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orrie Christmas gues
P.O. BOX 1136 CLINTON, ow',
delivered Wel It grand-
children, 2 boys and a girl to
Gayle and Wilson Carriel at
Si.. Thomas. All well and
recovering from shock.
Remember! It takes but a
moment, to place a Brussels
Post Want Ad
g a
Christmas Eve service
The Christmas Eve service
was held in the Oorrie United
Church at 8 p.m. with Rev.
Ernest Fellows in charge of
the Meditation. The. Scrip"-
ture reading from Luke 7:14,
9:6-7 and Matthew 2:1-2, 23
was read by Philip Gowdy.
Wayne Brown lit the 'first
The choir sang "A Star in'
the Night". "While Shep-
herds Watched Their Flocks
by Night," was sung. Jackie
Burns read Matt: 1:1-25,
Luke 2: 5-40 and Judith
McMichael lit the second
candle. Mrs. Robt. Strong •
sang a solo, "0 Holy Night".
Karen Bradshaw lit the third
The Quartette com-
posed of Susan Mann, Janna
Gowdy, Kendra Robertson
and Collwyn 'Fellows sang,
"I Heard the Bells on Christ-
mas D ay." Mrs. Ernest
Fellows sang a solo, "Star of
the East" and Cindy Walker
lit the fourth candle. ,
At 12 Noon
Phone 887-6461 Brussels, Ont.l
Mr, and• Mrs, HarveY
Dennis' spent Christmas in
Barrie with their son Dick
And familY. •
Mr. Donald McCauley,
Alfrieda and Melody of God-
Everything on Sale-
!o make room for,
new spring fashions
Pecaale we knaw
er visited Mr. and Mrs. of Gorrie.-
Anthony -Brenner of Kitch- Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mac-.
ener, on Christmas Day. Kenzie and Mrs, Laurence
Christmas visitors at the Stirling of Kincardine; Mr.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russ- and Mrs. Lloyd Mapplebeck
ell Powell were Miss Kay of Guelph; and Mrs. Luella
Powell of Toronto; Mr. and Sanderson home for Christ-
Mrs. Brian Elliott of Kitch- mas from Wingham hospital
ener; Mr. and Mrs. John were all guests of Mr. and
Crawford, Lori and Joanne of ' Mrs. Leonard Sanderson.
Belgrave. Mr. George Koch, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Under- Ken Gourd, Kendra and
wood of Guelph, Mr. Clar- • Nicole of London spent Box-
ence Borton, Palmerston; Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Eleanor Schmidt, Port l John Koch. Mr. and Mrs.
Colborne; Mr. Kevin Under- ' Walter Charles spent Christ-
wood of Calgary, Alta.; Mr. mas at the home of Mr. and
Roy Borton of Fordwich Mrs. Kenneth Charles of
Nursing Home, spent Christ- i Listowel. Mrs. Faye Pealar
mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. and Dawn of Barrie spent
Earl Underwood. Boxing Day with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Mrs. W. Charles.
Farrish spent several days Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doig
with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and family spent Christmas
Lamonde of North Bay. with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harron of Hanover. Guests
Robinson spent Sunday with at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
low, Jerrilynne, Joy, Ken- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
neth and Mr. Wells Barlow Gogo of Toronto and Mr. and
of Marlcciale; Mr. Homer Mrs. Jas. Maloney and
Barlow, Maureen and Jim of Christopher of Bramalee also
Listowel; Mr. Lawrence. Bar- visited at the same home.
low, Rhonda, Wendy and Miss -Marlene Earl, and
Duane of Ethel spent Christ- Mr. Robt. Earl, R.R. 2,
mas with Mrs. Vernon Bar- i Gorrie, spent Sunday with
low. , , Mrs. Harry Gowdy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Howes, Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Doig
Marcie, Mandy and Lana of , spent Boxing Day with Mr.
Peterborough;.' Mr. Bruce , and Mrs. Gerald Brown of
Grainger of Montreal; 'Mr. Molesworth.
and Mrs. Robt. Grainger and Christmas 'visitors with The Sunday School of Anne Robinson and Mrs;' David o! Waterloo; Mr. Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart. Knox Presbyterian Church. Alvin Mundell. Mrs. Hugh Grainger, Brookhaven Nurs- I were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie presented an impressive Deighton was organist assis-
ing Home, Winghand; Mr. $ Edmunds and family of Van- pageant Read- 'red, by Miss Lori Moir, Mrs. and Mrs. Wayne Williams, couver, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs, ers were Jeffrey Robinson Jas. Robinson and Mrs.
Gowanstown; and Mr. and. Clifford, Stewart- and family . and Joy Deighton. The char- Alvin *Mundell. Instrumental
Mrs. Alvin Grainger and I of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. acters were • represented by music by Wesley. Ball and
Gary of R.R. 2, Wroxeter Carl Stewart and family of Lorna Deighton - • Mary; David Moir.' Rev. Bert Van-
celebrated Christmas on Fordwich; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. David Robinson-Joseph; o
Saturday at the home of M Stewart r. and family of Mayne c
Amy Deighton, the angel; added
and Anne Robinson
ded variety to an enjoyable -
Kevin and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. , • Corners; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kevin Stewart the innkeeper;, evening's entertainment. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. , Stewart and family of R.R. 2, shepherds and wisemen- Life-like animals painted Ternpleman, Sandra and Gorrie;. and Mr. and Mrs. Susan Robinson, Peter Stew- ' by Mr: 'Hugh Deighton and Barbara and. Mr. Fred Coult- Robt. Mayburry and family
Mr, And Mrs. Barry Dane Ackersv niers , Colleen, and Mrs. Rick Currah of erich spent part of. Boxing
335,3424 '•
Guests on Christmas Day of St Catharines, Mr. and Nancy and Randy of Str,at- Kincardine; Mr, and Mrs.. day with their Grandmother
of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred, Mrs. Kevin Stuart and Brad- ford; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lyle Binkley and Becky of Mrs' Ethel Bone and his
Cathers, were Mrs. Alvin ley of Wingahm; ,Mrs. Mel . Hayden, Christine, Charlene Elmira. mother, Mrs. Dorothy Mc-:
Orvis of Wingham, !qrs . Taylor, Brussels &— Miss- and Carrie of Woodstock;
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bell* Cauley and called on Mr. and
Evelyn 4ackson, Delmore; Lynne Crowe of Clifford were Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ruth er- spent Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Gerald McCauley and Steven also.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gar- Christmas guests of Mr. and ford, Anita and. Wendy of and Mrs. Wayne Russwiirm Helen and. Frank Groyer of
niss, Lisa and Brett of R.R. 1 ' Mrs. Edgar Dane. R.R. 1, Wallenstein. of Hanover. Caledon East and Margaret •
Wroxeter and Mrs. Connie , Mr. and - Mrs. John , Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mann Mr. and Mrs, Irving Toner N orman Johns and sons
Ross and Blake of Kitchener. MeCutcheen visited Mr. and and family spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mc- and
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bar- Mrs, R. White of Toronto on : end with Mr. and Mrs. Merle ' Pherson and family of Tees- Dav
id.. and Vincent of Arva
visited with. Amy Speir.
Correspondent '
Mr. and Mrs, Eric Munro of
art and Jamie. Stewart.
The pupils were 'assisted
with vocal music by Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh' Deighton, Rev..
Bert ' Vancook; Mrs. Jas.
Robinson, Mrs. Gordon Moir
vveber of Kimberley. • water; Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mr. Allan Cameron of Harrison and family and.
Frontenac spent Boxing Day Brian Welt of Harrison; Mr.
with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carswell,
and Mrs. Murray Edgar., Linwood; Miss Roinelda Tay
Christmas visitors of Mr. for of Wingham were Christ-
and Mrs. Beverley Currah mas guests of Mr. and Mrs.
were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Max Bell.
and Melissa Miss Clara McCallum of
• Mr, and Mrs. Harvey
Carrick may' have to wait a
few days to see their
Christmas Gift which they
received on Christmas night,
but I am sure it will be worth
the wait.
Evers 'Derrick ,On Christmas Night Santa
of Belmore; Mr. and. Mrs. Stratford spent a few days
Barry Currah and Benjamin with Mrs. Sheldon Mann.
Fred Hayden on Boxing Day
were Mi.. and Mrs. Henry
Sunday School pagean't
• special lighting by Roy Stew • -
art and 'Jas. Robinson en- '
hanged the' setting. Mr. Jas.
Robinson.: thanked ;.all who .
participatecVancl distributed
gins and -candy
of Kitchener;' Miss Norma
Hausman.. of Listowel;
Orisizes 22 - 24
Dresses& Pantsuits
We have a large
selection of shoes! „
reduced up to
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The Management 3 Staff
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Once again another year has rolled around ;
and once again we want to say thank you
for your patronage:
This year you were especially patient as '*
we plodded through all the grime, dust and . ,
noise during our expanSion. ,
Your response to our Grand Opening
was overwhelming; . your kind remarks
1 , have been most gratifying. , /
Now we look forward to the eighties with,
many new plans with great anticipation.
A Happy New Year to all from MONKTON •
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