The Brussels Post, 1979-08-22, Page 5The Storey picnic was held
on Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
Mitchell. During the after-
noon a program was enjoyed
with Mrs. Lila Storey as
emcee. Those taking part
were her daughters, Donna,
Patty, Sherrie and Gail, step-
dancing. Debbie Flynn step-
danced. Mrs. Marie Flynn,
played and sang ac-
companied by her electric
organ. Lisa Storey sang a
solo, Valerie and Shelley
Wassan a duet. George
Wassan played mouth organ
selections, along with Lila
Storey and Phyllis Mithce11.
Elwood Storey accompanied
with his violin for all the
stepdancers, Also entertain-
ing were Donna McLlwain,
Marie McLlwain and Patsy
Francis along with other
About 125 relatives from
Woodstock, Stratford,
Kitchener, Goderich,
Milverton and surrounding
communities attended. The
highlight of the supper meal
was a huge birthday cake
made by Lila Storey to
honour Mrs. Lizzie Storey
who will be 91 years old on
Tuesday August 21, 1979.
Sharon Stephenson was in
charge of games and a ball
game was held after supper.
Mr. William Bennett was
visiting with his son Jack and
Mrs. Belinett in New Market
while • Stewart and Mary
Humphries were visiting Kim
Humphries, R.N. in Salt
Lake City, Utah, the past to
weeks, They returned home
Monday evening.
Mr. Ross Bennett took
Stewart's mail route .while he
,was on vacation...
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Walton WI welcome guests
Guests were present from.
Canbrook and Londesboro
Institutes at the August
meeting of the Walton
Women's. Institute last
Wednesday evening in the
community hall.
The President Mrs. Harold
Hudie presided.,
Mrs. Lavern Godkin was
pianist, followed by a warm
welcome to all the guests.
Mrs. Jim Axtmann read the
minutes and mentioned the
Guelph area convention also
the fall rally. Roll Call was
taken. An Invitation was read
from the Wroxeter Institute
to attend their 60th Anniver-
sary concert and dance in the
hall on. September 12.
The Resolution convenors
were in charge of the rest of
meeting with. Mrs. Dave
Watson announcing a short
program consisting of a high-
land fling number by Tracey
Bennett, followed by
Heather McGavin singing a
solo, "Me and My teddy
bear and "Let the sunshine
in,' .with her mother Marie
assisting at the piano. A
reading was given by Mrs. A
Mc Call on the year of the
The guest speaker was Mr.
J. Wellwood, a social worker
from Family and Children
Services, Goderich. There
are 12 people on the FCSS
staff, and they serve all of
'Huron County.
Mr. Wellwood said there
are 300 families being
assisted in Huron County.
Clothing and donations are
both appreciated at the
Christmas season. A very
interesting question and
answer period followed. Mr.
Wellwood was thanked'and
presented with a envelope of
money in appreciation for
coming and sharing the
society's work with us.
Mrs. BillHumphries read a
poem, "How to Live"
followed by Institute Grace
and lovely lunch was served
—by Mrs. Ken McDonald,
Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs.
Nelson Reid and Mrs. Dave
The Branch Directors and
the P.R.Q. of the institute
have made plans for a bus
trip on September 12th; get
your name in to one of these
ladies as soon as possible, for
more information on
schedule and time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken.
Shortreed and Mrs. Jim
Shortreed attended the
Warwick—Groot wedding at
St. Boniface lChurch, Zurich
and reception in the Dash-
wood hall on Saturday,
August 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Ponomarenko arrived home
on Sunday following at few
days visit in Ottawa where
they paid their last respects
to the former prime minister
John Deifenbaker.
Plans have been made for
the 5th annual Squirts Tour-
nament to be held this
Saturday and Sunday August•
25.26 at the Walton Park,
Good weather is hoped for.
come out and cheer your
team to victory.
A family gathering was
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Fraser on
Sunday, August 19th to
honour Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Marshall on their 25th wed-
ding anniversary August 21st
and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Fraser for their 25th anniver-
sary on September 4th.
Those present for the
deli cious smorgasbo'rd
supper were Mr. and Mrs.
Barry Marshall, Corunna;
Mrs. Ella. Marshall,
Seaforth; Mr. Jeff Livingston
and family, Preston; Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Marshall,
Bramalee, and girls of
Toronto, Mr. And Mrs. Glen
Fraser and family, Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Fraser
and family of Blyth; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Fraser and Blair;
R.R.2, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Blake, Kitchener; Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Fraser and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Stevens spent a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Warwick and -family near
Visiting Mrs. Jean Broad-
foot on Monday were her
nieces, Mrs. Mildred Jepson
of Brantford and Mrs. Bob
McMillan, Seaforth.
Over 125 relatives
attend Storey picnic 3
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