HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-09-26, Page 4Following are the winners of various
classes, in order of placing:
Painting: Fun in Spring: Darren
Johnston; Shawn Jacklin; Scott Pat-
terson. Girls; Dawn Ten Pas; Dawn
Engel; Donna Gordon.
Crayon Picture: Open Topic: Todd
Rice; Shawn Jacklin; Brian McArter.
Girls: Michelle Freeman; Christina
Dillow; Dawn Engel,
Picture In any other media; string,
straw: Girls; Joey Carlson; Gayle
Smith; Debbie Anstett; Boys: Doug
Campbell; Shawn Jar-kiln; Darren
Craft: Decorated Easter Egg:
Shawn Jacklin; Darren Johnston;
Jason Koetsier. Girls: Amy Kufske;
Madeline Ryan; Christina Dillow.
Printing; Ron Stevenson; Paul
Rich; Scott Bremner. Girls; Nancy
Godkin; Theresa Campbell; Nancy
Art: Playing Outside; Andrew Mc-
Cutcheon; Blair Davidson; Paul Rich.
Girls: Nancy Godkin; Heather Mc-
Kercher; Dana Stevenson.
Paragraph: Michael Bird; Scott
Johnston; Jason Reid. Girls; Tracy
McClory; Janice Heises; Raquel Sal.
Notebook: Ron Stevenson; Neil
Pipe; Scott Bremner. Girls: Shirley
Ann Bridge; Nancy Godkin; Dana
Tracy Fischer; Diane Morrison; Heat-
her Perrie.
Art: "A Visit to The Zoo": Boys:
Jeff Earl; Michael Farrish; Kevin
Tyerman. Girls: Sandra Marks; Cor-
rine Stephenson; April Ten Pas.
Paragraph: "A Ride I Will Never
Forget"; Kevin Tyerman; Brian Al-
cock; Tim Dillow. Girls: Vanda Car-
diff; Corrinna Stephenson; Diane
Notebook; Daily Notebook: Jake
Neufeld ; Jeff Earl; Eddie Saxon.
Girls: Tracy Fischer; Diane Morrison;
Samantha Goetz
Project Book: Any Topic: Bradley
Becker; Tim Dillow; Jake Neufeld.
GRADE 2 Girls: Corinna Stephenson; Rebeccah
Printing: "Bees": Jake Neufeld ; Van Dan Assem Michelle McNeil.
Kevin Tyerman; Tim Dillow. Girls: Poster: "Health": Michael Farrish
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School kids win at
Kevin Tyerman; Christopher Graber.
Girls: Sandra Marks; Samantha Goetz
Corinna Stephenson.
Crafts; "A Mother's Day Gift":
Brian Alcock; Jake Neufeld; Tim
Dillow. Girls: Sheri Ward; Coffin
Grlsdale; April Ten Pas.
Collection: "Pictures of Children":
Mark Pennington; Tim Dillow; Ian.
Johnston. Girls; Rebeccah Van Den
Assem; Corinna Stephenson; Michelle
Writing: "September": Marc Bar-
bour; Gary Lels; Bruce Johnston.
Girls: Cindy Bernard; Georgina Pro-
, topapas; Judy Ten Pas.
Art: Fair Ride: Maio Barbour;
Clinton Garniss; Steven Wheeler;
Girls: Judy Ten Pas; Shannon Rice;
Jennifer Roesner.
Paragraph: "My Pencil Pal": Greg
Ryan; Gary Martin; Gary Leis. Girls
Georgina Protopapas; Judy Ten Pas;
Shannon Rice.
Story: Marc Barbour; Andrew Ver-
meer; Gary Martin. Girls: Shannon
Rice; Debbie Golley; Georgina Proto-
Crafts: Stitcherv; No entries.
Poem: Open: Steven Blake; Lowell
Winger; Andrew Vermeer. Girls:
Jennifer Miners; Lee-ann Nicholson;
Cherie Hayden.
Notebook: Math 3/4 full: Greg
Ryan; Cecil Johnston; Gary Leis.'
Girls: Judy TenPas; Frances Smith;
Georgina Protopapas.
Project Book: "Fishing Com-
munity" Gary Leis; Clinton Garniss;
Marc Barbour. Girls: Georgina Proto-
papas; Judy Ten Pas; Cindy Bernard.
Poster; Personal Cleanliness: Gary
Martin; Gary Leis; Darryl Becker.
Girls Georgina Protopapas; Shannon
Rice; Judy Ten Pas.
Collections: Food Basket: Clinton
Garniss; Paul Willis; Gary Leis. Girls:
Frances Smith; Jennifer Roesner;
Georgina Protopapas.
Project Book: Health Book: Steven
McCutcheon; Neil Pipe; Scott John-
ston; Girls: Dana Stevenson; Janice
Heise; Shirley Ann Bridge.
Crafts: Egg Carton Article: Mike
Hughes; Paul Rich; Danny Glanville, Mark Breckenridge; Craig Heise,
Girls: Kendra Keffer; Raquel Salter; Girls: Leanne Armstrong; Karen Cox;
Mary Lou Schwart, Karla. King.
Collections; "Pets": Greg Wheel- GRADE 5
er; Raquel Salter. Writing: "French Pioneers": Brian
Art; Resist Picture; Raube Bauer- Campbell; Paul Williams; Paul
man; Jared McCutcheon; Scott Brem- Thompson. Girls: Dawn Maxwell;
nor,' Girls; Leanne Dolmage; Shirley Kim Harris; Wendy Boylan.
Ann Bridge; Nancy Godkln. Art: "My Home"; Oscar Van Den
GRADE 4 Assem; Paul Williams; Mark Licht'.
Writing: Spider Web: Duane Bar- Girls: Karen Knight; Debbie Mitchell
low; Shawn McMahon; Terry Salter. Lori Patterson.
Girls: Charlene Stephenson; Bev Paragraph: Dogs: Wayhe Wheeler;
Stevenson; Connie Kingsbury. Paul. Thompson; Oscar Van Den
Art: Print making: Marty Rutledge; Assem. Girls: Debbie Campbell;
Richard Brubacher; Ron Menzies. Shelley Draper; Nancy Exel.
Poem: "My Pet": Shawn Bremner; Girls; Charlene Stephenson; Cindy
Brian Campbell; Brian Cardiff; Girls; Stute; Bev Stevenson.
Nancy Exel; Shelley Draper; Susan Paragraph: "Very quickly down
Goetz. the road, came": Michael Hiemstra;
Notebook: Science Booklet: Paul David Lamont; Duane Barlow. Girls Thompson; Paul Williams; Robbie
Leanne Armstrong; Cindy McNeil;
Zimmer. Girls: Wendy Boylan; Kim Ruth Ann Watts.
Harris; Shelley Draper. Story: "My Worst Day": Duane
Project Book: A Famous Athlete: Barlow; David Lamont; Paul Koet-
Boys: no entries. Girls: Colleen sier. Girls: Carol Ten Pas; Tania
Lichti. LIchti; Ruth Ann Watts.
Poster: "Bicycle Safety':: Paul Poem: "Spring": Dave Lamont;
Williams; Brian Campbell; Robert Larry Smith; Craig Heise. Girls:
Willie. Girls: Colleen Lichti; Karen Carolyn Young; Linda Ten Pas; Lynn
Johnston; Connie Alcock. Winger.
Crafts: Junk Art: Robbie Zimmer; , Notebook: 2 units .S,S. Duane
Douglas Roesner; Kevin Player. Girls Barlow; David Lamont; Paul Koet-
Eileen Armstrong; Sharlene Clark; sler. Girls: Michele Krauter; Katrina
Cathy Marks. Neufeld; Jackie McCutcheon.
GRADE 6 Project Book; Duane Barlow; David
Writing: "The Secret Heart": Lamont. Girls: Helen Neufeld; Tania
Verne Bridge; Steven Adams; Roger Lichtl; Elizabeth den Dekker.
Lichti. Girls: Rhonda Barlow; Lynne Workbook: Spelling 3,4 full: Duane
Taylor; Sharon Exel. Barlow; Dave Lamont; Shawn Mc-
Art: Seasonal Scene: Kevin John- Mahon; Girls: Katrina Neufeld;
ston; Perry Mason; Richard Kirk- Michele Krauter; Elizabeth den Dek-
patrick. Girls: Lisa Glanville; Sharon ker.
Exel; Debbie Johnston. Poster: "Year of the Child" Terry
Paragraph: Any bird: Roger Lichti; Salter; Marty Rutledge; Dean Wheel-
Barry Jacklin; Doug Blernes. Girls: er. Girls: Charlene Stephenson; Kar-
Rhonda Barlow; Jo Ann Wright; la King; Donna Johnston.
Maria Menzies. French: Collage: Paul Koetsier;
Story: Pros & Cons: boys: David David Lamont; Shawn McMahon.
Brown; Rick Knight; No Name. Girls: Girls: Laura Saxon; Verna Perrie;
Dianne Cox; Cindy Hayden; Maria Leanne Armstrong.
Menzies. Crafts: "Weaving": Dean Wheeler
Poem: "Walking in the Woods": Paul Cowie; Girls: Cindy McNeil;
Rick Knight; Roger Lichti; David Carla King.
(Continued on Page 5) Collection: Matchbook Covers:
LITTLE BO-PEEP HAS LOST HER SHEEP — These sheep ma y not
have belonged to Little-Bo-peep but it's obvious they didn't want to stay
at the fair and these men had quite a struggle to keep them put.
(Photo by Langlois)
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