HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-01-16, Page 7rr
s s Two steers consigned by
R:M. ' Scott for Seaforth
averaging 1300 lbs. sold for. PPhone88 7-6641 84.60. °
Want ads
At 12 Noon
• • •
Steady market a
Brussels Stockyards
1970 Value
Do you know the replacement
cost of this ring today?
We . wopid ,sugaosf .,thai 'you
hove,your Jewellety Appraised.
and .Intuted oispe•dial .
Jewellery FlOoteii coVeing
Loss tit •
1 MULVEY • '
. Reat Estate & latataate •
BOX, Brattel
Five steers consigned 'by consigned by Dan Lichti of
Jim Sturdy of Goderich Brussels averaging 885 lbs.
averaging 1202 lbs. 'sold, for sold for 78.50. '
the overall price of 83.75, ' . Five heifers consigned , by..
Choice Charlois Heifers - Wayne Gottfried of Gowans-
80.00 to 83.00 with sales of town averaging 920 lbs. sold
83.90. for 82.00 with his 22 heifers
Chpice Hereford Iliefers averaging 957 lbs. selling for.
77.00' to 80.00. an overall price of 79.60.
Good Heifers - 75.00 to . A heifer consigned by
77.00. Elwood Fitch of Wroxeter
Two heifers consigned by weighing, 900 lbs. sold, for
L & B Farms of Nallenstein
81;00 with his 13 heifers
averaging 1180 lbs. sold for averaging 931 lbs. selling for
83.90 with their lot of 13 an overall price of 78.55.
heifers averging 1110 lbs. 65
Choice Cows - 61.00 to
.00 with heifery cows to
• selling for an overall' price of 75.50.
Good. Cows - 57.00 to
A Charlois . heifer con-
signed by George Blake of 61.00. Canners & Cutters - 52.00
Brussels weighing 1010 lbs. to 57.00:
sold for83.75 with his lot of Choice ,pigs sold higher,
17 heifers mainly 'Hereford • medium pigs were .barely
' averaging 984 lbs. selling for steady '
an overall price of 79.70. „.30 to 40 lb. pigs traded to a
Fifty-six heifers consigned high of 30.25.
by Arthur Fitch of Wroxeter 40 to 50 lb, pigs to ah igh
averaging 841 lbs. sold for an of 36.75.
overall price of 80,35. 50 to '60 lb. pigs to, a hi gh
Four heifers consigned by of 41.25
Joe Zettler of R..R.4, Han, 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high
over averaging 1105 lbs. sold of 46 .75
for 8110 - - '70 to 80 lb. pigs to a high
Sixteen hereford heifers of 49.50.
Income Tax Prepared
j (Located in the old bank of Commerce)
(Across from Sunoco Service Station)
'phone-..347. 2224
As former employees of Ron nenberg
Inurance Rgency we have 15 years of
experience to offer you.
We would 'appreciate the opportunity to
complete your 1979 Income Tax' Form 1 for
Our regular bodes are:
Monday --Friday 9:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Evenings by appointment
• - * After hours phone:
CarolYn Festal Marie Boyd
, 347-2975 ' 347-2436
New Office Hours
9 to 5
- Tuesday through Friday
BRUSSELS' 887-6663,
lemome Tax Returns. Prepare&
This year' Csmputer Service offered for
Business and Farm Tax
at Anna's Dress Shopppe
Everything on Sale
to make roorn for
new spring fashions
On sizes 22 -.24
Dresses & Pantsuits
Brussels 887-6062
4R!,•,! R Cry} .1 4:40 (114".'rt irsz
Correspondent mr. and mt.n. John Row. ford Brown, Linda, Michael Duncan, Robinson. Rev. & Mrs, Wesley Ball,
Mr and Mrs Earl Mina Wroxeter, g,1; mr, and !qrs. Douglas Fisher visited at Misses Wa nda: and Winona
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bell of Thanaesford, spent
MRS. GEORGE BROWN ford and famil I R R 2 , •
335-3424 • ' Wingham and Mr. and•Mrs. Tracey and Denise spent Wm. WilsonFOrdwich,
MAPPLEBECK-WDERSON Cecil Payne spent New Years Christmas' with. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Alex Taylor'. were Clarke Hyndinan of glnaira. New Years With Mr. and
St. Stephen's Anglican with Mr. and Mrs.- Alvin Clarence ..Mino of Hamilton New Year guests of Miss' Mr. and M. ' George Mrs..Wesley. R. Ball.
Church, Gorrie, was the set- . Mundell. , , - , and Boxing Day with Mr. and ' Margaret Dane. ss •s , Cherry, Mrs, Nellie Dredge, Mr and Mrs. Thos.Temple
ting 'for .'the. Marriage' of ' Mr. and Mts. Duff'Bell of Mrs. Jerry Myers of Dundas. Mrs. Laurence Stirling of Mr, Donald Cherry and Mr: man and family spent Christ-
Lauranne , Sanderson and Elmira apent'Ihe Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Jack Currie,. Kincardine and Mr. Laur- ' Wm, Cherry of Palmerston,mas with Mr,- and MP. John .
Lloyd. Mapplebeck On Satur— with Mrs: • Alex Taylor.. • Robert Paul and Heather of ence Kincaid - of Ottawa, visited Wednesday evening V. 'Fischer of R.R. 1, Blue-,
day, December 22nd at 4 . Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Ali- Wingham spent. New Years spent Sunday .with Mr, and with Mrs. Ed. Bolander and vale.
1),m. ken of Kincardine and Mr. • with Mrs. John Strong. Mrs. Leonatd Sanderson.Mr. and Mrs. Robin Boland- Mr. Jos. Simmons and Mn, •
Lauranne is .the daughter and Mrs. Larry Pellett Of Mr.. and Mrs.' Jas. Dawson • Mr. and ' Mrs. Lynn Fer- er, - and Mrs. David Tetripleman
of Leonard ' and Christine Teeswater visited Sunday and Justin of London; Mr. guson, Jan and. Krista of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. A. and family of Wellesley
Sanderson, 'Gerrie, and Lloyd , with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fer- and Mrs. Huntley Dawson of Glen Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Smith visited .Sunday. at the spent , New Years with Mrs.
is the son of Joseph and guson, MrS. Alvin Mundell is' ' Lucknow Spent New Years Jas. Arnold of Guelph; Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Olive Teinpleman of Wing-
Ramona Mapplebeck, Ayles- • a patient in Wingham Hos- with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry. and. Mrs. Blake. Ferguson of George MacDonald of Moles- ham. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Grulie
& family, Mrs. Annie Bray of
Brussels spent Xmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bray.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug David-
sow & family of BruSsels,
Mrs. norug'Bremner & Chris-
topher of London spent Xmas
with Mr. '& Mrs. Cecil
& Raynard ,Irene.
- Mr.' and „ Mrs. 'John
IVIargan & Gillian , and Mr.
and Mrs. Morris Nekbett of
London; Miss .Brenda ,Brein-
ner Goderich, Mr. and...
Mrs. Andrew Bremner &
Doris, Mrs. Morley Mc-
Michael & Andy. of Wrox-
eter, were guests at the
home of Mr. and,Mri. Robert ,
Bremner, Mary & Karen for
.Get results!.
Post y •
pital. I —
Recent visitors.of Mr.. and
Mrs. Artha Walker were Mr.
and Mrs: David Walker,
London, Mr. and'Mrs. Mario
Balletto, St. Louis, Ohio, and
Mr. • Thos Walker HaMilton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
worth; Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Brown and Gregg of Listowel
Mr. and Mrs: Lang Vogan of
Molesworth and Mr. and
Mrs. John Coghlin, and Mr.
Paul Meinema of Listowel
were holiday visitors at the
home of Mr and Mr's • Clif-
Brown a nd family of moles- •
The market at Brussels
Stockyards traded at steady
prices with cows and pigs
selling higher. There were
657 cattle and 1773 pigs on
Choice • Steers - 82.00, to
S5.00. with sales to 85.75.•
Good Steers - 80.00 to
82.00. ' s
steers 'consigned by
_Maple '':Emblem Farms of
Dungannon averaging 1130
lbS. sold for 85.75 with their
lot of 28 'steers 'averaging
1147 lbs. selling for an
overall "'price of 85.25:
,Five steers 'consigned by
Douglas Wagg of Mitchell
averaging 1126 lbs. sold for
85:35 with hiS lot of 10 steers
averaging 1137 lbs. ';selling
for 84.70. •
Seven steers consigned by
Mac Black of Blnevale
averaging 1215 ,lbs. sold for
85.10 with his let of 27
steers • averaging 1257 lbs.
selling for an overall price of
• Fourteen steers consigned
by Henry Farms of Blyth
averaging 1161 lbs. sold for
85:00 with their' 14 holstein
steers averaging 1307 lbs.
'selling for 75.25.
A 4-H - calf •consigned.
Carl Merrison of .R.R.1,
Lucknow weighing 1120 lbs.
sold for 85.00.
TWentrone heavy steers
consigned by Lorne Forster
of Lucknow averaging 1260
lbs. sold for the overall price
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Hyndman visited New Years
at the home 'of Mr: and Mrs.
Jas.. Hyndman of Guelph..
-Mr., and Mrs. Brian Pyke
and family spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs.. Thos.
Reid of R.R. 1 Bluevale; and:
also several days with' Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Hall of
'Burford R.R. 2. -
Mr. and Mrs. Duff Bell of
Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Glonsher and family. of .
Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Wm..
Taylor, Heather, Pam and
London spent Saturday vvith
Mr; and Mrs. Jack Ferguson.
. Mrs, Harold McKay, Mrs.
Jack McDermitt and Miss
Olive McLaughlin visited.
Mr. Cecil Grainger at Brook
haven, Wingham on Sunday
and also with Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lou-
titt and Andrea ,of Thunder
Bay visited Thursday with
'Mrs. ••Row Gowdy and . Mrs. •
Chas. Finlay.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Munro
of Guelph spent New Years
'with Mr. and• Mrs. Harold
ford, Nova Scotia..
They :were united in Mar- •
riage by the Re'vererid O.
Laramie. Cheryl Wilson;
Fordwich, played the wed- •
ding yiusic. Terry Laidlaw, :
ni Brantford; .sang "Comon •
Love" and "The Wedding
Prayer" during: the signing
of the register: • ,
' Sherri Passmare, 'Guelph,
was. Maid of Honour. Sidney
Mapplebeck, Bedford, Nova .
Scotia was best man and
guests were.ushered: by
Tracey Nish4aki, Guelph
and Donald Sanderson,. Ger;
Following ,the ceremony
dinner was held at . the •
Bride's home followed by a
reception at the Belmore
Community Ceritre.
Guests were present from
Aylesford and Bedford, Nova
Scotia; :Montreal, Quebec;
and Kincardine, Guelph,
Forest; .Brantford,- Clinton,
Norval;. Windsor and Listow-
el, Ontario. •
Both the rn bride and groo
are graduates of the Univer:
sity of Guelph and are pre-
sently residing in -Guelph
while they continue with,
their post-graduate studieS.
Ethel •
Mt. and WS. Charles Bray
&•girlS:of Belrnore, Mr. and
Done Bray of BrusSels,
(Intended for last week) ,