HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-01-09, Page 5o yott lin0*.the'teplaCeMent
cost of . this rin . .
We would,syggettih01. you
-hOve'yortir Jewellery Appraised
and Insured oispe0ot.
Jewellery Floater covering
• Loss or Damage.
Real 'Estate 81.-.1aSurance
Box 69, Brussels, 887=6100
being: high lady - Mrs.
Dorothy Telfer; second high
lady. - Mrs, Helen Martin;
low lady Miss Lillian Potter,
high, man - William Gow;
second high plan - Herb
Clayton; low man - Gordon
Walker. There will be euchre
next week starting at 8 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
Eleven tables were in play
at the Shoot party held in the
WI Hall on Friday' evening,
December 28 with the follow-
. ing winners: high lady - Mrs.
Robert Grasby; high man -
Harvey Edgar; 2nd high lady .
- Mrs. James Coultes, Wing,
ham; 2nd high man - Grant
Wilton; low lady - Mrs. 'Hugh
Mini; low' man - Leslie Short;
lucky draw lady - Mrs., Hazel
Davidson; lucky draw man
Edgar Wightman: Euchre
next week at the ntsiial time • Everyone welcome.
41 Financial assistance
• Management counselling (CASE)
• Management training
• Information on government
programs for business
Can we help you?
See our Representative
Faye Cook
at: Huron Financial Services
Wingham, Ontario
2nd & 3rd Tuesday of each month on:
Alt° rf i Y KA L 8L/S/Ail ,c,'
t V- VE Lc_ WA/if NT BANK
[Next Visit: Jan. 15i
'Branch Office AddreSSj For prior infOirMatitin please
call 271,8650 [collect] or Write 1036 Ontario- Street;
THE..enusse.ks.posTp ;JANUARY 50 009 —5
and Jeffery of London. holidays with her mother Dennis Ensom of Sarnia and
Mrs. Ella Greene' of West- 'Mrs. Robert Procter. Mrs. 'Robert Procter.
port is spending a few weeks Kenneth Coultes, Judy, Mrs: Robert Procter visit-
with her sister Mrs. Sara Denise and Jennifer and • ed with Mr. and Mrs. How-
Anderson.• • • • • Doug - Coultes of Ripley,. and Zettler of Blyth last • of their trip with the Petrolia Mrs. Dorothy Telfer of Doris Coultes of Milverton. Monday. Gibbon Squires where they Listowel visited one day last and Mr.. and Mrs. Neil Mrs. Robert Procter spent
played in a hockey tourna- week with. Mrs. Sara Ander-% Olson, Joanne, Jeff and Christmas Day with Mr. and
meet in France against son. • Mark of Edmonton,. Alberta Mrs.'Larry Mayberry and Czechoslovakia and Russia', Mr. and Mrs, Melville • spent Christmas with their. family of Londesboro.
they also played two exhih- Mathers have just returned
ition games in Gentiany.
Mrs. Brian Edgar, along with
other players', wives accomp-
anied the team on their trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook,
Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Cook;
Kathy and Jennifer of silo-
bourne, Mr. and. Mrs. Grant
Heywood were New Year's
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Heywood of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Falls, Mr., and Mrs. John
Dowse of Cambridge (Galt) Leppington of Clinton and' visited on Wednesday after- George Inglis of R.R. 1, noon with their cousins Mr. Belgrave.
- and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Olson,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Joanne, Jeff and Mark of
Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Edmonton, Alberta spent a
New Year's guests at the
home of w. and Mrs. Har-
vey Edgar and Joanne were
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland
Edgar of Petrolia, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Johnston of
Blyth, Mrs. Idma Edgar of •
Wingham, George Black of
Markdale and Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse.
Mr. and Mrs. • Willard
Armstrong spent the New
Year's holiday with her niece
Mrs. Hodgson and her hu's-
band Paul of Ballinafad
accompanied by Mr. and
MrS. Bruce Austin of Sea
' forth and Mrs. Mildred
Campbell of Egtnondville.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Daer, Terry' and Patricia
spent the weekend' with Mr.
and Mrs. Maitland Edgar
'and, family of Petra's.. Mr.
andMrs. Michael Parks, Mr.
and' Mrs. Brian Edgar of
Brigden, Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Edgar and Christopher of
Petrolia visited at the same
home. Brian and Barry told
Mink* and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Brian Storer all of
Kitchener spent New Year's ,
Day with Mr. and Mrs. David
Hanna and family of Han-
Mrs: Wayne Minick, Ed-
win, Catherine and Jennifer
of Kitchener, Miss Joanne
Hanna of Hanover spent the •
holidays with Mr. and Mrs.,
Clarence Hanna:
• Harold Keating spent the:,
Christmas holidays with his
sister:d b h ' I . •
and. Mrs. Stanley Snell of
Londesboro, also with other
Brian Wesleyson Of Fred
ericton, New Brunswick visit-
ed recently with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Bert Johnston and
called on Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gras-
yr .visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch,
home after a two week
vacation at Fort Myers, Flor-
Mrs. Agnes Eliemait held
Christmas for her family Mr.,
and Mrs. Roger Bieman,
Kent, Blair and Susan of
R.R. 2, Lucknow, Mr. and
Mrs. Neil I3ieman, Miranda
and Melissa of Wingham,
Douglas Bieman of Iroquois
week during the Christmas .
holidays with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. • Norman
Coultes. ,
Douglas Bieman of Ira
quois Falls spent Christmas
week with his mother Mrs.
Agnes Bieman.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Lichty and Wayne of ,Kitch-
ener were recent visitors
with sand` her parents Mr.
• Mrs.• Robert Hibberd•
Mrs. Amelia Brown of
parents Mr. and Mrs. Norm- PLAY EUCHRE
an. Coultes. • Eleven tables of euchre
Christmas visitors with were played in the Women's
Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nichol Institute Hall last. Wednes-
son and Robbie were. Mr, and day evening with winners
Brookhaven .Nnrktng Home, held at the home of Mr. and.
Wingham, Mrs. Beatrice Mrs. Frank Procter, Karen -
Cardiff of Callander Nursing and KeVin on Boxing Day to '
Home, BrusSels, Mrs. Will- celebrate Christmas. Those
iarri ThOmPson, Mfrs. Mari= present were Mr. and Mrs.
lyn Thompson; Dbuglas and Ronald Hill, Jeffery, Richard
Danny; Chester McDonald, and kobbie of R.R. 1, Tavi-
all of GrOderieh were Christ- stock, Miss Iris Johnston of
mas Day guests of Mr. and London, Mr..and Mrs. LarrY
Mrs. Bert Johnston. • • Mayberry, Marilyn, Kimber-
Mr, and Mrs. Dennis ley and Darryl, of .Londesboro
Ensom of. Sarnia -spent a feW ., • Mr. ipd,Mrs. HPward Zettler
of „Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. days during the Christmas
Dear Sir or Madam: '
The Township Council by means of a resolution dated November 19,1979 requested an equalized assessment
roll for taxation in 1980. Your Council made the request in response to a need to make assessed values equitable
with the assessment of similar real property in the vicinity.
Consequently, your assessment notice shows your equalized assessment as required under Section 86(3) of
The Assessment Act. Your 1980 taxes will be levied on this assessment.
Mrs. Glyn Wide, Kimberly,
Jennifer and Trevor of
Mount Hope .and.. Mr. and
Mrs. Ron, Nicholson and
Shini of Alliston and all
attended the wedding of Ray
Nicholson and Cindy Thorn-
ton at Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilt,
berd spent a few • days'at,
Chrisimas time with . Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Lichty and
• Wayne of Kitchener.
A family gathering was
,The equalized assessment was calculated in the following manner:
1'. The market value for each property was established for the year 1975.
Market value is the amount you might expect to obtain for your property it you willingly' sold it to a willing
buyer. The market value of a farm actually used for farming purposes is the amount you might, as a farmer,
- expect to obtain if you sold to another farmer who intends to use the land for farming purposes.
2. The market value of each property was adjusted by a factor which has been calculated to ensure that:
(a) There are no tax shifts from one class of property to another.
(b) The municipality does not suffer a loss in grants or an increase in shared cost apportionments.
(c) The classes and percentage factors used in Grey Township are:
Residential 5.832% Farm 8.748%
Commercial 7.939%
The assessment notice shows the following information for your assessment:
(a) The property'class, under the heading "real property".
(b) The 1975 market value, under the heading "value". .
(c) The percentage factor applied, under the heading "factor".
(d) The assessment, under the heading "assessed value".
(e) The rate at which taxes will be levied, under the heading "tax status".
The assessment was calculated by multiplying the 1975 market value by the percentage factor.
The assessment roll will be returned to the municipal clerk on February 15, 1980. The last day on whloh you
may lodge a complaint against your assessment will be March 7, 1980.
Please read carefully the instructions with respect to lodging a complaint which appear 9n the back of the
assessment notice.
In the meantime, I encourage you to discuss with an assessor any concern you may have with your
assessment. •If you can show him any error prior to FebrUary 15, 1980, he can correct the error and issue an
amended notice with the corrected information.
necessary, to proVide additional information to you.
:Locatkin Bruadels, Morris & Grey Arena & Community Centre Jan. 14 & 15, 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 pan.
, Location — Regional Assessment Office — Jan. 26 - Feb. 2, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
You may also wish to compare your assessment with the similar property: in the vicinity. I have arranged that
assessors will be available at, the following locationa to discuss with you all aspects of your assessment and, if
. • If the equalized assessment had been used for taxation in 1979, I estimate thatlhe residential mill rate wOuld
' •h0Ve been apprOxiMately 122.84, M.1116 and the commercial mill rate Would have been 140.10 mills
The, taidential Mill 'rate it applied against ail property with a tax status Of residential/farm; the commercial ,.
mill rate is applied to all property With a tax status of' commercial. • . : 4
,. .. .
"` - To calculate• your e6tiittated 198 taxes baSed Oh the equalized assessment, multiply the assessment shown'
on your Wide by the appropriate Mill rate. :
For extiMple,,a $3;000' assessment multi lied by (thdreSidential Militate shown abode) would produce a tai 'Of
68.52: This estimate it based Oh' the. manic by '1'979 budget: ' .. . .,.,
- TELEPHONE: (519)' 524SA ZENITH 66500 Regional AhOehinieht Commissioner
4.84.T. To ahO*yOU more time to review your Assessment Notice and to diSCOhi out assess olooiM you to do so with the staff of your ReglOhar
AO6e6Othent Offloe,vout Agsositoetu.NOtice is being delivered to yOU in advance of. the ISM day foe inaiiin
d shown on; the notice under "date hithed",
W. F. Jenkini
•--ri.4.4'4, 4-r