The Brussels Post, 1979-10-17, Page 7THE NEWEST DISCO DANCE? — Not really.
It's just that every morning students in Grade 6
and Grade 8 at the Brussels Public school go
through an exercise routine. The routine is a
response t the Ministry of Education's concern
that children are not fit and is a way to show
them the importance and fun of doing regular
exercises. And Mrs. Doreen Raymond a teacher
at the school says the kids say it works. Two of
the students per week plan the exercises. This
is the second year the Brussels school has been
doing the exercises.
(Brussels Post Photo)
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Belgrave host rally
The Fall Rally of the
Presbyterian Huron Presby-
*jai Women's Missionary
Society was held last Wed-
nesday, October 10th at Bel-
grave with delegates from all
the. Auxiliaries present. The
guests were welcomed by
Mrs. Allan McBurney and
Mrs. Margaret. Dunbar. Mrs.
William Dalrumple was the
pianist and played several
selections before the meeting
was opened.
The president of Huron
presbyterial, Mrs. Robert
McAllister was in charge of
the meeting. The president
welcomed all to the meeting.
Rev. Kenneth McInnis, min-
ister of the church gave an
inspiring devotional period.
He chose 1 Thessalonians,
verses 1-10 for the Bible
reading. The roll call was
taken and the financial state-
ment was given by the
treasurer, Mrs. G.G. Mac-
Ewan. The allocation of
$8,190.00 for 1980 was
accepted on motion of Mrs.
MacEwan and Mrs. T.A.A.
Duke. It was decided to hold
the annual meeting at Sea-
forth on January 23, 1980.
Mrs. Clayton Edward of
3oderich gave the report of
Synodical Executive held at
Woodstock on October 1st
and Mrs. Fred Slater of
Goderich, the literature
secretary gave a summary of
her book display. Mrs. Me-
line Campbell of Blyth enter-
tained with two solos.
The guest speaker, Beth
McIntosh, missionary on fur-
lough from Japan was intro-
duced by Ida White of Goder-
ich. She gave a very interest-
ing account of their 18 years
in the Korean Church in
Japan. She stated that there
is much demand for nursery
schools and spoke on the
crowded conditions in Japan.
Miss White showed the
slides for Mrs. McIntosh who
gave the commentary. Mrs.
Harvey Hyde of Hensall gave
the courtesies and the offer-
ing was received by Mrs.
Alice Nicholson and Mrs. Ivy
Cloakey of Belgrave.
Communion, anniversary held at Knox church, Cranbrook
On Sunday morning
October 7 the Sacrament of
the Lords' Supper was
observed. Received into
membership by confession of
faith were J aanne Knight,
Stephen Knight and Kim
Smith. Dr. Ross K. Thomson
conducted the service.
There was a good
attendance at the 114th
anniversary serivce on
Sunday, October 14 when
Rev. Kenneth Knight was
guest minister. Rev. Knight
is a former Cranbrook boy
and now ministers at Exeter,
Cromarty and Hensall. Miss'
Julie Campbell, Brussels,
was guest soloist and the
Young People's Choir sang a
number. Mrs. Stewart Steiss
was organist and choir leader
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knight
entertained at their home
after the service Rev. and
Mrs. Knight, Jim and Mrs.
Knight and girls, Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jordan,
Brussels, and Mrs. Adam
Dodds and Mrs. Evelyn
Kress of Listowel.
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Knight and boys was
Mr. and Mrs. Allan
McTaggart, Goderich, and
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Siemon
and girls, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cotton
visited last week with
relatives and friends in
Shelbourne and Markdale.
Mrs. Leslie Knight was
hostess for the October
meeting of the W.M.S. with
Mrs. Wilfred Strickler
Mrs. Stuart Stevenson
presided for the business,
when minutes were read by
Mrs. Jack Knight and
treasurer's report by Mrs.
Clare Veitch.
Mrs. John A. Perrie, re-
minded the members that
the Glad Tidings sub-
scriptions were now due. The
roll call was something per-
taining to the child.
Fourteen members and 3
visitors were present. The
Fall Conference will be held
in Harrington on October 23.
The Presbyterial visitor,
Mrs. Mac Thompson,
Listowel, gave a most in-
teresting talk and showed a
film on the Help us Grow
program, telling of her own
family experience with their
son Ross, who has been
helped by this along with
others shown on the screen.
This was areal education for
the group and all present felt
much better informed on this
Mrs. !St rickler read a story
and "Joyful. joyful, We
Adore Thee' was sung and all
joined in the Mizpah
benediction. Mrs.:Stewi art
Stevenson 'and Mri. Tom
Stevenson assisted the
hostess in servine lunch.
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