The Brussels Post, 1979-09-26, Page 9Take the • • positive approach
to being a parent! •
We've got a series of "Kids are people" booklets that
can help you with the everyday problems of raising children.
Pony Team; Smith Lowry, Shetland.
Single Under 11: Smith Lowry; Smith
Lowry. Shetland Pony Tandem:
Smith Lowry:
Dorset & Cheviots. Ram: Ed Jack-
son; Ed Jackson. Ram Lamb: Ed.
Jackson; Champion Ram: Ed Jack-
Shearing Ewe: Ed Jackson; Ed
Jackson, Ewe Lamb: Ed Jackson; Ed
Jackson. Pen: Ed Jackson.
Oxford-Suffolk: Shearing Ram:
Donald Dearing;Louis Emke; Louis
Emke; Donald Dearing.
Ram Lamb: Louis Emke; Louis
Emke; Donald Dearling; Donald
Dearling, Shearing Ewe; Louis Emke;
Donald Dearling; Louis Emke; Don-
ald Dearling; Ewe Lamb Donald
Dearling; Louis Enke; Donald Dear-
ling; Louis Emke, Pen; Donald Dear-
ling; Louis Emke,
Repairs & Installations
• Water
Softeners •
Mervin A. Jones
Plumbing & Heating
'Keith Norton.
Minister of Cortimunity
and SOOial Services
William Davis. Prettier
um* mormi sm. mum lull lir
Field crops win
A PRETTY HORSE TEAM — There were many of the things that made the parade interesting.
different kinds of entries in the fall fair parade (Photo by Langlois)
and this pretty little team of horses was just one
Huronview puts on program for visitors
Regier, the bride was Elsie
Doerr, and the . mother
Myrtle Hay. Cupcakes and
tea were served after the
distribution of gifts.
Thursday at noon, the Staff
ssion is natural 0
Children go through the same
feelings of frustration and anger
as you do. And sometimes it's hard
to get a handle on the hostility
your child is experiencing. With a
little self-control, love and the
advice contained in this folder, you
can make your child's aggressive
tendencies a positive form of self-expression.
Jealousy a It's practically
impossible to prevent your older child from
growing suspicious when a strange
new baby arrives in the home. Help
your child overcome these feelings
by knowing about them before they
happen. "What to do when baby
arrives?'; "special treats and
"shared caring" are just a few of the sensible
• suggestions this pamphlet offer. Prepare your child
before the second baby conies along.
Will I ever sleep again? a
A booklet dedicated to baby's
sleep habits. How to deal
with baby's night wakings,
nightmares, etc.
Remember, it's best to
start bedtime routines
early in baby's life. This folder is a good
place to begin.
Playing and learning
(toddlers and infants) 0
Infants and toddlers love to explore.
Play-and-learn games are key
ingredients to a healthy, positive
child-parent relationship: doing,
touching, tasting, and dramatic
play. Also, "nursery songs",
"finger and toe games", "story
telling" and "mayonnaise painting': Play-and-learn
games help baby's general development!
M7A 1E9
L. Issom monsi lima lam •
On Friday morning our
Blind Residents held a
meeting in the Craft Room.
Roman Catholic Mass was
said on Friday morning also
in the Chapel. Bingo was
played in the auditorium on
Friday afternoon.
Rev. Wittick spoke on
God's Promise on Sunday
Morning. Pamphlets were
passed out to each Resident.
Sunday evening Dick Rciorda
held a service.
As Molly Cox was away,
there wasn't any old Tyme
Music. Practise was held in
the afternoon for the pro-
gramme that Huronview Re-
sidents put an in Dashwood
for the Dashwood Senior
Citizens. The programme
was started out with the
Huronview Choir singing No
one understands like Jesus.
and Amazing Grace. Mrs.
Elsie Henderson played her
bells to the tune of Count
your Blessings, and When
the Roll is called up Yonder.
Mr, Nelson Lear told the
audience what a stern old
bachelor felt. John McTag-
gart played 0 them golden
slippers, and Red Wing.
Margaret McQueen sang the
solo Beyond the Sunset.
Cecil Skinner played on his
violin, accompanied by Elsie
Henderson at the piano7Ten-
nessee Waltz. Josephine
Cunningham sang Beautiful
Isle of Somewhere. Nelson
Lear and Mrs. Elsie Hender-
son sang the duet Ten Thou-
sand Angels. Morgan Dalton
sang I'm looking over a 4 leaf
clover, and When Irish Eyes
are Smiling. Elsie Henderson
brought her dancing doll
Frnak Bissett and Elsie
Henderson played a piano
duet In Shubert's Day,
followed by The Pixie's
Dance. The Choir closed the
programme with the hymn
Living For Jesus. A lovely
lunch was served to our
Huronview Residents by the
Dashwood Senior Citizens,
Wednesday afternoon the
Zurich Women's Institute
helped all Residents whose
birthdays were in September
celebrate. Mr. Joe Boland
played some sweet music on
his violin accompanied ,by
Mr. Alfred Denomme at the
piano. A sing-song was held
with the Residents getting
the opportunity to guess the
tune before it was sung. A
skit was staged with Ruby
Neeb remembering her life
from little girl to Mother.
The little girls were Natalie
Brokenshire and Jennifet
Deichert. School girl was
Mrs, Belle Merner, College
girl was Joan Actress
was Verlyn Fisher, Nurse
was acted out by Agnes
(Continued from Page 8)
chopped hay second cut: Stephen
Knight; Reuben Brodhagen,
5 Stalks Ensilage Corn; Harvey
Craig; Graham Work; Doug Machan;
Laurie Black; John Boneschansker.
1/2 bu, Ensilage Corm witch;
Ross Vletch, 1/2 bu. Barley; Jim
Bowman; Graham Work; Ross Veitch
Clare Veitch 1/2 bu, mixed grain:
Tom Warwick; Clare Veltch; Ross
Veltch. 1/2 bu. husking corn: Lyle
Vegetable Display-8 kinds: Mrs.
Wm. Dolmage; John Boneschansker,
Eggs. 5 doz. White: Aleda Shantz;
Doug Machan,
Light Horses: Single Roadster 15,2
over: Ralph Walker; Mac Armstrong;
Ralph Walker. Single Roadster: 15,2
Jnder: Mac Armstrong; Ralph Walk-
er; Ralph Walker, Road Teams: Mac
Armstrong; Ralph Walker. Single
Carriage Hitch 15.2 over Ross Mc-
Kague; Single Carriage Hitch 15.2
and under: Mrs. Ross McKague;
Ross McKague.
Carriage Team: Ross McKague;
Gentlemen; Single Carriage: Mrs.
Ross McKaque; Ross McKague.
Gentlemen Single Roadster: Mac
Armstrong; Ralph Walker. Fine Har-
ness team over 11: Len Meyer; Eldon
Lowry, Fine Harness Single over 11:
Len Meyer; Len Meyer; Eldon Lowry;
Eldon Lowry. Fine Harness Tandem:
Eldon Lowry; Len Meyer. Shetland r MISR 11111131111 111111•11 MINN MU= MEM
barbecue was held. In the
afternoon, Mrs. Prouty con-
ducted Bible Study.
mow moms Emu
4 Toilet training 0
Some helpful do's, don'ts and things to
remember when it's time to produce
the potty. Toilet training need not be
inconvenient, embarrassing,
frustrating or disappointing. Here's
an effective guide to build your
confidence in coping with this
complicated issue! Minimize the
child's problems and maximize your
Freedom to grow El
Psychologists believe that children
should try to learn new skills
naturally. Kids want to do things for
themselves but can be discouraged
when over-protected. We all want
our children to grow up to be
responsible, independent adults. This
helpful folder can serve as an
excellent guide along the way.
Discipline 0
Discipline is confusing to
many. Some feel it is wrong
to be angry with a child.
Discipline, however, is
necessary to a healthy
parent-child relationship.
Ideally, discipline helps a
child become self-
confident and, more
importantly; self-disciplined, Although there are no
pat answers, this folder offers some reasonable
suggestions, when your child becomes unreasonable.
Children are people. 0
The imPortance of praise and encouragement,
consistency in discipline, and the gift of love are
discussed. The "child as a person" theory is examined
with special emphasis on the early development of a
positive parent-child relationship,