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Flags decorate Belgrave church
An assembly of flags
emblematic of Britain, Can-
ada and the Christian faith
on a white base, with a world
globe to indicate the world-
wide participation on the
Communion table, a white
cross with red poppies flank-
ed by Canadian and Union
Jack flags at the church
entrance served as a solemn
reminder of realistic past
experienced to many mem-
bers of Knox United church,
Belgrave on Remembrance
Members of the former
Belgrave Men's Choir sang
"This Is My Song, 0 God of
All the Nations" accom-
panied by the organist, Mrs.
George Procter.
Rev. John Roberts based
his remarks on. John Chapter
21:21,22 as, St. Peter ques-
tions "What about him Lord?
and Jesus' reply "What is
that to you? "You follow
The minister stated
"There was no civilian sense
in Europe during the wars."
Even children carried iden-
tification cards and gas
masks to school. Constant
reminders of war were pre-
valent everywhere. All were
caught up, there was no
exception. Posted casualty
lists were incomplete as they
did not include the bombed
residents of London, Coven-
try etc. The same conditions
existed all over Europe.
Hours spent during bombing
raids were terrifying as per-
sons huddled together listen-
ed for planes and explosions.
Each tried to cope, frighten-
ed, but there was no escape.
To read and forget is
hypocritical; we must learn
from the past. We must
remember with resolve and
Nine tables of progressive
euchre were played last
Wednesday evening in the
W.I. Hall at 8 p.m. The
winners were-High Lady-
Mrs. Bert Johnston; Low
Lady - Mrs, Mildred Stewart;
Lady most lone hands-Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse. High Man
James R. Coultes; Low Man-
Herb Clayton. Man Most
lone hands-George Mitchell.
There will be another euchre
next Wednesday evening.
Everyone welcomed.
Mrs. Ross Taylor will be
the Convenor on Citizenship
at the Women's Institute
meeting on November 20 at
8:15 p.m. Mrs. Walter Scott
is to be the speaker. The
lunch committee will be Mrs.
Lawrence Taylor, Mrs. Bert.
Johnston and Mrs. ' Cora
McGill. The Roll Call is
"Should Canada open her
doors to all nationalities for
The family of Alex and
Jean Nethery entertained
their parents to a dinner at
the Stone Crock, Elmira on
the occasion of their 30th
wedding anniversary which
was on November 5th.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Taylor spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Art
Hagerrman of Beeton.
Belgrave friends wish to
express their sympathy to
Mr. and Mrs. John Dobell in
the passing of his mother,
Mrs. Dobell of Viriarton.
Week-end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. George Michie
were Miss Cathy Nichols and
Mrs. Donald Whitfield of
Sault Ste. Marie. Dinner
guests at the same home on
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
David Todd and Katie of
StratfordDr. John Bradley o:
Wingham and Mr. and Mrs,
Eldon Bradley of Lucknow.
Twenty residents of the
Belgrave area particpated in
the course "Indoor Garden-
ing," sponsored by the
• Women's Institute in the hall
conducted under the leader-
ship of Mrs. James Hunter,
Mrs. Leonard James and
Mrs. John Jamieson on
Monday and Tuesday of last
week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Lichty and Wayne of Kitch-
ener visited on Sunday with
her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hibberd.
We are sorry to hear that
Dwight Lamont is a patient in
St. Mary's Hospital, Kitch-
Mr. and. Mrs. Melville
Mathers attended a wedding
in Rochester, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fear
and Jana of London, Mrs.
R.H. Buller of Ridgetown
spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Fear and all
attended the Montgomery
and Shobbrook wedding in
Lucknow United Church on
The Evening Unit of Knox
United Church Belgrave met
at the home of Mrs. Albert
Cook on November 6.
Melville Ladies Aid met at
the Manse.
Mrs. King as leader
opened the meeting by all
singing "Blest be the tie that
binds" followed by prayer.
Mrs. King read a poem
entitled "Twenty four
Thank you God was read
by Ada Armstrong. The
secretary's report was given
by Ruby Steiss, the financial
report by Berva Dennis.
Roll Call was answered by
twelve members and two
visitors with readings and
poems including the story of
"Flanders Fields".
Berva Dennis had a church
report of 1908 and read of
Mrs. Bert Johnston led the
group in worship with a
Remembrance Day theme.
Mrs. Laura Johnston and
Miss Annie Cook assisted
with a dialogue on "What
baptisms and meetings. The
first Ladies Aids was started
in 1909. The church member-
ship was 478. "It was
brought back a lot of old
memories." Meetings are to
be held at two through the
Mrs. Matheson gave two
readings "On becoming a
Canadian" and "Grandma the hostess.
Wingham Memorial Shop
Open Every Weekday
Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of
Canada means to me."
Mrs. John McIntosh led in
' a study of a few of the
Classified Ads pay dividends
Melville ladies meet
Hear of 1909 church work
does her thing". Two instru-
mentals — "Beautiful.
Thoughts" and "Rock of
Ages" in variations were
played by Mrs. King. A Bible
Alphabet Contest was
conducted by Mrs. King.
Lunch was served by Elsie
Evans, Ada Armstrong and
Leona Armstrong assisted by
Stroke club needs volunteers
The Stroke Recovery Club, suffering from speech dis•
a volunteer program for turbance.
homebound stroke victims In the morning hospital
which operates out of the therapist Ron Khuranna con-
clinic building in the ducts one hour of individual
Wingham and District exercises to strengthen
Hospital needs more muscles and in the afternoon
volunteers. there are crafts such as
Currently the program knitting, crocheting, wood-
operates every Tuesday but work and horticulture which
organizers would like to run are for enjoyment and for
two days a week. the movement of damaged
The program includes muscles.
thereapy in the form of Currently there are 16
exercises and an opportunity members in the club and
for the stroke victim to Nancy Foulds, RNA, and the
discuss personal adjustment program director said there
problems. were potentially nine more
Thereapy for muscle stroke victims who could join
strength, co-ordination and if there were more
fine finger movements are volunteers.
part of the recreational act- There are only eight re-
ivities ) and communication gulag and four part-time
skills are taught to ;those volunteers.
are available through the agency from leading
insurance companies at competitive prices.
*Mister Insurance Agencies
MILL STREET; BRUSSELS 881-6691 (IF NO ANSWER, 157,1 227)
Reminder to the
Village of Brussels Taxpayers
The final installment of the
1979 TAXES
are now due and payable by
Nov. 30, 1979
Witi,14, King
"1-6k Collector
Village of Betit'861