HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-10-17, Page 15it THE BRUSSELS POST, OCTOBER 11, 1970 •—.10 t ,
Trousseau tea held for Gorrie bride
I followed by the Grace led by bridal contests after which
Rev. Orrence Laramie. ( the bride-elect opened.
Among the guests present many gifts. Miss Bennett
were people from England, thanked everyone. Lunch
Sarnia, Ayr, • Gowanstown was served by Mrs..Merrill
and Gorrie area. Fisher and Mrs. William
Mrs. Jack Stafford led the Cane.
Mrs, William A. Bennett,
Gorrie entertained at a
Trosseau Tea for her
daughter Kathy whose
marriage will take place on
Oct. 19 in St. Stephen's
Anglican ChurchNorrie.
Pouring 'tea was Mrs. J.
W. Hyndman, grandmother
of the bride elect. Those
assisting were Mrs. Harold
Hyndman, Mrs. Bruce
Bennett, and Mrs, Allan
Displaying gifts and
trousseau were Mrs. Paul
Voll, and Mrs. Gerald
Brewer and Miss Karen
Hyndman, Sarnia.
Kathy has been honoured
with several bridal showers
including one hosted by Mrs.
Doug Brown and Mrs. Bruce
Bennett; Mrs. Allan
Hyndman and Karen were
hostesses for a relative
shower; Mrs. Ron and Mrs.
Roland Bennett 7 sister-in-
taws) held a neighbours'
shower in the Sunday School
Room of St. Stephens
assisted by Mrs. Paul• Vol!
and Mrs. Gerald Brewer'
Stephen's Guild at the home
of Mrs. Merrill Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Hargrave of Nanaimo, B.C.
and Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Wallace of Palmerston
visited Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Ash.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Hyndman and Karen, Mr.
and Mrs. Wrn. Bennett and
Kathy, Mr. Harry Bowman
and Mrs. Harold Hyndman
were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hyndman at
the Turnberry Tavern on
An open Tupperware Party
for Mrs. Lorna McArthur
whose home was destroyed
by fire will be held in the
Gorrie Town Hall on
Saturday Oct. 20 at 2 p.m.
Mrs. Margaret Ellis of
England is visiting her
daughter and son-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. William Cane.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hynd-
man accompanied by Mrs.
Nelson Gowdy of Wingham
visited last Sunday with Mrs.
Jennie Jeffrey at Huronview,
Mrs. Ken Bennett is
expected home from
Western Hospital Toronto on
Mrs. Lionel Johnston
' spent several days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Gowing of Kingston.
A number attended the
Thank-offering service at St.
Andrews Presbyterian
Church, Molesworth on
Wednesday afternoon.
Sr. Citizens Art Classes
are beginning on October 16
at 2-4 p.m. in Gorrie Toron
Mrs. Arnold Halliday,
Wingham, Mrs. ChasJirtlay
and Mrs. Roy Gowdy visited
with Miss Marlene Earl and
Mr. Robt. Earl on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Hyndman of Elmira spent
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Merrill Fisher.
Mr., and Mrs. Cal.
Ramsden of Islington at-
tended the Troussea Tea for
Miss Kathy Bennett and
called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hyndman and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hyndrnan.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Brown spent several days at
Carlisle and HersheyRenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar
of ,St., Thomas called on Mrs.
Chas. Finlay and Mrs. Lloyd
Rev. Ernest Fellow s re-
turned home Sunday from
University Hospital, London.
Mrs. Robert Lincoln of
Thornton Heath, Surrey,
England, Mr. and Mrs. John
Alyward .1 Lincoln, England;
are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
William A. Smith.
St. Stephen's Anglican
Guild met at the home of
Mrs. Merrill Fisher on
October 10 to honour Miss
Kathy Bennett, bride - elect
with a Miscellaneous shower
The theme was,
"Harvest". All 33 members
and guests joined in the
singing of "Bringing in the
Sheaves" and "We Plough
, the Fields",
The meeting closed with a
prayer by Mrs., Ronald
Bennett for "Fair Weather"
Mrs. Cecil Grainger was
hostess, when Unit #2 Gorrie
United Church Women met
at her home, Oct. 10.
Mrs. Delbert Clegg pre-
sented the worship service
following the Hymn "Come
Ye Thankful People come."
She chose as the theme of .
her Thanksgiving service,
"Gratitude" reading from
the Scriptures in Luke Gospel
Chapter 17 verses 11-19.
"The Storey of the Ten
Lepers", depicting the lack
of gratitude even during our
Lord's earthly ministry.
Mrs. Clegg read several
poems from Ideal magazine.
The service closed with the
Hymn, "For the Beauty of
the Earth".
Mrs. Robert Gibson took
charge of the business when
a letter was read regarding,,
The Indoor Gardening prci-
jecypen to all organizations?
coming in the near future.
Members were reminded
I of the bale collectlions for.
October 17 and the Bazaato
October 27. The Roll Call,
"A Thanksgiving Thought"
was answered. Mrs. John
Strong closed the meeting
with a short prayer. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Max Bell
and Miss Margaret . Dale
The November meeting
"Remembrance" will be at
the home of Mrs. Max Bell
on November 14.
Gorrie UCW to collect bale
Excellent Quality
available now
11/2 miles south of Elginfield on #4 Highway
Painting class meets
at Huronview This is the only notice you'll receive
that your subscription is due.
on the front of your paper
Rev. Don Darrell conduct-
ed the church service on
Sunday morning. Mr. Nelson •
Lear and Mr. Frank Bissett
sang "Down Deep in the
Sea" accompanied by Mrs.
Elsie Henderson at the
organ. Residents are re-
minded that Rev. Wittich will
be conducting Holy Com-
munion in Huronview Chapel
on Sunday, Oct. 14th. The
Choir will be singing "Thank
you Lord" next Sunday.
Everyone is welcome to
Huronview held Old Tyme
Music on Monday afternoon,
with Mrs. Elsie Henderson,
Cecil Skinner, Nelson Lear,
Norman Speir putting on the
programme. Monday eve-
ning we took the Vido
machine to Zurich to the
Women's ,Institute Meeting.
We showed tapes of the
September birthday party
which the Zurich Institute
put on, and a tape of our
Wedding Fashion show on
September 5th. We 'Spent a
very pleasant evening with
the ladies.
Mrs. Peck held her paint-
ing class on Tuesday morn-
ing in the craft room. Cer-
amic class met on Tuesday
afternoon. Earl & Martha
Hayward entertained at fam.
ily night on Tuesday eve-
ning. The residents were
treated to a variety of magic
acts with rope done by Earl,
plus some lovely music by
the couple. The Over 90 club
met on Wednesday after=
noon. Programme included
Cecil Skinner, Norman Speir
and Mrs. Elsie Henderson.
Cookies and tea were served
at the end. Mrs. Prouty held
Bible Study on Thursday
The Blind held their meet-
ing in the craft room on
Friday morning. Friday
afternoon Bingo was held as
usual in the auditorium.
We would like to welcome
some new residents to
Huronview. 'Mr. and Mrs,
David Papple, Stewart Flem-
ing Ballaugh, Marjory
Rebecca Boyce, Dorene
Anna Coleman, and Lucy
Ellis. We hope these new
residents 7 once they are
settled into their new hotnes
comfortably, will participate
in the various programmes
throughout the home.
Mrs. Betty Scratch, who is
our editor of the Huronview
newspaper, tells she is pre-
paring a pOper to be out in
the next couple of months.
We are looking forward to
reading it)Betty.
Doe, John D.
R.R.6, Walton
May 2-1-0-9
Mr. Doe's subscription ex-
pries the first of June 1979.
The last digit at right
indicates the year of expiry.
Please watch the date on your label and
renew before your Subscription expires
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