HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-01-16, Page 141 Coming Events NATIONAL Nori-Smoking Week; 1980. January 21-27, including Weedless Wed- nesdays January 9, 16, 23, 30. Do you need a speaker for your group? Would you like the carbon monoxide in your blood or locale tested? Con- tact Huron Perth Lung Association, 121 Wellington; St. Stratford or .phone 271- 7500. National Non-Smoking Week is an Interagency Sponsored Project. ' 1-20-1 FLOWER show; Toronto, February 28th. Tickets and transportation. Phone 357- 3014 or 357-1270. 1-20-2 GRAND Old Oprey Show, Kitchener Memorial Audit- orium, March 22nd. Tickets and transportation. Phone 357-3014 or 357-1270. 1-20-2 FESTIVAL Singles dance, January 18th, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9-1. Wel- corne all singles over 25. No. blue jeans. 1-204 BOX 789 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527.0050 GRAND Ole Opry Show, Kitchener Auditorium March 22nd. $1.8.00 per person from Seaforth, 1-20-1 TEEN dance, Ethel Com- munity Centre, Friday, Feb- ruary 1st. Admission $2.00 each. 8:30 to 12 midnight. Steven's Disc Jockey music. 1-20x3 4 'Help Wanted Township of Morris Applications are now being received for the pur- pose of Counting Dogs in the Township of M rris for the tax year 1980. Specify charge per dog. Appl cations must be filed in the office of the undersigned by 5:00 p.m. February lst, 1980. ' NANCY MIME MUNICIPAL CLERK 4-20-3 Farm Stock For Sale GOOD selection of hamp- shire, yorkshire, hamp X york, y'ork X landrace boars'. Also available, gilts of these breeds and crosses. Bob Robinson, Walton. 345-2317. 849-3 Corning Events BRUSSELS Agricultural Soc- iety annual meeting and banquet, St. John's Anglican . Church, Wednesday, Jan.- 16/80, 7 p.m. $4.50 each. Guest speaker: Murray Car- diff 1-19-2 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m... First regular card $1. Re- stricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular gamei of $15., S. 5. least' on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200. must go each week. 1-18-ff GOT .an event coming up? 3000 people will read about it in The Brussels Post coming events classified. Buy two insertions and get the third one FREE. Phone 887-6641. 1-18xtf Property For ,SaJle 19 Notices McCreery Auto Wreckers R.R. #2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 • Midway between Wingham and Listowel Used Auto Parts Used Cars and Trucks 24 Hour Towing Service Will pay $25 for complete scrap cars picked up. • Foreign cars, $15 picked up. Phone Listowel 291-4159 Gorrie 335.3314 10-184 L.& M.AUTO WRECKING R.R.3, Brussels, Ont. Used Auto Parts and. Towing We buy Rads, Batteries, Copper and Scrap We pay cash for complete cars or trucks etc. Call 887-9561 10-90-26 Word Count Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one wor d .per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 15 words $2.00. 8c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 6c per word, minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column, inch. ' SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.40 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch) BOX NUMBERS to this office 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 15 words $2.00, SC per word' thereafter MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES - 15 words $2.00t,each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 plus 10 c per line of verse COMING EVENTS - 15 words $2.004each additional word 8c. Three insertions for. the price of 2 CARD OF THANKS - 30 words $2.00; each additional word 3c ner word. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. Deadline of classified ads is 4:00 P.M. Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Mondays. Phone 887-6641 YOLJNO':REAkTrITI) member broker $3,000 down to existing financing. Good income. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments pinta library. $24,000 full price. Town of Gorrie. o*,• „, Vacant factory. 9,500 sq. ft. Suit small business. Lease with option or small • down. Brussels. ****** Wanted. Businessman to head up farm machinery operation. Facilities available. **a * s* For information call David Christie, D,Division. Weekdays, 685-5321, London. Weekends, ..482- 7295, brucefield. Industrial Commercial Investment . f. 14-20-1 Jay Bee Hereford Farms The executors of the Stanley M. Jackson estate are offering for sale 300 acres,of land in the Hensall, Seaforth 200 acres Lot 7 & 8 Con.' 9 TuckersMith,- approx 175 acres workable. Good 1 1/2 storey 4 bedroom brick house. Large. L shaped bank barn for cattle,. 2 concrete yards, corrals and silo. Drilled well, implement shed, and steel granary. 100 acres Lot 9 Con. 7 Tuokersmith, approx, 90 acres workable. All this property is good bean and corn land. Contact: Ken Carnochan, Clinton 482-3354; Bob Kinsman, Hensall 262-5480 by February 1, 1980. 14-20-2 ••• .THIE.‘:BRussets POST,. JANUARY 16,1806, BINGO. Friday, Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. Bluevale COmmunity Hall. 10 'regular games at $10, 3 share the wealth: Proceeds for , renovations. Everyone welcome. 1-20-1 Used Cars For Sale roperty For Sale Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phono:412-5371 WALTON - 1 1A storey 5 bdrm. frame home with fam- ily room on % acre lot.- New combination furnace. ***41411* MORRIS TWP. - 2 acres, frame home, large barn. Reasonably priced. **II*** MORRIS TWP. - 1 acre on paved rd., 7 rm., modern 'bungalow, surrounded by maples. 8 miles from Wing- ham. ilt***** MORRIS TWP. - 2 floor brick home' on 5 acres with frame barn, 2 miles from Blyth, Severed. * * * * FOOD FOR THOUGHT Some things have to be stirred to know hew bad they smell. 14-20-1 19 Notices . PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR and Appliance Service, 24 hour emergency service. • Used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062. 19-18-ff Dogs Groomed By appointment only. 527.1931 19-18-tf Renovations 'Persons will do wallpapering plastering, drywall and small carpentry work, interior or exterior. Phone 357-1073. 19-20-4 ••••••••••••••••• • • • • R. G. Gethke • GENERAL' • • AUCTIONEER Serving Huron and • • io Perth counties with 41: • many years of ex. • • ▪ perience. For reliable • service at reasonable • • • ve rates. 341-U65 • • COLLECT 'i) 19-1844 CARE and shelter for senior citizen. Lady preferred. 887- 9566. 19-20x1 LIGHT biffid.ozing, land- scaping, backfilling. Larrr Bailey 523-4438. 19-14-ff. WANTED. Dead or Disabled Cowi & Horses Stocker cattle, calves and swine Top.Prices Paid For' fresh animals 'over '500 lb. - $1.00 a hundred weight. Cows and horses over 1200 • lb. - $20.00. , 4 wheel drive radio dispatched trucks. 24 hr. service .2-- 7 days • a week' Brussels Pet Food, Supplies Call Collect 887-9334. 1948-tf HOUSE' PLANS DRAWN • residential design • architectural drafting • project management free estimates - no obligation SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN LorroviEL 291-1449 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In estate of Bertram Brown Hemingway late of the Town- ship of Grey, farmer, de- ceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same, to the under- signed on or before the 30th day. of January, 1980, after which date the .estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received ' CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors • 22-19-3 24 Cards of Thanks We would like to express our 'sincere thanks to everyone who sent cards, gifts and flowers and also to those who visited us in the hospital and since coming home'. It is all greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Dr. D. Munn and OB staff of Listowel .Memor- ial Hospital. -Nancy and , • Jason Walker ,24-20x1 We would like to thank all .our friends and relatives for the reception they held in our honour. We would 'like to send a special thanks to everyone for all 'the work they went to. We really ' enjoyed ourselves:-Jim & Kathy Stephenson .24-20x1 11 Articles For Sale, PIANOS Many models to clear at cost. Lesage from $1,379.00; Wurlitzer from $1,679.00. Savings of $640.00 to $1,300.00. Phone Piano Place, Seaforth. 527-0053. 11-19-4 26" black & white console T.V. 887-9409. 11-20x1 POTATOES. Don Deitner, 887-6430. 11-20x3; GOT something to sell? 3000 people read the Brussels Post classified ads every week. Place your low priced Post Classified at 887-6641. 10-18-tf 12 Wanted To Buy OLD silver coins, 1966 or older. Will pay top prices. Apply Box 174, Brussels. • 1248-3 WANT to buy a dog, or Dodger or a dehumdifier? Try a Brussels Post wanted• to buy classified ad. 887-6641 12-18xtf 13 Wanted GOOD used furniture and antiques, clothing including' blue jeans and Mick knacks on consignment. We can sell those unwanted articles for yeti. Call for more in- formation. - The Second Time Around Shoppe (now open] at site of Rintoul's Luxury Pools 1V2 a mile north on #4 highway, Wingham. 357-2628. 13-18-