary Gibbings, Evelyn
Archer and Rosemary Arm-
strong journeyed to St.
Marys to a workshop on
programming, on Thursday
Olive Straughen's family
held a birthday party at
Huronview to celebrate
Olive's 90th birthday.
Sympathy is expressed to
the families of Mrs. Myrtle
Parker and Danny Pysanuik.
We.would like to welcome
Mrs. Vera Oliver. who is from
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