HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1980-01-02, Page 5Christmas Day visitors
with 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Pletch and David were Mrs.
Harry McGuire, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Pletch and
holichael, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Pletch,.Krista and Andrea of
Dryden, Miss Ruth Ann
Pletch of. Kitchener, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Pletch and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Pletch of Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam,Fear
were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Bridge on
Christmas day.
Boxing day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Fear were Mr...and Mrs.
Bruce. Fear, Jana, and Ian of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Fear, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Fear and boys of Morris
Township, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Bridge and Mr.
and Mrs. Ian Montgomery of
Lucknow, Sheila Shobbrook
and Terry Armstrong, Mrs,
Phyllis Biggin and Jeff and
Marni Tugwell of Clinton,
Lori and Michael Biggin of
Goderich,.Mr. and , Mrs.
Russel Fear, Murray and
David.of Wingham, Karen
Johnstong of Bluevale, Rose-
marie • Fear 'of London and
Fred De,Boer of /Myth.
Mrs. Agnes Elliott of
Wingham and Mrs. Olive
Campbell spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Donald
,Campbell and family of Lon-
,We would like to welcome
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie Camp-
bell to their new home in the
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hanna entertained their fain.
ily and friends to Christmas
dinner on 'Sunday' at W.I.
Hall. Guests were presented
t luc
The Belgrave Women's
Institute had their Christmas
pot luck supper - Tuesday
evening, December 18th with
a good attendance. Following
a short business meeting
card games were enjoyed by
all. The winners were MrS.
'Ross Taylor,, Ivan Wightman,
Mrs. Garner Nicholson, Ross
iAnderson, and Ross Higgins.
mem am= arm a.ar =Nur timm. mk.winol•
lutes Srice1
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DIAL :pm;
Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. R.
Coultes,, Mr.. and. Mrs. Ken-
neth Wheeler, Mrs. George
Martin, Vincent Makas of
London, Mr. and. Mrs. Rob-
ert Taylor, Erica and Monica
of St. Ann's spent Christmas
Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs.
.'Don Rae, Jamie and Ian of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Stokes. of Ingersoll visited on
Wednesday afternoon With
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt..
Christmas visitors with
Mr. and :Mrs. Eldon Cook
• and Eric were Mr. and. Mrs.
Robert Cook, Kathy. and
Jennifer 'of - Shelbourne, Mr.
and Mrs. Randy McLean And
Bradley of London, Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Heywood of Wing-
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Hopper, Carol, Heather and
Kendra of R. R'.. #5, Bruadels,
Tommy Thompson, Blyth,
Mr. and. Mrs. ;Gregg , Cook,'
Jackie and Carla of R. R. #1,
Belgrave, Miss Susan Cardiff
of Brussels and Mt•,:and Mrs.
Lewis 'Cook:
Kr. and Mrs. JaCk Mc-
Burney spent Christmas Day',
with Miss Gail Barbour of'.
°• London. '
Mrs. George Martin "visi
ted a few days during the
Christmas holidays with Mr..
and Mrs. Cecil Armstronginf •
Christmas Day visitors'. at
the home of Mrs: Laura
•• Johnston were Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Yuill, and Cameron,
• Mr. and Mrs. Ross Will of
Elmira, Mr. and. Mrs. Robert
-,.Grasby, Mrs.- •Helen. McBur-„,
acY:1•AVgn .ghani, Mr. and
' IVaP " McBurney of
Toronto • ani1.- Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnston, Tara and
Erin of Ilderton.
We are pleased to hear
that Mrs. Allan Campbell
was able to return home after
being a patient in Victoria
Hospital;- London.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Tay-
lor and family of R. R. #1,
Belgrave Mark Taylor of
of 11-., R. #1, Belgrare :Mr.
Williain .A. kluiriphreY,,-,, of
Luclinnve .were Christmas
bay :. yisitors::;with W.: and
Mrs. . Roy , Robinson r.';'•and
Steven. ,
Waterloo is spending a. few'
..,,,, ‘Scripture reading of the of the season
"Christmas Story" was giv- -::
114B:Ss Brenda McDonald of
ys,•with her grandmether ' en : by the Rev. John G. ,• . The Junior Primer. chose to
Mrs. Nelson Higgins. Roberts. The Senior choir put .on "A ,ChristMas Pag-'
• sang "Angels from the
Realm of Glory" and the . eant7 and they
were follow- Mr. And Mrs `David Ran- .
na And• family spent a few . ed by a' tan of Highland
days at Christmas time with Junior choir sang "The King Dancers-Heather Morton,
her parents Mr. and Mrs. of GlaiY Comes", accompan=y Kathierine and 4ennifer Proc
Willard Armstrong.
, led by _.,the organist Mrs. ter. `The Intermediate class George • Proctor.
The annual Sunday School put on, an original humorous Mr. and Mrs. Max Pletch,
Krista, and Andrea of Dry-.
skit, "Sneezelitchelitis." Clif
Christmas Concert of Knox
United Church ,Belgrave was . ford Coultes gave a humor den spent Christmas ' week '
with his parents Mr. and
held Friday evening Decem- ous recitation about the Mrs. Sam Pletch.
trim. Kitchener, Londesboro, stet. of Whitechurch and M
Hanover, London, and. Bel- and Mrs, Harold Vincent.
grave. Happy NeW Year to all!
Dr. Ronald Taylor of St.
John's Newfoundland is
spending the •Christmas holi-
days with his parents,Mr.
and Mrs. Jack, Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. George
McGee and Mrs. Cliff Logan
spent, a week-end recently
with Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph
Logan and. family of Wyo-
Mrs. Cliff Logan spent
Christmas week with Mr.
and Mrs. America Arruda
and girls of Toronto and Mr.
and Mrs. Barry Logan and
boys of Burlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Vincent, Patrick and Angela
of Riverview, New Btunswiek
are spending the Christmas
holidays with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. George ,'Web- •
his daughter ,
A bevy of buxom, beauties
presented a humorous- skit
"Turned Off." Members of
the cast included ,Howie
Morton, Clifford Coultes,
Ross Proctor, Glenn Coultes,
Bill Coultes, Donald Proeter,
Steven Nixon, and Ross
Higgins as "Catherine." The
program came to a close with
a large senior chorus in
Christmas songs' accompan-
ied by Joanne Coultes.
The highlight for the child-
ren was the appearance of
the jolly fat Man in red as he
came to distribute " gifts and
• candy ,bags.
A special Christmas ser- Mrs. Glen Coultes. Through-
vice was held, in Knox United out the program the audience
• Mr.- and Mrs. Larry Robin- ' Church, Belgrave on Suhday enjoyed several• piano solos
morning. The sanctuary was performed by Donna Higgins son, Bradley and Brent: of
Blyth,!Mr...and Mrs. Leonard decorated with Christmas Heather Morton, Steven Cou‘.
Robinson, `Mark: and.Tticey • • tree, lighted candelabras, hes, and Ruth Higgins. The
Ridgetown, Trudy Taylor of
Kitchener and Dr. Ronald
Taylor of St, John's, New-
foundland spent Christmas
Day with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gal-
braith, Michael and Kelly of
Whitby are visiting with.her
mother Mrs. Olive Campbell
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch,
Julie and Jeff of London and.
Mr. and Mrs. George Johns-
ton, Tara and Erin of Ilderton
spent a few days, at Christ-
mas time with their parents
Mr. anifMrs. Robert Gtasby.
Miss Margaret Higgins of
London spent a. few days
during the holiday with her
mOther, Mrs. Robert Higgins,
On Boxing Day, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Taylor, Mark, and
Trudy, Dr. Ronald Taylor of
St. John's Newfoundland,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor
and family and Mr. An d Mrs.
Nelson Dusky and family .of
New fIamburg were, visitors •
with. Mr. ••and Mrs. Jas.
Keller and family of R. ,R. #1,
New Hamburg.
-and several poinsettias for Senior Primer Class gave an
the occasion..The service excellent rendition of "The
consisted of the Junior and Visit of the Shepherds."
Senior choirs forming :a pro- Jo-anne Coultes accompan-
cessional with all singing "0 ied her , sister, Alison as she
Come All Ye Faithful:" sang two appropriate songs
ber 21 in the W.I. Hall. Rev: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fear John G. Roberts was master and Mr. and Mrs. Allan of ceremonies. Bridge and family were Chris Michie opened the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. program with• Christmas and. Mrs. Ian Montgomery of greetings. The two junior Lu kn classes sang some Christmas
numb€.rs accompanied by
Ramsbottom family and was
assisted by his nephew Colin
Campbell. ' iThe Junior Class
presented "His Star" and
this was followed by a
Medley of Christmas songs
by Ross Anderson on the
harmonica accompanied by
Special . service- at Knok
Effective January 1, 1980 the fbilovving rate
adjustment will come into force.
Residential Class Pres. Effective Jan. 80
Min bills 3.50 ' 3.50
KWH, First,;block 50 6.60 7.00
KWH. Second block 200 3.30 3.50
KWH Balance Block . 2.50 2.90 '
'Commercial Class
KW Balance Block 2.20 2.20
KWH Minimum Bills 3.50 3.50
KWH. First Block'50 6.60 7.00
KWH Second Block 200 3.30 3.50
KWH Third Block 9750 2.90 3.25,
KWH Balance Block 1.80 ' 2.15
-Sentinel Lighting 9.55 10.93
This Average, increase of 12,8% Will appear
on your Feb, bill' for jaritiairy .consumption,