The Brussels Post, 1980-01-09, Page 4elps send
4 .ff THE BRUSSELS POST, JAI4umes r v, itOdu
Up coming events planned
for are the World Day of
Prayer on Ftiday, March 7
with the 8th and 16th unit in
charge of program. April 13
is set for the Thankoffering
at 730 with Miss Antl .
Reiber the guest speaker.
There will be a Bale
packed spring and Fall going
to the Salvation. Army in
Wingham. A thank you note
. came from Zambia for the
sweaters sent.
Supper committee: meeting'
will be held. Monday,
January 214 at 1 o'clock, all
unit leaders'to see that their
committee is' there and have
prices from other churches.
The stamps cut from
envelopes are to be.left at the
church with Edith Wey to
look after them. Anyone
wishing • to pay for the
Observer at $3.50 should do
so at the next unit meeting.
Dear Sir or' 4adarn: ' • The'Township Council by means of a resolution .clated November 15, 1979 requested an equalized assessment'
l',01/fortaXation',I11-.1980:4'YoUr Council made the request in responseton need to 'make assessed values equitable,
with thff asseparpantotayritar real, property in the vicinity, - • - • - • • ; •
Consequently, your assessment notice showayour equalized assessment as required uncler.$actiOn88(3) of
The Assessment Act. Your 1980 taxes will be levied on this assessment.
The equalized,aiWeisme6t .,w4s .caiculated in the follow* manner ,,
1. The market, value for each property was. established- the Year 19751::
Ivtarket value is the amount You might nxPeCt to obtain for yOur property if 'yon'wthiriglY sold it .to a willing
buyer: The value of a farm actually used for farming purposes 'is the amount you :might, as a: farmer,
„ eipeCt. to obtain If you sold to another "farmer Who intends uee the land for farming purposes.'
2,v, The market value of each property yeas adjusted by a factor which' has- been calculated, to ensure that:
10,)Therilt .ara no tax shifts, from one class of property to another; , '
(b) The municipality does not 'suffer a loss in grants or an increase In shared cost apportionments.
(c) The classes and' percentage factors used in Morris Township are:
Residential 6.061% Farin 8:707%'
Commercial ,. ' 6.880%
The assessment notice shows' the following information for your assessment:
(a) The property•class, under the heading "real property".
(b) The 1975 market value, under the heading "value".
(c) The percentage factor applied, under the heading "factor".
(d) The assessment, under the heading "assessed value".
(e) The rate at which taxes will be levied, under the heading "tax 'status". . The assessment was calculated by multiplying the 1975 market value the percentage factdr.
The assessment roll will be returned to the municipal clerk on February 15, 1980. The last day on which you
may lodge a complaint against your assessment will be March 7, 1980.
'Please read carefully the instructions with respect to lodging a complaint which appear on the back of the
assessment notice.
In the meantime, I encourage you to discuss with an assessor any concern you may have with your
assessment. If you can show him any error prior to February 15, 1980, he can, correct the error and issue an
amended notice with the corrected information.
You may also wish to compare your assessment with the similar property in the vicinity. I have arranged that
assessors will be available at the following, locations to discuss with you all aspects of your assessment , and, if
necessary, to provide additional information to you.
Location — Brussels, Morris & Grey Arena & Community Centre— Jan. 14 & 15, 1'00 9'00 p m
Location — Regional Assessment Office — Jan. 26 - Feb. 2, 9:00 a.m, to 5:00 pm.
If the equalized assessment had been used.for taxation in 1979, I estimate that the residential mill rate would
have been approximately 120.34 mills and the commercial mill rate would have been 137.52 Mills.
\ The residential mill rate is applied against all property with a tax ,Status of residential/farm; the commercial
mill rate is applied to all property with a tax status of commercial.
To calculate your estimated 1980 taxes based on the equalized assessment, multiply the assessment shown
on your notice by the appropriate mill rate.
For example, a $3,000 assessment multiplied by (the residential mill rate shown above) would produce a tax of
$361..02. This estimate is based on the municipality's 1979 budget.
TELEPHONE: (519) 524-7326 ZENITH 86500
W. F. Jenkins
Regional Assessment Commissioner
N.B. T O allow you more time to review your Assessment Notice and to discuss your assessment, if you wish to do so, with the staff of your Regional
Assessment Office, your Assessment Notice Is being delivered to you in advance of the last day for mailing shown on the notice under' date mailed";
Christmas Day guests with
Herb and Mrs. Traviss were
Dr. Brian and. Mrs. Traviss,
Allison and Lesley of
Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Moffett and son Brett of
Stratford and Mrs. Olive
Traviss, Seaforth who also
spent Christmas Eve at the.
Travis home.
Mrs. Sadie McDonald
spent her Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Badley
and family in tilyth.
Mrs. James F. Payne was
a Christ,ii visitor with her
oughter and family Mr. and
Mi.s, Leonard Chisholm of
Christmas visitors during
the holidays with Mrs. Jean
Broadfoot included Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Hoggart of
London; Mr. and Mrs. Beth
Henderson of Burlington;
Mr. and Mrs. David Allison„
2284 AMin St.
a on
V11 f. • 4".
Fifteen ladies were
present on. WednesdaY
afternoon January 2 in the
church basement for the,
UCW meeting. A reading the
"Coming Year" was read by
Mrs. Cliff Ritchie. Hynnn,
"In Christ there is no East or
West" was sung with Mrs.
Lavern Godkin at the piano.
Mrs. Cliff Ritchie took
Script:tire reading.
Mrs. Harvey Craig, led*
prayer, Mrs. :Martin, Barin
and.Mrs. Oraen*• Craig
showed slides on Japan the
Lid'y for the coining year
and showed an interesting
;.display of 'objects •fr,orn
/1,41.. Don McDonald was.
in the Chair for the, business
period, opening with prayer
and read a poem, "Tuining
over a New Year." Mrs.
Herb Traviss read the
recording secretary report
followed by a Thank You
letter from Clinton ''Huron '
Day Centre for , the
• Homebound, also a letter
from John and Nancy
Patterson from Palmerston
thanking us for the donation
for Camp Menestung, and
asking for used chesterfields,
drapes, chairs, etc for their
lounge and if any U.C.W.
would care to update a cabin,
( it Would be greatly )
! appreciated.
Mrs. Ken McDonald gave
I treasurer's report showing a
balance On hand of $720.87.•
Membership fee, will be
The allocation for 1980. is
$1804.00.' The treasurer's 1
renumeration for 1980 is
$75.00. 11 young people
were sent to Toc Alpha this
year with a cost. of $65.00,
each; the U.C.W. paid half
This, past SundaY
; members' were
`installed into their offices at
the ,Sunday morning church
'service. January 13 is
Communion with MCKillop
Unit washing the' cups.
Sunday January 20 is set
for the annual meeting,
followed by a pot luck dinner
with the UCW buying the
;The 17th and Boundary
unit is to serve and look after
the meat and scalloped
potatoes. McKillop unit is to
tidy up. Rest of units to bring
dessert, salad etc.
'I he Huron Perth
Presbyterial is to be held in
Goderich on Monday,
January 28 at Northside
United Church, registration 9
to 9:25 a.m. The morning
topic is 'on Japan with Rev..
Brown the afternoon
London; Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew White and
Gabrielle;, McKillop; Mr.
John Aubin, Seaforth and
Mrs. Ethel Long of Brussels. •
Home for the holiday
season with their parents
Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Bewley
were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Baker and son Kevin,
Austrailia, and Mr. and Mrs. I
Dan Raven and son John of '
Edmonton Alberta.
Among those attending
Toe Alpha at the Four
Seasons Hotel on the park,
Toronto, from December
27-30 were Pam Hackwell,
Brian McGavin, Bruce
Godkin, Ron Godkin, Murray
Sholdice, Greg Humphries,
Patricia Hackwell, Jeanne
McDonald, Cheryl Fraser,
Cathy McGavin and Neil
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