The Brussels Post, 1980-02-06, Page 13Keeping families
on the farm.
It's. getting harder and harder the land. And when
you do, chances are you end up further in debt. Farmers are
subsidizing food prices with their low returns and that has to
.The New Democrats know what it's like to produce on a
farm because farmers and the NDP have always been close.
That's why it's been calling for things like: a guarantee that
farmers earn enough from their products to meet the cost of
living and support their families: orderly marketing and
planned production to soften the booms and busts: credit to
foreign governments to buy our products: co-operatives to
process, stockpile and distribute farm products; an income
stabilization fund to insure farm incomes in the case of crop
And more: legislation to prevent takeovers of farm land by
corporations and foreign concerns: co-operation with the
ptoyinces about land zoning; support for the Crow's Nest
Pass grain rates andthe extension of the rates to other western
commodities to protect farm incomes.
The high-interest policies of the Liberals and the
Conservatives hurt Canadian fanners. Interest rates went up
fourimes since the last federal election, The Conservatives
did nothing but follow the policies of the Liberals. New
Democrats will act to firmly control interest rates.
New Democrats helped defeat the Conservatives'
December budget because it would make fanners pay an
extra 150 a gallon on gasoline from the excise tax increase.
Ed Broadbent and the NDP believe that the family farm is
the basic unit of agriculture. They want security fOr farmers,
'riot corporations:
AuttiOrized by Official agebt of 'taw Nicatmil, MOP, Litckno*
Exeter 235,1628
6fiderIch 524,21012
Lila** 5284.542
Selfiitth 527,1860
Bakyfield 565-2453
Bitinels 887,6887
abitOli 482-3208
This. is the .ciecKiline -for your
For competitive rates
and information Contact
Real Estate & Insurance
Box 69, Brussels, 887-6100
Johnston presented a
"Muun OW".
We are sorry to hear
that i Mrs. William Gow
had the misfortune to fall
and -fracture her hip. She '
is a patient in Alexandra
and Marine Hospital,
Goderich. Her many
friends wish her a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Zurbrigg of Listowel
440 liquifire, 440 Sportsfire,
440 Trailfire, 340 Trailfire*
all at similar savings
Inventory Clearance
of John Deere
and Snowblowers
"Just in time for the
snow" Specials!
John linen I M.P.
26" cut snowblower $795
John Doom 10 M.P.
S2" cut snowblower $895
MAW 320
Snowthrower $299
Cash and car or financing arranged on the spot with
as link as
1 % DOWN N you qualify.
All.units pra•trlivared and carry full warranty.
,No trades at the low prices.
All specials in effect white stock
lasts. Hurry in forbost selection.
20°/ off
all snowmobile suits
and accessories
355 Josephine ,Street, Wingham Ph. 357-1416
The U.C.W, pf Knox
United Church, Beigrave
held their first generaI
meeting, for the New
Year, January 31.
Mrs. Laura Johnston
called upon Rev. John G.
Roberts to conduct the in-
stallation service for the
officers of the U.C,W, for
The new president is visited on Thursday with
Mrs. -Dorothy Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
treasurer Mrs. Helen --Iiibberd.
Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Mrs. Robert Grasby pre. Zurbrigg of Harriston and
sented the budget for Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
1980 which totalled Karges of R.R. #1
$2,044.00 It was agreed to Gowanstown were Friday
send donations to Camp visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Menesetung and Alma Robert Hibberd.
College. Mrs. William • Mrs. R.H. Buller of
Coultes gave a brief
report of the - Huron-Perth
Presbyterial. Mrs. John
Roberts gave a report of
the meeting she attended
in Blyth concerning
catering to suppers for the
"Blyth Centre for the
Arts," in the summer.
Mrs. John Roberts, on
behalf of the U.C.W.
expressed thanks to Mrs.
Johnston for her work as
president during the past
two years.
The worship service,
based on John 3: 16, was
conducted by, Mrs. Ross
Anderson. She was
assisted by Mrs. Harold
The program f ,was in
charge of Mrs. William
Coultes. MrS. John
McIntosh, Mrs., Murray
Scott, Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler and Mrs. Laura
High Man - William
Elston; Most Lone Hands
Man - Harvey Edgar; Low
Man - Larry Elston,
Mr. and Mrs. Gary
in at Beigrave
Kin. bingo
Annual Kinsmen Hockey 13elgrave Kinsmen held
a hinge in the W.I. Hall Tourirauaanmernyt 26th. EiMeoignkratov:
on January 29th. Winners on
were Elmer Bruce, Mary
Taylor, Barb Shiell, Eileen
Gedlce, Don Shiell and.
Linda Hooper who won
both the special prizes.
Belgrave • Kinsmen
members competed in the
Ridgetown is spending a
few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Fear.
Fourteen tables were in
play at the I3elgrave
Weekly Euchre last
Wednesday evening in the
W.I. Hall.
High Lady - Mrs.
Kenneth Wheeler; Most
Lone Hands lady - Mrs.
Robert Grasby; Low Lady
- Mrs. Lorne Jamieson.
High Man - Fred
Porter; Most Lone Hands
Man - George Grigg; Low
Man - Sam Fear.
The second line of
Morris Township held
their euchre party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Sellers with four
tables in play. High Lady
- Mrs. Bert. Garniss; Most
Lone Hands lady - Mrs.
William Elston; Low Lady
Mrs. Harvey Edgar.
Leitch, Julie and Jeffery
of London spent the week-
end with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Grasby.
won their first game 4 to
1 over Drayton and the
secon game 9 to 2 over
Exeter. They lost the third
game and the champion-
ship beling edged out by
, Clinton 5 to 4 overtime.