HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-11-21, Page 11H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service Installation of pipelines & milking parlours R.R.4 WALTON 887-6063 THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 21, 1979 11 Cranbrook WMS elect new officers Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL $87-6645 Mrs. Ida Gordon was hostess for the November meeting of the W.M,S. with an attendance of sixteen. Mrs. Stanley Fischer gave a reading. All repeated the 23rd psalm and "0 God of Bethel" was sung. The Scripture reading from H Samuel 1-15 was read by all. Mrs. Dunn gave the meditation, Mrs. Gordon Engel had the topic and chose the story 9f "Rizpah's Watch" and her faithfulness in remembrance. Mrs. Stickler read the Scripture found in II Samuel. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Stuart Stevenson. The group's allocation has been met for 1979. Cranbrook has been asked for the supply 'secretary for the Presbyterial and Mrs. Veitch was appointed. Mrs. Ross K. Thomson reported on the Fall Conference at Harrington. There was Mrs. Fischer; Literature - considerable discussion on Mrs. G, Engel; Glad Tidings the new study and a decision Mrs. Stuart McNair; was left over for another Auditors - Mrs. G. Engel, meeting. Eight cards sent. Mrs. Leslie Knight; Pianist and twelve visits made were Mrs. L, Knight; Press. Re- recorded. porter - Mrs. M. Engel; The election of officers Supply Secretary - Mrs, result ed in the following Dunn. slate for 1980. President - Lunch was served by Mrs. Mrs. Strickler; Vice-Presi- Veitch, Mrs. Strickler and dent - Mrs. George Smith; the hostess. Scretary - Mrs. Jack Knight; PERSONALS Assistant - Mrs. E. Dunn; Weekend visitors with Treasurer - Mrs. Jim Hart; Mrs. Lylle Gordon were her Friendship and Service - sister Mrs. Emma. McCallum, St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barnes, London, Mrs. Betty Hirzel and daughter Holly of Fraser, Michigan, were calling here. Mrs. Stanley Fischer re- ceived the sad news of the sudden death of her sister-in- law, Mrs. Stuart McInnes at Waterloo on November 16. Besides her husband she is survived by one son and two daughters. The funeral was held November 19. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Fischer, Toronto, visited on Old weekend with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conley and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler attended the Western Ontario Provincial Assembly of the Canadian Order of Foresters held in Brantford Friday and Saturday. It was the 100th anniversary of Court Brant. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmer St. Marys, visited Mrs. Lylle Gordon pn Sunday. Gorrie bride to be feted at linen shower Correspondent MRS. GEORGE BROWN 335-3424 Mrs. Russell Noble was hostess, R.R.2, Gorrie with co-hostesses Shirley, Carol, Dianne and Barbara Noble held a Linen Shower in honour of Miss Tammy Brown bride elect on Wed., Nov. 14 with 20 relatives and neighbours and friends attending. Shirley Noble was in charge of the contests. Tammy expressed her thanks for the gifts and lunch was served. On Saturday Nov. 17 Miss Betty Wheeler assisted by Mrs. Carol Rybicki and Mrs. Myrtle Weber of Cambridge entertained 16 neighbours and friends when a mis- cellaneous shower for Tammy was held Mrs. Wilbur Hogg conducted a Kitchen Bingo and lunch, enjoyed. Mrs. Sandy Gibson was Cranb rook W.I. met at the home of Mrs. H. Smith with the President Mrs. G. Engel presiding. The short course "cooking for 2" was dis- cussed, $10.00 or whatever was necessary will be placed in the Poppy Fund for this year for Remembrance Day. Members were reminded that the 4-H Needlepoint Achievement Day will be held Nov. 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at Grey Central Public School. Mrs. Lefor and Mrs. Cox volunteered for the com- mittee for the November Birthday Party at the Callender Nursing Home. Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Vanass volunteered to make cupcakes for the party. An arrangement was sent to the Majestic W.I. on their 40th anniversary. • Mrs. Workman announced Skate exchange popular Grey Central Home and School Association sponsored a skate exchange Nov. 10th at the Cranbrook General Store. The Assoc. is grateful to all those who participated and especially Kathy Workman, Janny Locking, Laura Strickler, Marg. Saxon, all of Cran- brook, and Donna Saxon of Ethel, who gave their help in selling skates during the day. The Feeners kindly gave the use of a room at the Cranbrook General Store to the Assoc. Some skates are still available at the store for those who would like to purchssegOod used skates at reasonable prices, also hostess with co-hostess Mrs., Donald Gibson of Monkton for a relatives' miscellaneous shower on Sunday November 18 with 18 present, T.V. Commercial contest was held and Julie and Jaime Gibson presented the gifts. Lunch was served. UNIT 2 U.C.W. Mrs. Max Bell was hostess for the November 14 meeting of Unit #2 Gorrie United Church Women. Mrs. Alex Taylor was in charge of the devotional. The content of Mrs. Taylor's worship service was that we should look forward and not backwards with a sense of Thanksgiving and as awareness of judgement thanksgiving for what the dead have purchased with their lives for those who survived and judg meat on what the survivors have made of what was purchased for them. party that the short course on house plants would be held after Christmas. Mrs. Baker gave a report on the Area Convention. Mrs. Veitch also gave a brief report of the area convention she attended as a District Representative. The Roll Call: Give your childhood nickname; was answered by 17 members and 2 guests. Mrs. Workman introduced guest speakers Charlie and Mary Thomas of Brussels who spoke on Transactional analysis and very briefly how it is used as a method of personal growth. Mrs. F. Smith thanked Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Lunch was served by Mrs. C. Steffier, Mrs. Chas. Terpstra, and the hostess Mrs. H. Smith. Mrs. John Strong read the minutes and correspondence, Mrs. Delbert gave the treas. report. Mrs. JohnStrong and Mrs. Robt. Gibson were named nominating committee for 1980 slate of officers. It was decided to give individual donations to the Cancer Society in place of the usual members' gift exchange at the December meeting and also to pack treat boxes for local shut-ins in Nursing Homes. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Robt. Hastie, Mrs. Robt. Gibson and the hostess. The Christmas meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Gibson. ST. STEPHEN'S GUILD "Remembrance" was the theme for the November meeting of St. Stephens Anglican Church Guild which met at the home of Mrs. Harold King. Mrs. Wayne King read the Collect for Peace and the Scripture, Kell Call for "Peace" was answered by 20 present. Mrs. Orrence Laramie con- ducted the election of Officers: President - Mrs. Jasper Farrish; Vice- President - Mrs. Wayne King; Treasurer - Mrs. Merrill Fisher; Card Convener - Mrs. Harry Zimmerman; Secretary - Mrs. Roland Bennett. The Sunday School and Choir Bake Sale and tea is Nov. 24; 2-4 p.m. in the Church basement. Another noon lucheon is on Nov. 29, 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. everyone welcomed. The Guild Christmas Party will be a pot.Luck Dinner at the Church Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m. At this time gifts valued from $1.50 - $2.00 will be exchanged. Members are to bring something to donate for the Shut-ins Baskets. Donations for Sunday School Christmas bags are to be left at the Church or given to Mrs. Harry Zimmerman on Dec. 9 and Mrs. Lloyd Griffith and Mrs. Harold King served lunch. KNOX W.M.S. The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Wm. A. Smith Nov. 13. Due to the illness of Miss Louise Matthews, President Mrs. Smith took charge and opened with a Poem of "Remembrance" for Armistice Day. Mrs, Glenn Underwood began the devotional period with Scripture from Jeremiah. Mrs. David Neil- son led in prayer and portrait of the Life of Ruth given by Mrs. Glenn Underwood. During the business period plans were discussed on catering to the Senior Citizens Christmas Party to be held Dec. 4. The secretary Mrs. Gordon Moir reminded members to bring a gift for the Salvation Army to the December meeting. Mrs, Jas. Robinson was in charge of the Installation of 1980 slate of Officers President - This year will rotate among the members Secretary - Mrs. Gordon Moir Treasurer - Mrs. Glenn Underwood. Secretary- Treasurer to Ladies Aid - Mrs. David Neilson. Press - Mrs. Harvey Adams. Cater Committee Mrs. Hugh Deighton and Mrs. Harvey Adams; Nominating PLACES INN MANURE WHERE YOU WANT 11 MID It WILL BE REAM INNEN YOU HEED IT NVDRO folAN MANURE' PUMP irweruolossivietirm Committee - Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Mrs. David Lockie. PERSONALS Mrs. Wm. Hood of Minnedosa, Manitoba visited her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson visited\ Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris of Wingham. Miss Mayme Gibson of London,Nrs. G.A. Weaning of Listowel and Mrs. George Gibson of Wingham visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gibson. Mrs. Robt. Lincoln of Thornton heath, Surrey, England and Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward of Lincolnshire England have returned after spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheon spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moloney of Bramalee. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dennis and Mrs. Harold Thomas of Brussels of Woodstock, where they visited their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Neill. Mrs. Alvin Grainger, Mrs. Robert Gibson Mrs. Melville Dennis and Mrs. Jack Fergu- son attended the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Brussels Majestic Institute in the Public School Auditorium, last Wednesday evening in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. George MacDonald? Molesworth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mitchell and family also of Molesworth called at the same home. Mrs. Robert Ferguson is a patient in the Walkerton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Free- man visited Sunday with relatives and friend -' Wiarton. Mr. Coyne Michel re- turned home Friday from Victoria Hospital, London. A number attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall McKercher held in Moles- worth Presbyterian Church on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robin son visited Sunday with Miss Linda Robinson of Fergus. FUELISH QUESTIONS light ,or wrong? To save gas, It's best to: --Turn on the air-con- ditioner rather than open the car windows. --Warm up your engine for only 30 seconds be- fore driving off. Right, on both counts. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, it's more fuel-efficient to turn on air conditioners in late-model cars rather 1 than open the windows. At speeds of 40 m.p.h. or more, the wind drag from open windows re- sults in more gas con- sumption than using the air-conditioner. Warm engines do per- form best, but keeping , ' an engine running for more than 30 seconds does no good. It takes 20 minutes of warming up to reach maximum ef- ficiency. It's better to i keep the engine only ,running a half-minute or so before you drive off. 1 The engine warms up as you drive. iShort trips of five miles i or less amount for 15 1percent of the mileage ion most cars, but ton- isume over 30 percent of 'the gas. Why? Because the trip Is over before the engine begins to operate at peak ef- ficiency. Conserving gas not only saves money but also curbs car exhaust, a 'major cause of air pol- lution, says the Lung Association. To continue the fight against pol- lution and lung diseases, answer your 1ChriStmati Seal letter. Its 4 matter of Ilfe and breath. Cranbrook WI plans at nursing home Alp YOUNG'S Variety • Party Needs • Baked Goods . Tobacco . Groceries • Stationery Weekdays 9-9, Holidays & Sundays 12 -'6, Brussels 887-6224. This specially deigned pump forces the manure from the barn, through an underground pipe, to the storage area. As the Manure enters the storage area from below, the outside surface forms a crust, which retains the important nitrogen and pOtassiuM inside the pile and also reduces the odor and fly problems. Mail the coupon for details, Koith Siemon Plumbing—Farm R. R. 4, Walton, Oril., Phone 345-274