HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-01-02, Page 10in the new year. These bills
hive been requested by the
Federation of Agriculture for
quite- a number of years, to
give landowners prptection
against trespase.
n e
Students sing
Hullett Central School
Choir and Band entertained
at Huronview on Friday
afternoon. A'rendition of
Christmas carols was pre-
sented by the children both
instrumental and voice.
The musical portion of the.
Christmas Sunday service
was to have been directed by
Mrs. Elsie Henderson and
Frank Bissett, but un-
fortunately on Sunday
morning, Elsie was in bed
with the flu. Margaret Mc-
Queen came to the rescue
and filled in for Elsie, and all
went on as planned. The
prelude consisted of Silent '
Night with variations, and ,
Star of the East played on the ,
organ by Margaret ac-
companied by 'Ink on the
piano. They also played for
the carols. It was a pleasure
to have Mr. Archiblad take
part in the service. He sang
Fairest Lord Jesus ac-
companied by Frank at the
organ. The choir in their
usual spirit sang the anthem
Angels We. Have Heard on
High, with Mark. Sproat
singing the solo part. To the
delight of our congregation I
Margaret McQueen sang the.
lovely solo Whey Do Bells at
Christmas Ring. For the
Postlude Margaret and
Frank played The Bells of
Ste. Mary's.
The Salvation Army Band
from Wingham brought
much happiness and cheer to
the residents of Huronview
on Sunday afternoon. They
played several of the old
familiar carols as they went
through the home. The
Salvation Army with its fine
music brought back many r
memories to the Residents.
On Sunday afternoon, '
Mrs. John McDougall and
four of her male students
presented "In Concert" in
the chapel, where many re-
sidents gathered to hear this
fine programme. In her
splendid style Mrs.
McDougalt- played a piano
solo. She accompanied the
four young men, Dennis
Hamn, Paul Craig, Eric
Street, and Jeff Wittich'.
They sang solos and duets
and led the congregation in a '
sing song of carols. Eric
delighted everyone with his
piano solos, one of which was
his own composition, The
Residents are very grateful
to Mrs. McDougall and the
boys for their fine musiCial
programme. It added so
much to the Spirit of
creases payable to survivors
do not, apply to lump sum
awards or to payments due
prior to the effective date. '
The minimum amounts
payable for permanent dis-
ability are increased from
$509 per month to $519 for
the period from July 1, 1978
to June 30, 1979, and to $571
from the first day of July,
1979. Temporary total dis-
ability payments are also
affected, with the minimum
being raised. from $115 per
week to. $117 from July 1.,
1978 to June 30, 1979.and to
$129 per week from July 1,
1979, 'where the average
earnings of the injured
employee were not less than
$117 and $129 respectively.
The earnings ceiling is also ,
raised, and the allowance for
repair or replacement of
clothing worn or damaged by
Minister of Industry and
Tourism Larry Grossman, in
a statement to the Legis-
lature this week, has ex-
pressed concerti aliOut the
!tame of Chrysler Canada,
its employees, the City of
Winds9r andr the impact that
dosing down the , company
would have on the Province.
The Ministry has remained
in constant contact with the
Government of Canada and
the management of Chrysler,
as well as with union repre-
sentatives. The government
is willing to assist. Chrysler,
provided certain commit-
ments are, made by the
company in respect to new
investment and, employment,
as well as ,assurances that
any assistance provided , by
the province will be 'ade-
quately secured.
Contained in the Chrysler
proposal for the development
of its: Canadian'activities, are
two items which would allow •
for the updating of oper-
afions for the manufacture of
new generation commercial
vehicles and engines. Ont-
ario is anxious to see this
development in the province,
as well as .reseaich and
developMent and the mann-.
facture of in-house
parts and coinponents, These
operational changes would
substantially increase
Chrysler's employment in
Ontario. .
Community and. Social
Services Minister Keith
Norton has announced an
eight per cent increase in
. provincial funds for commun-
ity services for mentally re-
tarded people in the 1980-81
fiscal year..
The Ministry 'will be,
developing an additional 250
accommodation spaces for
mentally retarded adults, as
well as 100 workshop spaces,
'240 lifeskills training plaCes
and twelve additional pro
tective service workers.
In 1980-81, at least 250
people will be able to move
out of provincial facilities
into their home communities,
the Minister said.
The Occupiers' Liability
Act and the Trespass Act,
both of which are very
important to farmers and, to
landowners, passed-Second
Reading this week, and will
.now be going to Committee
The Workmen's Compen-
sation Amendment Act, 1979
has, received Third Reading
in the Legislature. Under this
new Act, survivors' benefits
are increased, providing
additional monthly payments
to widows and dependent,
children, retroactive to July
1, 1978.
Payments ,to a dependent
widow or widower, are in-
creased from $365 per month
to $372, effective July 1,
1978, and to $410 as of the
first of July, 1979. Payments
for dependent .children .are
increased as well, and the
burial allowance is increased
from $800 to $1,000. In-
at Huronview been adjusted upwards.
a prosthesis or brace has
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