HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1876-7-19, Page 1.
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W*61I?4""IDAY odc,punspocs. otPosaWfaillumbolay." I emb9�"6 moo -ther a 00� Peter
.Ltb...%-%-U-in,-'..40-.ds"m.*" " Tlis ftealifeet Fassibla, Good to tias Grabale, . . lisp -or. I ban 60 .'� %Me -
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ALLAN & DICKSON :2:2= &me &bmmoow
l-Cilutallsivol 4twettorm rn wits. . 0. %A" foody
- VOL XXIX. NO. 27. GODERICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JUI,Y 19, 1876- W1111I.E. No. 1.53-5. �lz.:r.wbmw, and,r
"The .0
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.A"..". :zz.;Z".,Oautb- $&ft I I wo"mag b. omo"g L
", - 0.4 IpoctrLl. tholism 1. %be M.0igN we IMF Muslim was" has. refoo-od 1. fism, - I -sa isivis timr" handle so Ilia Litrattattaor 16-alstarr. Yet "W &Z
....'=................X.4=70 11IL111til to CrIlb, A NEw iNuRPRIax, !:=1j= u�&WA&WAnue.mok-I ow, yvailw-got olsk -a
Tt IT -W * - . - . uvv 0 1 saw bid bed b .4--,
_. - .
it.,,II& ! 2 1 ! a -'.- �T_ _2 - . - =4 a" 8 n4we 'w.mal-6orlik-wrailthe IPIA dwolooll N , 14 wait " I be 6� 4 *9 .an -too nvm ittsf.- r I 11111. 1113oweandoessior a a" ..
.. "a .. goo
I ,,:-,,,o:V.".--1.-.`mm. - . , , tind lint"Mod vachl", a" owwa- = .I$. I A oo"m #Tandy kale bass r I%wv am & Metili., . I y.son, M, main. I, ill. fre, .4 ,be ,. , waill -ad Is I -0 mine
a-- It - ISQ43.40C)i4:0 11relaug bbq St., ...#... %mbl."6.0, .6-k:,"-,:4��
4_4 �. 1. ._ ... 'I. - The V%mou off italuc .8 MSUMMOVAN% ook=4 win bar "she 6MA -61. -4 of I on beir I -Me I -familiar wbwk mosed 0.� W. am omoft =L
.,,,,..., r I .. I �I, #9 vroll (ft %be ..a* .8 INS swer k- apa I'm" .4161jolatiall Ala" -ft
..o.t.,;_- * , I , of I,.-. al, r.l.-. -a.#.---- - � . � UMEW" woof flood le'do"Som -Ir li-mill U'MM'"--'Od &.dh.&&'.04.l 1.14bs,S,b,L TSmbwft'ofww,dawd$� - A I.. SwIldir ft6fiNd --&
,fill IAK*gb.wo hLyssies, - Is hat I. bdooss. - I k to --, twoods, filmot am 'Whoo I Why wat ,Joy I..r al.r.ife I .4 low am the blame J � ad 0. "## The- I'mid, vilary A". all to, I '" 4 bell am, a "ll. 4.4. - E:5:�
�.�=rZ*"=4='O_ " .'r.4.,"ASwS'p-'%.-�j!"fw we .. .". _ .
embaw atowl We% .11 "It " wam - - '- W�L "" OW begsbol. 1, rajoy voififislooel - I I . &it" ur by, ..% tb. �t .41 b- I.- ; "ald",=.-Ill hat. noroopow-Led ithe I den .4 W Lady JMmq Sim, ,be " .*rlap� . 004 Qw4 6 IPWW "W 14 -tem. wwow sai pr�ftoovll bon -t Wow,
,�'&�-f�--adwov. =- ---`w,4 === ,%on" aabSr ill r wilog - mossm.64, I �:j
10".1, O."a S "A" t I
hot saw, =10 low. "a A &ill the Thm List b.-ra :4 her J. as Lism homes, grew, *Ili.-% �raf 1. -1-4 henillf, , , ,b-s.j thieft.-ol .4 46-0 6- go., I- -9 lot --LNMI 111*111. .Oil swallihold a if
.;:r I.- .I.".& *"Ail. , - goares &a kadell Why -I awk-T b" he GAIJ. 'hIv �4h� --tylooll he-- IT, Jay L.J.-L.aAw,a Waddle owywl� It a I I 40�Aai.-aabosm.b" oloolowit Solorn-val. ,�:�,wh. Kilia, Ili- o- to. 6"
jr.W'... I,= � NOMET - TOLLUD. -_ "' r r 1. timbeallof G -L IA"L..' "-*a. an' all-, wast how
ft. .b�w-wo on an p- Is st-tv colism- wpowns 8. J."dal .U.6,,.r_4oIm .hot. .I.. -.1.1 , '4.1 j --f-1-1 -449 to ba oloo- I- IIIIII, f-l-,IY Is-ry As, 14,nw. a. to.im .4 0. -6. I-- I-A&MOM rIals -0 wiLmh Lit- &. am 64J- r 'An Ila
"M I- me -
Vv %11 loom %I. k...vAlls l alsows- A M rvy,v athelart- i.�ok -M - Is .
. .!r 'a The .0� lo"eth or 4. b�o.6 te.lanswe I, So it.. ow-ka'.1 ',I,, - f b- 11.6 cIabil @be .-I- 1. ."--.4 .48".%.A Lit. F--- is tafrol )NAly. I be* - 6"0 h -low ,
.4 ago" W ". I -,.::: s.ol.,s, &.mow# - ike morniall NWAIN. . ,:;;
. 44.welawalmose ON& -,4-4 1%, saI,"oId So, -, t b. vs� _.. -I., -omm'. As-%*"* a I"Tax thl.'s; otyarst -ohm b:r= W y�.or.b.~ Add to, oow.�W he.. re -J, IN. V, I Wy Jowl 1 6'st vasom eke .... 1. -I If- I .at# .4 fit. satellites, the 1-1 I hall -- &" -' his "*2441-1
ruls"fer towns ollmlool 0-A LL. .&. III - Is j, I U A ea*W. 6. . - - -K wel 4"0,is 6=9:= Tbov imamate "I '14 -w fk'-- 1I... A.., vootbo j--, r -my-' A.- %&a ISIM14 he.. Mai. I_ r ",wens apt de, ha,d4-_d %4._ ,sms I �Iwioy .6 " .*-"-. aftsy Ili* I.vr,i,, roalliust-ore ' "Ity-oll. Me WW '" be "
I ... 4". - -I,,- A . Ali " 'nses. a as sm .nJ.w 9 I *no say. y,Mv witio-ally low Is.
vow. I,. -.ti . .9 I&I at-im&L .".It .-..y 1:40, I ;. 4, fit O.d..% SOL Sk ISM "06-bl' __ Is oo"ol� .sonslillowl ft� mob. Ifts"re, .8 soft towns" a- am .1 -1 0 -a ja it Th. an, .. S -.d I . m, .p" ..4 reffews we .,Im4dds ros..4... _ am I
Ill ,m ,v_ A .d. -II.." 110,41... , . ___ �' Kh. m.,ht Ili, b- bw&s4.4 angry "Mi.apw in Lit. -,its -tows --I 1=1 flow it " 74 Limit 64-t� a.. .. . as. I.k 4k.6 is ....Isa ..." 1. Us k-hoftwA�M.l�ti-sol��t .goL.
400 Olson Of "L =060 MONLY TO LOAN They knee& wpm %be deping "ad. -4., sewporej 1.1 a "a .I- 1usig ek.e�homa.H,w�.l�l 111% lost is "Will 1wMj sow J."atilloos w,- 4ow" ohm � I" I..Iiom.wwp4r"tb. he � .dow'd I ") 6 11 loweelt.
3,-.W.,�b-..-...14.0". )WRAT1r1;44FI%i9It1wNT. As bSada = b� Lwass, 960 bell , .1. forboall ..I a.. Il'Itwor at s -fl -i" blabbed, IS in" to I- 1 - Way A PIGW 60 It.. I We#- 16.14 -4 MO ,MO I%-& 0-649-tW-tl' *JWA 9
.hit. I .01Z n1:17o 71. D'O"LOP9 1"II-by ar '- "Y'
A 0
....,-a FR RHOL11 P".- I thishime god t A L�otal utwm to". libo, it,. plasia. 'Pi.iblaboy"slowsommovolil sm.I t. -k isp omowne.m .M Is &'mi .."Ird fit. to"... 'rosel wowl�rwi be". %Sndf.SaA O'S'llso wall I ft-
. � � � Y of TWIMW. se U. 1-4.4 r. -Tall w, u..J,r. Inal bar embr."wy "ft., I'llsons L. am a Us merwor .1 Ili. flow, ..,,,sI, of a- ,elf 6.0 - L.0"0-.9 11 ow Ills, of. ...that fair glows S"vow th- ths, I
e 131rC(torl). 11 j..4, I., Th. py-iff" .it the a of,odi-1.4 hrT1v,,lMv a- .. samsplelviff be,"&*, "..,sewily 14.ow lot bar hulftiftsessial.of lb.ft-em".b&.1 -as" Istaf-loo-o-I to- - - --"Nwl.- .4 a" %,Room* they, view a**" be k.&Aw,
OU'DiucEi, - . A. Ill. Voh%, Agowo, at 4 i.dertork. Nerl-Ahanto Tailorf They "I. UN L glattertift forais'lorv..-I. dowerall, filat " owlsow.t twows.4 &A.- be" In the Name ,-tr*J 1. 6. ftw I Taos bdh&,4 ,.am dooda, wmasted amose sit. mor, boa" wool....-olow W P-1-1 .1 -as " ' *141.,A 4ob-@%NSIL- I
C)INOL.no1q. sod T�rr, wy.91f 11-firivilld* loa ill" in *a deep line* blow Is. wits.whal- I- ab�"� lo�Wow&- 60 the nall' 10-0-L -, It -L-lk-. , sh-all. by as imb at a NO& 09" -.60.0.6imml &J--4marma"S"' - -�-
- ____ __ "-"42 . -,
A*%3 3I for a CH k1ilIIv4T*o%*, And Thant ilimor of-iml kjost...I.."t ft-- ". ..Vhg..Iw that �l-g Iml .4 "ill jowl bar Ph,, awaymmosaw.4 04. oiderty L*n�ielf- powil-twof Iftes., "Isio.41, b-sv A.Y�imp"---,t
11411,62911 92111TIST. T-fe"� 1343. 1141:6 RCUUVXDA LARJESTIUK "16. -t-.06,11-falfti, , I.so-w the " ` wil- -yom". 'I -it,,% b- lowdi .p.km &. yo,*I1I,, as Isle *,.,. ,shift son pa4w.g w -Is -I hot -1 6m da lief". 1601 it .0.40.21 . bow. if.. towar-III I MW a -awAbo.-W 1.
L - - If ".a 6111. now .-it -.p IsLitive. It YJ... .J.. -Ask I wb� th..Igbi, .4 I didn't 4willing solow,god lbolkson, wonlas ,bad we .a to 64 $a ,mi., Us _ow opworg,, to difews, . 'A.-ps li�-'Oor. ' .If.- 4000�l*-Ab
00,,,e .,I �ideow, Want flinevol, ' m.ler. Mai OW64-* Iwor
,rilr*o Amore bjew Bank of m.atrw. MONEYTO LEND qtjrnrner'� Illotair-utalrIll -,--I- It -IN -Ill- -I- lossool. � U. 6. 1. If ..I .r.r.l.. I -I I. Is No. .1 I bad _,Iy I.. ..,,,sAwN lideseendi W illy,lowal ilia. 4 Istabs I,. is. ib.ortwitity, ad IL. U.", som aw w-aw r---4.*.j or
(144mith. At OrsiaLly zvdo,)et4 Rated of Islooredot � Spring& Fr.- ...ry joil". wasit, bag. 01 N -Irk ImAll.., I.- IL'ah If " I. a � ims .1 tbeftbt Jr.w the ops #,At .A POP" I I .H..',mill fit. tons. 14�. aa a bar. bag"- lefs
I'll or " = - 3: .1 ...I., ..A. "ft.4
- � - �,,. lCloths, Tweeds. ac.� F -u, or-ry it ---, -4 thooly . ..... 1,ull Ik.ft.t .1 III,. If.-. Pat III. k ,Ot AMAI- - f - -Mw --loossaid- 9,� she law," the roadreloye we -140"0 " is is ow" im ..jawas jo.sok " the owm$Or
- - - - - - , woIIe "', " a b'. '" loto � j?I.L gl-1, Ili tile issift-111- amosall:-II.O.-Iij t.- ,he I" olmli rest; allot 1�1l Ills... 11".- am let.". 1, . ... day ftmmf^4( pubA frems Ili. Meltdolift.11 t.. the Ilia. ths, K-U..Motnd* -olliso'soll." NW'4 the
,*.6-..i�.,;.... as .1) = ,=' I '-�4 W- vb.Ab�W_n,"_b_P . 4.4-. to. -0 awt"t. �O 0. to -m. , 'N.f,ly 1 lbsile ..A = bag �f�.. I.. "'. bass. W."O, - *a" assal bwi, &a. I%. .04 .1 ohm % rmbmw ,%P an'I OW less* Ild,litil -4 6
'011 frasms 0,MPWWN.&- -"-,b4l-b,omo. e-,=".-_- ,_ "':�:.=le.r.'r., I b.4*"% In. .abw 440800 !!�It bt&A a Va.& 41 - *1 L 11
14,0164. 1 It.. 4i .Ip .I.- MW "it MY ftMA far willy 9-10 h -..J Kh-9--r-4t,--WAkoa NoWasted fit. -mosts -below folits, find i"W mbmd 1% _ __
I ,_ READY-MADE CLOTHING 1b1-,-1,sst- w-holt"t f"Im fit- I I --ra.- *jj'_§sIlwwr'j"jh.oAof' VW.4,&"I�.k&lod�'..n'allb'soo" ' b@.LWU MY it- noterselt libill, ad -po"m
__ - -I- ------- .1.- Is 6-4. - = I., Z_r_.s`pw,_ if- =t a 7 _:7_ZZ-__ I.,
"Aoi:4- -K-,I�lioi. _ &#I. Ishl" loollowtoo -11 Proof". �L. abot-ol.abarply. Nortivith000m"
s 4�,.a. glibroo, HORAOF HORTON They I.- at.- 16. A --L Lolls I so
- aboadir fair its. CL:IMMMIA, reffe, Cjqsj&tP4* -'at 2*11kipti L� salills, ag, wesporesto it Was bet batott ad - bet tat- If- - 0 I se owilifillmoll .1 toLVIII140114 th. frs.,A. .b.1 .11-ilitage
rivor: 140-OVW"K. animus .1
- se 0, - "ye" issawbol - I Alkhr. A. J,-,: I-IIII th-r- I" "" *WT .."'s with a jor-11- saw I ,J -'e..... A -do t�L.6J tomil. she %_ wdLw,I imea.1f. ,fI ill owe III..' &.11 i.bolf-rallaeol t - h -V 160111oh"oest"Nof W..IkW, IV ('10MIIIISS. -JW"'- .
.-:::,. - sm-L N'!.LAI- w,,&jj'r&%j 1111sallading A PGJRTLNSO 1.11: -4 -I.*s4..-1r " _6�1 mm, oil �4 - -- A 5 ow -os . limit 6-1 W.4 If - i", doebsest. too.. roothe Iso" ewe be", doriolo, frosmis bler,T U -FT*%'- *6 -i-T lu ill- ell- bu 'we to
,risrouto. am"rem. of Sm,ria'adiol. Mail or 1.� ,.
. - sairgy. -4 h'....w F. low -oval, as .j-_1I,..1J,.1_,os_ Thso II,t, at t. -I. ar� i ..') va., aosaa, op.m all tire., h-orts 'I I v,,,, lo., 1,---1, -, Los .6--toller. Ail so f "" lk*ms-bmw�4 � samm "Nomv- .k.. li.,bl-Ld,��40"-- -
I "vy kill awd wilsel. I. -T ass ' .4. "k.l. j'.,pM1j".tlyL ,h.. it,. i....ty .,t L.r .,�� i..I.0 . a.
11140di-Al,gs INSURANCE CM,D. czatoxnre 3LAM 20 0222& I "_w" Lam n 4 LmjY Jas.41 fr....[,. t. to.. 9. thing in be violins. '*U�dy '' be woogm, r..,&.. mial . I
- I-S'-bh" cla to.. Iftl,u-,...._I. �j so 'j " " I. b -
01. " . twit-, sea - 1'. -, . .,mt S., I .I.... I " walbal I-iij. ..4 .*t -.1 .-I... 11 --lit .-I. it-% .s. wal4 L -11,401L mam fib., isid, really holy -41". by Ili. a- 146%17 on a Us.r. -4 the *jolioos.
1,r,f�*.."%:_'_1-!n=, lwNwoawww,, " , �&- III,= A 1, pr&).ri.1 .ia,,t p.4-1 Sam*. we 4- ,.,I I=av1_LI 1.
. �
L-- - It" .;-. Ifugh Ounlo I .at.-. ad I'll....... 4.1 a begists so volf.4we. ",air at fitak"d ..
.,Tz ! = = . . Poo I Zi w, Served. ?4. tosysI W H,.ra- -Ili, th- -goor- homrt hollifforno4 its $11to wasair"balf the slowt-Tv wall'it she IWJ = vmt he P-IAI.ty dbA.
A v,4 Ill, I.A lova; 74. It 1. 11 slow" 'IL -.,...f 111.1- I . flatifiety ,,y.. 6'.4 f._o,oAl .he"$. ---'Y 1�11 If- IIIIII't that --Id 'MIT apvoa I., Ito 111-ii,or, -it- hft�l 11-taft bod 'it- - lab alle OP -4 -f 'he viod as dle O"bwg .oil r.16� it a & ,
rwo-i%, I - I I--,-,,. 0. ..-lo, U., 1, lr.L It:.
As -4- 'I Wei flawn Air -- - - -- - - -- - - Thoo to-- Ny,op,,',r the fall,iii ..d4. "A tog a 1-IMfl.ft of too, .it. -I, 'I.. ".. I— 1". hi., w 1: low r.t^tf.. I Il - Ali fhantibl. = 19 dw "I 4 "-wim 60 60" gets .-I Isliallaw"Ity, .. 'A,I.,40*- V'
lot='ww,,,,jLjhfj,)',,r !%. of =w r., It... . 'I... ..."I'l 1'... I _I ...., ll"*ozow IN the uAW g...I.I ,,,it j_t .to. tn. .14 INSM ges the wohlool.
., won, 4� air Iva Ksb. ir,- & . 6- 4,Mq, 184 no , 'j"It"t 1 -to; 1-1.-r to. I" "'j.r tilaws.4 ! A F-r I.; . 1'...al.s.
,,I- 54-1. 64wtI, I.. - -sh, -- P ji I 1.0 NOBLE, L"" " TUN big powliar of b.4ar or",se, migallaw
--- ---------- I 110HAVIll 41ORT04 , _. K-. t., Ill. 61-1 hr" Is mal.orl-3. man loss vir, al I. divas lia,r. &rA - yoillh-t .L.pp I. Lh,.k,,i Lits lawilly (Insm IN&. the fain Grace a ,acant . - ___
[it-* lu-.1.1-414, As Umolp� w1r. .1 11 I T ill I's, ThI,Y 6ol. I.. light al-) 4'. t-.t�t��i.pets.- I.M...41,11. a-- I � Thill.jewittowds by woh-1. Slurry �. 4'.1 .."Olve. 111o. .,Iht i-lostes that cool.
lo%,i,,l%t4...I,lg.,P.wna anv",ens;,Rn 4)WMAr1.t-4f'.A_,MA 0.1h. , JIN"Nox. ll�, '... " Ill.. 1". th". 'I 6. fairtly I'otoos.. .gs ... I II- lAdy .1wrial's ).-To wers, ohm quallijas talk% The lawgrosiAl. dablowe " the tood � G"ABUN
I , Now, noo-t. os�sirlk wowtL6Lao O., -,% I-. .-I,. . I - -
J... c ...... 9 to - I 1'. &IT I -to a t -pt -'a ar,h; � mond Taoist " .t,,,.Ir,.4. l.m.4.4 in -oo .... it back V. ,ol .wris bit"y's ..a. li�dy Joir.4 41-11,111 Ima., �h. little low$.
I t.-. ii.� th. I - A I � it', I'll. blit. "It ... Y air Th: -,,..t r, 0 ... D-1 wil'it a Still-] 0--t ,*-- I...k-j at h#, 1111116-t ,I,jd",oj,,I)'m1i,a* hat hers...S.4 .... .. ill Amiltor-lathoold -ns", sol Th. Milk- Ads ~ owtw - .
7*"- XOneY LO LOAU. ". .. III Kati&. L%160@M C-wa,
!,rw, 4 1-.-'---m 11-.V:.�-. ,�� . . .t. 111 1. gl"ri..... .111, sh� .,...(, to , .qoIaI.4., � st.o. of k it .ithom ,sm.. A,- ... sow, arrmly Ireirtly - u. flothom .boa' tI:.'L.nrt',1i:xf Itself t.. a .treater (w,IA ft.. ,A...w.4 SONA,old .1 16. aLAm ~ . T,,wn&ip
r - r 1. - (of "111.4 I, . I --1W1 1 44 h,.'VvT,7Tff� %- - -64 146611,I we to'+ waiml, Sit- t4 -,k hl- o, ,,. .aro-il #I soweria tu Ulu. .,.k I. &JjttI "'. -nattiong. of, I fast .-it, 4 a -).nay .808964�"
- '"W y '�Iff .I.T-o' M).r I-t zriti
I I I Q M W , 0 P A T . . ClINADA LAN111:11 CREDIT . I I f..4.t..I_ Thaw,..I.v.Kj. Sboot-ii.-A her -I.-4 wrmy,c it �Or-1 os- of she Ifin., Urof,. R.-br-To, IT-ld be I-noof by IN. .41 ,M. tn.- th- prImadow,lb-4 A sh..y, in plargaft half two *"I ..
1 1114. ti.tuposcI." tItIAIIIANY,' T(IIIIINT0. , ThIs sq &LI -. ,h- lousiLlmot am tl-.U.h�*I.ty 4 -sly In.l. be,... Ih, �...IJ .noof; the .West .... I .,f hm to ally ash-vol.holiall, and there It ...Ql.l vibipp"', al"'.4 I,Y 1- toles, 7. list", .fib Plate %is" thereon ORA usual
. 'yo.�-- I.Ev.9ft. Im. N . � hi �A . . -
a -id. -.. �- b.. P."� wt.... is jolin t.ti-oll Is '�77 e I %%,ill th-k-TI4 .Ili.. we Milan , ftlf� Mft wyn" thq,j,jS, I J�Iro'tfl 4h&tWAY. 'T�4WIUUblAVOt�lt*-t�T' fe,I was &it-. it q. .,& (boa ..* 'id.7 far Ito Mlioss the M fill*"". --- - -:_
!.-Alp - ,4;;.b- N,q-m 4. L.w,m losy. ::=&l. I .. I Allis ...... t"[.Im-.rtk,.I"000m..n ok.odwilwy-ork.'eass -.4. 'T.Aff loo,q, 46 r*PMU@4. . Ved, ' Yes' Tl,.,. a- 16. false b.,p# W A, 1-4 som if.. pospossis I-voithdprooss vAstsbass tio-misafti I.-olow be *wm4
. I. :., 4" M = ft his. of".. 4�__l ' 'rise 4.loti.itrown .,f list ,.,I" ,waA her _;troold.� ."ifamat, by vr,,kal Silly fiold their .6, I.. fit. .*,.
-It, PIT Ib._..Io_ . ...MU&4" movie. a4mr., Th� rawf-41) trow.-I Maisie,[ the loiblet.q. ,al -I at 96; i -r 6-1.%Faft -be-
Ili iti%ar *Tnxlff. wtimoxl-. - - %-A "CI".... if ii It I LTI l'of Knt".T, � *I'll. Altsis-firve ,If Jim'". ,.I:,.g q.,Ieloy. 'Air"d 1~11 sias I'll Is., 114 -ifilier". w,�,,11,.ri�o&tt,ti-w-k,yth*�-afe-&-a a.I,fql att-h-ut th.1,11.4'.i.-himIL. IiI,me H&W., r-,,,tl Y I'ar the E ,
11111KILMICI , servisist, mar ,a,.
, , is Aww:-..;,w.-" ., P;m,-,Ll ; . aw 11-5.11. IU:(IIi ll.%MII,Tt)x. I( .; 4 j, 9 v I I; 11t][C3 IL 11 . i I I...-.X-.,I,,Iy 1, 1�76 'womm.- MIT- ... 01-1 ..1,4-ts .""dT. ,Vroder Nolly 'ImIlM.L.-m� ,,I th. IT -I I i1romm f I all it. I.N... ff.. -ii,tanothe t. I
I __ ".";-Io, Hr .
LIK -11 to'ITo'o`t`1lS"w1A%"Z"T-yw- I, '. 1, v I 4._k...A*,,II,b 1,
�.'.d&yqF It?. r . I..4oA.4__"_k-4 1 lommi, odwals-i U. Low w4. ill -1-f - U-iI,r ally "Waot " '464 $-ill oilloo Alrost, Iiiihathood floveIt ltm.b.ffy�'tu%liy Idoor. If,-. it,- woo-st."
,6-. %.a" I,- -f-A... ., ,If_ allowilow ,,, 1_oo, r-und bts'lleirk. "4 fizoJ Isar ItYrd I'll boost by tile wn�,w -1 into Is, lost f Site Wt �ui�-tur�'v. my.. .Imt aslant $laid Or. T. I*. 1M. -I -I, -, better h- -a
. . e.v e - as It HIS....... r� M-1 - -84,..,40
!!=,4C- . bar aw- �i4r.
l. - I Cloths, Tweeds. Ap. ft doessimomet with an air --olfilfrni Ia.. *to that tol.. r' sibe wil had halt the -)at, .If I,slIly J,sutot'- -Abs ,nt-M Yonswett,,
- . Ifild I.b.1' I,- psrfocol th., -y al"bes, 10 C4AMdd " -j' -,1t 1;. sifult.
I as., L-13,411"arg, x .4 I L-I� I".. my I-Injo.sider." is the 1hi! hiew sagdalwil. ally I h. him .size ,,,"- r -h r,..,., .." reb-oill alaff,,f the
US Also ATt-M-gLf!%)Ijo?olt _= C - I trade OuJ lespl-itag the beet 4 istorL. usembow� 'I" d.,6&Mq% T-." the It"normillot,illsuel* Imlool... .",I T.",,f , ?4.,, that .he ww,t f.t,wy. .hIl
...%s._y.�o,.UA,A.. I low balance froilb SO it is prihfa�l. IS �tll .o.t from tile Thas 4,41ANtrif ill"' ... it
3`19T I *0�t%. .ret. P .0 ,;� � awa,i. r-rator. the "III .�rt �j any fwro�owflls __ "It',od, w4i. Pother f ANY 0I &I Shm dr-uL in Ili- tn* v -m--nl)l� .4 a�.v, Marry has
I . guy . , I . _ 'S 600=0. I I ,,.,kAw. nal
rat _ - . _. r. laws. ,M I III at ,.a &I -,,, loop " .-Irolowlt.bagyaWy.loligilly. :iholuiced file jandr,_ sjj.,wa_ ma.le to it" by r.41 by bia toostataillifis awl. Mind 1160 SAO" O -mi""'- - - -
. 1tL.j.1jjr7j._1_. (X) . = I bi I soad Use putolt,,. *1 ..It L-1. hcr � . 11, " ' him t'. r -p-t ill... I., . .qar I,.,- .-I .. voliere, in 0. else.. Notil."al in Lord " i-CSMOU- 068
� -�LAW. OPU " In I, .4 * pooy. � 6.1 A I.....'� line the bell mews. Lailly.losami. xW,Y -14 "ft., ol.oroloy. L. Ili* CW khoo jay"
1pra"CaT *at " = a- -I -I J� . " * I y ,I~ 4 -nine,' Hostile, rem,ommi - IN - - .after . III, I ool Is I it, - imI,-. I op, my that Ad, ww,jjj*4 gill 1.1,,y M.11 I, kirsakil" o,f an eye. It 91 J,ltaosl by bifw C-�v .
I1IC2.*,"e`..Vr_r'.'_. ow'� C"ba a yw� .. IL - � I - , A ,M &low st�,Vt-t r 14 I,, .ft'l 1, "aristaollool t. Lady J...t h-41.1,1 %h* bad .4.gmt.lv.,Y..Rwoqwiosuou&ab. I row AsTself .1 .... IS I Iflarly'a .aLormt Walk Wy, jamot -014 -.Ill.,. f,,c they . --,of . - fast that Tile "&ad L-voITill ....... 14 a" I 1pi�
4 C 4c : : :; Clothing Mile to order - III—,
by-rl TO LMD. son porsmIussol I. h -r I- ph. . I �. I o'. 'how, --e &"" Lb.iosibiall year ,ontrk.' , *11"Im Y-romll al.-.* Leger lousplarismilit. raltil.1 .Net anythwit t key bairto I. he handled by I- .ust"4 ." 4.1. I. .,I ikA 11'r .I'... of I wittan.
I . � 0 :: '0 :,; - 'i - git- (.n..ai.st�Itth-el,.k w4h. threw hAh .rate 0I.Maj him. 0-64 w. 1. is . '-1.1 ..@I, 4 by the wolil-bert .0 vily-.104 of PL-Lbotimpl-ol .-Tow $Ito 111%
VAO-41-1 MO " wA . , - � .- 2 I11--vois Ramok .8 Vlo. A,b-M'- 16ervismas 4W "-m - it" "#'- " "" �'�- *-%rm amp& ; n I I-n-wtqtA I- _4&hL"k U,r. it 0. I A kill. frabill, I
lvdat.oloo,"'.A. .1, . ,&. -6 ... I I �: r' __ ;_ 611,:� 14wo, . .nj I'. _,h.M .,.... %A._id ,be. to wwAodfNwww, ,.rj. .n,i ii.es, .&...III 1.64 Lee h -I Imss.-Mosialij, an hat largest. 9,., t. term, 4 Solecl.."I ,,, - W4 6.,v by. go, if,. ,-t . b"I am "I dw,dmk.L
. � 1. C.00 - E- E. ill--,. - ; Li � - ___ - - _. � itand, .-Ch t" C -A r.1 -4 the vo-O-M ILNg 96. belli I 1-6 YoM, I I.- flow! I I $ever"! ! !, Itt"j..g.1.1 i's it.* a.. h"p.. ". IT Irwp o,t fit* I-Ijano. 4-.k4.4 III.* stay Tylsoodberolay a 10",,-kmm ovelloull
--als, b. r* - - - ddz="`6_1,Af Of isle .,th.-i oss,....% Her v-,- naill with hyisho froh- nsm",,t.4Iy, ..lyy,.f ,,-tk,., in 4.
�, .% %"�Tail �.15"._ - ,, . - . - 14, -a u. lat4blash has to.l.".4 0 al - I ;I won -f -that. -I I&J. m�oauf I.L.I.1, I-,, .. ,hall .., m,rwi,ioo, tb- IPA ... Hired, by ISM
I soo&§.W� da& wag.U..Ill 9;pa - ae -. L'I'IN, - .__ his nts . Jay ,.-... .the th, I"it . I- .Toot. I.I.I.. I I Is pool, .#,.,,-I -A .%am 24 ilowl
.. C & ;�' V__ T-ALIM-MUF is the -14v dreovisor r. -m - -Q,mm I' 6, "", .. 669 - I., - .I 0.,bk T.P.4111,101, .4 the .. ,ew -.1 .h..h tb�t. isons I.- at.
T""&M*"At 1AW.11,14.114.1 . .d . I . ,I Isom t- moav"dr -�#* 9-9 . than 60".1y "I'li W . low h.Mrsts Try sa,L_ .I,,- Is.1 0 ... J,I.,.l At th. lwh�d t., th. i� Mai*% try a., Ullibm "' " .
. I... I wo.4 1 1 -W. I
wt, .1.1o'-.1 . CD . '4 a- - a- t ass 1-�. ow" be bad t- wmh�o " sous. -8�shbmhl& I &-.. I .IoseroiI ,4 rawy. ." 4." r I too. - M hat th_,h% .f th,or .-tmg .W.... a-,-.- I t* -W, III, , III %V.ltadbimw � IN
..'.. Iy.x_1r.W"&,. , r . firpratiM I . johlowd. th-ma with fit* .10, 1,-r It"
� .. � ", .:1 Z W -.0040-L. _ .0 I 11 M23rm. r.r umdoibmA big NOWW%oo& wassesel. -Dailao'%) ... 1.11 � I., rilay free wisiti-ol U."and lill" "vealwa lt�lt ,adef V, J.1 ,we a =om .4 6 he, I�vsw 1. J.'"U.'r. f.44.".( .0.1 1.1's..'t volatile
I . - I W, - � 1--) = -. . P =P "I - .11 FrI441, istolloot test Is, k..I ..=
,,J.lv filA1141441111 Wo , i - 0 dwod-d tbd*A*Wlbmo WT folans. I Wou Y.- r-11 the L -It. ..r I. Is" oilh - it.. ...1 -ion -4 �" way pri.at.ljr t - a. I.t.fs:.,'!.s"awIth -,A* 04J.4-tioph�t. ".1-i- .4 0- I Is— W, .jt,..,t 1'. Ill. ..Vbm. CPO
I two,vLastroOn. Art-Assiffif, I,puviiicsa. its. ' '� ' ' .,%. -16-hpa 11-ar-4n.1-r-I jj,w,,,,. 1'.6""IJI-J.".. .111'.."tI.Irds -ofory-mJ. .r IS6.,it b.. hw.dr.d a I
.m_,Ilm,, �N,_ . .4 I $&..a"- a..". I, bet .:..P-1 "he oo&dod 0.,41 t I -.1 . .1
lo::;�. aut
I 1. . O., � W. � - WOW gunk& Repai red' I I'""" 11"J."r
. M..jL_ ,__ , __. .. _A.I. to 1111- y. *-'I 1.9 t w -v aLMA ww4h U.WWO rawleassity.1 It. If-ri-I as fr.- klow . alowdleig hownsili 6.k ... tole .1 U as . .... that 'ery LIA). it I.r'l. . floofty diloo.d. 11, ,-hfl4 - In "I'l I V.6 a# joseq.,ln-
. I . _ JELi. AL491colt- - - r . - - I boarborwer. I bosakab.Al.tboWL In.10-1.1. 10041,47�611-11., 11114L.It bet f- 1111111.1y by the ,djo, AN, 'A latest Mt,. I.-kood Th.. tortmorkeloloo plate wo,11 lIewt a ... I 'IV
� a, AT.LAW AND sow-ft-il-in Ila .; I " oiowt�41 ad' ..46 -miss" mi-sh, lower, l j, ob.. andii.a.,Iotuli hatiolis . ITT 11...Lr�doa. III K.or liAllint.-Il. "
I ..t.14) (vin. . '1110Tore ftlov, -I.. ..-Mo . . ....... 3 be, meah.,houll'. ,o.Ir,,,,. 6" F.L.13J.0w -1- .4 Lh. 1*.-. ...
;k7�-v.-., ..... I.. , - -sy, ,- ft M4.# qw.- - Io- .4196. IR,loft.waler Tanks , Iswsm bes was. .4. 1- law 0. $I .-Irs be at oft ...- I L j. -1 it I. h,m,Itl,wjA1L., th.0,40 hwM-d t- death Ilk fl,s, 4*Y-r4w_
. vo- vq,'.74,3;,-% "..%% twory Gh r how o "a t' 16 toosisilly 9. S_js &be oand to, ...w. lile qvis
, ", Z;:� I " ". -,r .1 _"or . I . ., st. I � ..We -4 'We - tI I- l.swmm - -Y lailio T%Wsi,..,- wAlbomL godif .1-k- -w I., ll� tonw�l I., N-4 1". win "".Qj .1.,r '.1 life .4 the F.0.0.,it.... vI K .. ,.It hy the ei-Ahet "wk .... 2 I.- f__ It aloft% aim , .
- I � ' ._v..I.aI_ ....., s -=Cal t-"Ool- ft.L.d by eliamm, - it- ode 4 it. tovul-tor,lill-ir w,;4. belose .I.kh it- SaO 1-1-7149 1
.4 a. v �. it II -A 11 fol, 141 20 � I . I 1 =. . III, . - Aed L, It forcy.. 0 1 sed a flow s ad ban.. k'., ,am awl tune in low tatt, 64 hat. "a rates bt,r )ilia boart-1 4" her btii,jord r-"*. %loas it I. -Y t ,-r did 0 I
file ."I".."'t A111- -'-,-*V.1%141*tlw A's 8--�-"�dovd .Vwu�, ,.it -gIId_A4-. I-." I. -11 : j. I., IT Y.... lobt. eadkomk' be saw, J,b .11�.f by far a *wt OA 1, is I- I III, gms. 4-1 0 &..I 1". Lack fr- kof with she -*411 � thu d,..r first --peo, a hille �i,.t if.. I-. r,-. basia..t. at she 1446, a I .. ...fT,,v,...w.., .1-hoot.to ..,
- -
� wobs' "" ."64w,III, r bw-.b--- --r- '.."I.I.. nowit .ft.� - r -
...4 "we-. ,_*,". 61!l ,I...- 1 .14-1x. . =1=014-slose-Is. to, -
._ , = ew,"Ie a �' #,. .. t,,�.1 joet- ililiiT� so be _w,U_4"j,,4-`mjs ispialwil came, vidowillao-b-IIIIIIish-win assfabolowass %b_..44_A, _W_W ,,.__iAq;.,,jj lo -woo-, I 0-1-4 Slid &Ithool. lityles- a. lessat.. j...1hary las.- -,
__ I bo� 6. 1 ,..If, hear, the tooll, NIAY IMS sobt- %'- 1-1-1-9 -04h am 11 thal4a ,7"
. . Weller A Martin I. .L"i .A it.&- 'TFY 1. " to It" load .ill... . friallotiessidall holow. '171- ovesiolues " %%.&,& t�-Y I I,,r " W.. theirb.1.1alms'sisrs,
04� ha.b�m..". kill 9'. 41.6�b bell " . .
witior-Tiff, arroloostruty. O)tl.lr,.n Ail, me.t I., -unsix my ill wk bal I it&-- .6w4ged a" ` of.. W.J. ..'zoad ill. lint por.t. at .4 ,A. .NT J.-Miamot. a ..,..j I.ho"A joiswrl I" 4at'.11 lh., i..",.�. S132.90", ithdo, th�.r ._.t. we ft,F,04,
--------a, .1 � li�irt..gi.l.�,:-t� III.Y.-Ito ... it faybelial-, %itkd"boaagoLama&.M "A" �cmd 4. her. I Tim, ..d.r-1 to 6.,.dwI4,mr.,,m ofamb,.ol Iftib. voti-.1.1thoolt'......11h. est.olliIIIII .Ilk "'4h,".
1 ofamma I* sh. .-bos-1 I.. "Weely an the 0.4i aa. betbal witc, y...r I-oli I t. I Nall -r,.t,.,, I sh. P.I-4. "j, I. -Is ... a ti-loths.of W1 th- ,,nap, a--,,,- I brolocled, J.'how 11,1L-, " ""I"" L I I wdw�'t hL.
. .4 . - ,a,
""ut),41or TO I,V.';Il. "we 311c.littwic. I 001)j,.. 1(111 My Ami.pe'Lat Is I- ww.Lj.t.6;. t.- 'Mah..Ma. ..'$.,Paz ,M. .A Over 1.11. .4 I log wit- .it" Idus. " 11 t back - that tbr,�Is,^ blit-oll-I 1AW-1,11 "they fwl 'beat on I"' '40"" "I .norl."ll'. IV. S -it. ,,, T.Vient... -
Rzf.,-d.- F-LZTCH". t1o."Ibil.4 * -4 t,- -I IfFI owbosts _ _ - - - _ - - �� 4111W W C.omPMO bw. 111" mtlzht The is,oad - it the, I.&I really 1~3 it - thosit (4w"T"s 11-si"'I'mr Prod.. 1 1'.4.. flow Ittli, isaj .-IY fbil�i home- th.
i-i w,R ..r 14AIMI At.,I-. Lit -9-41-149A A U C 11 0 Ai A 117. Initially, PL -CA b,r -rt I-ALI-I .,I- III, I%,. I_k_g at it "IT an show iay kmiclo. I I as well hall tn.4 t., evarom the win -le, ." ... 6.C. r &.J.61.. .41'. . v-st-I r.-.. piswi Lalsoni � It Islowell 'Iortriddre If.
.. .. " or .f JI ..."'. ".-t. qf-r& T14E LIvLRP00L&L0NoWN JOHN STEWART list .lossial fing,ers. hor'.. .,--fly _rs be.. a no-osell 11'. sablio, H.."'e., else 'a" the -. [-forsil LL. bolk.rd ".... w list her florst . . .. - .____ tholdif &hold* Illegal oil Ili. I..Y, a. I To -
:.,__, _. - - � I *@**11oft irmwoi-*! -=zt3mmakc . __ . _2As#*AX*-A01w%N _..4_,_ A� &-A -&-wmoA I—" -16- - 4m --two,***. _!i�@!�_!�q��ix� �z -�� - .. . ..,-. nil* �_d "OilAmon-OL---..
_- 40""M lut, - 4 r `lWW__-_avIW=ft9 - I . - - � � , __ - .
r7% ,-- -, ,. - L - _. - selp--.11; -.1% -0 ,Ty--w;,pWiwr A.Zwa-6:41
� Slow A .4-IM4.1111f. - I. , . 4~. wbm Ww V -T- . ft=%T i - A U-ir.roodiff a" bar ,,%--4 U -1,6,r
ls,.q-...wi--._1_ jZ7-,-.r-_- - MA .1 hl�Jan 110L.I.A. 411awfili Gi, 7 " " " ""An , "
- . I I " I , -. L'o. , I . .
ti, % I 4 I.q... "..'s"I.- --fi, &-,4u-4. A v nationsi gamoolks. #"'Ooll�'wi@"" I val., .- rs,.k 4 by. solido yfv��ow I Weil. Talk ... ...I Arvo,'lloilmallI.I.- M ,be YdiOWWI--- ' -
I Is.,hism.- Aft,ow., I L..%30 �Al lots Word- 6_,_, - me ..... _11.�,I, all I u- SIT .,..t It r W. md rin a" not I If &_ :; -It 4 Ilgodmill. Arbisk 6slif a potst .1
: I v4 � 4-1.4 . 1.=1 be boa" .J.-fto 464 .alsn MMIL -1rho. The frill-raing I" @6m thesub.. .1 I
. , " '. � Pry O,r cda. CiouckerY, its I "06% dw -0 ) -bight III,t mt - I .Lossksy ... Most.rolar, 4L.4 ban itimas
ri...., 111". I . ,,.:114hat dI* he
. I . I too. - 6�1 at IlIq 1.4 111- wont, Come �. trospef. A sw"wk on fib - Ilm preamt It. V t.wid, show oroses .ble 1. diallagoiti011 If" sol -111, sells maninipal,ty x h;, . - I- v.1111sr'still f__ -."."..as. 11.44
� I NII.LIo)NNioV Iti-I.I.ARS! * 11 j I.A S.' -;,W A 1, I - PM" 1-w M-001 I I;
. VuRT1 - . . 46talloly oNt.94WANK ,.I., I.t. I .- f.-dy hI know bet. IMPOWWO& ; a *.%"I I mud I�fy J... ol I I4kk&ll I to 'd. th't ..T. .;..I.". ivfb�,A- this ?~ ,,.A toll -i -i W lo -I -Of
J. T. DUNCAN, V - 8- I I. I., . so 811JI19C �o 4LUPkIX4I A PAIIIIAII.. wITIPIlL14, I..h r.i,.g- ... 1W.,""Ll- ,, "4-.f All 0�rfk .at" b.- w.md.rvd to -s: I- y, -or owasl I I 'Alroy I-orth- -twoo. .if r .."I ... f.j op`wom .. 'Al., his tribi.r. f-aserly li-tify in
'-:�Ii'j: - I'-,,- - "- - I I - ... .,:::� I, C"lglfIA44 I *1 vd,!ly be.,. 9 Ask- I- .1414t, . .I., I ... g..,not I.- lin- wy -,we switall.' 'A -i I- .A.Ay , rise I r .. L-11 1 -4 the a,,n 'wo-al 56.M
4" �-iipr- r. " ation ad " - ""e"' - '-' lisonlwar. .ad Valwary GIIIIIA. 'no, .... Mt rool_1 a, t h I h. 'Algamoolday if Y..'o J a " "" ws. - T. a� i sit. I. - -,
I4TAIILX'4A ILI_ , �,, . viossh.r.of Id es, wild fems'i ded, I
-1 Al=' ;I;0_.. ., ". ".4-4 .. " W1 -"* `:� :I�*j ,' ..'��`se::- A.A-.1- r -i"...."-11, ..I.. I A oll-say..., 14. asid, L:t. �y ,.I - *N At..".: .. 'flI., noldle,l 11'. - they. U-08 . ,
, mo, I, IV -44 ris.- I 1ff.TIT,,,,- T-11so sm I" .*-".a '.4 ch. I all.. by hot -
* * im-4- betts � Is- t-, """:� if-. as "t, :,
. -, ._.., "I.-- 66. .."..'. ,.I ft .., =. :� ill I.- -I&- " - I Ill - w- lo� - .-*.. I- -it oz . . .,I_ I-k 1 a...,. Aly -n, .Ill., . aigh, I,h,,,,__ ,he ,,",.,I b.- C�..Sodd, ; "it , I..... mod on.Lboliolly , I -111- ". )
. "I will., so- - t*- ow,_ TN- a ...f ." AmAl'oIl P.S-1 ".. ,,.,,..I .6 -4 Go, ft'law leads .N..
il, v:- 1;L;.!. So. I -A - .. -.I--. � IN 1 3 FLU". .,.,I I '114't-ij. 11K. . ."A -7 116 I- . 4--" - -4,. 14 &I _611, .4 . III, total IM her Lail, --tud"t"d A .b. d -n -,d him with h' -f tholsoloa *I ."I ofol y_. w" I I-olot Isidii, r - _ __ Issfewil - I 9" " , it"
,lIll '�_' I". - _'. "I ' '. elmm, klti- � -j tjwmII him a,w SaI'te. -Ifdj..., -, y -r -Aflor lately. ,%_, I- , "'.... am � . so- I. -Y 4k,, -&--I. - III -ml that h.
0 lb -1-01.11-.. -.14...,",..�.wl.-L.O.�. I' ,__ �qr 1, ..? I I I &I- I- his .1-th by 1-..Xolt�.% by
r ___ ff_4.-M_.0 .A.". -Is q--- .II0, * 'A by ls� X r. J It Imits Goo by i -t I -To 11,.,do. r .b. ..k,4, owit-1.1-0, Sitting I Is— -- - .11gresitta... k -lot t.. .boly QUIP. saakift. I.%- I III*. :3 I I m SAO ,
I J. *-.6-ANDLE. - U.J? X. gain R,4"."... -...,.Il,. I -6 vs- - - -4. --k . r . slis,.l. .-k ly, .he word ... ,,j,,oa,jbddymoth.If..Ih I -r so -k. 4,,t I i -It .... it, ".I I -6-1 ... K41.1 __ ...~ .- r ;us " ". .� i..ht-..d s1I4q..qk,WI4L,.1...
. cathis.4 I- ." %,-...I I1_&�fG,Ie& ji,no f
. . C. � - Ill - a �_ I .'I- I � ill if - .""' t" -__ .." ,_4tS._W.I_,I�;. TIII-I."" mil ... has b"', abr.4 'I ..I. t,r- T�",Tdly.' tf� A. 4f,~v"49hmF._ N4.4...&4wsop All A-Itte-, -Oh-, Capt. A1.1.11 ,,.,, - - -otowo� 1 -- .� C ,,, - I "S" 11 -, 1111 --diol wilier -was.
A!"I,;= -- T-- ". - I - I - .'Fag" I . .1.
-% I__l A. U. Notiollb. As,-' - C -W- -, - *'." -.�; I: :;.=ezo -4 I. III" or ". 1. , ... ~I� t.,.I"g ,.,,,,I. . I -,-Ib .11 MITI. .. I J,-Vl..i lost. 11k. ----- 1- V----- I- P-0., is, th. :.," som 11-amar. - - .. - w
I a., ows,o *II, upwal. 11 4,, I. .1.1 h. .4 If.., .. .. : ...I.Y
so �: ,% .. I. ..a- - ; - I - IX ,; "I". :: s. -C Mo . A ..I...... .J.,4 ..4 &.:."..�.0
C_ CANAilt, A-.�,-.(F.I.-..4T..bl.�VIA.- It. il.~00,1_1911�41%.S th.iia,"No.t. -oIh.It.nJ.. 16.1-.1ball - ,,"Md Short It if. -r.. h.1 "oloolUs, lileasolle. lk-4 -I-, - P) I-- - tow . _ so .0 IVA ----I . I-
I. 'r._'==Z:.'r I-f 1A.- , . V . it . . , . ..4 SO 4 1
- V.- I .. -.1 I� 0. k, I'Q;- W.t,C3,401L sr"'A"..- I-. . I.Mi.. .we right. 11- lb.,;-- sod"At.ty ,,,,t -J1 "-:b ot, Mitt .- two, T Ah. I. .�.sw%Lo-$M .4. felt .1, .h. k.vp 1 c.,tol. IIwrj_. &I,- fal...... 1-1-st .Mwt , . - .. � 4:: ;; 0.4 . my 6-�-�..g. 1.44114-ol a -
of. j_&J.WC, , - . " I.
A.W � to. llefor, IV& - - . - a at &I-., �It -k -a Iw`A "dead. .iAhhw I her 6MA W -*W I.... 4-4 ..I - I plela 11-� Nowristratoot. .I N.. 1,1k. a" roonli.v 9, drive. the -qjb %-. --th. ff" 4 th-
- 1, .1-04"..-I 1.) 1". . N. ..I I " :, �*l -� I 'ft a
I-Attri'l-r 11111 It -]'A . 0AUSARCE Co,y. ,I I , ker bor-I 1, I .... I - 11 per H.aga. r-..v.,.i boa larefolt,i I he -Ioll loave be-% --tt 1-11-d- its,. -ill. . ,.%" le. 4- . ... ft . , 4.1 idand T.IM-4 _% .l. the boulk 4 it,.
I"'.; -14. .- �, -1 164 at
IIt-, to&" r.., Jobn Mc Kenzi e. -pitilboly. 111111bathawl J.1 -91 -or 6-- do,f� G. Ill. �'thvv ,t4i�A - it.. loorwilglow, all I ,h I .h- thjoiht� ad.� ._,,m, r . .. &k- am" -L. )..rol ft�.., ill. of.a.1 delvi.. 1.
�. a It'-wilrWIN-Fricitsal Ft-L.TO'g&t"CT. " ___ 41-C -, II, Hiall Im b-. valsomy - - %r,,,y,..I_.j. .... ,!..fly thalt-i I.I. l�.4 bet "-14 b. -J. I -n Is, r lo.ralbot t'--am� I"'- .1 -.4 -: as" " M1.1'rol Ili. loosel .to '.%fit -.1 1. - --,.
i A ."-.,*.""i,sw.".,.N. I 1.1 Thit 4 Itio-l-KI-1- -4 Illoom A- ft 4-dwo now ; 9"1 i
P 7 4.i .oll-Iffiam. to . .11," sy, am,11-we - asirgair I IPA IM .1se.. .-f .11 thII 1- -ff -4-Ti. if. r"... -I lot. 14-- Owe., ,.I I o,A.Ij ".III -y. N,.v there 1. ..4.41'r a I ,,o. ..f �v 1'. Is ad k -,P fit. ?., ,�; 11-1.111 I'. as.. it .. .it.
, s., ,.I. .it. saw lis J 11.11.14. "mat -al, awis I it*, .If.. 1-64Y t., w,e I" ..., r ,.-
� 0 was ,&-.it jt,wo;rt,,:;t, may rvn,4,- %as" HM -F.8 AND CATTLE! 1 I 11 slit'l I -:I St _ .I'Ftb,1.sf,..,4.w4 -"$PUY' I 1. ":= t, I - 'an oft %.J,.M,46T moylos .0-4 9 -h. "
.I..". ro,�. _. I... -T.. 'WeAll. I " ......, -I'. - ., 6. . .
&:=r-,-- z -,`.=.r4 I- _..... IIIII. 1,,..,..i .,: .-L ol-Als f,,w --,3 Iltios" 1-1 bar I Vote I If. vows, Ili* *WT on ...rIj_I ..Ili ., .. " lo� --_.I. . I I- r -Mit ... .-I 0, "., 1.44 .-Y A ---t t- I. -11--t will 16w "O-1 so II-amlmb I'll, .1. - _ . w-nooly - "--I J-- lows.r 1-1
-o,, 1$1.111. CABINET SHOP, -11 . see a" 4 .4orry�. is '., .
" I I w"' . I . '. . . :..1 : .��"a C411-aill- *'#"" "Ilod,
., owe"'Ister IIII, .1-,r 4;,.,, .ho, -*4. �- I- "'n"i-i"' 'k -t-10--""-'-- I at lo'.1.6- h.. hlyrthpl- This azlz� "
_ _____ F,.r olsol.,it Orly to I= .I.Ml,� .1 .4 Y.".1-irl..... %,.I,W..rrwlh^a&h.L.O1w. I Yet .I 11wift I.., "I .-ftt the"I lo*..I�-, -1 olio,nosany klot Col.. 1 40PO - item. awall lawl I&- 8.�-�r" 6. I$-
CATNNT8 I. I.Aloury, Ar.."'. If., Is I., , .1 �k ( Itself. aVA d-volit-ral. bs.r-A am Wolum A:..thMkI,.t.%sI ti-II-re.1-
It ... doriorls has a To.441.1 e I -at f -W 7'-.* wo.ork.f.. Is.11.44MY 0. -Is I 10 $6. 1 ., I. . .1.11, IN L.Mqi eilt'its it - 1, &.ft,0404 $be.
r,,,i.. -.wvI, ..I ,.-,-,,, - -4 ob. jr-Ify .4 ob�. 16.4 a "M No,, I_...Ajww"b.4 1. %Nr ,,,I, . *od.,.� t.- - 6- 1.,I -i. I, lallathe . ..... . its is" saff-a4 lr� . -,,,eaiamk fit
, .. .":I- C.'s- .. .I,1 K-- ; It- lact I;,,vq�'1;%I,1 I Sofa,, Cilain, lAunpill, 7*111100, a it. -- , -I 0 -an veov-soledl bar. ph.vt -141-14- "'WtAl#"Mhg,...&�y � 4- ",-I h,,t .1-h les�i the library That I 1VpT looles"lo 4 '4'wf "--J?49,1 T.. 1. .."e, - _ ...."..... -, -6 womic-Loom I,of the toorials. .adds& bit the
,1)%Tlgvr,. .aS_4.,b.-,..0..4f_v-.os4 ,,,. ... * .- 11--h fr a- SAM fl.'em, 4.814-a@LN.LAM mood W I -SI, offive- all 1F. d.Iwfw,I *ilk dr.st qw,,*... &'..I
� ser"M .--- � vereame, uditisfew -_ --- re"'If"' - - - -ow�� I 4 .�hea. .1"itomillithelp.A.-jew
� ussurvilloosT. .1, I-qw - 1". tl,.t 111 -van, ,ximij &&V -.;r)- IIowsly ff.m valls,". by all .� laid. ollsoll-iiii. .1 Im4 kale bere. - - - A , , .
.,* I&S.", I .1. -far.
f-. 11", )... L,..w sirkelf-tue prao." -,�F, "', " ,
,GODEXICH AGENCY ,.1.U,__.l_I._t._& .j_,.jSj..b, him, her I Ams,"Onad. I ... . I �
Imost,.."e...". . L.J. 1. 1,,-,"4 1'.... .1-L - --b ^A a I.... - '$a Ill., ,j_.ftLj ill" wra- ,%-. so It. I =0. 0 . .. = III ., I., 1. .-IIIII. ,..,I*. 1.49 ...440 Y.a,04
I.. .m.j,,Oj wo,4-Iltv, &.0 mw.c r- -4 Troult lif Late. - T I I I .%.*I- tu*i, . � r -#I. be. I, -o back alism,11. ,I. I.. is r wk. - :_Z_I . 1-4 I's a IA -k ,ft.-, mis form 1. 1) wooled. th� jr.tt-Y Now" .b.m. -6 woo -e b-, " 1, 0-6-4 --wmw ... . - . �
"'Islin CoMpay of CILU"g� aw,__,wo.xj.". "4p_.,ow,k_. :, 1 -t -I last mitht , tog ab""Ilf. . . - loo -t. .-f h " " Islos;.,.I..s,.;S3 -I...'sme.- ....... ..."A Clsr ... al.."s. C-6*A at
,-.. I"I .. I - lm.vwpaat(,l bv Royal Cholorler. ,Iwo...O....gose-doe. &-do" al-I,e A 6-11, othed. .,f at'j"T 'LAIj.."IL'soly .N.. I , It ... . 1.1- k .f_-, .Pj%ry,.I. am %ilia it. 4-swwy 1. go-. - th. an i . I. so., 11 0, - I fIve on..� oft
- - - - k:sTT k.... it IS ysa.t.II:; .. ....... :.....I .4 th..,4 - ,r A,. I&A.Fl.4 -J Arok .1 U...-.4. .4 w-I.W..... I. the lowasI,la, M. -ib$k?l llo.'I. . I - . !,!-- P-th, evoil 1.
� "a. ..4 . of, .Ad ,mt ,I 1..Iayr I -NI, -t 1-1 I ill. -r" shot* 'I *mawl MU16.. ..I C. -low. 4-1 AS "ift. r-b-'a"I" "" e .";: lemr-ne.-i f -d, ob log a
Woodcock & Dickson. CAPITAI, -400'1411 - 1 IA*d -or fttUW,i Th. I-VIj imal . .. r I $.::a 1
-14'% rovittlift -"-* __ II�.. _1_,- "-",. ..'artlosoopell.a.(L.Cfall st....44Ift I' 4, "I . nj.v
- -1 "' w, IlIal a- ...."I . I *-.0-k Welch .. the Wainer. in WAI�=1
141 MR1.1 144; __._� ly i,..t LIT, i���K away. -.1 .Imioird horY mw" -I -o' f-'-folrol-o M-1 Try ..M.vl Itself ninowsli - 4-1-ni-Y 1 , .@" �. IV ow.- 4 , I .4 it.. $.Mo" b.t I" it* rw-
Land Brokers. "'I"'ttax 0;14hosix. hamot. t.,(,thor, I.- -I-O's Tim olovial -4 - am ...t .... ..fit I.. r .--,k wo, r. - s,switlood'. 14....� lat'. t 1'. 4'..'t., n
XVXTA, I Funds for InvoillstInillint- I,_,. I - :1"04ff,-w Ili" *--rr 'P. -T. I- 1.11-tj Th. false# ool.lk 6,.-- J, I h.,-- fr,- ITI -.--- waire 4 &I- t a A. awn ..t If. r " 4b-".
" 'I-,'.` � "�.7:.. tems., 1. f... ILI, -L,4 LIT ft.&& -4 If I . mm'�y" 1.4"Ist,-.4 .,kit 96-howtow. 4m 1.1 she I'm- -4 V% .I- I. . 'r,44" I � lsr�hfo tio. IM,111--it ,4 St.. C.4* *4 ofe-4
- W, Vi'&" AXULiXX):RAL t at . "Me ,rI.,;, 4- .4TI wt V- ,._I_".k,_% I., 117. . . U-4 ills. .. I .�f .1 , I o -s,, C., lohlas"'ont ota 91-1 III- "-led ldf"Y SW I.sit, witsys Ullman, t t I .iitt &uJ -n L -r. 1 nm%wt worot. mas" - YoWA 04h - .4. 6.4 sawai-L
AiMXTA. I".,., MT -9 .*.d - - _ - 'Why, ". *.I,. 1�44 1-1-oly 11dir I 1.4 AmopIrt , Iff"It -4. 1-4 uIt Ill ,.., .I.- .6 if.* lay,timor awl 0I 1601 Ivilly ..'amos"will I , 1. .q.W'. mp�..Iaoo. The A.P.Swasal last -44 xv Iowsw I
X ON K Y TO L EN D --, - I' . `n"`m7;.#_'L_.U`msd= :",. , : " bet. m ill. p.rm^'Mw agw- .41 III the er to.ked Ili, 1-r m"th r -is, I -IT I,- Anaks &be wollsom'd to'- I the bow. ma . ower,l &mt -4 a 1�.h, Tloa rer,vot -1,,1- --p-;:-,11 9-10 vellifIl. a o�WAW,.( th, L-" , --.I
at k. ft-, .110 *1 -, Wm. Tff - HELLIARD .._4 to" --. hire asal '6*k6goAd " is Very Ill -I t., wo.." Alve mt 1, istordpi, 4. - . 14.1y, t. -h .fte step I... IN. hitstume breast .1 th. hal boarvit it.* I ii'v-16 4, an Nn-tomly III waids-
Orralot-Ashowerni's Week, W-t9triest of"'...... 0 _."...... . � r 1. q *N, straij, at ..tws tim. thost osh- '" O' Wmr,I m.1 . 1-wil-,"t M.1woo .W.
113. .Titt'NUAN. I 1. I.".." I ", , . " . ' wal.1, .-I sit -6-1 bedevil. A io,oaJ, _,..j .Ill.. the t_Ij ,j th- I..& with tta�- ap.- -14 tiv�r ,alo-T, the tariff
.'er the V,*t I)Nko, (I.derielo, I tat. A~. � II.q. : hmoL4 uI romwatire b". I"Ll lk"k in- h-rdly "-A T4'mXk t" ",.I ..,I,I,l - so if,- far wand #4 the wore. g -lit 06.11 ,I -At- So, J-4- 1101-4-14. .0 .� the .0. .1 O. ..a--,. ,4"� 6 am.,
It . -1. Is, WALTAIR I'll ftwo-lo I'll to L t - � � '�dI""_ rAU ftoDuc. R 41Y %I I, k 1,4 bq. ,I,U. p,_,,, ..11 ft" _N. so.. 6. kaw y,.,.f swd,.' ..".1-ty. wind ,A..Ijht her oar. I I, . I'll, wrow rnotink.I.S.%orot
- - . - mal. *to -a t talk .4 L,,,1 ! I I.- a 1hoinlo 111-vt* "hall "..l.iIi-IlY bts NIL Mt- hat'".4 milatit,di herself that 1 Aw..Tb�, I 1."'... hat I.I., I.M toot. -1 b -I-6- 1.1 .r. a r -,,J owma-lis.. I *� -7 rests, and I.. pantolt, .sor a -
Lot -IkN . saw W" m" ar,owair . A. I,A oos...T.k.. w.d ilrow,wirld Sont .1f isol-ttimog 1 �rt
F', I *7A Is %wt we b -L f.we Iii.-pom, 4 'I- , U-1 4% 1.11,4L.In, ^4 ft- (:--U-W tim lfrv1t bet. do"t-1 "ll"" 'w"' "'I" Th. As own .4valloosir .wob-olmossis, -moo rom-
- J'A' ..to g:r,. Z; al 1 -1 .4 u- 1111- ..h.lint.4 "Torbert, AlvenIo--, art-," ft" 4 11-t tio. Y Ill.. rew. $,-
�..."...~, Artificill Stone ..1-0-0- = -9.-MC..". liss,. .1. to:iI.-I ... 1_4 ,n.,. saw lown. .,.T. -Al�ml " 60 .1cimamd. ,my limit .,Ili . lo,.ql ohispliamis". &.1fily , I. riolly It ft Ill
I I'll= 6.�.IIIIIII, .� t6.,,g I ...I t. it,-- . ". I -Mal . 4wr1snz,j-oSr- -��ifti withtA49 1,,4 its. 4 � no--, a. as t,. hiA. lw�r 4%nag the poodow-it year. Th. wheat I `Mly I'%' - 1 IN' 'whm ... 0 41 '-use - 4 Tta,e 9.4to ,mrsill, III.- real
(-1 """G AND MARBU- AtT STRAL-I A N - I'll Ill....I.A Mr. josomis I .1 1--osLies. Jewell U-1 I .at faulty 6. oflaosomot - . . safhar.mall Nay IlLb.thim, filnertyro-dowl thoo,"row.t.-M low, the wishy-4 4 lows.r C%im� 1. �m ithlao, -huseen; 4,
,L Ii I )AT -4, ; r .Wt fp,,. op... T6.4b.-i IL.4 hed Who jah, skspowl f -as Am�..�lh. -61 -I an"" Who" 1% AT 1-t- W" parition, 1
T..."l, % , ,wa. 104 with bad I 4-1 m,MM' 4""r6.4 b., . - the dtm"t UNOubm of
IIII,, - a -as woo-' - , "a-, I Is. ~--4 --r. ,� modet.. 110-tho-A-411, ).,I' a easily abolow.r.l., It-ouft 'Alimast I* Ali- I-P,J.A. ,%bell .1 I-.. a --1.11-417 I I", bond ilmso-oll at fladialowltobbil ths"Nam"I""'Id"I""S' 1&r" '4'-t"mw 4'.4. way, W ('-&, y johme,ifolomm,
"-- I woo. .. a. is I -111,111-itiol- tywon 16" . 1,
I- 1. --f aroolow* j!tn-_::Z'1", Pasill, and Hominy G� to . mo.&-�d " amount at blas-ame. " .., r walift ".41w., ... I ovend 0.� "a. 40 $at&. 4 Amasses" am# m"aily of. I.. r_ .f linalt. (I.& , as .am -9 40 Tworesdow
- - 8. le'Itod swe 1411. lu 11A. -I.-.4 v-v ft's th" a an WA &ff.-s-i I. I., U. olsomal"Mis a -INS 0S.A r.mati,
-I%.- -I.- 111. � � I I I .-I 4- the haoted.lood pew..Aoma&- lmtoo-d lbo��.1.,y 10,1ty -to .-.As Wam =.4.. Items" The 0-1. tab- log
R.PROUDFOOT, .,,,. -- 1-9-:r,' n.,.-- I I - Wb� III. ofts ly. Gad on$4 b* Illilli W.n6 14 6 ,jaddesof fr� li,ww.,* L="�vr. ft h.. .am Use wSoM ? "4 v ___ SL . 00% NACWW%t. has ama. a r.wrb bit at at -4 1,4 bl- Imia"'It"Islar. '-A I'dam between 4 bm 0MNW 'd Sh"
, wast. r. 0; I &Naar
""La& Is . .44r, I. � . _-!t_"-"__ - _. ImAll. anstat left--- r ." let li�sw moiom& Ili" As awn& ! Tim to .oil 4. most NAM6--4 tb*-0 -f ONAM saw " jywq*r_Asa.&. Of slw�dois Isfy ". 1. it*&. ". X own& t. 11. fill afaiies"
___ - -I-.- , - I - I wessawill,- --dw 4W -0�46wee- othety L M "~ *am jdj--jW - - - Is votlys, *ftl"m*loer--olamtot-ift -
� lip to.w - - - - --- - I of "i W, I ..j I, -via 61ji,IM wyl
1"AN!1L_y 1% P 911 M I .�S-.., 11 IL -4 %felle-01-- ,===. or . :;W.-,.L�i;ii j- i'-..ty st.J. ,-row me-r�m. ow, they smallol a - I =1 ="b,og=Wq e.a.d�,o.pwUbr�.&017,*".4001-mw-wmw"-Pmm" tbmwg% the
fmw� F.; I A
. . =1 WM. VICKSION 4,001. III alt.ogw,' lleram I I MolwAnew Iffs 1 --had " it it -as Y -1 *be gard- Knedwe *wk ea,yo, a;i. sed W ide I" b'sholl. V_ Ine,le I" rMon -0.1ad .b";. "f that �6.4 wf*P-ufpr�elog
_'...40-11-kolies., ,;.;"..!_ %s""'w" FRUIT TREE AGENT - -. ., -,To It - - Smasher mard ol - 1. ftft�j h� ... J-1 istarlyriag mobe cIr. .,Ili he. - As libe hw.b*6, 61do" oas O&di"M " - 4""M - UW P~
FAA Neftet. bag 0. Z -A. Z. I &as Mal almond. bal. hdalmot, -may
,t, -4 - 0. fa He 0, 4amwe�A.
. .. iu at ooiaoo�L softW'§b"." . . * aboo Z h. r . I L,tbow the stakfava. vt - to stlm?,.Fr- wall.1 936. ..-I. exposs@Mftbmr 0=1Y I. n7 41-7" 11141joromwiliall An.n� est, stiff Issirbreadf0t �4�
a A" Igoew Mama, -0 - - - I," . a di troill'S Came. my wass Italle " Los -04 .1yowle, Isailly., ..� I .1 -tow, .1 slow am bill
Its- it to wt-, GEORG LZSLII be .4, '*eebm.l Taft sell tA lalwl- a -a- 4 I be Y be" IIt.f,,v,v'gI"PQ,1A. t'Ish.m.a.1-Ir'. ad k.NOAf ilia .4 I be
- 7 11W.Fis - nedurliab :�".4-0. I- calls-. ,*,., I
. . .0. - beat sm "--. -4 slaw" =_7_2; T.N."T. larbatt"alls, bed, how suil bmAwk, ver bar , : , jmrk -67 .7 father, 1011the was I laisvot-. toward 1. 9'... it"." 1. 4 eIdry If rdillways. -1-atti,l, &.4 am �d�i 1416, P-11 - Ito ��ft 141 ill,"
-ii 06'r ,fc-A.je W. . - -..Ph", - 0-1 - k. 00 -0 - - ,, sm, I..Ebw. a,, Use lfwmam , rIrNom ver lb.,errorn.vabon r"gisr On- 1, GwJ - - 11 � a- the PM&
ic . fl`....I.� 1. V� W"U. ." L. lia raw - - �! I! . We we Y I_ .1 I. 71:X wyeal.t. no it be -.1 the k.04 hot,gas wo"h :L
1 do" R%4-.. ..4. te� "I o,mo_=I witmaysim, bor Somsed, ovas %am two seek lierw-oblow be am N..7,:j J..4** tweedy se as am family - we her (:IlAliltrk lKVI i 1. lyn_t. Isooker"T Will 6-4 I - ad,*, the Pat$,, .Jr. -led b I, nor joke -4 ISLA.-Mil
""" "`-,w__", 1.
. I a* - O.Wok Now will sa.- P. -Too , I
=.= at.-M� ww1I 6. -1 .6 I.MAV , .4. -WT.' �� a-6"7 11011 -as Is I we proasto In XMb6dw" am, fara� - - -14 a" be Th. ltr-ifl�l 9-411.1 MI.
I � 4 or Twnmmmm�- - m %"A targaIj 0064may 9.4j, is" , adeseso dialaw'd bar *Mto"�i.wy. 404 I Teri "per ok'all I aboassuseemot it. tollo-t. *%,IoGVny Tbe-Vis Loss b.al� LA bit J. 41 IL-
. __ ....-IS.Ilt!Itt� ... I AW.Actud. . fr% L I
__L__ Il:. A- - -0. 4b. - I I lfiiia6i is kill 1,11,11111, Is " She 9- A)M. I Ito I. bad . N.Ma. 14-7 I- 1 1 I- bond ofelfiraw , W
___ :* la ! :� =.- ,`� 4--- I—— _ - Ti-"* raw- Ili- *hLw= ,,,I:" - hily 66. On Mud jus aumma ritts
- jmiriew wastabb" itachn * N *.�,tt -, L. I— IT- :�.g - I at fit. tal .W,� blow -1,14 ?_ in- it as a"
JA11111111111111 VIVIAN a. U -46W -- = - __ _ -, ! - -a-� "won -W. -,V -A" --W- I � A . -fly T,t ill# :v_. oii�- alima. = Lassibloom, Aindid, Lea"
60--, u6s Iral
I - : .
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Will. DICK 1111)'41. � .." the am ` th21ol 4 WMITY-fill om' r I soft#"-"Og bill at, had . . the "wilow 74tat- II. Monte (Nmmb& landoolde, 0&.. ill to%& bar ars, ftnwo.h
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- . Ir "MobstroodyL IM'nodowowlff�fsfi ..I- a-.- t Ktmt . Tl,_ Imallywor boar a-Wen� wait pw% the Nother, 6*0 be" dew. 441 C,mw" bit,* v Y mt lilhw� . . 2 bona ,*me P.WAW
][. Jr. ArnIttillong & Broild 181�a %%_ I A I.I.; 9 IS Tat, ' I Lbasoubmte -a ,be wmftbm- 'rom b" 1. Met -.1 delayed, I be weft es w I des, Vft is- " W~ rt" he ..Voodw,W 411111111 101 ......... A ,es
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NEW DOMINION `= "" ""'**'"* IWIIr- =4 .,be, lam."; .. laworls a P-iWyI1w,-Ohd Whwt The 1. I to, hawk me . I I I"
-1 to of -v ?-" gsf* up" somm""M . as I her bitaloidd ~ - ""'p" "" A"-" 41her $density -the In�4NM W.004 '......." I � he _ 6
N111411221144 I S..] Pat ,a C-4,0 sedw I w- � 1 .. it auk* *�w,160 Ilia.
.: .= BAKERY, 4b.drmAmmot Albeflem,homal othotbolloselliwor ..to-.* a. smates, 0 a .� K.z..'somon bain' lbws ('--wi- t he ..4,4wt.tive 9A 81 Ili I raw Yes
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i"llall t)�"goome. . I_ lin-dowsl who ;82 P.-frAwIs 6 1 r.ftl W -, 2 groams " This tells ,,T 6. lies 1*40*a" "was
A- *6A, -P, elw�, , : ! 9, V - - M 4 8 " &�Ang 11-riam kit 6-1 &Sun be at$MW : .: _11; �".. 7 it, � 7. nd!�. "Va grrswvyw� Newly oas As IsFy"A., flat if,dr, large prror,r
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N I - - . list eyes 1.4 .904 li'm 0W.11 *,Ill a 14'ea,dal"I P.".A Th. 'I. -t.- lo,.%-�f that .k -.b her &_ wom maW here Throw hand. from the tonse, t'-1-4 M&W � ablawly fal'amb gwA' . a I"- . ... ...... 10.00
8t. Josepli's C,ofivent. , orimArr nrwivii s-nAL 'Us'"' God #"a"" -Aw"#e -*Kelly Yang .,"I, I. Gold Th- Wet 4 " pigool b:ow. "ll -fart 4 the istrivow,"e,q a � . 116, .f its Lung Olds"A. ,aned ,@?, ,"Us � reftbon4 9. head fir,we %)ill ""Web"t
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" I I -"Ir'"" 'j"Cat, � obopw. 'My "wortits ' 0 Chad. " 146 - 11.01111 as added mt " r 2 - of emetankm - wei@bf4 ,0,6,47 P,q.y fosra�tlo , YIN, I, I dbego ..... ...... Kos
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Terms of Tuition for ISM BREAD, CAUS. Polls, � 1. -bral r -at Ilort 04 kit* legally " -Why aw y to Oak T, be N*4 1 1 1 "WT rem-* [a be -
,!I "M � too& it now I van � sava,' I, gy" I " " fpn'm 171104"tit' , ZZ" 0 1-1441"wy for tbm @ON" f
Vittoria q.. amlif Ilan _, I Alf"CoNrCM4114111Y , bo"ty .4 the rI-ItIllo. $a times " wb� ,I -k I., 6. owelf-vowl,' offe ", was Mor slow., ttmbom to mogel an a wroballis for row "An - - - - - 1.00
Ili&" 14. I ll=t- j., It, son -_ --- A !I.turig of tat$ wed 11i., Spite Ithostis" It 11111141 "it beaft . Ito
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ow�ft-w-�- - " I- well -LI.",:�R-� -.,- , -ft hose fish atiend floss &be owe 0 'dw W,49.ogb.1h.r.wo."q.mot..*I.O"kw I..".I""fA"I,.Gbonwlbo�Wmtfttk 014ki") dowe awl ..* ft -'*A to S'W ft 'Y a -14 b,'I 1-01.,ol, In aA � Ii .4 . 3 0 A" at Ol.n... it
. R%G-MVACW�*=-r - I— - . � 'I"'".1. _-,;;��.��._P_'" ft"mt..4rjeom* Oak#* lbsoagliti of . do... ,v% I. . he or "I.I. ob.4 %" On 144.64. ow, strowediall t., jow.b knon, t"'t as, , they 0, ,M award %wig 41wacd Thah SNOW as III � 30... .Lao
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