HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-01-16, Page 4sign
• spring
offered, his full support for the party. A
fourth contestant, Philip. Walker, a Stephen
Township farmer who had earlier
announced that he would run as an NDP
candidate in •-the riding l did not since his
nominat or failed to appear at the meeting.
McQuail, a newcomer to the political
scene, came to Huron County mine years
ago. He received his Grade 13 education at
Goderich District Collegiate 'Institute and
after a year's travels across Canada, bought
a 100 acre farm in West Wawanosh where he
and his wife Fran raise goats and sheep.
McQuail is involved in a number of farm
organizations and is a solar energy advocate.
He teaches courses on heating with wood,
windpower and solar energy and has been
involved ° in government programs on
alternative energy and lifestyles. He is also a
member a the anti-nuclear organization
"Can'tdu". •
In his nomination address, McQuail
stressed the need for preserving Canada's
energy sources and for research into other
forms of useable energy.
In a lengthy speech McQua 11 told NDP
The Brussels Fire Department fought for
about two hours Monday night to keep a
blaze under control at, the• home of Gar
In the party's first election in five years,
Tony McQuail, a 27 •year old West
Wawanosh •Township farmer has been
chosen to represent the NDP in the Huron-
Bruce riding for the February 18 federal
- •
A large crowd of over 50 NDP snpporters
chose McQuail on the first ballott over elections, because they were good policies. •
Osborne "Bernie" Fansher of Bayfield at a The NDP is continuing to produce good Building nomination meeting held in Clinton on policies and it iS•time they got to implement
Monday. - them as the Government." McQuail" told i d A third •candidate J. Carl Hemingway of• riding supporters that present high 'interest perm ts own
NOP nam
Vandenberg of Brussels. . panel in e basement. There was extensive
Deputy. Fire Chief Gord -Stephenson said smoke and, water damage and the east wall
-fire' started in the wiring in the electric of the living room, was, badly scorched. One
' bedroom upstairs was'• water-soakeil. . .
• ; The fire: started in one corner of the
es Mc .1,Jai
house to the upstairs and firemen had to lake
basement, went through the partitions in the
supporters, • 'I am ' aPPalled by
. some of the aluminum siding off the honie to
the get to the blaze. , •
agriculture and noted, "The NDP fully • - •
supports the family farm as the foundation - Building permits issued in Brussels
Of Canadian agriculture which ensures that decreased in 1979 going from a total of
our food System will meet human needs and $361,155 in 1978 down to a total of $280,875.
not corporate greed." This was due mostly to a difference in the
The second nominee, Fansher.: told the number of houses built. While a total of 51
NDP •supporters that Petro Canada is an permits were issued in 1978, that number -
instrument that can be used in exploring decreased to 34 in •1979.. Of these; 33 were
other energy sources. residential and there was one commercial
He also stressed the need to lower interest permit of about $14,200 for the building of
.rates and reduce profit taking, thus leaving the Topnotch elevator. •
more for the consumer, decreasing the
unemployment rate and increasing the Gross •
National Product. Friday morning when Mrs. Ken Graber
-"We the voters are like painters who, over was driving from the butcher shop along the
the years have painted themselves into a - main street, smoke started pouring from
corner and can't get out without leaving under the hood of the car.
marks," Farisher said. He suggested that She stopped in front of the nearest ,
voters leave their mark with an. X for the available, spot, in .front of the Stewart
NDP on their voting ballott. Pharmacy and fire erupted. Murray Lowe
Michael' B. Davidson, MP for Hamilton came to the rescue and was able to
tentre•• was the guest speaker. He 'came extinguish the flames with a fire extinguish-
doili hard on the Liberal and Conservative er.
parties and said, "Never was there a time Wires and the battery were burned but the
when we• needed an election-more." car escaped any other serious damage-.
stayed around to make sure it didn't start up...
Nobody was injured in the fire and Mrs.
Vandenberg and a daughter spent the rest of
the night at Bob ThorntOn's la neighbour.;
while .a son, a boarder, and Mr. Thornton's
son spent the night looking after the house.
Mr. Vandenberg was away at,the time of the
Although he hesitated to give an 'estimate,
of the damage, Deputy Fire Chief Stephen:.
son said .he thought it would be.. between.
$10,000 and $12,000.
There was some insurance on the: house.
The Post now
available in Gorrie
customers in Gorrie at Currah's. General
Store. , •
Each week, 10 issues will be mailed to the
store. The Post has been having some
.problems with the postal service in getting
the paper promptly, to some Gorrie
subscribers, but hopefully service will :be
..January's pleasant weather seems to be
fooling some of .our feathered friends • this
• year as. Ada. Brittain reported • that her •
daughter Mrs. William Moses of .R.R.3,
Brussles his a g9ose setting on 'dozen eggs
and she also has ducks which, are laying,
something unusual this early in the year.
dishOnestY and incompetence of .our leaders After a spark blew a fuse on a.hydro post,
in recent years. Unless a change is made, the. Pile . cut the hYdro off.,
Canada will continue to muddle about, The Fire Department received the call
failing to take the opportunities which today about 3:25 a.m. and Mr. Stephenson said
could be ours..."
He also pointed out, "In opposition, 14
theiretnrned to the fire hall about 6. He said
the fire , was out shortly after 5 a.m. but they
policies have been- implemented after,
russels, declined the nomination, but rates are crippling small business and B - The Brussels ,Post Is now available to
Volunteers work hard for
Volunteer members of facilities as headquarters,
local snowmobile clubs have and Leo Greidanus of
been at work quietly behind McKillOp say this, year's goal
the scenes- for months and is $30,000. At least half the
pledge sheets are available funds raised to the. Huron
from snowmobile dealers all area while the rest will go to
over the area. treatment facilities, perhaps
Now all that's needed to in London or Toronto, which
make the annual Whipper are also used by local people.
Billy Watson Snowarama for There are a large number
crippled children, held this ,of prizes being offered to
year at Family Paradise near local riders who participate, Walton - next Sunday, including ten for those with
January 27, is snow. the largest amount in
The 100 km snowarama is pledges and ten more for the Huron Ride, one of 28 those with the largest
around the province. Or- number of pledges. As well, ganizers John George, who's prizes will be drawn
donating his Family Paradise throughout the day for all
participants. Included are •
watches, gift certificates,
Morningstar Rebekah sweaters, jackets and
Lodge held its regular assorted other donations
meeting Tuesday with Noble from local businesses. Free
Grand Janet McCutcheon in food will be available for
charge. participants at . Family
Plans were made for the aradise. • Huron-BrUce
visit of the Assembly candidates in the February
Warden Iris Czinkota at the election will be taking part on
lodge on January 22. VIP snowmobiles and
Plans were also made for municipal challengers will
the Valentine Dessert Euchre again try for the Warden's
•Feb. 11 at 1:30 in the Lodge. 'Challenge Trophy.
After closing Lodge, the
social committee conducted
an enjoyable game of bingo.
• •
SEA FORTH 527,12401
Mondayo to Friday 9't30
Saturday 9-12:00
Closed Wednesdays
I. •
If There Really Is
co Need for
Continuous Advertising
Should preach only'one sermon or so a year.
People are against sin anyway,so why harp on it.
Traffic Lights
Should be turned off at dangerous intersections to ,
save electricity. Everybody knows it's a dangerous
. spot and that is sufficient. •
Should stop driving up and down the highways.
No need to caution drivers by patrolling highways.
Drivers know the law and obey. it. •
Shouldn't review lessons. Tell children just once
and they'll never forget it.
BUT If you are one of the foolish kind—like the
- Notre Dame Cathedral that has stood for six
centuries but continues to ring the bell every
day to let people know it is still there- and
lielieve in continuous profitable advertising,
then your advertising belongs in-
Brussels Post
Phone 887-6641
Rebekohs meet
Music will be donated by
Jon Libera all afternoon and
the bar will be upen, with
.0 proceeds going to crippled
children, Mr. George and
Mr. Greidanus said.
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